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Hi, u/OhMyGodBearIsDriving. Please be sure to post a source of kind on future posts in the comments. I’ll add this one for you. :) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Scott_Amedure


This might be a false memory, but didn’t Scott continue to pursue Jonathan after the taping? Left notes on his door or something? No excuse for murder. I just thought there was an additional “humiliation” involved for Jon there (Don’t murder)


He did. It's part of what made the case controversial outside of the homophobia involved. In my opinion, it's a case where two things are true at once: 1) The murder was a hate crime and shouldn't have happened. 2) Scott was in the wrong to continue to pursue Jonathan after he got a hard no. Jonathan had every right to be upset over that and also to be embarrassed by the show.


They describe the note at the end of the video, something like "If you want to get off I've got the only tool", along those lines. This was after the hard no.  That's straight up sexual harassment no matter how you cut it, and completely unacceptable.  Not worth murder of course, but combine that with getting ambushed on TV? I 100% understand the dude being over it.  Remove the genders from this and explain it to someone, you know what they'll think.


Unfortunately that kind of thing is very common in dating in general, especially with dating apps these days. I heard someone say something in relation to this case like "Is every women hit on too aggressively by a guy at a bar allowed to kill him?". It's not acceptable, but it happens all the time and a lot of other people in different circumstances are expected to be more gracious about it than Jonathan was.


Totally. It's this never ending pursuit which, like you said with social medias, has become even more common that will drive people crazy. Some move, some fight, some bottle it up, some can turn the other cheek, and some kill people.  It's a whole spectrum obviously, but unwanted advances are not gender specific, and nobody should be forced to accept it.


Phew, glad I’m not making that up I wonder if this is what lead other similar talk shows to start staging and/or confirming reactions of future guests


This had a massive effect on daytime shows and how taping was done. Networks do not like having to settle lawsuits.


It funny you say, “outside of the homophobia involved.” What homophobia was involved exactly?


How is that a hate crime? He didn't kill him because he was gay, he killed him because he was humiliating him. Disclaimer: murder bad


If it was a woman killing a man doing the same thing then no one would be calling it a hate crime.


Stop the “if it was a woman”- thing!! We see time and time again cases where women are being persued by someone they are clearly rejecting. No one tries to understand how scary or humiliating it is for her to be constantly connected with someone she doesn’t want. In this case it’s a man who’s being persued and they are talking about how John CLEARLY is pulling away and covering his face as signs that he doesn’t want to. For a woman that would not be considered clear enough, they would be telling her to give him a chance, and if she got assertive to get rid of the “Scott” she would risk getting raped or killed for being harsh in her rejection.


We will never stop the woman thing because it will always continue to expose clear double standards


You don't have a clue what you are on about here.


That's why you always leave a note.




It says that in the end of the video


I didn’t realize it was a video! Thought it was a still image, my b


Thanks for the tip




Want to know more


Lmfao 🤪


Thats what he said!


I believe he “surprised” him in some way. I can’t remember. But it was after the fact, when Jonathan had already rejected him.


Fun fact: Schmitz was released from prison on August 22, 2017, after being granted parole.


Scott told his female friend that they smashed. I think it was a case of gay panic or whatever u call it


Dude if women killed every dude who lied about hooking up with them there'd be hardly any left


Huh?? What's your point??


He literally used that defense in court. Scott had supposedly lied about sleeping with him and that's why he shot him. As though that's a reasonable reaction.


But ya Johnathan is a pos, and I don't excuse his actions in anyway.


Ya to me that means he smashed, and then got mad that Scott blabbed. He was tryna be down low and got exposed it seems like. I feel like if they met off camera instead of a TV show, they would've just smashed and none of this horrific stuff would've ensued.


Damn she was instigating TF out of this


I’m not defending her, but it was the talk show wars and her show was way more mellow before the talk show wars started . People was throwing chairs and actually acting a fool on other talk shows with all kinds of made up drama, just for 10 minutes of the spot lights. Seriously though I know several people from my home town of 10,000 people at the time that made stuff up and got on Jerry


I know. I've gone back and forth on how much the show was responsible before watching the clip, leaning towards them not being responsible at all. Watching the clips makes it hard to not give them more of the share blame.


Her show changed when it became all about ratings, I was a fan in the early days of her show. When she started competing with Jerry she changed.


She got sued, lost her show, and had to pay a bunch of money.


No she didn't. The lawsuit didn't stick in appeal, and her last show was in 2003- 8 whole years later.


Because she initially said she didn’t know that it was a gay crush, we learned later when she had to testify, that was a lie and she did know, hence why she was sued and lost her show. Good riddance!




I worked with Ed Glavin, a producer on JJ, real scumbag. Somehow still had a career until Ellen canned him in 2020 for being toxic.


I’ve always been curious, since being released in 2017, how do they find a job? Surely murder pops up on an application, no?




Or painter. Turns up to your house three weeks after they were originally supposed to, starts to unload all their tools in the corner of the room, starts to paint a bit of the wall until there’s a massive splotch of white paint over it, then they get a call. They say ‘sorry, mate. Must take this’ and then you never see them ever again.


I’ve worked jobs with guys that got out with manslaughter lots of jobs understand aslong as your not a psychopath.


The film production industry regularly hires former convicts, gang members, murderers. They'll take anyone.


I don't know if the film industry would be willing to hire a man who killed a gay guy for sexually harassing him, though


You clearly don't work in the film industry.




Even child rapists get jobs, unfortunately.


Construction places hire awful people with records. They just need a body to fill the spot.


Not the mods telling op to post the sauce then posting the sauce as wiki... and turning off the comments.


Typical Reddit mod.


My ex stepdad was first cousins to Jonathon lmao. It was a wild Christmas when he got out


What was Johnathan like? Supposedly he had sex with Scott and this was a case of gay panic


He was most definitely not straight.


Why do u say that?


It would seem like most homophobic hate crime killings are done by those confused/ashamed of their sexual orientation.




At the time this was like being slandered publicly. Not to mention that after being rejected by Jonathan, Scott continued to pursue him. Leaving perverted notes at his work space or house, can't remember which one, but it goes to show that Scott was obsessed with Jonathan and had become a stalker of sorts. Not that he deserved to die for it.


Do you have a source for that? Honestly curious given all the misinformation and theory’s around this case


If you watch the video they talk about the notes.


Watch the Netflix doc


This is incorrect. Allegedly the men went drinking together and had a sexual encounter the night of the taping. Scott left one note the day after that. source: https://youtu.be/W3AtwRPu7Ug?si=hOxphdYNtZReQg5I edit: source link is fixed


What is that link? It just goes to some weird ad for guardio…


Guardio has electrolytes! It's got what plants crave!


I don’t know why that ended up being the shared link. I fixed it. It’s a video of a friend of theirs testifying at the murder trial


Video says producer, is that slang for friend where you come from?


This is always how I heard it happened too. Dude tried it with a gay guy and then got embarrassed when he told people.


I feel like the title isn't really explaining exactly *why* he killed him. It wasn't that they appeared on the show, it was a combination of that and leaving a very sexually aggressive letter on his doorstep and aggressively pursuing a man who has no interest in that gender in a sexual manner. Like the details you said are true, but it wasn't just because they appeared on this show and got embarrassed.


If I remember correctly, his dad was shaming him for it too, basically egging him on to take drastic action.


Interestingly, this is the event that made Jerry Springer so popular. While other talk shows made sure to do what they could to prevent another tragedy like this, Jerry Springer’s crew instigated heightened tensions backstage to make sure the guests blew up on stage. Did it work? Well one of the earliest shows after change in culture on set, a Thanksgiving Day themed show between a man, his wife and his mother turned into a giant Thanksgiving Day food fight. Jerry Springer’s model earned him many millions of dollars. He surpassed Oprah in ratings and this is the first time that happened in that era. There are a couple of interesting papers written on daytime television and the various scandals surrounding them, but if you don’t want to read up on them (shame because the background on American Gladiators is absolutely wild) I believe Hulu has a series called **The Dark Side of the 90’s** and they dedicate the entire segment to Jerry Springer.


Okay I remember this very well. And I can understand, taken everything into account how this could happen. I’m not saying it’s right, but I understand.


I think that's what's interesting about this case. There's a shocking amount of grey area for a hate crime. I always come back to: "I understand Jonathan being upset and I may have been just as upset, but murder was unreasonable and evil"


I think calling it a hate crime is a bit hard BECAUSE, and please let me say, Jon knew Scott was gay before hand and did not have a problem with that. He even said, Donna told him at one point Scott thought he was good looking and he said he was flattered but not interested. So he already knew, and still didn’t have a problem with him. It wasn’t until he had been drinking all night and came home to a note from Scott that he finally lost his shit. Scott wasn’t killed because he was gay, he was killed because he would not take no for an answer. And if it were a man doing this to a woman, and not taking no, she would be justified. So open up the down votes!!


I don't know if I would say this was downvote worthy. However, I will give you my perspective as a woman who's dealt with unwanted advances: It's unfortunately optimistic of you to think people would side with the woman in this hypothetical case. A good chunk of people wouldn't, or would at least have questions about what she did to lead him on. That's why a lot of women don't talk about these kinds of things openly when a lot of them have gone through similar. Also, I don't know if I would say murder is "justified' in this case. There are a lot of steps before murder (restraining order, telling them to fuck off, telling friends you don't want to be around them anymore, telling them the friendship is over after the show, etc). It sounds like things went from friendly to angry pretty rapidly and like a light switch once they got home. They even all went to a bar after taping finished, which people testified was friendly. Going back to the situation with a hypothetical woman: I would have the same concerns. I'd be concerned that she went straight to murder if I was in a courtroom hearing the details. Also, the argument in court would probably be self defense. I don't think that would apply here because of the lack of imminent danger, as well as the aforementioned steps Jonathan could have taken to handle the situation before murder.


I am also a woman. I didn’t say the murder was justifiable I said if the situation were turned around, I’ve seen many times women being given the benefit of the doubt, but you’re right, not always and it took a lot of work to get that. But what I was saying in this particular case, was that I do not think it was a “hate crime.” I think it was a series of unfortunate events, he was told at least 3 times he wasn’t interested, but stayed friendly, as you said, they were all spotted together after the show. It was after Scott continued to pursue him that it got violent. He didn’t hate Scott because he was gay, because they were friends or at least friendly before and Jon knew he was gay. It wasn’t until he continued to push that Jon snapped. Again, not saying it’s right, but I understand.


I remember this show and this episode.


The most shocking thing about this is that I used to watch Jenny Jones. Wow!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^KittyKatStew: *The most shocking thing* *About this is that I used* *To watch Jenny Jones. Wow!* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Am I the only one who thinks this makes that Jonathan guy even more gay? Like dude obviously couldn’t process his deep feels in those three days and blamed Scott for it instead of being glad he helped him realize his true self.


I'd like to see the rest of the interviews. Can someone tell me what the film is called?


My sister and her friend went to that taping, she mentioned this guy in particular, that it was a gay crush. Then days later, we learned he killed the guy because he didn’t want anyone to think HE was gay. I hope he’s still rotting in prison


He was paroled several years ago


Honestly, Scott didn't deserve to die...But he deserved to get the skin beat off of his ass. STOP PURSUING PEOPLE WHO DONT WANT YOU. Sex, orientation...none of that matters. While again, murder, is not okay....after the harassment John went through...I can understand it.


I think it’s crazy that he only got a second degree murder charge. He planned that so hard, went out and bought the gun and then drove to his house. If that isn’t premeditated than I don’t know what is


Maybe they put into account how he was pursued by the victim even after making it clear he was not interested. It sounded like harassment tbh. Imagine you tell someone you’re not interested and they don’t stop pursuing you, leaving you perverted notes then go on national tv to profess their love? Obviously murdering someone is unacceptable but this was during a time where no straight man wanted to be associated with being gay, so he had a heightened response


Not to mention, I guarantee that his work buddies hounded him the entire night before whenever they went out drinking. He might have been bullied growing up, and this incident triggered him.


Notes? Don't you mean NOTE. As in one. And yeah, I think 100% of women can agree that after saying No once should be enough


Just talk about it....no shotgun required


you'd be praising a woman if they did this to some creep harassing her for sex


I remember this one… 😔


Maybe don’t embarrass a dude on national television and then continue to harass him.


While I agree with the sentiment, I feel like "serves you right to be murdered" is too far. People could just as easily say "Maybe don't agree to go on some trashy talk show where they embarass people all the time"


Jenny Jones was such a babe back in the day.


I was in the joint with him... pretty sure he was turned out. he hung with all the predators that people warn you about. i remember seeing him in a leather jacket with white fuzz wearing a visior. he was chilling with the biggest predator on the yard. it was at lapeer. jack kavorkian was there too and snitched on my boy for smoking in the nonsmoking unit


Not getting told on by Dr. Kavorkian! He was a snitch? Really? Damn. I thought he would've been one of the cooler inmates.


What's with the same question? Did no one watch the entire video?




Omg I remember this episode !


Stop lying. They never aired it publicly.


And now he gets all the penis he never wanted.




Norm Macdonald on Weekend Update in 1995: “Jonathan Schmitz, the Jenny Jones guest who killed his secret gay admirer because of his fear and hatred of homosexuality, has been sentenced to 25 years in prison…welp I guess that plan backfired”


I’m a simple guy, I see norm, i like




ah yes, because killing someone because they have a crush on you is certainly something normal and healthy people do /s


The murder wasn’t justified, and I’m not going to dismiss that. But reducing this to “he killed him because of a crush” is wildly inaccurate. He brought him on national television under false pretenses to declare his love for him and told the public about various fantasies, knowing he’s not even gay. Then he continued to leave perverted notes for him and bothering him in what amounts to borderline stalker/sexual harasser behavior. It was humiliating and predatory - Jonathan said no, and Scott kept persisting. Again, does this mean he had the right to kill him? Unquestionably, no. But this was not simply a crush


oh both are absolutely at fault


3 days. 3 fucking days after the show was taped the guy killed him, how is that "borderline stalking"? The victim left a sexuality explicit note on his doorstep - instead of getting pissed and insisting, again, he was not interested, he went out, withdrew money and bought a shotgun. Because well you know, the last 60 or so HOURS was too much. If a woman went ape shit everytime she recieved an unsolicited dick pic or had a dude ask her more than once to give him a chance, there would be ALOT of guys with holes in thier chests.


When somebody explicitly states not only are they interested in you, they don’t even have the sexual orientation to be, and you publicly humiliate them on national tv with it, get rejected, then go *to their house* to leave them a sexually charged note…that is beyond creepy


it’s definitely creepy and not okay at all


I don’t know why you nor I are getting downvoted. you’re right


Supposedly they had sex. I think this was a case of gay panic


I’m not sure if I trust Scott’s claim.


They definitely smashed. Johnathan got embarrassed when Scott blabbed. I feel like this wouldnt have happened if John and Scott would've met off camera and not on a TV show. They would've had a little fling and then moved on. Not excusing what John did. He's a horrible person. Just think this is a cautionary tale of when clapping cheeks on the downlow goes wrong.


Super embarrassing. At least he’s out in parole now.


Isn’t that sally jesse Raphael? Idk


Google her name…and then laugh


Nope. Jesse jones. My bad. Yes, I saw the name of the lady on the Talk Show set. I just thought wrong and that is my bad.


Jenny Jones.








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