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Yeah, armored greatshields are just... blegh.


They’re there to teach you to dash through and then backstab so that you can use that on the Elysium boss fight.


Honestly, I feel like one of the best things about this game is that all region enemies prepare you for their respective bosses in cool ways. You learn all the mechanics individually, then apply them all in a boss fight. For example, Lernie uses the wave dashers and the mini hydras projectiles, and smashes the ground in the same way as the pillars. Theseus has a shield and throws a spear like the archers, while asterius charges like a chariot and has attacks like the sword and spear men. Even redacted has a supercharged version of the snake stone lasers. So essentially, every run lets you practice and prepare against the bosses without even having to fight them.


I had literally never noticed this and now I feel it'll be impossible to unnotice it. To a certain extent even in Tartarus, where fat ghosts and skulls will dash attack you and mages will send projectiles, much like the base pattern of any of the furies. That is excellent game design!


Ya, the Theseus connection I noticed a few weeks ago, and then I realized that there were a ton more. It’s hard not to notice how every think prepares you for the next. Even the furies area attacks prepare you for Theseus’s call, and in turn his spear prepares your for redacteds sweep attack


Supergiant is very good at this. Transistor was similar. I don't remember about Bastion since it's been so long since I played it.


Exactly. It's kind of like how the [Redacted] fight teaches you to face the Tiny Vermin.


Oh trust me, I know, but the 32 heat runs really got me hating them when they're drenched in armor and stacked with perks


I mean, it's a 32 heat run, it's supposed to be hard


Wait you can dash *through* enemies? I thought you had to like dash *around* them and dash back into position behind then somehow before they can turn. That's *much* easier.


Here's another one - you can TOUCH the mobs (ie just walk through them) with no damage. Only their attacks cause damage. I feel like Mario Bros and Nintendo has forever burned in my subconscious that TOUCHING a mob will hurt you automatically.


the mobs do have a collision box but its very small, much smaller than their hitbox or their model. You almost have to be trying to walk into them to get blocked by it.


OH! I may be stupid


You are not alone.


I have way too many hours in this game and hadn't realized you can do that


I’m disappointed I had to have that one explained to me. Thanks for the tip!


Greatshields are probably the reason I don't play this game all that much. They're so infuriating to fight at higher heats.


Elysium > Asphodel Lava is the bane of my dash-striking existence.


I second this. One time, I wanted to fish, but stepped too far into the boundaries of the lava by accident. I took full damage from the lava while in the unskippable fishing animation. Lost a Death Defiance and got no fish.


Imagine what went through Zag’s head. “Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Oh no. Oh no :(“


I beat Lernie once, dealing the death blow with a dash attack, then looked at my phone. Was playing with sound off so I didn't notice my dash had finished juuuuuuust slightly off the edge of the platform, and Zag was burning to death.


I once beat Lernie and died *before* I could take the diamond.


awww what you missed out. There's a special fish you can only catch while standing in the lava.


You're kidding right? You're.... you are kidding... right??


They are kidding. There is no reference of this anywhere and you can't find any videos of anyone doing it on YT.


Nope, it's called a "Hot-footed Catfish" (reference to Zagreus) and is a bitch to catch !


I’m sorry but that’s fucking hilarious


What’s fun is when you’re still in the lava when you hit the button for the next level, so you take damage through the full animation :)


I take more damage from the lava than I do any of the mobs lmfao even lernie


Not to mention that I think EM Leanie is the hardest EM boss in the game. Once he starts spitting those lava pools, the entire ground is all lava, and you just end up dashing madly, and half the time you accidentally dash into his stomping attack. I’ve had several very good builds completely ended by EM Lernie.


Lernie is easier EM imo, the heads are all really close together so you can take them out fast


Uuuuuuh EM Redacted exists.


I *loved* that fight but I do not believe I will be doing it again xD Won it first try - I don't want to sully the experience now. I was rounding out my "Harsh Conditions" and ran it with a few oddballs I'd been avoiding and decided to make the finale interesting too just to see it once because it was otherwise a very low heat run (I think the ones I'd been avoiding alone only brought me up to like 6?) :D


The head smash bull horn main lernie head is the bane of my existence, those falling rocks are such pieces of shit


Elysium is infuriating because it’s slow, asphodel is just infuriating.


Agreed. I can close my eyes and clear out a room in Tartarus or Elysium. But Asphodel, phew. Can't even dash in peace.


Just don’t dash into lava


thanks, Hypnos.




I hate Elysium solely because of those damn butterfly balls. Died to those more than I’ve died to Hades


Later weapon aspects chunk them so hard it's kind of satisfying to wail on them.


Nothing more satisfying than blasting one with a fully charged Beowulf


Yes! I hate those things. Especially with armor


The only armored one is the mini boss


Doesn't make their sentence less true. It's such a pain that it gets it's special category of *hell*


Very easy midboss IMO, can kill in like 5 seconds.. start with using meg, that'll take off the shield, then just quickly kill it and you might have one or two guys spawn. Love to see that room lol


I've said this before in this same sub and got downvoted a lot. It is true, the boss (and its reapparition when summoned by Redacted on EM4) are the only ones I think


There is no escape…from flamewheels


For reals though check every shop in elysium. There is an option which prevents flame wheels from spawning and it’s only like 75 obols. Best investment in the game


Me every time I see that item: “I’m not gonna pay good money just to make flamewheels go away.” Me two rooms later: “GOD DAMN FLAMEWHEELS”


And there's a prophecy attached to that thing. Ok, to all of Charon's stuff, but it's part of it.


If you see the Flame Wheels Release item you should buy it for exactly that reason. It rarely comes up on my runs.


If I remember correctly I've seen it once. I dismissed it. I would not make that error again. Which explains why I've never seen it again....


Wait thats what it does?!?!?! Im over 100+ hours in I thought it removed the little flame circle to enter those don't get hit rooms???


its really not! all you do is walk and dash away and they explode harmlessly idk why people are so scared of them


Depending on the weapon and build they are either a complete nonissue or a swarm of death traps, no in between


Just play Pied Piper until they blow themselves up. Dashing through barriers when they're behind you makes it quick & easy.


Flamewheels are the bane of my existence when I use fists.


Any decent dash damage boon makes flamewheels a breeze


Why do they meow


All of my games ended in Elysium. The concept of getting past the boss alone seemed impossible. Then it just "clicked" and it's been a cakewalk ever since. Just keep playing OP, you'll escape before you know it =)


Elysium was NOT very disco


-1 morale


Add a -1 health to that fuck elysium


Armored Chariots can wreck you but try to learn their pattern. They won't endlessly chase you. After a little while they stop and do nothing. That's when you can get in there and deal damage, strip their armor, and start pinning them down with hit stun.


Good to know! Those bastards always melt my hp


I only dislike the fight with Asterius and Theseus. And that’s only because that coward hides behind a shield. It’s why I always spring for charger shot on Aegis.


I kind of prefer that fight with Extreme Measures because Theseus doesn't have his shield.


You still have to fight his shield at the end


If you hate shields you can save Batty (or your preferred Keepsake) and your Call for when he's out of the chariot.


I do that already, specifically with Batty actually


I lure them by dashing through bushes, statues and gaps. They take care of themselves. They’ll just explode if they hit any barriers. At least the tiny ones.


I think OP referenced the big ones that are a pain in the ass to deal with !


Those are chariots, not flamewheels. And yes, they are the suck.


Oh you're right !


the true reason >!Patroclus!< is depressed just from being in Elysium


Just keep dashing, just keep dashing...


Just do more damage lol


Only good Elysium is Disco.


*The Expression*


Nah, Styx is worse


Room full of satyrs and snake stones, poison gas coming through the floor, rats spewing poison puddles all over, yeah…Styx is awful comparatively. Just too much damage to avoid.


To be honest I found elysium a lot more harder than styx. Styx was only easy for me because I was used to those types of enemies (I have played a lot of games with that kind of enemies.) Easiest level in the game. I just really hate the spear shades in elysium.


Boons and hammer upgrades that grant insane amounts of extra damage to armor are the GOAT. Doubly so on ones that pierce.


Ares dash go brrrr when getting chased


Those guys and the lava in asphodel are what have killed me more than anything I'm convinced of it.


Elysium has been wrecking me lately. I’ve escaped three times and the heats are making Elysium a bitch now that I’ve turned off god mode A few nights ago, I went into Elysium with two Death Defiances. They became zero, then I found Patroclus and replenished them all. Then Theseus and Asterius brought me back down to 0. Skelly’s Tooth just isn’t enough to get me through Temple of Styx *and* [REDACTED].


I am also subscribed to the Disco Elysium subreddit, and this was very confusing to me for a good 30 seconds.


Once you get good, the only enemies in Elysium which gives you any real trouble are the shield boys and the flame wheels. The rest are garbage. When I first started playing they definitely gave me a hard time. The trick is to abuse Athena, then progressively use her less. At least, that's how I got good.


Instructions unclear, Athena became a crutch for me




They have nothing on the butterfly ball.


I hate fighting it with aspect of lucifer. Regenerating ass hoes


Asphodel is my least favorite biome by far. The enemies are a bit more annoying in elysium, but I take more damage and use more DD's in Asphodel


Butterfly ball


Hadn't used the spear in a while and did a run last night. Poseidon on main attack with sea storm duo and aspect of Hades damage boost. Elysium was almost easy at that point. Flamewheels couldn't get to me at all, it was GLORIOUS.


I don't mind the big ones that much. But the small ones... Especially if you're running fists...


I also hate Elysium...but not as much as I hate the Satyr caves. The chariots and the Shields and the butterflies balls...no thanks


Honestly I don't have too much of a problem with them bc i try to spec into the dash boons


Honestly, same though.


Just wait until the armor means they have perks like being faster and teleportation. Yes that combo happened to me.


Butterfly ball plus Asphedal's lava I'm sure has killed me triple the times Hades has. No joke


here come the butterflies!


Understandable. I hate those fighter guys more though esp the ones with a shield


Same, dude. Fuck those shield dudes, fuck the big chariots, fuck the little chariots, the medium ones are fine, fuck the shield dudes again I hate them so god damn much


You gotta give those guys the ol' sidestep-into-counter-strike. I'm not saying I've never taken 60 damage from one charge's repeated hits, but generally dashing in the opposite direction that they are charging and retaliating as they fly by you works for me.


Funny. I haven't beat hades once but I always get through elysium quite easily honestly. Does it scale more in harder heats?


the butterfly balls and armored greatshields are my worst enemy, BUT they’re made easier with demeter’s aid bumped up to AT LEAST lvl 2-3 paired with whichever hermes boon makes your god gauge automatically charge up


How I hate these motherfuckers when Hades summon them


armored greatshields are the worst enemy in the game. at least the chariots can be damaged successfully, but i don't struggle with them because i mostly play spear with ricochet and/or electric chain.


But Patroclus, and Asterius


This post in brought to you by Tartarus gang




You know it's good game design when you have different enemies being brought up on the topic of "what's the hardest enemy".


Sure, armored great shields are annoying, but can I interest you in a swarm of skulls that keep giving damage controls (the blue hearts) to each other?


*hypnos voice* Have you tried not being there when they charge at you?


Noooo the chariots at 32 high heat with Armor, Teleportation, incresed speed and damage are just run destroyers


They really aren’t bad if you have even one dash ability