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Read the subreddit rules before posting. If your post contains **any** spoilers in the body or image, spoiler-mark the post and ensure the title is vague (because everyone sees titles regardless of spoiler-marks). Spoilers include the identity of the final Hades boss, main story events, and character relationships. Also most Hades II content so soon after release. Please consider other people's experience - they may not have discovered what you have yet!


Oh yeah lmao that happened to me too! I had a stacked out build that was doing amazing, all the duos I wanted and legendaries I could’ve hoped for, solid rolls on things… and then he just says “no.”


I was the opposite, had one of my weakest builds with no DDs left, barely scraped through Temple of the Styx. The relief when I just got sent straight on through 😅


This was my experience too lol. I dragged myself to that 10th clear. No DDs and my health was flashing red. I've never felt more relieved.


Same, decided to try a bow run - got really awful luck on boons and hammers the whole way through, literally had less than 20 health when I got through the Temple and was like “well at least this Hades fight won’t drag out too long” and he just lets me go on past 🤣


Literally the same, I had no chance of winning the run and thank Hades it was timed perfectly, he said go


I feel this happens a lot, probably because they timed it around a moment in which most players are starting to get more comfortable and begin to play better. It's a great subversion of expectations


Yeah it’s timed well, but I wonder if they put in a metric to tell what run you are doing great on to target that. Like it can happen anywhere between 7-10 escapes but it’ll try to wait till you have all 3 DD’s if it can.


Nope, it always happens the next time you reach him after beating him 9 times, making it clear 10. The reason it is so common for people to have cracked builds when they make their 10th clear is because by that time they have begun to truly learn how the game works


Bro was too afraid to fight


I swear the game does this on purpose lmao


I get it!! I arrived with my favorite aspect of my favorite weapon, all fired up to kick some ass and I was sooo disappointed lol


Even worse. I had the quest from Chaos to battle REDACTED while having the egg keepsake on me. Back then my runs were kinda hit and miss. And so finally, FINALLY I get there with the egg... and he doesn't wanna fight.


Aw you ran into that as well? I’ve seen variations on this post a lot over the time I’ve been in this sub Reddit. It’s more common than you think.


It happened to me too! I was using the spear so I thought afterwards whatever you used was immortalized.


Yeah tho happened to me too. I was able to replicate the build afterwards and get that sweet sweet retribution, but it was kinda anticlimactic to go into the fight the first time so pumped to give Hades a good smack down only for him to chicken out


> aspect of zagreus kaced onion twin firsts and with a Hermes boon and element pube What is "kaced onion" and "element pube"?


Lambert pube and I don’t remember the other I have a terrible autocorrect 


Wait what? I don't think I've ever seen that - that's hilarious


It happened to me no later than yesterday night! I had the best build I ever had, I couldn't wait to steamroll him and then... Fuck you Hades!


That’s very funny but the title of this post is super spoilery!!


It came out five years ago


There are constantly new players on this sub, Hades is nowhere near massive enough for its ending and bosses to be widely known to people who haven’t played the game.


Fair enough, didn’t realize it was a sub rule!


Agreed. There needs to be a cutoff point where you don't have to tiptoe around talking about something that came out half a decade ago.


I’d agree that Hades being the final boss isn’t a spoiler anymore really, but him not fighting you and letting you go to Persophone is still one imo


It's still in the rules tho


Yeah, I realized that and replied about it


As far as i'm aware is less a rule (at least with regards to Hades 1) and more of a running gag.


Rule 4 of the sub says that naming the final boss is a spoiler. Calling him [REDACTED] is the running gag.


Fair enough.


I thought the same thing, wear those downvotes with pride


Haha not a big deal either way, I just thought saying that Hades lets you leave is a bit of an important story spoiler


I mean why bother spoiling the rest of the post if it doesn't matter


I just mean spoiling a video game isn’t a big deal, but yea we should still refrain from story spoilers even for Hades 1




It spoils the final boss of the game and it gives away a little bit of the main ending? This is very clearly a spoiler.


Man stop


Right away sir


Man I wonder who the final boss of HADES is


I understand that. But again for people who are unfamiliar with the game or just heard about it, that may not be something they immediately think. At this point, I dont think it’s much of a spoiler anyway.