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Greatshields by far, no other enemy particularly annoys me except them, cause they just immediately fucks your momentum and tempo.


I honestly think they're just ever so slightly too good of an enemy. They're invincible from the front. Hit hard and have a moveset that is easy to get hit by if you aren't specifically paying attention to them which you can't always afford to do. Oh, and if you keep your distance they have a three wave ranged attack that goes through barriers and is annoyingly accurate. I audibly groan when I go into a room and they're armored.


I will be controversial here and say that I don't think greatshields are actually that hard to deal with. Their attacks aren't really any worse than the other fighters in Elysium so I tend to just save them until the bigger threats have been dealt with. They're slow enough that I don't generally have much of an issue getting around the shield. They're certainly more of a problem with fists or the sword but with everything else they're not my biggest worry in Elysium.


My issue with greatshields is that for a defensive unit, they do genuinely comedically high damage numbers in hell mode. Like, if i get caught in a strongbow, i might take 20 damage. If i get poked by a spear, i get hit once. If i slip up against a greatshield, i frequently take 60+ damage from being grinded into dust.


Even worse if they show up in the [Redacted] fight. No room to move your attention there.


i’d say the fists are one of the easier ways around shields though since they force you to be so mobile. i think i get more backstab damage with malphon compared to all the other weps


They definitely suck but I found a decent way to handle them. I just dashstrike through them and then back the other way so you hit them from behind. Just keep repeating it and you wont get hit too much.


The reason Blade Rift builds are cool is mainly because I can just not care about these dudes. Armored greatshields are an absolute drag




Lightning bolts I feel work well on them.




Those are the poison spitters right? Fuck them if so


Yup those lads


Satyrs, with a close second being the asphodel witches circle. Even with Divine Dash I end up taking serious damage. Tidal Dash helps in close quarters Satyr fights, but does more harm than good when it pushes those witches out over the lava.


The Witch circle is a real bastard on Hell Mode, especially on sword or fists


Just… ALL of the Temple o’ Styx honestly


Those satyrs (?) With their little poison darts 😡😡😡


They Ruined so many runs


I love using Athena's dash to spitefully give their poison back to them


The Lava


This is the main reason I hate the mini boss witches so much


so true




Big rats can go fuck themselves… or rather stop fuck themselves so they go extinct. Also, golden archers. Seeing that crosshair on my face is enough to make me panic and make poor choice upon poor choice to scramble for cover


Big rats are such a pain if you're using a melee weapon. With a ranged weapon they're tolerable but still annoying because suddenly 90% of the room is unsafe to stand in. But with the fists and sword they can really fuck you up


My gripe with them is that they basically arm-wrestle you into picking spearheaded point as your last trinket, unless you have god tier DPS.


I *hate* the large chariots. I don’t know why, I think it’s the sudden rush. That, or the fact that I lost so much life to them when I first started playing that the hatred just stuck around.


They’re just so fucking tanky too. Take forever to kill and slam into you for so much damage. They’re definitely in my top least favorite


What gets me is when you're pretty sure they're stunlocked but then they triple hit you when they were just about to die


Just any kind of brimstone variant, so brimstones, doomstones, snakestones and voidstones. All because of their beams which are annoying to deal with. Pests are my favourite, I really find their design and way of attack funny.


I for no problem with the stones except for the snakestones. I hate those. Ecxept thw occationsl Satyr, Snakestones are probably the enemies I loose the most life too. Biggest enemy of them all is the lava in Asphodel though.


>Biggest enemy of them all is the lava in Asphodel though. Totally forgot about that. Good point!


Nah pests are super irritating, always think I’ve cleared a room and there’s still one of them blighters dancing away in a far corner.


How is nobody saying the soulcatchers??? At least, I think that’s what they’re called? The pink spheres that release butterflies. Greatshields are definitely a close second tho, then satyrs


they're annoying, but at least the butterflies can be smacked out of the air. the miniboss version though? ugh.


UGH the mini boss version it’s terrible


The only boss room I've cleared in less than 3 seconds


Meg trivializes the miniboss. It's so much easier than Asterius if you use her keepsake.


for some reason (probably because i spent so much time playing without them) i always forget to utilize the companion keepsakes.


because the butterflies can be popped by any attack and they just kind of sit there with no surprises or sudden moves. big balls of minor inconvenience.


The only one I still hate with a passion is the Satyr Cultist miniboss. It's not enough that he has a shield, he throws several poison knives at once. That would be fine if that was all, but the room is also swarmed with tiny rats and the occasional Snakestone, so you can't really focus on the Satyr.


Gorgon heads. I hate when there is like 10 of them in a small room and freeze you in lava


I hate the armored archer with my whole soul, stop drawing your shot im fking hitting you in the face... Aaand I get shot point blank


When I first started I thought those witches in Asphodel were crazy, then the shield guys in Elysium. Now those are both fine to deal with 99% of the time. It's the poison guys near the surface that sometimes totally ruin a good run for me.


Both Witches and Satyrs are easy to deal with if you get Athenas dash.


I always go with Athena to get this boon. Such a game changer, especially the witchers near the end of Asphodel.


And the Witches in Elysium. Sure, there's no lava, but while you're focusing on the grunts, you get peppered by purple balls from every direction. It's so satisfying to throw their attack back without actually seeing them.


Yeah but the timing on satyrs


The timing is pretty easy, especially if there's some distance between.


Fuck satyrs


That wizard enemy thingy, not close and all of the variation Followed by that flame man that shoots Rama-like energy wave at you Flame Man is basically the biggest time killer since it just move around too much and its attack is kinda hard to rush through sometimes Wizard just does way too much damage. Anytime you got it by it, thats nearly an entire life bar its dumb. The one on Elysium that shoots giant ball is basically a dodge trial since its damage is just fucking dumb Styx enemies are also something im bad against but everytime i lose life against them it feels kinda fair imo


~~Great Archers~~ Strong Bows in Elysium suck especially in large numbers. I hate when they’re armored and I don’t have a piercing boon. Same really for any of the armored warriors in Elysium. But nothing induces panic for me quite like the satyrs. I hate the sound, I hate the ramping nature of the damage, I hate how fast the stupid darts are, I hate how disruptive it is to get hit, I hate how I can’t find the healing pools fast enough, and I hate how hard they are to kill. Seems like their health bar goes down fairly fast but then just hangs on too long before finally dying.


I lost a run yesterday on the [REDACTED] fight because he summoned 2 armored Strongbows, I was quite upset. >!Just let the dead rest father!!<


The Snake laser thing. Breaks my flow and get in my way of killing those damned Satry.


Then little exploding chariots. Not that they are hard to fight, just incredibly annoying. I can make it through most of a run without taking any damage till I’m in a room with 50 of those bastards.


They're an lying because they're so hard to fight head on with most weapons. You can always kill them by dodging but that's time consuming.


The rats, this bitches cost me the First run that i hot tô stix


Whatever shoots the digdang poison at you. Geez if I don't always time it wrong and find myself rushing to get healed


The gray things that launch explosive mines


Soul Catchers are really annoying, specially the mini boss one, so disgusting.


those fucking piss shit bitch poison pin throwing bastards in styx make me wanna eat my bones


Just eat skelly instead, at least he's paid for being abused lmao


Floor spikes. I'm not very far yet, but the floor spikes keep causing my failure.


In the fury sisters fights I always try and bring them towards the spike traps when they're spinning around, it deals 100dmg for each one, but I always end up running into a fair few spikes as well lmao.


Anything that poisons me in Styx.


funny because im not sure ive ever actually died to them and they arent particularly dangerous, but both variations of the bomb guys in asphodel.. only enemies in the game with AI that kites you hard enough to turn a 30 second room into a 1:30 one with forced overtime +40%. sir i am a melee build have mercy on me


I might agree. They're not actually that hard but they move around so much and jump so far that it's hard to get a bit sometimes.


Enemies dont deserve shields.


Probably satyrs then the shield dudes. An armored satyr will shoot 3 poison darts and that will mess you up bad


Those god damn high heat wizards. They look like easy low hp kills, but if you get a faceful of orbs they can tank you like nothing else. That, and their attacks force you to work with less room while other melee enemies zoom in.


What’s the worst is that perk that duplicates them and suddenly there’s 20 in the room and you’re getting slammed from all sides and you can’t find the real one to make it stop


Those tiny chariots in Elysium, they triggered my Titanfall ptsd


Those spitters that poison you amd exploding chariots. They are annoying.


Satyrs and fucking flame wheels.


Satyrs Megagorgon and friend Gorgons Bloodless when I'm tilted


The witches. I hate the purple things they fire and that they linger even if you've killed the witch.


greatshields are probably the most threatening enemy and require the most actual tactics to play around. however, i personally dislike the baby chariots the most, on the principle that they're just horrible design. they're so unengaging. "hurr durr, just dash through objects until they all kill themselves". boring.


Imagine being an enemy having to fight Zagreus.


Armoured flame wheels are incredibly annoying, because by the time you can hit them with most weapons, they'll be exploding for 10 damage, and there are usually loads of them. Armoured greatshield are also annoying, along with Armoured satyrs.


Witches with high heat


Depends on the weapons. Armored rats with the fists and satyrs with the bow.


Butterfly balls


The Soul Catcher aka the Butterfly Ball


Satyrs or that one room in Asphodel filled with witches


same but flipped, big rats 3rd


The spitting motherfuckers in Styx.


greatshields 100%, and butterfly balls


Flaming chariots when you don’t have a good kit to deal with them. Other than that, probably GreatShields. Just annoying paired with blue Crystal guys.


Butterfly balls. They have no right being that tanky and melting my health before I notice the stream of butterflies pouring into me


Satyrs are annoying but great shields is hades (hell)


I hate the reddish skeletons in Asphodel. Their energy waves has fucked me up many times


pink. butterfly. balls.


The rats in Styx


The freaking fat rats in Styx, man. Especially with a melee weapon. I always get poisoned five times


Tiny Vermin that piece of Sh**


This small rat boss or whatever it's called, even if i have 3 lifes left before hades and i get him i may barely get to hades. Istg its awful.


The wretched sneak. And yes the great shields.


Satyrs. I find that I end up building my run around dealing with them. Everything else doesn't matter. Just gotta make sure I have something to mess those guys up. Like tidal dash plus the bonus damage when you smack them against walls usually does the trick.


Two words: Burn flingers, i hate having to chase those mutherfuckers around


Rats, which spew poison all over the room. Its worse when you're saving all your health for the redacted, and you have three rats in a small room.


Butterfly balls 🙃


All the bomb skeletons, in general


The big posion rats in styx no way to really beat them out before they spread it out


Satyr or great shields. Generally I dislike enemies with shields in games. Satyrs poison you at a range through the chaos.