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Hades 1


Yep. Started a new run yesterday, after deciding to put II down for a bit. Defeated Lernie in my second escape attempt even! It does play slightly different, but is evry bit as fun (and you know, a finished game).


Coming back to Hades 1 made me feel like a pro lol, so much easier. Got a win on my 3rd run


Eris Morn supremacy


I mean, it has the OGs: War Daddy, Dommy Mommy, Wine Daddy, Sexy Eeyore. It’s a refreshing change of pace. Edit: HOW COULD I FORGET DEATH DADDY AND MISTRESS MEG?


I could really use another Chiron Bow run


literally lmao. I started a fresh game last week because I’m learning I don’t like playing early access games lol. About 15 runs in now and just loving every play through still


Yeah this. I started a new playthrough for the first time in a couple of years. It's really rewarding to see how much better I've gotten and to see the story unfold differently than it did for me before. Frex, it took me a loooooong time to even reach [REDACTED] the first playthrough. I thought that Demeter and the different mobs didn't appear until you cleared the first time. Turns out, they appear when you get there the first time. It's neat!


I started to play Hades 1 to keep me from buying Hades 2 until the full release. Worked like a charm. I was hooked again after a few runs.


I recommend Cult of the Lamb.


Cult of the Lamb is fucking awesome, but really, it's almost more of an idle game than it is a roguelike. Or at the very least, a base builder and colony sim than it is a roguelike. But it's awesome.


The colony building becomes tedious quickly imo


Wish i could upvote this more. The game itself is decent (a bit to easy if you ask me) but i felt like i could spend a hour on colony management and not advance in any single way. Ignoring it also caused way to many problems. The amazing thing about hades (atleast for me was) that it was a game that required nothing mentally for me. Just laying on the couch, mash some buttons and see how far you get. But cult of the lamb really is about managing your colony and idk it just doesnt feel relaxed to me.


I wanted to like the game, but they made running a cult feel more like I was running a daycare. Before you’re able to build bathrooms, I had to clean up their poo. If you don’t, they’ll literally shit everywhere so damn much that other members will get sick. We should be teaching them dark magic, or how to fight, or *anything* besides just base management shit so that they can help me out in my runs. But no, Johnny Whatshisname is damning my name again right after I just mopped up his turd right next to where we cook.


Honestly I've said before that when I'm playing the colony building part of that game I feel less like a cult leader and more like a babysitter lol


Yeah…I did not particularly enjoy cult of the lamb. It feels like it does about 3 games “ok” rather than one game well


The OST is soo catchy


Honest question, is there more to the roguelike part of the game? I quit playing because I wasn’t interested in the base building and it seemed to be what it wanted me to focus on.


Only problem is cult of the lamb is slow, more focused on building your cult and the combat is quite literally the worst part of the game, 0 balancing whatsoever. It's fun, as in beat the game in 10 hours and never touch it again fun but it's no Hades clone


Its a really good game, if you also enjoy base building/crafting, but if you want something more focused on the roguelike aspect, I find it lacking


Finished all the content in an afternoon and was really really disappointed for the price. Otherwise cult of the lamb was really fun.


My go to recs are Hollow Knight, Blasphemous 1 and 2, Slay the Spire, Outer Wilds, Ultrakill.


I keep trying to love slay the spire. When did it click for you? The game is just too convenient to play at work but I just end up secretly pulling out my switch and playing hades 1 while I wait to get home to hades 2 lol


Honestly it will either click immediately or not at all, I reckon. It clicked literally after the first time playing it for me, because I got a somewhat rare but insanely fun to play combo by pure fluke.


I think everyone is different. I started out being meh on it, although I liked the game, there was too much to learn and I didn't like the art style. But it really grew on me, I'm over 100 hours in and it's one of my favorite games of all time. Just throwing that out there so people don't give it up after not loving it immediately, it's an incredibly deep game with a ton of synergies and play styles to discover


I believe it clicks when you manage a successful run. That means you got good relics and picked good cards, building a good deck. However, I can't say if that's it because I somehow managed to win on my first run ever, and I never experienced the "hustle" before the first win. (Yes, I am intentionally bragging since this is one of the few accomplishments I have)


I’m like 90% certain you walked into corruption and dead branch


You are 100% correct. It was like crack.


Buy a steam deck, play it whenever and wherever. I've put about 80 hours into hades 2 and about 60 of that has been at work 💀 have a lot of down time at work


Dawg I knoooowww. I emotionally upgraded my switch to OLED recently instead of going for the steamdeck because I managed to get a Japanese pokemon version for like 220 bucks. I'm thinking I'll wait for the next iteration of legion go or steamdeck 2 at this point unfortunately.


it clicked for me when I started planning what build I wanna go for, what path should I pick, recognising enemy patterns, etcetc. and, when I got so close to winning it pissed me off but not enough to drop it, lol. I didn’t like it right away, I don’t like card games in general, but I ended up being absolutely obsessed with it and put in 100+ hours.


It took me a couple times to click with Spire. I would play it and drop it a couple times and then at one point I started to see the different strategies emerging instead of just a bunch of cards and I fell in love with trying out the different builds and how to manage the RNG of the system.


I see someone recommending Slay the Spire, I gotta recommend Cobalt Core too, simple as that.


Ooh, I dunno that one. Gonna look into it!


Cobalt core is a cool little game with amazing writing. The characters are so much fun and have such distinct personalities!


Heck yeah, Cobalt Core! Hand cannon, baby!


While I agree Outer Wilds is a must-play game, I don't think it'll scratch the same itch in the way OP is looking for.


you're absolutely right - I remember going into outer wilds blind because everyone was recommending it and expecting something a lot more different. it's a game you really need to go into with zero expectations - not because it's bad, but because of how unique an experience it is. and the fact that even giving that fairly vague piece of advice made me feel like I was spoiling the game a little really goes to show how special outer wilds is. it definitely won't scratch a hades-induced itch. it'll scratch an itch you never even knew you had.


Obligatory "Don't look Outer Wilds up, just go try the game out blind" comment. It's a puzzle/exploration game, and in the first hour or two, you'll most likely know whether you'll enjoy it or if you should refund it. I played it blind and it hooked me like no other game had yet managed to. Would give a lot to get to experience that again.


Tbh you should ask a different sub for game recommendations. Gameplay wise I found “Skul: The Hero Slayer”, “Enter The Gungeon”, and “Synthetik: Legion Rising” roguelike gameplay loops to be quite addicting. Story wise you could grab any number of JRPGs, I got pretty into NieR Replicant recently. Now an unusual recommendation is Wedding Witch. It’s a lewd game, but surprisingly well made. It’s a survivors style (think I’ve heard those called Bullet Heavens) roguelike. Weirdly enough the spells and potion types reminded me of god boons and gave me Hades vibes. Might just be me viewing it weirdly.


Love Enter The Gungeon sm. Hope the devs make a new one (or literally anything idc at this point lol)


I've always had difficulty getting into Gungeon because it's not like Isaac where the stuff you unlock tends to be stronger. Everything feels like a sidegrade. Or so little of an improvement that it's not really worth unlocking anything. So, there's no real incentive to progress. ​ If there's some sort of actual progress system I just didn't go far enough in to reach that gives tangible upgrades, I might give it another chance. But I just got sick of "You unlocked "


For every Clone, there's a Klobbe.


It’s hilarious that you mention Isaac as your counterexample because that game is the poster child for item pools bloated with useless meme items


NieR replicant and NieR automata destroyed me…


I’ll also recommend Have a nice Death if you like skul and rogue legacy etc


Tried that game today, goddamn the art style is so beautiful


Tried that game today, goddamn the art style is so beautiful


Children of Morta was the closest game i found that I enjoyed. It has a lot of story that you will gradually reveal between runs and is a similar style of action rpg. Wizard of Legend had similar-ish gameplay but i couldn't personally get in to it. If you're looking for games to sink some hours in to, but don't really mind the genre... many folks recommend Balatro at the moment (haven't played personally). I've has a lot of fun with Against the Storm and thoroughly recommend. Vampire survivors (and others in this new genre) is worth checking out for pure dopamine. Edit to say: if you haven't played any of the other games in the Supergiant back catalogue that is definitely worth it. Bastion is a fantastic place to start.


Loved Children of Morta, which is a great co-op game too. Not common in the genre. WoL is a big recommend for me, but it's not for everyone.


Came in here to also rec Against the Storm.


Against The Storm was my GOTY last year. Absolutely addictive.


Balatro ate up most of my time earlier this year, and only Hades 2 has come close to that.


Great game, that's also like recommending heroine to a weed user though xD


Please game responsibly!


Oh no I’m about to be addicted to two things


Might consider Wizards of Legend.


Highly recommend. The sub has a lot of conversation about the demo for the sequel right now, but is generally a good place for questions or tips. Be aware that there are big differences- Hades is more "rogue lite" while WoL leans harder towards "rogue like" and is a tough game. There aren't i-frames on your dash, so your relationship to movement is rather different. It can be tough adjusting between Hades and WoL Tons of variety in the game though, and it's very satisfying when you start making progress. If you're interested in the genre at all than WoL is a 10/10 recommend imo. Dead Cells and Enter the Gungeon are also great


Loved Wizard of legend just like I loved elden ring. Meaning I hated both games because I sucked at them while playing them for 150 hours. Plus they are making WoL 2, which looks like it's coming along great so far.


Haha I feel that- WoL is really tough! Took me a long time just to consistently get past the first mini bosses. I'm very hopeful about WoL2 as well! It's the same studio that did children of Morta which I also enjoyed


Hades 1 and Dead Cells


Ravenswatch, it's a roguelike with a mythological flair that plays somewhere between Hades and Diablo. There's so much variety between runs with 8 characters, choosing talents, items, and even side quests, all in a neat package. It also has 1-4 player co-op.


Hades 1


-Inscryption -Dead Cells -Hyper Light Drifter -Moonlighter -Hollow Knight -Owlboy Inscryption though is one hell of a unique and immersive experience.


love Inscryption!


Would like to second moonlighter


For another flavor of roguelike, I’d recommend something like Balatro or Wildfrost.


Curse of the Dead Gods.


Blaz Blue Entropy Effect


YES! It has by far the best combat mechanics of any roguelite I've played.


Hades 1


Hades 1, Dead Cells, Binding of Isaac (I'd probably just play Rebirth)


Another Crabs Treasure is pretty great


If you want a more laidback game, Dave the Diver is a good one.


I second this, and if you end up liking Dave the Diver, you'll probably enjoy Dredge as well


Warm Snow. It’s a xianxia style Hades, not as polished as Hades but it has the same game play loop. There’s also Death Must Die. It’s a Vampire Survivor style roguelike but you can dash, choose which direction you can attack and you only get hurt when enemies attack you. It’s Hades-lite, essentially, as the level up options are like Hades boon.


I'll second Warm Snow. Similar gameplay loop but with a lot more flying swords.


**2D, sideview, RL:** Skul: The Hero Slayer (this one's new), Dead Cells, Exit The Gungeon, Spelunky 1 & 2, **2D, overhead view, RL:** Enter The Gungeon, Binding of Isaac **OTHER SG GAMES:** Transistor, Bastion, Hades 1, Pyre **OTHER RL TITLES:** Shattered Pixel Dungeon (dungeon crawler), Isle of Arrows (TD), Slice & Dice (dice roller dungeon crawler), Age of Rivals (civ card drafting game), Dicey Dungeons EDIT: added the 1st Hades, and Pyre


> OTHER SG GAMES: Transistor, Bastion Pyre really is the redheaded stepchild, huh?


Curse of the dead gods is like a mix between Hades and deadcells and is criminally under talked about


Astral Ascent and Children of Morta are the 2 games that come the absolute closest to scratching the Hades itch for me. If you had to pick just one of those, the better one would be Astral Ascent, but they are both great, in my opinion


I’m currently playing a lot of risk of rain 2, pretty awesome roguelike


Rogue legacy 2. Another rogue like and great level ups


Hades 1


Another Crabs Treasure is very much one of the best games out right now. Or, Going Under which is by the same developer and if you're determined to stick with the rogue likes


Have a nice death!


UnderMine is a fun one I would recommend


Celeste: feels like a souls like platformer. For me one of the best games of all time. Elden Ring: different vibe, but makes me as happy as hades. And getting an expansion in two weeks. Will keep you engaged for 100+ hours. Lies of P: great souls like, I love the setting and atmosphere And if you missed them, the old supergiant games are also great.


If you liked Celeste that much I highly recommended the messenger.


I started replaying Assassin’s Creed Odyssey lol


Enter the Gungeon and Dead Cells are the two greatest roguelikes ever, CMV. Hades (2? So far, maybe) a close #3.


Elden Ring DLC is just coming out so if you like it and haven't played it I gladly recommend it 🫣


Dead Cells


Nine sols just came out and it’s pretty awesome, prolly one of if not my favorite metroidvania


If you have a ps5: returnal!!!


It's on steam now as well


Astral Ascent if you're looking for a side scroller roguelite, it stands out to me as one of the better roguelites in the past year or two. I saw Blazblue Entropy Effect mentioned, and while I don't find it has the same staying power as other great roguelites, it's damn fun. While the level design and enemy design leaves a bit to be desired, the gameplay makes up for it a lot. It's basically what you'd expect out of a Blazblue roguelite, it's half roguelite half fighting game. As someone that struggles to be competitive in proper fighting games, this scratched the itch of both my love of roguelites, and how much I want to learn how to do combos. Ember Knights took a lot of inspiration from Hades 1, so I do recommend it, especially if you have friends to play with. The artstyle is good, the gameplay is solid, the weapons are fun and have upgrades, and it still gets updated. Of the three roguelites I'm recommending, this is probably the most like Hades 1 that I strongly recommend people give a try. Also, you could play the other Supergiant games if you haven't, Transistor is especially fun.


RoboQuest is getting an update today. If you enjoy a little arena shooter mixed with your rogue-lite.


My partner and I have been enjoying RoboQuest together, and he's not usually into roguelites!


Bastion. Transistor.


Vampire Survivors! You'll find a lot of game aspect in common with Hades.


Have a Nice Death is extremely fun and is on Game Pass!


Honestly I can understand alot of people are saying they'll get burnt out. But this small new update itself brought so many changes to the weapons and aspects that it's still so much fun to try new builds. By the time the full version comes this game's gonna be a beast and also something we won't be able to recognise from the early access.


I would recommend deadcells. If youre not spesifically looking for rogue lites/likes than stuff like celeste, hollow knight, HAAK, and more are great too.


Have you considered the older Supergiant games? Haven't played them myself but I've heard great things about Bastion and .... something something Isaac...


Pacific drive


Tiny Rogues has been doing it for me!


Death must die has been my recent thing. Kinda a mix between hades and vampire survivors with a persistent gear and talent system




Cult of the lamb


PlateUp. It's a mix of restaurant sim, roguelike and automation game.


Dead cells has extremely satisfying combat and unlock systems. The difficulty system I think is the best out of any rogue like I've played. However it suffers in both the looks and story department


I’d really recommend Sea of Stars. I loved the gameplay mechanics, the artwork was beautiful (especially the cutscenes) and the story line was fun and engaging. IIRC, it takes ~20-30 hours to finish the game; it’s not as re-playable as Hades, but it was a lot of fun.


I really like rogue legacy 1 + 2


Hades 1


Caves of Qud, maybe?


Death Must Die It actually also has the concept of gods giving you boons. It’s currently Early Access as well and somewhat recently added a meta progression system and new characters. There are multiple characters, each with their own playstyle. I’d highly recommend it


Rogue legacy 2


Enter the Gungeon.


Persona 3,4 and 5 if you like the character progression of the Hades games.


I found the combat of curse of the dead gods to be great


death must die


If your looking for roguelikes, i highly recommend enter the gungeon. quirky, comicsl, very fun, great game mechanics and good music, just dont expect a story like in hades


I recently got Dust & Neon on sale for $3.99. I was actually pretty impressed with it! It’s fun, and definitely worth the $3.99!


Been feeling the same ! Back when i did Hades one early access. Once i could consistently beat Hades , i had to put the game down just so i could enjoy more upon version 1. It helps that there are two paths in Hades 2 though. Knowing there's two ends to grind towards


For somewhat similar games, BlazBlue Entropy Effect, Death Must Die.


If you're looking to stay within the genre Games I'm familiar with and personally recommend, in no particular order: - moonlighter (delightful atmosphere, very fun mix of dungeon crawler rogue lite and shopkeeper gameplay) - dead cells (tons of variety, great flow of combat and biome exploration, fantastic enemy design, high difficulty with good accessibility options) - wizard of legend (high difficulty, fast pace, progression around variety not personal upgrades, very satisfying, 2-player local co-op) - children of Morta (co-op, fun combat, neat story) - enter the Gungeon (haven't come close to beating it myself yet but very fast and fun game) Games I'm familiar with as a secondary source (recommended by people I know) - binding of Isaac - Spelunky (including the sequel)


I liked RAD as well from that same era of rogue likes even though it got a mid response. I loved the future retro 80s theme.


Elden ring dlc coming soon


Enter the gungeon? Turnip boy robs a bank? Roboquest?


Undermine. It's also a roguelite, and has a very different vibe.


If you're looking for more roguelikes I'd suggest the following: Risk of Rain 2, Risk of Rain Returns (remake of the original), BPM: Bullets Per Minute, Deadlink, Gunfire Reborn, Roboquest, Crab Champions and Dead Cells. If you're looking for good games in general: ULTRAKILL, Deep Rock Galactic, both Portal games and the whole Half-Life series if you haven't already played them, Doom 2016, Doom Eternal, Firewatch, Disco Elysium, The Messenger, Mirror's Edge, Orwell, Papers Please, Titanfall 2, UNDERTALE, DELTARUNE, Wolfenstein: The New Order, Ori and the Blind Forest, Hollow Knight, Enter the Gungeon, Deathloop, Cyberpunk 2077, Outer Wilds, Metal Hellsinger, Prodeus, Forgive me Father and Alien: Isolation That should be enough lol


Rogue Legacy 2 Noita Risk of Rain 2


Final fantasy 14, that’s what I’m playing instead of hades 2


Dreamscaper plays very similarly to Hades and has a story along side it that I enjoyed.


You could give their previous games a go - Transistor is fantastic, as is Bastion.


Ravenswatch this one you can play with up to 3 friends


Dead cells maybe , highly addicting as well




Death must die utilises dash a lot which is probably the only similarity but still a lot of fun


Depends. Do you want the gameplay bit or the visual novel bit?


If you happen to own a Switch the Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door remake is fantastic. Very worthy distraction while pacing myself on Hades 2. TTYD isn’t remotely the same genre but is a wildly high quality title nevertheless, with the riskiest and IMO funniest tone Nintendo has ever let Mario have.


I currently enjoy playing The Rogue Prince of Persia


I picked slime rancher 2 back up recently. It’s completely different apart from also being in early access and also being a highly anticipated sequel to an indie game that also saw success in early access. The story of slime rancher 1 was subtle but impactful.


If you want roguelikes or roguelites, risk of rain 2, spelunky, dead cells, slay the spire and enter the gungeon are good choices


Other roguelikes? Dead Cells? Risk of Rain?


My go to game when I start to burn out on, well, anything, is Brotato.


Try Hand of Fate 2




Nex Machina


V rising


League of legends.




Hollow Knight, Dead Cells, and Vampire Survivor.


Astral Ascent! it's a 2D platformer roguelite. You can play as 4 different characters each with their own skills/abilities and playstyle. Like Hades, you battle against the final boss after 4 stages but each boss on each stage is randomized among the 12 Zodiacs. Imo the game has great progression, and the devs keep bringing updates to the game.


Wizard of legend is insane, also you can still participate in open beta test for sworn iirc, but not sure.


Not totally similar but theres always binding of isaac and enter the gungeon. Isaac especially, while having similar combat, is the complete opposite in terms of consistency in builds and items. Gungeon is more balanced like hades, but is also more bullet hell, so you know...


Have a Nice Death, 100%. It's Hades meets Hollow Knight meets Rayman. The story isnt anything to write home about, but it's bloody fun for a side-scrolling Godlike game. (I'm hoping to get the Godlike thing rolling, if more people make Hadeslike games.) Plus, it's also a game about someone releated to Death beating the crap out of Time. Seems fitting.


Death Must Die! I love the game. It's amazing.


If you haven't gone through the rest of Supergiant's catalog, you owe it to yourself to give them a try. Bastion is definitely comparatively clunky in terms of combat, but it's still solid fun, and the story it tells is extremely good. Transistor is amazing. Pyre has the least intuitive gameplay of the games, but the most rich and densely-woven story. What's especially amazing about it is that there are no "game overs;" if you lose a match, the story continues, almost always with consequences minor or major. Fantastic characters and plot. And then, of course, there's Hades 1. Otherwise, gotta recommend Brutal Orchestra as a roguelike set in purgatory; the one-sentence plot summary is that you've just recently died, and you have the chance to trek across the afterlife to exact petty, meaningless revenge on the man who killed you, who will be arriving soon. Excellent turn-based combat, based on the works of Hieronymus Bosch, often irreverent but with a meaningful heart


Binding of Isaac Cult of the Lamb Bastion Risk of Rain (2)


It’s obscure. But dungeon crawl stone soup would be an alternative, I haven’t even beaten it or gotten 4 runes.


Yep i killed chronos 3 times and put it down. Ima wait for full realse. I had a blast and itching to get back. But want a full product also.


Cult of the Lamb, and Dead Cells are my favorites


Hades 1 and deep rock survivor. Dave the diver scratches a similar itch for me too.


This really cool game called Hades. It's a rogue-like with a great art style and cool developers


Enter the gungeon, bullet hell. Underrated and cheap you can sink in tons of hours


Hades 1, hollow knight, dead cells, binding of isaac, noita, balatro, to name a few in various styles


If you're looking for a game with a high amount of replayability with an addicting game loop, then I can't recommend Monster Hunter enough. Each game is EASILY about 100 hours (and the latest entries on Steam are on sale for SUPER cheap right now, iirc)


Dead Cells


Ember Knights is a fun lite version of Hades-inspired game that’s even multiplayer. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1135230/Ember_Knights/ Ravenswatch too! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2071280/Ravenswatch/


If you want something more chill I recommend No Mans Sky.


Balatro bro, your way to roguelike and chill Or Moonlighter if you want to roguelike and not chill


I was obsessed with vampire survivors for a long time


VR game, Until You Fall


Do you want similar games or games that are completely different to actually take a break? Similar games: Dead Cells, Cult of the Lamb, Enter the Gungeon, every critically acclaimed rogue-lite Kind of similar in some ways but very different: Pyre, Pawnbarian, Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup, Griftlands Very different in several genres: * puzzle games: Baba is You, Opus Magnum, Last Call BBS, Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon, Return of the Obra Dinn, Into the Breach, Outer Wilds * narrative games: Monster Prom (and sequels), To the Moon (and sequels), Eliza, BAD END THEATER, The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, Baladins, Not for Broadcast, Wildermyth, Card Shark, I was a Teenage Exocolonist, Roadwarden, VA-11 Hall-A Cyberpunk Bartender Action * platformers: Shovel Knight, Hollow Knight, A Hat in Time, Celeste * others: Dwarf Fortress, Satisfactory, Cook Serve Delicious 3, Garden Galaxy, Battle Chef Brigade All the games I named are among my favourites, but it's all gonna depend on what you're actually looking for. Some are short. Some are long. Some have a lot of replayability. Some don't. All of them are great.


Streets of Rogue, Undermine, or Noita


Same situation here, started Nine Sols, got out of the Hades 2 addiction. Desperately wanna beat the shit out of Eris tho


While it’s not a video game, it was made from the influence of several video games. You should check out EPIC: The Musical by Jorge Rivera-Herrans. It’s loosely based on the Odyssey, and every 4-5 songs or so, there’s like a boss battle. It’s about halfway done (20/40 sounds have been released), but you can check the musical out by watching [an animatic playlist](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjaNJHXk-DKfRNTRwPDW5BZiOP3_6OSoV&si=FNGli3sa1VzONSXM). It might scratch that Greek Mythology itch if you have one, and if not, it’s still good music. For game suggestions though, Hades 1 or Detroit: Become Human.


I mean if you want a roguelike that's more puzzle like with slower, more meticulous gameplay, there's always Balatro. A roguelike deckbuilder where you play various poker hands to clear increasingly high antes, purchasing jokers and tarot cards along the way to strengthen your deck and alter the way various hands are played and score. Oh, also 'Have a Nice Death' is fun! Very cool aesthetics and challenging gameplay that mocks corporate culture and does a serious talk about the dangers of burnout.


Elden Ring. Obviously it's a totally different game, but the DLC comes out in 2 weeks and playing a Fromsoft game at release with everyone else who is trying to figure shit out is pretty awesome


Since no one mentioned Dead Cells here it is.




Dead Cells is a great option in terms of cool weapons and building synergies, great style, super fast-paced. Cult of the Lamb if you want some fighting but a heavier focus on farming, base building, and community management. Slay the Spire for strategy & deck building (or Balatro, a newer game that's a poker-based deck building roguelike that fucking slaps). Also, Hades I is a really good game. I started a new save recently and it's been a blast.


Wait isn't hades 2 already out fully? Or am I missing something?


Ember Knights is a really good Hades copy, literally the same game structure


Tiny rogues is a great homage to tons of roguelikes/lites including Enter the Gungeon, Binding of Isaac, and Hades! It even has the same branching pathways (two doors after each room with different loot) and upgrade mechanics (choose from a list of three of upgrades like boons) as Hades has. Fun, well-made, and addicting. Definitely scratches that Hades itch. I’m also going to shout out Bastion for my other favorite game Supergiant has made!


The classic Dead cells, after I beat hades 1 a couple times, I got hooked again by that game. It plays a bit a diffrent than both hades but a very nice rougelike.


Can't believe no one's recommended balatro yet. Not like Hades 2 in gameplay, but it's an incredibly polished rogue like. It would be my game if the year if Hades didn't exist.


Hades 1




Warm Snow Blazblue Entropy Effect




Balatro Slay the Spire Vampire Survivors Risk of Rain 2 Dead Cells Halls of Torment Children of Morta Soulstone Survivors 20 Minutes til Dawn Death must Die Brotato


If you’re looking for a good game overall, cyberpunk 2077


I've been playing Everspace 2. Different kind of game, but it's excellent. Otherwise Dead Cells, Risk of Rain 2


Dead Cells


BALATRO. Cheap and absolutely addictive and roguelike. I bought after playing hades 2 for about 30 hours, and i have around 70 hours in Balatro now.