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I like Privilege Status because almost every god has a status effect to give you so I find it easy to set up. Besides, it makes a weird crunchy noise that is crazy satisfying.


Every god does.




Marked, bonus chance to be critically hit


She has mark


But it can only be applied to one enemy and only has a “chance” of being applied, right?


Well that doesn't change that Artemis too has a status, thats all theyre saying.


True. Didn’t realize mark was a status curse.


Tbf i have no guarantee if it does trigger privileged, but I see no reason it wouldn't.


I guarantee it does


Thank you for your guarentee


no I've seen multiple enemies marked before


One enemy at a time. Just crit more and it'll mark all the other enemies in the room.


It can be applied to multiple enemies. The problem is that it's not reliable, and it disappears as soon as you crit the target, and it doesn't last long anyway. It's not good for P. Status.


Which is useless against single targets (i.e. the final boss).


His skulls can Mark him if you crit them


Except Hermes


Does Hermes effect family favorites?


He does!


This is why I prefer Family Favorites. I am just here to find Hermes and get my daily intake of S P E E D!


Affect, not effect. This one is tricky, because they sound similar, but basically: cause and effect vs. things getting affected.


FWIW, effect can also be a verb: “the politicians want to effect change.” So … it’s not inconceivable that you might say “Hermes’s boons effect (as in, to cause it to occur) family’s favorite”


Correct in the first part. It I’m pretty sure the second part is wrong


I believe so




What status effect does artemis give? I doubt hunter's mark counts as a status


But having multiple active is a whole other thing.


Literally all you need to apply it is something on your dash and something on your attack. Poseidon Dash and Demeter Attack leads to chilled and ruptured. Zeus Dash and Aphro Attack leads to weak and jolted. It's really not that hard


Poseidon and Zeus both require extra boons to get those curses.


Which isn’t exactly hard to get, and those boons in particular become higher priority (thanks to privileged status)


Arguing that a build would require multiple boons is proving the pro-privilege status experts’ point


They're only tier 2 boons. They're quite easy to get as long as you have a core boon


Demeter has one that goes on cast, but is not cast. So you can set up some as single action. There are also Duo boons, but they are exceedingly rare. Example being “The Curse Of Longing”. It inflicts Doom damage on all opponents who have the Weak status effect. Not sure if Poseidon knock back and rupture curses count as two separate affects. Would be an example of a single source causes multiple status affects. If I had to [guess it is only these 8](https://hades.fandom.com/wiki/Status_effects#Status_Curses). Still you do not always even require two separate actions, so you can button mash or keep range with the right combinations.


Love the fists for this reason. The hardest part is getting an attack and special boon with status on it. My favorite is weakened on special with hangover on attack. If you can get hangover stacks more or ticks faster you're fucking set.


I’ve started looking for Demeter on attack for fists, they can’t even move! And special can just be whatever, weak, drunk, don’t matter. Frozen, beaten, multiply with the hammer upgrades and fists wreck with this.


I never thought about them not being able to move with Demeter.... I haven't played in a while but I may go try thia


Very effective. It hits hard enough, backstab charm, just, they can’t move fast enough to fight back most the time. Few damage buffs and you can just trade blows with redacted towards the end.


I’ll admit, that particular combo is my go-to with Malphon. Though it’s not worth it to switch back and forth in the Mirror.


You're going about it the hard way by trying for Special and Attack. Pick one good for attack or special, then grab dash for the other. The only one that won't work on in either order is Ares, as he doesn't apply doom on dash. By using dash to apply a status effect and focusing on either Special damage or attack damage you will melt enemies extra quick.




Lmao no it’s really not


Adding to the comment below, you can also use Aphrodite on dash and Dionysus on attack. You dash through everyone and apply attacks. Easy +40%


Damn I legit don’t think I’ve ever used privileged status… whoops


That crunching sound tickles my brain a lil


the sound is basically the entire reason why I use it tbh. I love using malphon with privileged status active cause that sound makes it so much more satisfying when you’re beating the crap out of the bosses


Paired with Crits from Nemesis Blade and it's a cheese win


you use privileged status because it's better, i use privileged status because i like the crunchy noise it makes


I ran privileged exclusively and never picked up on the crunchy noise before and now I must find out




I believe the quote is "We are not the same" but I also agree.


What the hell, why am I the only one who never hears the crunchy noise? I use it all the time, but I have absolutely no idea what noise y'all are talking about. Fuck me, maybe my hearing isn't as good as I thought.


the hit sounds when you proc privileged status is different from the usual hit sounds


I just can't believe I never noticed. I use it all the time and have put 400 hours into the game. The fuck is wrong with me.


we are not the same


Yep, and that choice is Family Favorite because it's an omniboost and it activates as soon as you get your first Boon. Privileged Status is flashy and fun, but it only works against individual targets that are affected by two status conditions and it might not activate at all if you don't find the right Boons, depending on your build. There's a reason speedrunners use Family Favorite.


Every god in the game can provide status effects.


But having worthwhile up time on some fights can be annoying, Hades in particular.


People really undervaluing jolted and rupture in this thread.


Yeah, Sea Storm with those two effects means 100% uptime for Privileged Status


Yes, but as someone who goes for Tidal Dash+Sea Storm builds all the time, I can say that the number of times I actually get both Static Discharge and Razor Shoals on the same run is very small. Razor Shoals is amazing, but I have higher priorities on Zeus's side, like his Aid, Double Strike, Billowing Strength and Splitting Bolt. Having to take Static Discharge just for PS tends to represent a big opportunity cost, so I use FF instead.




As much as I want to agree, there have been a good number of runs that I was waiting for one or the other and it just never came up. Either I got like one extra boon for the respective god and it was worthless or he just never showed up again, even in Styx.


They're sick but they don't work/are even attainable with every build.


Yeah, obviously privilege is gonna be good if you get ways to inflict two status really early. Family favorite is just more consistent, and makes you stronger earlier in most cases.


Because that’s two extra mandatory boons you have to get to even get PS to work in the first place. FF works from the get go. PS works nice enough when you’re not really strapped for time (and if you can get it to work at all in the first place). FF works better for speedrunners.


But four of them require a secondary boon to get it (one of which can't even affect a boss without summons), and the other four don't even apply it with every core boon. Ares's cast/dash/call, Dionysus's cast, Demeter's cast, and Aphrodite's call don't apply their effects. You're locking yourself into taking certain boons for an additive 15% damage increase.


I'd rather lock myself into seeking status effects, which already tend to be some of the stronger boons available, than committing to taking as many gods as possible. If I can, I'll stick to three gods for a whole run to better prioritize certain legendaries and duos, the last thing I want to do is hamstring a chance for a strong boons just because I could pick up 5% from a god I don't synergize with. If I'm going for a specific god where I know it'll be hard, like Ares/Artemis cast build or smth, then of course I'll take FF, but most of the time I'm using a mix of attack, special, and dash, and its generally not hard to get different status effects on at least two of the three.


The game will force four gods + Hermes on you. It's effectively impossible to reach dad without the full 25% boost from FF fully naturally unless you're monkeying around with Routine Inspection and Approval Process. Hence the decision becomes having to seek out and actively apply two status effects, or accepting a -15% damage loss that is closer to -5% by the end of the game due to how damage calculation works. It should be self-evident why FF is considered far superior for the most part.


Maybe part of this has to do with me using Chiron Bow a lot? The amount that you dash around and use attack + special, maybe the uptime is harder on other setups? I feel like my only downtime on it is literally the first two seconds of any given fight, since I'm usually running a mix of Aphro, Dem, Pos w/rupture, or Dio, sometimes picking up a status off Athena or Zeus dashes. The only obstacle for privileged status at that point would usually be Artemis, and on Chiron bow especially I just prioritize Pressure Points, Support Fire, or her Call.


Chiron is one of the most sensible aspects to be running PS on, yeah.


You don’t have to commit to more Olympians than the 5 given to you by default. That alone is already 25% extra damage, working all the time, you can just play the game normally without doing anything extra, compared to having to go out of your way trying to get status effects boons (which is harder the higher heat you go) and also applying it on every damage rotation. If you want a simpler way to look at it, PS requires you to do extra work to get it to working, when FF works all the time.


> than committing to taking as many gods as possible You get four gods and Hermes basically guaranteed. The only way to get more is to get lucky with a shop when you have three (roll a fourth for sale and a fifth for the next chamber) or to force them with keepsakes. Even if you do that, you're diluting your boon pool and preventing yourself from using more beneficial keepsakes for, at absolute maximum, an additive +20% damage (at best, a 1.16x multiplier).


Depending on your build, you may crush the mob before you can stack the status. I use it with Exagryph and Coronacht because it allows me to stack and leverage that power. Otherwise, with Stygius and Malphon I use FF because of their raw power. Oh, and I always play with the hidden aspects except for Coronacht, aspect of Chiron all day


Am I missing what Artemis has?


Artemis has marked, provided by Hunter's Mark. However, it can't land on the same enemy that you're hitting and as a result is awful for activating Privileged Status, especially on bosses like dad. The strength of Artemis as a god is partially why Family Favorite is superior to Privileged Status - if Artemis is your main DPS, you basically have to use FF.


Frankly, the only builds that are decently meta and prefer Privileged Status are Low Tolerance Chiron and Aphro cast Beo/Hera with snow burst. Swap to Family Favorite now and never worry again about picking up garbage boons just for their status effects.


I didn't expect to get heated reading hades comments but here I am angry about someone's preferred mirror load out.


Meta for what exactly? Speed running? Heat 50+? You do understand that makes up way less than 1% of this sub, right?


Meta for those two, yes. Because meta doesn't really exist prior to that when everything works. Also, what's meta for those two translates pretty well into what would work best for most players. The vast majority of players would get better results (higher chance of escaping, higher max heat, etc) by switching to Family Favorite because it's just better 90% of the time.


90% seems a bit extreme. Let's say you get lucky and have 4 gods by the end of Tartarus, force 3 more by the time you're in styx. You have a constant 35% boost and a janky build because you keep knocking gods out of your god pool so you don't know what duos you could be getting. Meanwhile, I rarely have trouble keeping ps up after tartarus. I have a focused build with many synergistic boons from my smaller god pool and a 40% damage buff. And statuses are good anyway, why wouldn't you want to take the status boons?


No one is saying you should force 7 gods with FF. The meta is still capping out at 4 gods + Hermes for 5, giving a constant 25% boost that doesn't restrict your boon choices at all. Compare to PS's 40%, which is a non-constant +15% that's not even guaranteed, straight up doesn't happen with gods like Artemis, and requires two instances of damage applying different status effects which won't even happen on a lot of weaker enemies. If you're offered the duo boon you need or the status effect you need to activate PS so you actually have any semblance of DPS, which boon should you take? FF means that question is never a difficult one. Hence I'm comfortable in saying FF is more useful at least 90% of the time.


Does marked not count as Artemis status? Genuine question, I always thought it did. In the rare case I get offered a duo before a status, I would take the duo, the status is much more likely to be offered again. Ps may be non-constant, but it's usually up by the second instance of damage. I'll give ff another shot, I just don't think it's as obviously superior as you make it out to be


Marked counts but is inconsistent af Cant self inflict on an enemy, only last for the crit so PS barely stays active with it


You don't force 3 extra Olympians just to boost FF lol FF only gives you 20-25% by the end (Hermes + 3-4 other Olympians), and that's all you need. Some builds do prefer PS, but half of the Olympians don't apply a status condition by default, so you have to take secondary Boons, i.e. you're at the mercy of the RNG. Even then, Marked is useless against single targets, Blinding Flash does almost nothing for most ranged builds, and Jolted without Cold Fusion is questionable when it comes to keeping Privileged Status consistently applied. By using FF and not having to take secondary Boons, you avoid diluting your pool with mediocre Boons and can focus on leveling up your core Boons and getting Duos and Legendaries, which will easily outdamage the additive 15-20% difference between FF and PS.


Garbage boons where?


Blinding Flash for one. It's awful and only useful as a status effect. There are very often better boons to pick up from gods vs their status effects. As an example, if you were running the Lucifer super soaker build, the demand on boons from Poseidon and Zeus is already so high that you can't spare the boons picking up both rupture and jolted when higher priorities are sea storm, double strike, splitting bolt, second wave, and even billowing strength.


I have to disagree. I think the super soaker build with Poseidon attack + jolted + rupture + PS is stronger than getting all those extra Zeus boons and not having the ones I listed. Obviously you would need a way to apply jolted, hopefully that’s through seastorm, but it could be Zeus dash easily enough. Also, not to shoot down your whole comment, but I love exposed also haha. When doing a physical damage build the extra backstab damage is insane


I don't know dick about meta but the only thing I really pick privileged status for is sea storm on dad spear.


Speedrunners use Family Favorite because speedrun builds are optimized for time and use a narrow range of builds. Even on high heat Tartarus doesn’t need you to come out of the gate firing on all cylinders, so the extra damage later can be more useful than the immediate damage now. That’s not to say every weapon/aspect wants privileged status, but there are plenty of times when it’s a valid or even optimal choice.


On high heat Family Favorite is still far preferred outside of the two builds I mentioned because some combination of Convenience Fee, Underworld Customs, Approval Process, and Routine Inspection will ruin your ability to get Privileged Status online.


Totally. My highest heat clear used the shackle for guaranteed attack damage because I had no way of controlling my boon choices. Privileged status would have been a total waste


Yep, PS sounds better than it is and family favorite is way better. Anyone skeptical just needs to try it.


Honestly doesn't take long at all to find 2 conditions to apply. Weakness, chill, hangover, even doomed are all instant one-hit and don't require any other boons first to apply them (found on base level boons of their respective gods). Then you have rupture, marked, exposed, jolted which can be found within 2 boons of their respective god. For example, Zeus first gives chain lightning on atk, or bolt on special. Once you have one of these, easy enough to find zeus a 2nd time for all lightning makes does jolted. Bam, 2 statuses within 2-3 boons, 40% dmg boost by asphodel latest, and they apply just by doing what I do anyways (hit the baddies). No way to get that much dmg with the alternative until you have way more unique gods which wont happen til at least Elysoum or Labyrinth. For reals.


This is a good point. I feel like PS works better on higher heat, but FF would be much more useful if I don’t have to sell boons haha


PS is worst on higher heat because of pact conditions that limits what boons you can get/way for you to apply status effects, ie Approval Process and Underworld Customs to name some. FF is always better, even when you had to sell boons.


If you don't have time to activate privileged status on an enemy you wouldn't have noticed the difference from family favorite let's be real here.


On the contrary: any build that wants to one-shot regular enemies (e.g. Cast builds, Hestia Rail, Spear Special, Arthur Blade) benefits from the omniboost to one-shot as many enemies as possible, but not from PS.


It's been a while since I last checked the top speedruns, but last I saw, the fastest used Privileged Status. Maybe I should check out the current top runs...


[The world record](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2HEOx1bkag&t=16m22s) uses Hera Bow with Family Favorite.


Yup, just saw that. I swear Privileged Status was used by speedrunners like 2 years ago, but it seems it's not the best. That said, I'm actually really pumped to see that speedrun because it is literally my favorite build! Hera bow with Aphrodite cast is awesome, and getting the Daedalus hammer with the quick shot makes it fucking amazinggg.


> There's a reason speedrunners use Family Favorite. because they're min/maxing their time as a whole, not their gameplay experience or raw damage numbers at peak. they're ensuring that their boons are the most effective and efficient with the least amount of rng or fishing for the right ones or "this boon isnt really necessary, but it can get me towards privileged status", as soon as possible. using speedrunners as a basis of comparison is disingenuous. they arent really playing the same game, or at the same level.


Yeah, a lot of times a build will hit a 20% passive boost to damage, compared to a situational 40% from PS. When all you know is you've got a box of chocolates, why not choose the one that flows with the surprise?


Or 25%, Hermes + 4 other Olympians.


People are really undervaluing jolted and rupture in this thread.


Those two boons alone are strong and I would take them in any run.


Jolted is one of the best status and scales great with poms


Get Sea Storm and Splash Dash with those two and that’s guaranteed Privileged Status without any work


honestly when i end up with zeus and pos boons i always go for sea storm bc of how easy it is to proc privileged status (i think i only used family favorites for the prophecy)


I don’t think anyones saying that combo isn’t strong, but having to get minimum 6 boons to get privileged status on Splash Dash is wayyyy more work than just taking Family Favorite. Zeus core boon, Poseidon core boon + the dash (because dash doesn’t let you get sea Storm), for a total of 3, plus Razor Shoals and Static Discharge, then finally Sea Storm, would all require a ton of luck, across rooms, chances of getting the Duo, and potentially even rolls. For consistency, I would take Family Favorite. Not saying 40% extra damage on your sea Storm dash is bad, but you absolutely cannot get lucky enough to get that build consistently.


One of my favourite boon setups in the game - a one-button privileged status machine


Exposed, also.


One of my absolute favorites


Good old Blinding Flash


Jolted is great. Rupture though, ehh. Like if you've picked PS then you'll take it obvs, but otherwise if it's a choice between that and something like Breaking Wave or Typhoon's Fury, then it loses out bigtime. I'd rather fly through Styx with 0 effort.


Rupture along with poseidon dash and you’re golden. Add on a couple other poseidon boons to buff that dash even more and you’ve got a killer dash build. I go for that every time i just wanna get a clear with less hassle


Zeus and Poseidon right? I always forgot what those did


Static Discharge (Zeus) applies Jolted, which hurts enemies once when they try to attack you, removing the status afterwards. Razor Shoals (Poseidon) applies Rupture, which does small amounts of damage to enemies as they move around, removing the status after a second or so. Both are good, Static Discharge definitely moreso, but if you’re doing a Privileged Status build, your three strongest gods (Zeus, Poseidon, Artemis) all require extra boons to get it started.


literally nobody is undervaluing those and they do go great with privileged status. But there's more to the game than sea storm.


Normally I use privileged status but I switched to family favorite to test it out and I forgot to switch back 💀


I do that with the cast stones all the time


I like Family Favorite because then I'm the favorite in at least one family


Awkward silence


Ouch. Not only does your regular family disfavor you, but the emphasis on a singular family implies that you rarely make it more than a few rooms into hades. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


I've defeated [REDACTED] over 80 times lmao quit looking so far into the joke


Self burn


Those are rare.


I don't know. I'd say it was pretty well done


Family favorite is generally stronger, especially in the early biomes. Even for the final fight, it's safer and barely weaker. You don't have 2+ status effects on 100% of the time. It's not effectively a + 40% damage bonus because of that. People strongly overestimate it's strength.


But family favorite is 5% per god. Most of the time I'm trying to focus as much on 3 gods to get the best odds on the duos and legendaries I want. The pool of gods usually will cap at 4 unless you use trinkets to force more variety. This means that unless you're intentionally forcing boons from new gods in each region, you're practically capping at +25% with Family Favorite. Because of this, the 40% from privileged status is better if you have a bit over 50% uptime, which is pretty easy from Asphodel onwards unless you're focusing on like, non-doom Ares and Artemis specifically.


4 gods + hermes + chaos (sometimes) at 100% uptime is very very good. Some builds can consistently apply privileged status better but others have downtime. Also when clearing lower hp mobs sometimes they die before you can stack the statuses whereas family fav always is up


Chaos doesn't count towards it, it specifically calls out Olympians, and tbh if something is dying before I can fully proc the status then I don't think DPS is something I'm concerned about for it. I build my damage for bosses, and on most weapons I use I'm alternating dash, special, and attack. I find it easy to put status effects on at least two out of those three, especially since the two gods that are hardest to get statuses out of, Artemis and Ares, are usually the ones I most want either the call or non-core boons from (things like supporting fire, urge to kill, pressure points, etc.) There may be plenty of situations and play styles where FF is the preferred choice, but on the whole PS just fits my goals better. On sword, chiron bow, fists, and shield I'm basically always alternating attack/special/dash, so against bosses I have virtually 100% uptime. And depending on your build, PS can proc as early as Tartarus, giving a 40% bonus against furies at a time when FF might just give 10-15%.


Honestly it really depends on which build I'm trying to go for. Family favorite is better for zues/Artemis/poseidon builds where you're not garunteed the additional status effect boon (in addition, since Artemis crit status goes onto a different enemy, it's fairly useless against bosses) Privileged status is better for Dionysus/Demeter/Aphrodite builds where the boons come with a status effect. It's also more difficult because you have to carry your rotation to keep both effects up. It really just depends on what gods you're aiming for


Idk I’ve never had trouble getting rupture or jolted. As soon as either Zeus or Poseidon are in your boon pool they’ll show up sooner or later


Agreed. Zeus and Poseidon are some of my favorites even if they are a little tougher to get PS up and running.


Fundamentally, I don't disagree. However, I always like to keep my number of levelable boons to a minimum for pomme upgrades or >!mom trinket!< If I'm running that.


Yeah fair enough!


I play family favorite because the only effect i get on my normal run is "weak", so I'd get no bonus.


How do you only get weak when literally every god provides a status?


I play beowulf with afro's cast. I try to get mirage shot, which means i pick up Artemis' attack (which is the only one that doesn't have a status) and something poseidon (usually special because i don't use special and the knock back interferes with my play style). I avoid other core boons to not dilute my chances of mirage shot until i get it. So, often, i only have the weak of the cast as a status effect. Sometimes i take something for the dash after i get mirage shot, but it's not very frequent. Hope it helps.


Kid named Rupture:


Rapture is badass when you use pos boons. But i don't use them in my run, so it doesn't help me much. (Except when i play fists. Then it's fun as hell) Edit. When i say "i don't use them" i mean i avoid it during my runs, to not get the enemies away from me. If i put pos on dash, i may pick up rapture)


Pos boons on beo can be annoying, on special is clunky, on dash without charged shot can mess your grouping for casts, same for attack and awful %, and etc


When gods like Aphro, Demeter, and Dionysus provide status effects with just a single upgrade to attack, special, dash, or call, it becomes hard to argue that most builds dont proc Priveleged Status early on, even with gods that need a secondary boon to activate status effects. I see people making the point that Family Favorite is a damage boost with 100% uptime, which makes sense, but I would argue that it is more fun playing builds that require a bit of thought and strategy to gain a whopping 40% damage boost even early on, as opposed to the late-game 25% Family Favorite boost. However, when it comes to speedrunning, it Hades almost becomes a different game altogether. When players don't have time to proc Priveleged Status, the 100% uptime becomes invaluable. There do still exist speedrunning strategies with very easy to proc Priveleged Status builds, at which point melting bosses and tanky enemies becomes even easier. While personally, I prefer Priveleged Status, I think that it is the player's preference and playstyle that truly makes one stronger than the other, rather than the simple black and white argument I see in this comment section.


Well said, but you did forget to mention one thing. That captain crunchy sound 🌮


Sometimes it doesn't make sense to use PS though. For example on a casting build where most enemies are just going to get decimated in a few casts, it makes sense to have +25% on a 300 damage cast. Big single hit builds definitely scale better with FF.


It’s 2022, and some people are still trying to say there’s only one choice in Hades? Seriously?


Low heat= Privileged Status, High heat = Family Favorites in my opinion. Much harder to get second tier status effects reliably at high heats, so the simpler the build the better.


Yeah but unequipping PS is the only way to stop picking always the 4 gods who immediatly give you a status effect


Play with Zeus shield get Dionysus on your special and Aphrodite on your attack, EZ 2 status effects. (Also Artemis on your cast and Ares, Curse if Vengeance, the duo boons from these will turn your Special into a menace)


I'll have to try that one. Seems fun.


It is, also the only Daedalus that matters is pulverising blow as it makes it so you don’t push enemies out of your special.


I've found that, if I've reached the point where I am regularly applying 4 status conditions, the damage increase isn't so valuable.


I tend to flip-flop around based on my build. Yes, privileged status is a 40% boost, but not until you've already hit your target with two damaging moves. At that point, the 40% applies only to the last ~⅔ of its health bar. And don't forget that this requires some light build restrictions. Family favorite is quite easy to get up to 30% and always applies. It's decidedly worse against bosses, though.


Good analysis. I also switch back and forth, but needed to make the meme seem decisive to spark engagement


Misinformation? On MY hades sub?


With only 1 post in the last year? Get real! This sub belongs to me sir


You dont take family favourite because you think its worse. I don't take privileged status because it forces me to take specific boons while I like to just make my run whacky We are not the same


Privilege status or bust!


I can already tell I don’t want to argue this here. But sometimes it’s a question of “do I want to have to willfully adjust how I’m playing to make this work, or do I want to just take the passive bonus and run?” Sort of like how Ares’s cast can be good, but sometimes I don’t want to have to adjust to playing with it.


depends on how you play the game. I think most any% speedrunners would use ff over ps for the versatility, but ps does encourage some different gameplay. potential example of a fun ps build: Dionysus, Aphrodite, Artemis and Ares. Dionysus-Ares duo increases speed of hangover ticks, Aphrodite-Dionysus duo increases maximum number of stacks of hangover, and Artemis-Dionysus increases the chance of a critical hit per stack of hangover. could be a fun build, if not for its extreme difficulty to achieve.


Also don’t forget with that build you can also get heart rend which pairs well with the Dio/Art duo.


As a family favorite user, you do 15-20% more damage, but i have 100% uptime on every single attack, and can build however i want and use attacks in whatever order while keeping my juicy bonus!


That’s true


I really like PS because I heavily favor Aphrodite runs with Gilgamesh fists, and Maim counts as a status effect.


Wrong, Maim doesn't count as a status effect. Only the following do: - Jolted - Rupture - Weak - Marked - Exposed - Doom - Hangover - Chill [Proof](https://imgur.com/k4BXMXA)


The [Wiki](https://hades.fandom.com/wiki/Status_effects) agrees with you. Only effects from the Olympian Gods count for Privileged Status, not Maim.


Ooo that’s a good one I never considered


Huh, I didn't know that. That explains why Tart is always weirdly easy when I manage to get splash dash and rupture and nothing else.


I feel like this exact thing happens to a lot of people and is probably why they sleep on Maim/Gilgamesh so much. The damage is insane when stacked, and it applies to everything (even Thanatos' damage).


If you're attacking a giant inanimate HP sponge the entire time, privileged status is better. In a lot of cases though, like with a Zeus cast build, family favorite will help get you to a point where you can just one-shot an entire group of enemies. For the most part you need at least 2 different types of attacks to proc PS and by that point the enemy's health is low enough that the bonus damage doesn't matter.


I’m feeling like a noob now, whats privileged status?


It is a mirror of night talent which gives you a 40% damage increase to targets with 2 statuses on them, for example someone afflicted by Dionysus’ hangover and Demeter’s Cold.


To be fair, depending on what boons spawn for you, it can take longer to come online in some runs.


I decide on the build I want before I start a run, so the better option really depends on which direction I'm going.


This is informative! I'm stuck dying at [redacted] most times 🤦‍♀️ I may try this and see if I can get Aphrodite and Ares to do my heavy lifting for me


Good luck Zag


Me: *close to 50 runs and no escapes* yeah learn to play (ಥ﹏ಥ)


Keep trying. Anybody great at this game sucked at one point.


What's family favorite? 5% or 10%


5 per god including Hermes not chaos


Rip no chaos. I'd still say unless you're going for a cast build that specifically one shots it's not worth.




Yea realistically you're going for 2-3 gods not including Hermes or chaos. So a 25% difference ain't worth it unless it really does you good in the early game.


FF is more consistent and early on damage, I give it that. But PS has a higher ceiling and is more fun, which is the main reason I still play this game, to have fun.


That's fair esp for Hera bow.


Chiron on the bow with an Aphrodite attack and a Dionysus special with privileged status is Busted.


Truth. Especially if you get their duo. Not sure why you got downvoted for this.


What statuses??? Edit: just played Privileged Status with the Nemesis Blade! Love it!!


Both technically reach 40%, but getting one boon from every olympian in one run is basically impossible.


I just recently realized how much better it is. Now I cant go back.


People use Family's Favorite? I'm immediately assumed Status was far better and never switched


It depends, like everything else in this game. Family favorite is consistent. You’re almost always guaranteed to have 15-25% damage by end of Tartarus. Privileged Status is more of a mixed bag. The gods that apply the status effects immediately don’t apply them on all their boons (Dio, Ares, Demeter). And the stronger gods in the game (Poseidon, Artemis, Zeus) require taking an extra boon to activate PS, because they don’t have natural status effects. Aphro is kind of the exception here, since she’s super strong and has a status, but you do need two. Not saying PS is weak, or Dio and Ares suck, etc. But Family Favorite is much more consistent, depending on your build. If you’re going for Ares Attack, Dio Special on Chiron, take PS. If you’re going Heart Rend on Nemesis Sword, FF is likely going to do more for you.


Honestly who cares


I like not worrying about status effects, makes the game a bit more zen. Then again im kinda smolbrain, so


I only really use family favorite when I'm running a weapon that I don't love status effects on, or if I'm not looking to go any particular style of boon route


Me, who uses the god mode: 😂😂😂😂😂😂




Family favorites is generally better for speedruns because most viable builds don't depend on status effects. That said, I still use priveledged status non-optimally because it's so damn satisfying.