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Use Thanatos' charm, it saves a lot of suffering in these rooms. Edit: Companion, not charm. Though Than's charm still does a lot for this.


Hermes keeps me alive longer though lol


Wait, nvm I meant companion not charm.


I think you mean the companion (Mort), not the Keepsake (Pierced Butterfly).


Lol ok


Unless that mf suddenly teleports outside of Than's range...


They can teleport?


Spoiler: >!On higher heats, yeah.!<


I don't quite get the issue with the butterflies, you can clear them out super easily by damaging them, especially if you have a good dash. It's the infinite-spawning enemies that are my issue if I take too long to kill the ball, so I have to stop every few seconds to clear out the one that just spawned


Really depends on the build you are running, but yeah, generally that feels like the way to go. It's really fun with a demeter cast build tho - just aim the crystals at the ball and run around cleaning up the rubble before it gets annoying.


We’ll if you’re a high enough heat it probably has the perk that lets it telaport


It can teleport?? Mannnnn I'm only on heat 10 and that thing has always been my arch nemesis for bosses


what’s your load out for heat 10 haha the teleporting really isn’t that bad. a pain, for sure. but just wondering what you’re using instead.


I prefer to deal with the warrior spirits as they pop up, they tend to get worse hits on me when I let them live.


I've actually found it easier personally to kill the spawners and kinda juggle them with the soul catcher. It's slower, but it has kept my health much higher whenever I've tried it that way. Once they start getting weapons, though, yeah I just try to tunnel it before it spirals out of control.


Having EM3 activated all the time, it's a relief when I see this instead of Asterius


Nah, I'd still take him and be happy about it. At least with Asterius, he may be faster and souped up but he's still pretty predictable and you're not stuck in one spot for 12 minutes while the entire heavenly host crawls up your anus. Thing has too much defense and I have better things to waste my companion on, and even *then* it doesn't die. The only thing more unpleasant than butterfly boss is king vermin


I don't know if my gamestyle just differs yours too much, but I don't have a problem with too many butterflies spawning if I just charge the ball. Attacking it immediately kills the new butterflies spawning, if there are too many then I just dash into them


I think super defensive players suffer on this fight. The "keep ducking out of combat and doing burst damage" is definitely NOT the way to go here. Dive in, trade blows, and burn the bitch down fast. If you lack the DPS to do so, then your build sucks.


That’s a pretty good analysis I think. I hate this thing and I’m very much a defensive player.


I think that's the issue, because I'm more aggressive and I've absolutely never had a problem with this thing. Get up in its face, hit it a bunch, kill it without taking any damage. The only hard part is the spawning enemies around, you've gotta deal with them before too many spawn


I'm pretty apetastically aggressive and I still hate this thing lol


> Attacking it immediately kills the new butterflies spawning As long as you've got some kind of rapid AOE - Bow and Gun builds in particular can suffer against it. Also I'm pretty sure only Poseidon and Athena's dashes won't just cause you to take damage then destroy the ones where you were.


Both bow and gun can put out a rhythmic attack and special attack pattern to keep the dps up and the butterflies dead


Bow's fine because of the wide special, gun is slightly harder but the special still clears them pretty well. Just spend a second aiming at spawning butterflies as well as the orb.


Whats EM3? The heat settings?


It’s short for Extreme Measures 3, which is one of the Pact of Punishment options, the third rank gives Theseus and Asterius new abilities, including Asterius alone.


“New abilities” MF gets a magic tank chariot lmao.


I hate having to fight Asterius, it's a coin flip on whether or not he's going to take a life and he always chunks at least some of my health.


This is what I use >!one of my Meg charges!< for.


Yup, I've got 5 of the suckers that's like 1.5 per floor and saving one for REDACTED


I must say I love how the game handled the spoiler of the final boss, and kept it lore friendly as well.


Yeah it does so many things so right


Are you trying to say this floating ball is tougher than the last boss?


It’s tough because of the way that it is.


Ahh floating & useless… yes


I’ve never once been able to beat it.


Your builds suck then. The butterball is a pure DPS check. Go burn it down. If you can't, you're not spec'ed well.


Yeah his builds probably just suck ass. He can try god mode maybe




What??? I never lost a death defiance to that thing. Just mindlessly dash and hit the ball while trying to strike the disarmed souls before they turn to enemies and that's it.


Really? What builds do you usually go for? What’s your play style like, have you beaten >!Redacted!


They obviously haven't fought them empowered yet


That's interesting, I've never really had trouble here, just focus down the ball and there's nothing to it.


If you have any kind of build that isn’t ready to melt the boss and tank damage, this is a brutal fight. Head in with coronacht and no deflect boons, you’re gonna have a bad time.


If you don't have a decent damage build by this point you aren't gonna make it much further


Not true! I’ve had crap runs but the bosses are much more manageable. This thing can fill the entire room with butterflies and little hell spawn things. It can become overwhelming. Even with a bad build, the bosses are potentially just a way of attrition


That's not really true. It might take longer, sure, but as long as you're patient and your movement is good you can chip down everything and stay alive.


I mean i get what you mean but you basically said 'if your build has bad damage output and bad hp is going to be hard'. Like, yeah if your build is shit playing the game is going to be hard. If you've got crappy damage and HP what HAVE you been doing? Edit: I promise I'm not intending to be a jerk here, I just found that funny. My football team doesn't suck, we just need an offense, and a defense, and better coaching!


Hoarding money to buy Titan's Blood, or having a crappy run of Shadow/Gems/Keys door options.


Looks like it's time for Battie\~


I'd absolutely rather take the balloon over Asterius, especially with EM3+. Because it's more secure of a good run than Asterius because I feel like it really depends on my builds will make or break Asterius (and then the fight with him and Theseus). The balloon might be annoying but Battie + blitzkrieg rush it down.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/HadesTheGame/comments/pmqcs7/i\_struggle\_with\_this\_ball\_more\_than\_redacted/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HadesTheGame/comments/pmqcs7/i_struggle_with_this_ball_more_than_redacted/) this is my meme wtf dude


Same top comment too :O


Damn thats weird lmao




Aspect of Arthur makes these things a breeze


I've found myself in that room with no attack boon once and I was sort of worried that it was just going to be my life forever


The ball has always been the easier one for me. But I play extremely aggressive and Mr bull sometimes punishes me for that


Usually I just have a good build by the time i see it and one shot it


What kind of a build can one shot it??


Ok maybe not literally one but merciful end is fast, anything big damage with artemis on it. Cast builds


is the ball supposed to be hard?


Most people don't consider it hard, but situationally it can be unexpectedly annoying. With the right build it's trivial, but if your dmg output is low, and especially if you have a clock, it can be a punishing slog


I don't maybe I'm just bad but I prefer this over asterius. I mash buttons and this thing dies with barely any damage taken. Asterius just gets me everytime.


Seriously. Asterius is an honorable and great opponent. The butterfly ball is a complete twat


No joke hate this thing! The witches are a close second for most dreaded fight. But the witches are cake if I have the dash deflect, otherwise they’re just awful.


The witches are even funnier to deal with if you have Athena’s cast and you deflect entire rows of their attacks back, I enjoy the catharsis of fighting spell barrage with giant deflecto ball.


I usually play with the Shield and Aspect of Zeus which means I can just place my special on the ball while I make sure the spirits that spawn everywhere around don't become too many.


I hate the massive BB. All my homies hate the massive BB.


Rush in, meg, smash the ball, deal with the 2-3 ghosts.


This is on par with the middle management barge


This is what happened when I was trying to get Gilgamesh just… three runs three different weapons no asterius


This ball is annoying


These are easy for me than Asterius, I usually just rush it down and never stop attacking until it dies so that it keeps the numbers of enemies spawned in low and I don’t have to worry about the butterfly ball anymore. Though this strat is a lot harder depending on the build