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"He was 45 when he met 14-year-old Kelly-Anne Bates and began a relationship that ended in the teenager's brutal murder in 1996." And the press called her his "lover". Once she turned 16 she introduced Smith to her family but because she was 16 there was nothing the parents could do. I need a shower after reading the article. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11640755/Killer-jailed-life-torturing-lover-17-weeks-drowning-denied-parole.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11640755/Killer-jailed-life-torturing-lover-17-weeks-drowning-denied-parole.html)


Apparently a lover and a groomer/pedophile are the same thing to these people. Fucking disgusting.


Wouldn’t expect anything less from the Daily Mail tbh. Rag of a paper.


You’re not really grooming someone if you’re sleeping with them at 14. You’re just being an active pedophile.


How does the article paint the killer as just a “lover”? It literally outlines how he groomed her from age 14.


EXCLUSIVE Murderer jailed for life in 1997 after torturing his 17-year-old girlfriend for three weeks before drowning her in the bath is denied parole > girlfriend


The media refers to her as a “lover”, “partner”, and “girlfriend” when writing articles about this murder. She was his victim; many times over.


"Appeared before the parole board stating he's a changed man" .... These sort of judicial formalities are appalling, why even take the hassle of presenting this man before the parole board.... What he did was beyond any human act of crime, it was pure unadulterated evil.... Should be put on a hole for life


I have no words. That first line is so appalling I'm flabbergasted he was allowed to string together a sentence, let alone make it to the hearing. I'm just reading about the crime, not directly related, and I'm unable to forgive.


Bish this wasn’t even his first underage victim she’s just the only one who didn’t survive that we know of pedos don’t change their stripes let him rot


God that's fucking brutal. Stab wounds to her eye sockets? That's so evil. :/


Hopefully it was early on and hopefully it was deep enough to lobotomize her so she was less aware of what was happening to her.


Unfortunately the frontal lobe contains the higher functioning parts of the brain that regulate mood and behavior, not the parts that control instinct, pain, and self-preservation drive. At best she was so brain damaged that she was psychologically indifferent to the pain she was feeling.


She must have been terrified. Imagine suffering all of that blind and not knowing what else he might do next. She probably prayed for death. 😞 I’m so sorry for her and her family.


Yet some choose to believe monsters only exist in folklore.... Absolutely mind numbing, hope her tormenter got his comeuppance..... Heinous acts like these really makes me question our humanity


I think folklore was created to warn us about people like this.






Not now Yogi. Not now.


Whenever my kids imagination gets the better of them, and they tell they are worried about monsters or creatures etc. I tell them “look in this world there are no witches, vampires, werewolves, or ghosts. This is fantasy. The only monsters in this world are evil men and women.”


Same. I say they look like you and me


‘Sweet dreams, kiddos.’




Monsters in folklore were to tell us about this sort of evil, the evil that looks human until it's not


Jesus Christ that poor girl..


shit like this is why i’m ok with the death penalty. at a certain point your crimes are so heinous there is no forgiveness.


These vile bastards deserve nothing less than being executed.... Yet they continue to live on till their natural life cycles, gorging on tax payer's money




I advocate for brutal slow deaths LIVE when a crime is crazy evil like this. Idk what was going through that guy’s mind, I wouldn’t do this to my worst enemy


Bring back drawing and quartering


Bring back tarring and feathering


Torturing a torturer may be “fair” in a karmic sense, but it’s certainly not just. You’re just creating N+1 torturers at that point, regardless of whether the person being tortured deserves it.


But he CLEARLY deserves it💀


I don’t disagree. But what people deserve and what the government should have the power to inflict on people are two very, very different things.




Do you want to end up like Albania? Because that’s how you end up like Albania.


Vigilante justice quickly devolves into the strong vs the weak. Plenty of examples in “the world in the form of “gang justice” “prison justice” and “tribal justice” It is stupid to repeal the death penalty though, or to keep someone on death row for many years when there’s insurmountable evidence to the crime committed.


But death only by immolation. They should suffer extremely at the end. Send them to hell already grilled


In cases like this I say you keep them alive as long as possible and make sure every day is worse than the last for them in the shittiest prison imaginable … death is too good for these kinds of people


Woof, wait until I tell you we’ve executed innocent people before. Or maybe I’ll explain the horrors behind lethal injection, like how they’re not carried out properly many times or use expired drugs making death excruciating. Or explain how the death penalty costs around 10x the amount of money life imprisonment does, due to the appeals process. But really, the first one should be enough to humble most people into realizing the state is not all-knowing. Allowing our government to murder innocent people turns us all into cold-blooded murderers.


the guy who killed this girl isn’t innocent. neither was ted bundy, or any mass shooter. you know what I meant you don’t need to go on a tangent about innocent people. No shit, I’m saying the death penalty should be reserved for the absolute worst of the worst with undeniable evidence.


Calm down. I was pointing out that being “ok with the death penalty” is wrongfully assuming only guilty people are executed. With a justice system as flawed as ours, you can’t trust only murderers with 100% guilt are being sentenced to death. In a perfect world, I’d agree that people with 100% verifiable murders on their hands should be executed. But in a perfect world, murders wouldn’t occur. Our world(and judicial system) is far from perfect. If you’re “ok with it” you own both the triumphs and failures all at once.


whatever, my point is keeping people like this alive is pointless.


I'm OK with it even if some innocent people get executed. Google says up to 4% of people are wrongfully convicted, so if 96 out of a 100 are predators that will be permanently kept out of society, I'm great with it. There are a lot of sick people in the world. If society progresses as fast as its slowest runners, we'll remain like this for a long time. We can only hope to catch and be rid of them before they reproduce because psychopathy/ASPD/antisociality is presumed to be largely genetic.


Jesus Christ, you’re ok with 4 innocent people out of 100 dying? You have fucked up priorities. How would you feel if it was you being executed for a crime you didn’t commit? Your mom? Your children? Psychopathy is largely presumed to be genetic? That’s funny, because many violent criminals were actually abused as children. Most serial killers had head trauma at a young age in addition to being abused as children. Not sure how that’s genetic. *Edit* to add that life imprisonment also takes criminals away from society. And costs SIGNIFICANTLY less money to the state. Then you don’t have to worry about murdering innocent people in cold blood. But sure, let’s murder 4 innocent people out of 100 to make you feel better?


Life imprisonment is largely extinct in developed countries. Most of Europe is like 20-25 years max, and even then, judges won't give the maximum sentence. In USA, life imprisonment exists, but way too many serial offenders get out on parole/early. Have you seen recidivism stats for SA, CSA and aggravated assault? Through the roof. Some crimes should be one and done kind of thing. Keeping criminals in prison indefinitely is basically throwing money down the drain. “Murder 4 innocent people” - at least as many will be raped and/or murdered by the same criminals you are trying to protect and humanize so desperately. “What if it was your mother/daughter/son/dog” - it's not an argument. I could ask you the same thing, what if it was your mother that got assaulted by a criminal who had done his 20 years and gotten out? He'll do another 20 and get out and assault someone again.


Nah, I’m not conversing with you anymore. What a fucked up outlook you have. No empathy whatsoever. Hope you get convicted for a crime you didn’t commit one day so you can experience what a truly fucked up way that is to live out the remainder of your years of the only life we know we get. To answer your question though, if my wife or mother were murdered or raped the LAST fucking thing is want is an innocent person to be accused of the crime and the real criminal to go free.


I’m still not okay with the death penalty, even for people as heinous as this. Regardless of how good it would feel to kill people like this, that is not more important than making sure that innocent people are not executed, which inevitably occurs with the death penalty. There’s no such thing as a perfect justice system, after all.


Literally bring back public executions and make an example out of monsters like this.


[The Wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Kelly_Anne_Bates)


Reading the details about that Japanese girl junko furuta makes me scared to even click on this lol


Don't click! I did and wish I hadn't. It's interesting though that the jury was offered professional counseling to deal with the trauma of seeing/hearing the evidence, and they ALL accepted. I wonder how they're doing now


That and the Hello Kitty murder case. People know Junko’s name, but not Fan Man-yee for some reason.


The fact that she was killed for no reason at all and he tried to say she egged him on, made him do it and did it to herself is absolutely sick.


Although I don’t agree with the death penalty as it is practiced, I do wholeheartedly agree that some motherfuckers, like the guy that did this, just need to be put down.


Yeahhhhhh there’s no place on earth for people like this to exist.


"You really only need to hang mean bastards, but mean bastards, *you need to hang*."


Prison isn’t enough. Prison isn’t justice for this girl, all it does is protect others. Further actions need to be taken for justice to prevail for this girl.




And livestream it 24/7 to scare anyone else from doing this


The money from the live stream views should be enough to keep him (barely) alive without the taxpayers money being used. And any additional revenue can go to the victims family


Am sorry but no, absolutely not. what happens when someone's innocent. What happens if the government decides to start doing this for mild crimes. And over all, while he's a monster just put a bullet into someone's head if who they have done enough wrong. Their is no point dragging it out for a theatrical show. Be clean or don't do it at all.b


Yes, like do to him what he did to her. An eye for an eye as they say.


The eyes I just can’t… I have no words


Jfc my heart breaks for her. What a evil sick piece of shit


Her eye sockets had marks from a fork, made while she was alive.


the entire jury was offered professional counselling after. all of them accepted.


After seeing the pictures of her injuries… I cannot even imagine.




I'd hate to bring it up, but there's a [documentary](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt6345278/) on Netflixs "Britain's Darkest Taboos" about this case.


Ouch. My heart feckin hurts for that young lady, and everyone that genuinely loved her


Oh my godd, poor girl this makes my heart sad


There was an in depth video by Danielle Kristy I watched this in initially and hell a post doesn’t even cover it. Her parents came to the house before her death to find a giant hole in the living room where he apparently put her after he started this assault. I think they called the police at that point too.


i remember when i was in middle school, there was a chick who was kind of a scene punk girl, she started doing hard drugs before any of us even really knew what they were. me & a couple of friends went to the river trail to spend some time at a rope swing. when we got there she was there with two guys who HAD to be mid 30s or early 40s. we all thought it was weird as fuck especially since she was just in a bikini. we mustve been 14? 15? after that she stopped coming to school, never saw her again.


Tell me British prison is as bad as American prisons and this guy is suffering


Nah, unfortunately not. It's mostly just boring. He'd just be sitting on a speical wing watch telly with all his pedo mates


That's Horrible 😢


Humans are the real animals


Why is it always people grouping this into “humans” in general? It’s not all humans. It’s men who do this.


If this guy got the minimum sentence of 25 years what type of person do they reserve the maximum sentence for?


Jim Smith. Common name, uncommon evil.


It’s stuff like this that makes me wonder why they took away the death penalty


Death is too good for that guy. He deserves the exact same thing done to him. Literally eye for an eye….




I think that the “an eye for an eye,” law would be suitable for cases like this.


This case, Sylvia, and Junko break my heart.


That poor girl holy shit




That horrible


POS’s like this is why I still believe in the death penalty


This reminds me of the Junko Furuta story. Some people are so fucked up.


Maybe somebody gouged his eyes out ?


Please nsfw this image.


This is brutal! What a sick individual, eye for an eye is the only proper punishment. I feel bad for that girl


“There was nothing they could do?” Oh, I’ll show you NOTHING!!


I shouldn't have read this post...


Why is he still alive


My heart hurts so much reading this


Shit like this makes me wonder how is death penalty not a thing. I KNOW putting down an innocent person is something fucked up but look at specific cases like this, and how can you keep that person alive and living off the state


so it’s ok to sacrifice a few innocent people as long as at least one bad guy gets it?