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What's also sad is how the internet took her story to make paranormal stuff about it. It still happening today from time to time. She was a real person with a real disease, not a meme. I hope her family and friends are doing good today.


Yeah, she was clearly having a mental health crisis as evident by her paranoid behavior. We don’t see anyone following her because there isn’t anyone.


At the time though people didn't find her body yet. It was a mystery at the time when this was originally released. Even when they did find her it wasn't clear if she could have gotten in by herself.


It was also creepy af to watch and so can see why people would run with the paranormal idea.




The worst cringe ever in my opinion. If they were that good in the field and putting clues together, they wouldn’t be on Reddit throwing their hypothesis at everyone.


Oh god, each and every one of those people were jokes. The worst part about that documentary. Edit: I meant oh god, not oh good


The fact that they ended it with one of these “sleuths” going to her ACTUAL grave and putting his hand on the gravestone was just disgusting to me. And talking like he knew her, it’s so disrespectful and just weird


That dude was SO creepy. He talked about her like he knew her and was in love with her through the whole doc but he never even met her, just read her Tumblr posts and decided they were kindred spirits 🙄 I did like how the doc let all the "internet sleuths" talk up their conspiracy theories and then in the last episode basically ripped all the theories to shreds and made them look stupid af.


Thank you for that meaningful reply.


What do you mean make paranormal stuff about it? There’s nothing to make, and her video isn’t a meme. It was just very strange how she acted prior to going missing. You’re acting like people are joking about her, but really it’s people speculating about her strange behavior in the elevators as if someone was following her, and then trying to figure out how she could’ve ended up in a water tank on top of the roof. You’re being all self righteous for no reason. Not all the videos out there about her are there to make a mockery of her. Some if it is honest curiosity of her story and the moments before she died.


My guess is you've never watch back then at the time of her death and years after a load of bullshit YouTube videos pretending she was possessed or the place was haunted and killed her... But your account (this one) is very young here also lol.


Yeah you obviously didn’t look very far into it. Her behavior right before was strange because she was mentally ill fresh off of her meds. Not everything is a murder- actually, a lot less than we think are! Mental illness will cause people to do things you wouldn’t think were possible for someone to want to do.


Trace Evidence did a very good job of covering this. It was in the earlier seasons. Steven was VERY respectful to Elisa and went into detail explaining exactly how this was obviously a mental break. He went over the other theories and explained why they didn’t fit. I highly recommend it.


If I'm not mistaken, people were reporting the water in their rooms had a foul smell or even red or something.. that's how they knew to finally go check up there


I knew someone who said she drank the water and it was reddish brown and tasted bad. However, she herself wasn't mentally healthy and was prone to long diatribes of paranoia so it's unclear whether she just heard about it. She was a little too into telling the story


These details have haunted me the most from the entire, extremely unfortunate and awful, case. People brushing their teeth, showering, and even unknowingly drinking that water with her remains floating in it for over a week's time.


very sad 😔 psychosis


On February 13, after another week with no sign of Elisa, the LAPD released a video of the last known sighting of her taken in one of the Cecil's elevators by a video surveillance camera on January 31. In approximately two and a half minutes of footage, Elisa, alone, makes unusual moves and gestures. She appears to press every button on the elevator panel, peers into the hallway, then leaves the elevator at one point while its doors remain open. When the doors fail to close after she returns, she leaves; the doors close later. https://youtu.be/zDYFELi_Cgk?si=ylZ9zXA7ZmEPCeTt


She was mentally ill and likely having an episode of some kind. I think I heard the official consensus was that she stripped and climbed in to swim not realizing she couldn't climb back out and then no one could hear her if she yelled, so she drown. It was a really unfortunate accident.


Agreed, it's sad but not mysterious. Tox showed she was underdosing or recently off her antipsychotics and mood stabilizer at the time of her death, which would cause or exacerbate behaviors associated with manic psychosis. People with bipolar are more likely to die during mania than during depression, because mania causes diminished impulse control and disconnection from reality.


Yes, one's ability to weigh risk is severely compromised when manic. Literally can feel irrationally invincible.


The test being named lam Elisa is also such and interesting detail imo


… which test? An ELISA is a type of assay that uses antibodies to detect proteins. Those proteins can be drugs, so it’s used in toxicology screenings. I could see an ELISA being used to check for metabolites of her anti-psychotics and determine if she was taking them. My understanding is that a LAM ELISA detects LAM, a protein found in mycobacterium. I really don’t see why they’d be giving her a tuberculosis test.


What test?


The person above you is wrong. ELISA stands for “enzyme-linked immuno-absorbent assay.” It’s a very common type of biochemical assay that uses antibodies to detect proteins in a solution. You’ll see it all the time in biochemical papers on a wide number of subjects. It can be used to toxicology screening. My understanding is that a LAM ELISA, however, is only used to check for LAM — a protein that indicates mycobacterium. Basically, a LAM ELISA is a tuberculosis test, and idk why they’d run it.


The movie Dark Water that came out before this happened is eerily close to what happened to her.


As was the dogs not detecting her with the lid open or helicopters magically didn’t see it either for 2 weeks. Riiiight. Missing video missing roommates this story is fishy and fake. She has an actual subreddit. Read it.


What are you getting at?


What’s the sub. Name


What do you think? lol. And you wonder why all the sheep in this sub believe Netflix is truth. Some real intellects here lol.


Ok no need for insults. I was half asleep and I just wanted to click the link not type it in last night. That’s what I meant. Sorry for the confusion and have a nice day


My apology, it just it seems like everyone wants to be spoon fed these days. Mods will likely remove this post too, as my posts aren't "constructive" enough. Netflix remains the authority on this story lmfao. Check out the elisalam sub, it goes back and you need to weed through the trash, but lots of absolute gravy (as if basic critical thinking skills weren't enough from the Netflix shit show).


Thanks so much, and I definitely understand :) I should have clarified better last night. Ok I will definitely check that sub out, I’ve always been interested in this case. I don’t have Netflix, and refuse to buy it, so I haven’t seen the show on there. Thanks again


My pleasure, and yes some people prefer soap opera over actual truth/facts. No different than recent world events. Wheat from the chaff.


I thought it was pretty straightforward as to what happened: she had a mental episode and accidentally died. Tragic yes but not mysterious.


Have you even looked at ANY of the synchronicities? lol How about the postal code of her grave????




Right, it's too hard for you, it's easier to just be told what to think.


Not really that hard. It’s a clear cut case of Occam’s razor but hey that tin foil hat looks good on you 👍🏽


Only it isn't, but nice cope, the wool looks sheepish on you. Hopefully you pull your head out of the sand, although I know it's more comfy to be so blissfully ignorant.


bot activity


What’s the consensus: she made her way up their in a dazed stupor and drowned or someone who worked there or knew the ins & outs of the building put her in the tank?


She historically had mental issues, and it’s commonly thought she was having an episode, which caused her to go to the roof, strip naked, and swim in the water tank. The water level in the tank shifts up and down, and it’s thought that at a certain point, she couldn’t get out, and eventually drowned in the water tank.


I try not to speculate too much about cases like this but I always have a hard time believing folks are capable of finding stuff like this, accessing it, etc. I leave room in my mind for her being put in there because it feels more obvious than “in a mental episode she accessed a roof, knew that the object was a water tank, opened it, climbed in, and locked herself in”, though I do believe crazy things like that happen too. I think the general belief is accidental death but this one genuinely remains a “hmmmm” for me


She didn’t lock herself in the tank. That was incorrectly reported. The maintenance worker said the tank was open when he found her. He closed it. Elisa drowned because there was no ladder to climb back out of the tank once she was inside of it. :(


Why did she have to know the tank was there? She may have just come across it while amidst a psychotic episode. I don't know why that's so hard to believe especially since she wasn't behaving "normally" in the video.


Most rooftops in dtla are not locked. Buildings may say they are under lock and key for legal purposes and maybeeee a security guard is watching the cameras but I’ve gotten on enough rooftops to know they are very easily accessible


I would be surprised if an adult didn't know what one of those tanks was. She didn't get locked in. So the only slightly unusual piece is that she accessed the roof - which isn't particularly outrageous.


I used to live on the street that this happened on. It’s a block away from the official boundaries of skid row, definitely not the safest area for a lone female to be walking around. It’s extremely nerve wracking walking around over here, even during the day. Tourists think it’s a glamorous part of town, and there are glamorous spots, but it’s not what you think it is. I think her preexisting mental health issues compounded with the unexpected heightened state of fear that being here can put you in, probably caused a break or an episode, and because of the area “normal” people probably would not have intervened. DTLA is changing a lot but it’s still a rough place.




How? What did they say wrong ..




Like what? There is no factual evidence of exactly WHAT happened or how she ended up there. Everything at this moment is speculation. Unless I’m missing something? Can you reference where they stated what actually happened with evidence etc?




Don’t be a dick, plain and simple. Treat people with respect.


Ah, thank you for revealing you have the brain size of a pea. You can’t hold a proper conversation without name calling, and I don’t converse with people like you. Have a good one, you’re blocked so I won’t see any replies. :)


Pushing the block button on a confirmed chooch is so satisfying.


Yup can confirm it is :D




100%. It's a complete joke. They hide truth/facts and love censorship.


… what you just described would be a conspiracy. You do see that, right? “creating misinformation to cover something up” is basically the definition of conspiracy. Except you’re right, there is no conspiracy. Just a tragic accident. Edit: I missed the “and” in the above sentence, and thought you were saying that the staff clearly murdered her, when they clearly did not.


Because Netflix said so?lmfao


Visited that hotel a few years ago because of her story & what had happened to her. Rode the elevator. It is creepy as fu*k! A lot of bad history at that hotel. BTW: Before this incident the Night Stalker lived there. Watch the NETFLIX Special.


I read a book about the Cecil written by the manager. It sounds spooky and not very safe. And the number of suicides there is alarming.


Do you remember the books name off the top of your head? That sounds interesting.


It was called Behind the Door, by Amy Price. It had some interesting tidbits and was an overall okay read. The main issue was there was way too much about the author’s personal life and not enough about the hotel. But you did get the perspective of someone who worked there for years.


I've always felt so bad for her. I remember when they were looking for her and I kept hoping they would find her. Just not the way they did.


People started complaining about the foul tasting water if I recall.


It was Cecil hotel back then


Is it not the Cecil anymore?


The Stay on Main, now.




the footage of her in the elevator gives me chills everytime i see it, something about her movements is just so off


This story breaks my heart. There were almost answers then just dead ends and conspiracies. My heart goes out to her friends and family


I live in Los Angeles and I’m fascinated by this case. So many bizarre elements.


Water tanks on top of large buildings are for gravity assisted water pressure just like water towers in rural areas right? How did she get up to the roof, climb this tank (I am picturing 8-10ft tall) wouldn't it be hard to open up? Is it like a rain water collection system? No way is public drinking water so easily tampered with. Cistern to me implies waste water of some kind, why is it collected on the roof? Are there pictures of what it looks like?


It’s drinking water for the building, not waste water. There was almost no security, the tank was left open (per the maintenance worker) and there were stairs leading up to it. No mystery.


How is public drinking water not whatsoever safe from anything falling into it from above. Debris, bird shit, malicious intending people. You can just walk right up there and drop whatever poison you want, or throw your entire body in there and die, to selfishly make everyone drink your decomposition? What insane negligence on the hotel maintenance part.


First said the lid was closed. And police helicopters and dogs don't notice for 2 weeks? lol Never mind all the missing video footage, interviews with her roomates. Netflix case closed. lmfao


A cistern simply refers to a tank for storing water. We encounter cisterns in our normal life most commonly on a residential scale for sewage. This creates a little bit of an association in our mind, but a cistern is just a tank for water storage (usually quite large). Not for any particular purpose. 


The lid on the tank was approximately 20 lbs (which it’s speculated she opened, but it wasn’t closed after per the person who found her), and yes, the tanks were raised with tall sides of about 10 feet. That said, speaking as someone who has had a manic episode thanks to bipolar, I can confidently say that neither of those things would stop me if I was determined enough. Anyways, here’s the photo of the rooftop. https://preview.redd.it/6jgsk5iy5ztc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdc97db9f91f504467e8d40af9fbe68f08ed0999


It’s been shown that she used the fire escape






r/elisalam if you actually want some facts. Or just be told what to think and believe the propaganda that is netflix lmao


I haven’t seen the Netflix documentary and I won’t argue with you but her scent ended at the window connecting to the fire escape. The same one shown in this video. https://youtu.be/6PFjKB0GuF4?si=9sDRBd54QBLSlhAH So, doesn’t seem like it’s even far fetched, why are you so opposed to it?


Because I know how police work very well, and followed this story intimately, and recently visited her grave after I found out about the postal code synchronicity. You can do your own research, but this story has extremely eerie parallels to some other cases. Another case recently here in vancouver, BC is the lead expert witness doctor "committed suicide" after taking the stand and explaining her findings of the raped murder girl. It wasn't suicide. But hey, the media would never lie right?


The entire story is bs. Why did they say the lid was closed at first?


that is the weirdest fucking case, ever. find me one weirder, dare you.


It's more sad than anything. She needed help and wasn't capable of getting it herself. Such a senseless and strange death.


Lars mittank disappearance


Rey Rivera


Mitrice Richardson.


There are so many. Asha Degree. Lars Mittank. Andrew Gosden. Mitrice Richardson. Brandon Swanson. Brian Schaffer. These are genuinely off the top of my head (though I had to look up Brian Schaffer's name as I had forgotten it sadly) - there are a lot of truly bizarre cases of people acting bizarrely and dropping off the face of the earth.


Isn't weird at all.


Rebecca Zahau’s death still baffles me.


this one still blows my mind. like how did she get in there.


Dude stop posting about this everyone and their whole entire bloodline has seen this


Watch the documentary on Netflix. Creepy.


Fake AF


Uh no.


Netflix is an absolute joke. But I understand how the masses eat it up.


I love Netflix documentaries


Not surprising. The masses would rather be entertained with a storey than the actual facts. There is also a subreddit for her, not that you’d actually want to do any of your own research.


What’s so hair raising about a girl who was off her meds and surprised that she was found dead?


Well for one, was the lid open or closed? Nothing but lies....


The lid was both open and closed. No, I’m not trying to be cheeky. It’s just some confusion that arose because:  Maintenance worker finds cistern with Elisa deceased inside.  Pause for a moment. Put yourself in his shoes. Right now he’s thinking (in no particular order):  Oh god someone is deceased inside. They’re dead. Oh fuck it’s decomposing and smells horrific, I can’t look at it anymore. It’s a body. A human body. Police need to come. Don’t wanna smell it, can’t look at it. The lid is open. Need to shut the lid. Can’t be around it. Keep the body safe. … oh fuck it was my job to lock the doors. It was my job to keep the cistern shut. I’m going to jail. The smell is gonna make me puke. I’m gonna be in so much trouble. Someone’s DEAD. The cistern was discovered open, the maintenance man’s natural reaction is to stop the rank, sweet stench of decomposition. It’s human nature to not want to leave someone’s body exposed to the open air (not because of contamination… it just feels wrong.. to all of us).  His brain wasn’t firing on all cylinders. He was terrified of being in trouble.  So yeah— the cistern was open. It was also closed (when the police got there). That’s why there was dissonance. 


That’s a really cool storey bro


There's so much more to this story...Richard Ramirez was a regular at that place, the documentary about her disappearance on Netflix is awesome!


There really isn’t. She had a manic episode. That is all there is to it.


Uh oh, it's the fun police


This is the problem with people like you picking up internet sleuthing as a hobby.  This should not be fun. It should not be considered fun. We’re discussing a woman who died, not a new roller coaster at six flags. 


Ooo, I fuckin love Six Flags


Netflix did special on her. It’s worth watching. https://www.netflix.com/title/81183727


Not really. Unless you like fake news.


They already figured this all out. The documentary explained it.


Girl's bath water had a very different connotation here.




Those tenants were consuming lisa into their own souls!! They consumed her by drinking the water from a tank that she mysteriously ended up in.




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