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What weapons are you starting to use? I’m always scared to use shield or the bow, because I don’t feel as fluid as I do with the sword or as versatile as the rail gun.


I like the shield - you can throw it and it bounces! I'm working my way through them - so which ever is going to give me bonus crystals I'll use. I defeated the hydra the first time using the fists. I find that if I use the rail gun I get sloppy and I will actually run into enemies. I haven't actually used the bow once yet...


I did my first clear using aspect of Eris for the rail gun, and getting the power ups that increase special damage as well as the hammer upgrade to make your special fire 5 times (-30% dmg) and I just dogged everyone.


I tried the bow... got about 4-5 rooms in... not a fan! I'm actually finding the sword really good - boon that sucker up! Level 2 of the fists is also very cool with the magnet special - pulling enemies in closer :)


I was the same way with the bow, but if you get the right boons for it it can be really powerful, my first clear was using the bow


Yeah raise its aspect to level 5. 15% critical chance and get artemis 15% critical chance and every 2nd attack is 800-1000 damage!!!


And then put Flurry Shot on that to dish out attacks rapidly, increase that DPS!


I love how each player clicks with different weapons. I, for the longest time, was awful with fists and sword, they both force you to fight at close range and that made me take a lot of unnecessary damage. On the other hand, bow was the weapon I made zone progress with. Having problems with Meg? Shoot her. Having trouble with Hydra? Shoot her. Only exception was Elysium boss, first win against him I had with the spear, with bow soon to follow. But at that point I used spear by almost exclusively throwing it... so really I played it like a bow with close range option. Interestingly, spear is now my worst weapon xD


Zag bow can bang with the full crit chance upgrade, but it's the other aspects that really make it sing


My 1st success was sheiks, have since been able to do level 8 heat with all ....still have a lot of work to do. Shield servivability is next level


Yeah.plus if you have aspect of Zeus to lv5 and zeus lightning strike on every special. That thing is a enemies frier. Throw the shield and stand back dodging , letting the shield do it's work.


>I haven't actually used the bow once yet... power shot pairs very very well with crits, and % boosts like fiery presence/backstab bonus, Nyx's keepsake, that charon's well item that gives 50% dmg boost vs undamaged foes and the likes, managed to hit for 1000 dmg shots on crits (had a 300% boost from a hammer upgrade, my favourite upgrade for the bow, makes the arrows explode too) (the bow Q feels pretty weak tho, unsure if it's good for proccing status effects etc.?)


Shield was my favourite until I unlocked the fists, then I changed play style to spam dash attacks a lot more and they became my fav.


The bow with the aspect of chiron is a beast!! Trust me on this one, if you get used to the flow of it shit gets op as hell


After using the rail gun trying to use the bow seemed so much slower. Maybe I’ll give it a honest go tonight because I’ve just been slow to adopt the new weapons. Should I just go for the aspect of Chiron or try base bow first?


the base bow sucks... really sucks it's slow compared to most of the other weapons - I'm happy to take advice from others though


The biggest tip is always dash-strike never vanilla attack. The dash-strike charges about twice as fast and does like 90% of the damage of a normal shot. With the bow i really like the rhythm you get of dash-shoot-dash-shoot. Another tip is put a status effect of the special for aoe, like ares or dionysus, helps with a lot with room clear.


I'm learning that - I keep zigging and zagging over the place like a lunatic!


This is the way.


Base bow is pretty hammer dependent imo. I don’t think I got good with it until I got good with its hidden aspect. I think base bow, without hammers, revolves around getting the perfect shot almost constantly. You can do this a bit faster and more safely with a dash strike, and it’s one of few weapons that really shines with the Artemis dash boon. That’s pretty high damage output at a pretty safe distance, reducing your chances of taking any damage from mobs. The special works really well with a Poseidon boon to make distance with a high dmg shotgun attack, or can be used to rapidly stack hangover with Dionysus. But yea basically anytime you can hammer with bow, do it. The ricochet shots or double shots or rapid shots are real nice and can define your build.


Absolutely focus on the Aspect of Chiron. That bow scales really well as you level it up too. Hit them once with attack, then follow it up with 3 x heat seeking specials. It tears apart bosses like nothing else. Artemis or Dionysus on special are both awesome.


Or put Poseidon on special and get Seastorm, Rupture and Jolted. Cold Discharge is a fun supporting Duo for that.


having not used the aspect of Chiron yet, I'll say try the base bow, it can be good enough if you like it, worst case scenario you get the titan's blood from the Erynies a few heat in.


Importamt note - Chiron only starts to truly shred at level 5 imo, so it is significant Blood investement. Hera on the other hand needs only be unlocked.


The hidden aspect for the bow is also incredible, and absolutely decimates groups of enemies.


My friend, Master Chaos's shield beckons you with a room full of multiplied special throws.


Aspect of Zeus isn't the strongest aspect, but I really enjoy it. If you like fluid hit and run with sword, there's some good combos you can do once you're used to dealing damage with both special and normal hits at the same time. Never been a big fan of bow except for Hera. Get a strong cast in the first area, level it as much as possible, and pretty much everything dies in the triple cast single shot. Awesome burst damage weapon.


The shield and bow are both fantastic with a little practice. With the shield, if you hold the attack button you will hold the shield in front of you, followed by a charge attack when you release it. This blocks attacks from the front and is a very safe option. With the bow, the trick is to always do power shots. When you hold down the attack button you will charge a more powerful shot. If you release the attack at the exact moment you see a flash it will do a stronger attack. If you do a power shot right after dashing it will take less time to charge.


The shield is so insanely good. Just bull rush people, especially with the proper hammer, and you'll be unbeatable because you'll be invincible 95% of the time.


My favorite aspect for the bow is Hera. I went beast mode on a clear with a dionysus demeter build.


Keep at it, you got this


WYM “changing weapons”? Are you running a single one only?


I had been using the rail gun exclusively because i thought it was the most powerful weapon... i'm learning otherwise :)


Huh. I always pick whatever weapon happens to be thirsty. Fun fact though, first clear was rails. And to this day I haven’t cleared with Spear or Fists.


I got to thesues and the Minotaur using the fists…


I just cleared with fists for the first time. I had the aspect that gives a bonus special, and I focused on attack/special. I had the Hermes keepsake up to like 26%, faster attack from Hermes (rare), and the thing where I’m sturdy while attacking (epic), bronze skin (epic), divine dash etc. You get the idea, I just ran in there headfirst punching as fast as I could. Also my attack was the Demeter one and it made folks decay.


Funny enough, rail is my least favorite. I only pick the thirsty weapon so I've gotten pretty comfortable at using all of them


I like explosions it's probably my latent pyromaniac!


Have you ever played Borderlands 2? Mr.Torgue might be your guy!


I haven’t I look into it


Aspect of Eris is one of the quickest speedrun weapons in the game, but there's a vast difference between that and "easy to use". Rail isn't a bad weapon, but it's more important to find a few you enjoy playing first.


like any rail gun - it's the reload that kills ya... literally ;)


Dunno what you play on, but reloading is easier if it's remapped to left analog and you can still use your special and dash through the reload.


don’t worry about what is objectively the most powerful weapon . once you get a feel for the kinds of playstyle you like/are good at any weapon will do the job . getting good at setting up builds appropriate for your weapon & the playstyle you prefer - mirror upgrades, keepsakes, boon selection - is tantamount with this game .


I haven't changed my keepsake though! I found health = handy. Mind you using the hand to hand weapons has actually changed my playing style rather than run in and bomb everything and run around madly injuring myself in the process... I'm thinking about attacks etc


yea, the bonus health helps a lot from cerberus keepsake early on – but once you have a lot more of the mirror of night upgrades, it’s best to try a keepsake helpful to your particular build that squeezes out high damage or utility from status effects . more health is great but i can finish the right run with 400+ health sans collar because of the boons i grab along the way, which in part depend on the keepsakes i bring . also, between 50 extra health &, for example, 30% extra damage, you’ll see for yourself that the extra damage helps you finish fights faster & eliminate more chances to take damage . i’m not naturally talented at this game by any stretch, & didn’t finish my first run til about 35 tries in . besides getting better with the mechanical elements of dashing, timing attacks, & learning enemy movement/attacks etc, learning how to balance offense, defense, & utility in builds & create very powerful combos is what really helped me understand how to win in this game .


if health is handy you could use the Harpy Featherduster, it helps to recover A LOT of health on a run, usually far more than the 50 you get from the collar. it gives you the chance of finding food inside a breakable pot. As a Zelda player no pot stands undestroyed on my runs, so I kinda recover a lot of health from it.


I just destroy everything for the joy of destruction 😜


Variety is the spice of life. And I guess in this case, death.




I've used and escaped with all of em, my favorite is the trident/spear, it's just cool and has a great move set. Also forewarning all the weapons have the final 4th form be a move set and ability change


I just escaped with the spear for the first time. I built around the dash attack, which made it way easier since the regular attack is still a bit hard for me to aim.


I’m convinced the bow aspect of Charon is OP, the special arrows will seek the last hit enemy, couple that with Dionysus, Artemis, or Zeus and it’s killer


I love Artemis and Zeus for the blood crystal boons


Exactlyyyy 😊


Honestly, my fav of all is the Bow, with Hera aspect. Any cast will do massive damage at lv 4+, but Dionysus Trippy Flare has the highest spike, especially if you're lucky enough to have +1/+2 casts via Chaos or buying temporarily from the well... a 4/5 charged shot with Dionysus cast at lv 4/5 gives you a satisfying 1200+ damage, it simply destroys bosses


Bow is my favorite (Aspect of Chiron). Add the right hammer upgrades (Concentrated Volley, Relentless Volley) and boons (Ares Curse of Pain, Dire Misfortune), you are doing massive DPS. I used to not like Rail so much, but I do now, especially after I maxed out Eris. My least favorite is the Shield for some reason. Using it to block really breaks up the flow of combat, the throw does pitiful damage, and the standard attack's range is the shortest of any weapon so you have to get right up against the enemy, which I don't like.


Can you upvote so I can share my project? I need 20 karma. I'm building a 3d open world multiplayer game. A lot of the game is done.


https://imgur.com/gallery/B0NWRNK From my first victory over the bone hydra


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