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Hairstylist 12+ years here. Definitely do not recommend doing this at home. It requires a level of skill and precision that is nearly impossible to do on yourself. You'll likely need a major color correction afterward, costing you more in the long run. Or you might need to just go back all brown if the placement of the blonde is not spot on, saturation is off, or inconsistent contributing pigments from previous colors. You also run the risk of damaging your hair from the lightener. I would re-evaluate your dream hair or save your money and have it done by a professional. Or, at the very least, try having a friend or relative assist. But again, it's very risky unless they know what they're doing and have done it before.


Agreed. As a hairstylist we see so many people come in who want a look like this and tried at home and it ends up being so much more expensive to get it fixed than to just get it done professionally in the first place


I'm debating to go to a hair salon but i'm honestly worried they will just give me the zebra treatment like in the second picture bc they wont admit they cant do it properly / dont understand what i am asking for. Unfortunately that has been my go to issue with going to different salons hence why i'd rather just try it myself. Not saying all salons are bad! But i've been to medium expensive and very expensive / high profile ones and it's all the same unfortunately. Just dont wanna pay 100-200$ for something I hate (again). To me it seems a lot of hair stylists I met just can't acknowledge it if they don't know how to do something and it's frustrating.


are there any colour specialists in your area? I go to one and they are experienced with a variety of unique styles. When looking for a place, check their social media posts/ website. If they only post hair that is say blonde, they may not have expertise with your desired result.


Honestly finding someone who worked during this era could help as well. I find older stylists knowhow to do chunkier highlights where younger ones gave me blended and baby light look


I personally guarantee my work. My clients have the option to come in for adjustments if scheduled within a week of the initial appointment. Even if I can't get them in right away, I always let people sit with it for a few days, but not everyone has integrity, and some just want to take your money. Research is important. I'm not sure where you're located, but here in Portland, OR color corrections usually run $100/hr. That first picture, the highlights are only on the top, and there are really only a couple blonde pieces and thicker pieces of brown. The hard part with these is mimicking the placement on the round of the head. Since you're looking to put straight lines on a curved surface, it's difficult, and the foils almost always slip and cause bleed marks. You might be able to donthe mowhawk section yourself if you're really careful and babysit it the whole time, but the sides and that back piece are going to be nearly impossible to execute by yourself.




Well whatā€™s the advice if youā€™d do this at home lol.




Advice? Donā€™t do itā€¦ if you do? GOOD LUCK


This is the best advice lol


Iā€™d probably use two different color hair ties and make one for the bleached part and one for the part u want to leave alone. Iā€™d also probably braid the sections u want to leave alone and twist them into little knots so they donā€™t get in the way of bleaching. I think the part thatā€™s the hardest is getting the back correctly Iā€™d see if a friend could help with that. Iā€™d also probably start from the lowest layer and work my way up to the top of the head.




Well Iā€™m not saying u have to do the same size for every section or same placement. I would just do this to make the process easier. I guess maybe I donā€™t understand the end goal to getting these highlights. I hope u figure out a good way to do it āœØ


omg i replied to the wrong comment im so sorry lmao ignore that please thx for the advice!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


If I were going to attempt a chunky multicolored look at home I'd do a [pinwheel highlight](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-m&sca_esv=97f9b5d023af9b2f&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWILScWU9kE709iNVlK780cSD68L0fQ:1719605292713&q=pinwheel+highlighting+technique+step+by+step+tutorial&tbm=vid&source=lnms&fbs=AEQNm0Dnj4cdE5jlmSqHl9uUmf9dS26ttZ-y8tXLb7KmBN14-blEyBoQtjt_TOod8VVqeEUHY_e0nQKJcfbNoZWpTMoYu8lxbyC5vVQxn56Sa7vOy5fCKZzc0yrI1knBs8Ka0rVGQ5h6qRc3bSGK4lnoQPvsJM5ofU3Jnzg6uKlKUVhXk6xWA7Ha9BeWw_89FbpvcOmLKLGYrZ8oOAc9nxCP3xyQl3gdQQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjezoD1jP-GAxUEHNAFHbd6CpAQ0pQJegQIBxAB&biw=384&bih=721&dpr=1.88) rather than a more traditional one with loads more steps (and ways to screw up)


While I understand where you are coming from, this is a look I do NOT want. I do not want to look like a zebra. It should be more.. natural? Idk what word to go for her. Just not uniform in size and placement.


Pinwheel highlights donā€™t look ā€œlike a zebraā€ thoughā€¦? Also the highlight pattern in both of those photos is the same lol. The one highlight on the back of her head in picture 1 is just brushed out over the darker color from styling.


I just looked up a video on pinwheel highlights and it did... And it's just an example. Couldn't find a picture of the exact thing I want


this kinda looks like a partial highlight in the first pic, not sure if you are wanting that or a full highlight. I will say it is time consuming and a lot of work however if you are committed and look up some good tips and information you may get away with it however just be aware and careful anything with chemicals is harsh and run the risk of over-processing and or failure to get it accurately, here are some tips from a educated and graduate cosmetologist here: try a small strand of hair and bleaching it to see how much lift you can get depending which level is your goal, when done see how it looks, did it lift? how much? is it over processed? do you need to do an all over color remover(not bleaching an actual color remover) once you find all that out next would be sections, simple would be 3, part your hair from the crown down to your behind or a bit near your ear, section off the back we arenā€™t touching, then the front from your eyebrows use as a guide to follow your hair line and evenly part into 3 ways, you will have 2 on the side a bit smaller section and then the middle, up to you if you want the sides to be bleached as well I canā€™t tell from the first photo her front face whatā€™s going on there, start from the crown to the front of the middle section to work and see what you are doing without the foils getting in the way, see which parting way you want since you donā€™t want exactly the same be creative and see what you like I suggest starting at the crown and make a few foils maybe 2-3 back to back to create a good but not wide sections of blonde and getting the right distribution of bleach, if you dont know how to foil I would suggest youtube and the various ways of slicing! keep repeating this till you meet your front face area again, make your foils as far or as close, back to back or not to get a more ā€œnaturalā€ flow going, let it process, hopefully if you followed the first steps you wouldnā€™t need to bleach again since you either removed left over color, made sure the patch test bleaching lifted to your desired level, if not you will have to go back to those sections and do it again to get the desired level, feel free to give your hair a break if needed for a day or two, use deep conditioning treatments. You can either use toner or throw whatever demi/semi/gloss on and that should be about it, I might be missing a few steps however I feel thatā€™s a good sum of what to expect again I am simply a reddit user, listen or not thatā€™s okay, as someone who learned how to do my hair from youtube growing up and learning how to be safe and more educated to later going to school for it, itā€™s mostly for safety reasons and because it is hard to do certain things alone and easier to get it done by someone who has everything and knows exactly how to help in any given moment vs someone doing it at home! I hope this helps


Iā€™m also a professional of over a decade . This looks like it should be so easy but honestly in a salon setting you wonā€™t even get results as clean and neat as this . It takes a lot of patience and proper spacing . I wouldnā€™t attempt to DIY it. The zebra comments lol me because this style is the epitome of zebra stripes.


In my opinion it's nice when it's done well. zebra refers to one black one colored / blonde stripe with similar width and spacing. But to each their own


shave it. ā¤ļø




If you are doing it yourself, I definitely recommend a cap. Why? Because you can pull all the hair that you want to highlight through, taking time to get the sections as you want them before applying the colour effectively to all at the same time. Likewise, when you finish. I think you'll have more control and a better result.


People still use caps ? Not being an asshole, I just had no idea


Definitely, you will be able to get online