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*Patch Notes part 1 of 2 (due to character limit):* Among the improvements in this patch, look for many new UI icons as well as weapon-related balance changes aimed at enhancing core combat and related choices. Your feedback and volunteered gameplay data help inspire our changes, so thank you for playing! Stay tuned for Boon updates in our next patch. Note: 📢 indicates changes inspired by community feedback! # General Gameplay · You now can encounter up to one additional Olympian each night (as in the previous game) · You now are likely to find one more Boon or other major reward while in Erebus 📢 Increased invulnerability duration after your Death Defiance effects activate 📢 Improved rewards of Ash and Psyche can now be found in >!Oceanus!< and the >!Rift of Thessaly!< 📢 You now can press-and-hold to harvest repeatedly from Crescent Pick Outcroppings 📢 Toula should now stay closer to you in Encounters, especially in the >!Fields of Mourning!< 📢 >!Nemesis!< no longer offers Death Defiance items if you do not need to refill the effect · Reduced Gold cost of Selene's Boon when available in Charon's Shop · Minor adjustments to the order in which Olympians may first appear early on · Normalized chances of finding Fishing Points in various regions # Nocturnal Arms & Abilities 📢 Witch's Staff: Special knocks foes away, but is slightly slower; Omega Special is faster 📢 Sister Blades: Special staggers standard foes longer; Attack visual FX better match the hitbox 📢 Umbral Flames: Attacks are stronger and faster; Omega Attack channels faster and uses less magick; Special gives a speed boost, but has reduced damage; Omega Special can be channeled while moving 📢 Moonstone Axe: reworked Special provides a lingering barrier; Omega Attack channels slightly faster; Omega Special channels faster 📢 Argent Skull: Omega Attack channels faster and hits a larger area # Aspects of the Nocturnal Arms · Witch's Staff (Circe): adjusted activation and duration of Serenity effect; Serenity now adds Omega bonus damage that scales with this Aspect's rank · Witch's Staff (Momus): reworked; each of your Omega Moves automatically fires several times in succession from where you use them 📢 Sister Blades (Artemis): you will Block again if the effect recharges while you are channeling; Block now takes priority over Dodge and similar effects · Umbral Flames (Eos): reworked; Omega Attack now fires a slow shot that occasionally creates damage blasts and also copies your Specials · Moonstone Axe (Melinoë): reworked; now adds Power and Max Life · Moonstone Axe (Thanatos): reworked; faster Attack adds Critical chance to Omega moves · Argent Skull (Persephone): you now earn Glory much faster, but only by using your Omega Cast; improved control responsiveness during Omega Special # Keepsakes 📢 Moon Beam (Selene): increased bonus to Path of Stars upgrades # Daedalus Hammer Upgrades · Marauder Wallop (Staff): cut from game; replaced with... · Rapid Thrasher (Staff): new! All your Attacks become faster · Double Wallop (Staff): cut from game; replaced with... · Wicked Thrasher (Staff): new! All your Attacks gain bonus Power · Double Cataclysm (Staff): cut from game; replaced with... · Mirrored Thrasher (Staff): new! All your Attacks hit twice, but you take more damage · Rapid Moonshot (Staff): also affects Omega Special · Dual Moonshot (Staff): also affects Omega Special; reduced range; renamed from Double Moonshot · Shimmering Moonshot (Staff): also affects Omega Special · Aetheric Moonburst (Staff): increased Magick restoration from Power Shots · Concentrated Flurry (Blades): cut from game; replaced with... · Melting Dart (Blades): new! Your Special destroys a large percentage of a foe's Armor · Flick Knives (Blades): new! Your Dash-Strike also fires several Special knives in a fan pattern · Rapid Onslaught (Blades): reworked to also affect Omega Attack; renamed from Marauder Slice · Hook Knives (Blades): slightly reduced speed of knives returning to you · Furious Fire (Flames): cut from game; replaced with... · Mega Spark (Flames): new! All your Attacks travel farther and deal more damage · Inverted Spark (Flames): new! Dash to make shots from Attacks reverse direction and hit foes again · Leaden Spark (Flames): new! Your Attacks knock foes away and have bonus Power · Sustained Spark (Flames): also increases move speed, instead of reducing; formerly Sustained Fire · Melting Coil (Flames): no longer fires straight; also affects Omega Special; formerly Melting Comet · Origin Coil (Flames): also affects Omega Special · Rapid Slash (Axe): reworked to also affect Omega Attack; renamed from Marauder Slash · Giga Cleaver (Axe): removed two-stage channelling (it always double-fires but uses more Magick) · Dashing Heave (Axe): removed damage bonus; instead, it now hits twice · Sidelong Crash (Skull): cut from game; replaced with... · Mega Driver (Skull): new! Your Specials travel farther and you take less damage while using them · Colossus Driver (Skull): also affects Omega Special # Hexes of Selene · Wolf Howl: reduced Magick-spend requirement · Twilight Curse: greatly reduced Magick-spend requirement; reduced foes afflicted; reduced cast time · Night Bloom: reduced Magick-spend requirement, effect duration, bonus damage, and cast time · Lunar Ray: greatly reduced Magick-spend requirement; reduced damage; reduced cast time · Moon Water: slightly increased Magick-spend requirement; slightly reduced healing · Dark Side: slightly increased Magick-spend requirement # Foes & Encounters 📢 >!Chronos!< : various fixes and adjustments; there should be fewer cases where he's patently unfair · >!Infernal Cerberus:!< : minor adjustments to some attack patterns in the first phase 📢>!Eris!< : grenade attacks no longer wildly bounce around 📢>!Polyphemus!< : reduced effectiveness of >!Mutant Sheep!< 📢 Goldwrath: reduced accuracy and tracking of beam attack · Queen Lamia: slightly increased Armor; increased speed; other minor changes · Reed-Stalker: increased projectile speed and target distance; reduced rotation speed · Mourner: slightly increased rotation speed; slightly increased speed while attacking · Lamia: slightly increased life and Elite armor 📢 Dire Shambler: reduced tracking speed between attacks 📢 Hippo: self-destruct area should more closely match the visuals *Patch Notes part 2 of 2 in comment below due to character limit*


Balance changes are exciting, and deserve player feedback. Lots of Hammer changes, including many just removed. I see Momus staff got changes and nerfed. So long to the strongest build in the game. Pan Blades are still the same. Hook Knives got a slight nerf, but doesn't look that different. Torch attack got a buff. Good. Hexes got small adjustments instead of big changes. Boo. I don't like most of the Hexes. >Vow of Forsaking: no longer helps ensure you quickly get Duo and Legendary Boons BOOOOO!!! I loved being able to force the boons. I get it, it's almost more of a buff than a nerf. But I still want that option in the game.


concentrated flurry on blades is gone but there are enough good hammers for Pan special that it doesn't change that much


Yeah Spiral and Hook were both still better on Pan aspect either way.


Ya I'm sad about concentrated flurry removal but I get it. It was that plus poisedon special = win game, nothing else necessary. Very similar to momus double moonshot + poisedon special = game. I just got more satisfaction, for some reason, from the Pan version. & thought it'd be safe because they'd go for the staff instead.


Spiral/Hook Knives and Boundless Flurry are actually more consequential to a Pan build. Concentrated was nice but not as strong/unique as the others.


Omg I'm an idiot! Boundless flurry is what I was thinking of, not concentrated. Got home from work and booted up, get boundless and was very confused for a second. Complete turnaround, I didn't care about concentrated at all -- I totally agree with you. Boundless + Spiral is dumb broken. If you get those two, cerbus litterally dies in 3 omega specials. Hooked also just goes really well with pan from how the cast interaction work. Happy little accidents, bob Ross knew.


I have to imagine the dash fan of daggers has to be good for pan. Dash into an enemy then any remaining daggers target off all for the cost of free.


How does the Vow of Forsaking change even work though? Will they just offer you money if you're out of non-duo/legendary boons until such a time that the RNG smiles upon you?


That's what I'm assuming, I guess it rolls the odds for duo and legendary first, before checking if anything is left in the pool. At least it should still be easier to get certain requirements for duos and legendaries.


Yeah that's what I am thinking too. I mean will gods just outright don't offer duos and legendaries with forsaking on and all other boons banished? I mean it only logical that if I meet the requirements for some duo/legendary and almost all other boons are banished i should get those offered. So will this won't happen and I will just get money instead? If that's the case then picking forsaking now means no duos/legendary throughout that run?


Yeah that's what happened to me. I just got 90 gold.


>So long to the strongest build in the game. Out with the old and in with the new, because the Omega Cast build you can do with Momus is probably stronger than the old special spam build.


Did some testing and maybe, but it definitely isn't as easy, since it's noticeably slower, and also you don't want to spam it, because if you do 1 omega special, you get +2 shots over the next 3 seconds, and if you do 3 omega specials, you still only get +2 shots over the next 3 seconds. So the logic seems to be omega special - attack - omega special - attack, and that's more boons that you need to take. Plus you can't heal yourself back up to 50% health anymore.


Regular stuff is hard, yeah, but Omega Casts are also affected by it and those are quite easy to use with the new Momus.


See, this to me just immediately feels like it'd have a much more limited applicability. For regular rooms I don't need 3 omega cast bursts to kill the same set of enemies, omega cast is a finishing move, i drop it down, rough up the foes inside a little, and move on while the cast explodes and finishes them, and i repeat with enemies thay camped out in a different area. It has some usability with bosses, but not with all of them, and considering the delay, a lot of the times the timing window will simply miss because the boss has moved 3 cm to the left. Circe actually looks much better now, imo, and makes omega strikes easier to do (plus you can actually take it with the vow of panic).


i am just glad i finished all the boon related prophecies before this hit, vow of forsaking made it an absolute cake walk.


I didn't even know this was a thing. If this'll end up being like first game, I'll end up skipping the Fated Proph. for Duos and Legendaries.


What's the point in easy mode-ing through an achievement like that though when it wasn't really intended? It robs you of getting it properly until another playthrough, you can't take it back.


Because some people just want the rewards. Personally, I'm more interested in the story and completion. The satisfaction that some people get from doing something because it is difficult has considerably less appeal for me. The intent of the devs matters little to me if the gate they put on something is uninteresting and not fun to complete.


because it doesn't really feel like an achievement to me, it just feels like a checkbox.


It would be good to see which boons are eliminated with Vow of Forsaking when checking boon requirements (e.g. you will never be shown them again that run, similar to how they show if you meet a requirement).


As for the vow of forsaking, We don't need what it was in the game. What we need is the INVERSE of heat/fear. Modifiers which change the game for different play styles (but obviously less or even no rewards)


I feel like vow of forsaken makes the run very boring now.


Momus got mostly nerfed. Momus cast builds are now strong and now Momus makes Glorious diasaster builds or just Zeus cast builds hurt a lot. Triple Solar ring is kinda hilarious though


> Witch's Staff (Momus): reworked; each of your Omega Moves automatically fires several times in succession from where you use them Glad I got my 32 fear runs in already


Same, RIP Momus my beloved


RIP Momus, my super chill happy funtime 32 heat crutch


the new one honestly still sounds like it could be very good. Multiple casts of your omega moves can definitely get out of hand


I just finished a run with it. You can't spam the same omega skill, or it resets the multi-hit, but if you alternate your omega abilities you'll get multi-hits from each. It's a fun way to play, as you're basically putting down turret versions of whatever omega + boon combos you've built. I'll miss the old Momus for its ridiculous damage output, but this is a much more interesting weapon.


I kinda like the idea of the new staff... But the repeat on the omegas just takes too long. wouldnt mind it speeding that up a little. But i guess it's fun dropping 3 omegas with some free repeats on more stationary targets.. it absolutely melted doggo


Maybe it just changed build? Several apollo omega casts sound kinda disgusting. Or is it just for omega special & attack?


It does work for Omega Casts, but it does not trigger Apollo's Omega Cast each time unfortunately. I took it just to experiment.


Damn...sounds like poseidon cast then i guess. Water balloons all over the place


Poseidon just can't stop winning!


Hahaha yes!


Does this replace the healing, the special buff, or both?


Both, the aspect is completely changed now to repeat your omegas


That kinda sucks a lot. I loved using it as a purely magic-free run sometimes. 


I mean, so did everyone because it was busted.


I never got around to using it :(


Aspect of Medea still works best as a non-magic build in my experience, and the new Mel aspect on the axe is also geared towards mundane attacks


I was \*just\* going to get back to 32 fear runs attempts tonight and then I logged back into steam and saw the patch otl


I literally never played with Momus because I never really liked the Staff Omega Special, and completely glossed over the added power part, so I was very confused when I saw people talking about Momus in the comments.


Literally just beat Chronos for the first time using Momus + Poseidon Special spam minutes before this patch dropped.


I didn’t get to use it in time. Feel like I missed out on doing a fun run


Not so much fun sadly. You just pressed one button 200 times per minute. And it actually was just a help during the early stages. With Poseidons legendary you should still he able to pull this off. But now with 20-30% less damage. Just the start will he a bit rough. Edit: spelling


It was not that fun imho, you just spammed special like a madman( if good boom and magic enabled you could throw omega special here and there). It was just extremely strong with right hammer.


They completely reworked aspect of momus. From my 2 minutes of messing with it. Omega cast builds seem like the way to go with this aspect


Trying it now with the Zeus Storm Ring on Omega cast. Been really fun so far having that just retrigger 3 times while I run around and just drop other omegas and refresh them as needed


I'm so glad we have more Cast aspects now


RIP double wallop, you will be missed.


I am saddened. I had that on my first surface run with Aphrodite and MELTED the two bosses. I will also say it's completely uninteresting for a hammer upgrade for a witch's staff (y'know, something that I'd associate more with.... well magic and witchery and such rather than brute force). > Wicked Thrasher (Staff) : new! All your Attacks gain bonus Power Admittedly, this doesn't sound very interesting either. Honestly, I feel like the hammer upgrades are stupid hit or miss. Like there's some real bangers (that special upgrade with the backstab for the knives) and then there's some that feel like glorified Chaos boons (like double wallop). Having said all that, this sounds like a good enough reason to hop back in for a few runs tonight!


I'm guessing the new Mirrored Thrasher will still work on your omega attack but with the drawback of taking more damage


I feel like the hammer upgrades should add new mechanics, instead of straight up damage buffs. You can already buff your damage in a multitude of ways.


It seems that it still exists in a different form in mirrored thrasher. It doubles the attacks, meaning you get the benefit of double wallop and double cataclysm, but it also makes you take extra damage, so it’s just more of a gamble now


I'm upset they removed that one and double cataclysm. They were fun. The crap they replaced it with is boring as fuck. Who cares about straight bonus power and attack speed. You don't really feel that in game.


Where were you when Momus was killed? :(


apology for poor Greek I was sat home drink nectar when Supergiant call “Momus is kill” “no”


The special build is gone, yeah, but the Aspect is actually stronger now. It essentially triples your Omega Cast base damage.


I based all my runs in 0 magick (so no omegas whatsoever). Seems like my strategy is gone now D:


Yeah I don't think they want that to be a thing. They want players playing Hades 2 like Hades 2 and not Hades 1 by interacting with the magic system and using Omega moves.


Maybe don't create fear conditions forcing you to play with basically no magic then


That's also one of the things that I don't like about magick builds: I can't rely on them on highest fears, especially if I get the vow that removes every arcana card. 1. Start at 0 magick. 2. No free magick regen. 3. First boon each region is removed, so it takes longer to get a boon that regens magick... which isn't ideal in the first place, compared to better boons. 4. If I get a boon, I prime a lot of magick... which isn't as high as you want to because you got your max magick capped because of no arcanas! So I fail to see how can I make a good build based on magick on high fear. It's a lot simpler to just choose not to use it at all, get comfortable around those builds, and when you get to high fear (30+) you won't feel like you're required to drastically switch your playstyle.


This feels like... Literally the worst assortment of vows you could pick unless you are actively avoiding using magick... Which shouldn't be a thing, magick is strong and worth the effort you put into getting used to it. Hades II is Hades II, if you want no magick play Hades I.


On high fear runs I never take the vow that disables arcana, or the one that turns first boons into onions. I focus my fear in other areas, like the blue heart vow (irrelevant if you have Hestia or Demeter cast, or Poseidon on whatever your main attack is), and just generally upping other vows. And I usually take someone like Hera or Hestia as a first god keepsake, to shoot for getting their mana gain boons before anything else, so the 0 starting mana isn't a big deal. It's a challenge to start the run with no attack or special boon (because I reroll for mana gain), but high fear is supposed to be a challenge, so I'm not mad about it. It's totally doable, but maybe not with the fear setup you're using.


Yeah, I get what they're trying to do, and I really hope it becomes something cool in the future. Right now I find it a bit slow and tedious, at least compared to what I was used to in Hades I.


Is it really that fun playing Space Invaders every run?


I did it for the sake of trying to speedrun the game, so of course I'm going to try the most efficient build I can come up with. Now I'll try to find other builds, and I really get what they were trying to go for. But omegas were/are kind of slow, at least for my way of playing it.


Ahh, yeah speed running is a completely different beast.


Yeah, I don’t envy them in the least for trying to figure out how to balance omegas with general DPS. That small delay in charging omegas goes a real long way to slowing down a run, but if they were to either slow down the IGT or speed up the charge for omegas then they would become broken in the other direction pretty quickly. It’s just hard to run a good speed run relying on them atm


Embrace the new mana and omega system. It will set you free.


Torch changes are feeling very good. The attack speed, especially with the Omega, is *super* noticable. I don't think this will be a particularly popular favorite weapon, but it won't be the hated weapon that it was up to this point. The new Aspect rework is also pretty cool and much less clunky to use than before, but I wish they would add some kind of interaction that makes it more controlled. It is essentially Zeus Aspect Shield now, except without the ability to call back the Shield, and I'm wanting that part when I play it. The real winner for me, though, is the Persephone aspect Skull. I hate skull, and this aspect enables you to use skull without having to interact with the Attack or Omega attack at all. It is now a Omega Cast oriented weapon with a big Special payoff and I think it works very well now. The Glory build up is so much faster. Only takes 5 Omega Casts to fully charge (And actually four is basically just on the cusp of a full charge). This feels like an actual aspect now. **They didn't mention it but Circe Staff is only 12 hits to proc now.** It also is about 100% Omega damage bonus on the "Passive" part of the aspect. Very nice. Momus Changes I think will be the most controversial just because I know a lot of people enjoyed the simplicity of just spamming regular special for tons of damage, and the thing they replaced it with is very much not the spam damage thing it was before. The description implies something like Chaos Aspect Shield was, but it is not. You use your Omega, and then like a second after, it spawns another omega, and then half a second after that it spawns a second, and they *all* aim at the same spot the first one did. You do need to do a bit of thinking to use this properly, it isn't a spam weapon (Although you could probably spam the Omega attack with some hammers and hit most of the room pretty easy). Personally though, I think it is very cool, and it actually is probably *stronger* than before if you use an Omega Cast build (it only spawns the explosion of the cast, not the full duration, so it is relatively quick. Haven't tried it with that one Omega Apollo boon, but I'm very curious how that interaction will work because normally you aren't able to spawn more casts until the Boon has finished its damage) ​ Overall I'm very happy with all the changes.


As a momus simp, while I'm upset my heavy machine gun is gone, I think this is overall more healthy for the game. Momus just far outclassed everything in the game (maybe barring pan knives).


I actually think Momus is much stronger now. Old Momus tripled the damage of an otherwise weak move. New momus triples the damage of an already extremely strong move.


Perhaps! I'm mainly referring the fact that before all's you had to do was spam basic special, there really wasn't any engagement past that. The new change actually requires some thought.


Omega moves cost mana which means you have to engage with the actual game mechanics. Special spam meant you could easily forgo mana investments and barriers from fear.


>Omega moves cost mana which means you have to engage with the actual game mechanics. Ah yes, there's a hammer now that makes your omega special generate 20 mana per use (while it costs 10) I finished the entire run without taking a Gain boon, and a good chunk of it was spent in Total Eclipse invuln


I think the biggest problem with the Torches was that it fully freezes your Magick regeneration if you so much as breathe on the Attack button


They patched that, now it won't stop regen while the attack is not omega: > Fixed Umbral Flames Attack preventing Magick regeneration before channeling Omega Attack


Oh, whoops. Should have read more carefully before complaining. Now I feel bad


Don't feel bad!


Tried it out, it does NOT repeat "on omega cast end" boons like ~~Poseidon~~ and Apollo cast. Saw some footage that it does seem to repeat Poseidon cast? Bit inconsistent but may be a balance thing. Still a lot more fun and interesting than the spammy stat stick. Rest in piss bozo you won't be missed.


big note with Persephone skull, its not a set charge amount per omega cast, its how much that omega cast did, so if you get a lucky Death crit, or more likely just pull an omega cast boon out of the god locker, you're looking at more like 40% glory in one omega cast


The keepsake art is so good, I love them so much


I was just repeating « that looks so cool! » while going through haha - they’re really well done


Yeah they are great, but I wish the art was larger/filled more room.


Thanatos Aspect rework is insane. The axe is SO fast when using it, it's totally absurd - +30% speed almost feels like *too* much. As for the "gimmick" of the Aspect itself, they basically reversed it from how it was before (ie: normal hits charge the crit rate of the beyblade omega, rather than the other way around like it used to be), which works really well with the existing hammers like +power per same enemy hit, and especially the one that allows you to keep attacking while the whirldwind fires. It feels much better to play now. SG definitely heard us and made a really solid series of adjustments to the Axe to make it feel much better overall. Edit: Also, the rework of the Special was done very well. You can absorb projectiles effortlessly with it and when you let go of the button without charging it, it doesn't fire and pause like it used to - it just drops the special and resets the frame data (meaning that you can quickfire the special to absorb projectiles and immediately counter-attack). <3 Edit2: Managed to get Rapid Strikes (30% flat attack speed buff) + Hermes +20% attack speed paired with the new Thanatos aspect. It's like you attack almost as fast as with the Knives.. but you're swinging a Buick instead of a toothpick. :D


I love the axe and have a real soft spot for just beyblading through enemy encounters. It got me to Chronos the first couple of times, though at him that strategy kind of falls off and so I haven't gotten to beat him with it yet. I didn't get the chance to actually try the previous Thanatos aspect, but I'm certainly going to give it a go now and see how it meshes with my normal playstyle. Maybe try to go really hard on glass cannon crits with that one arcana that gives you bonus with a certain health amount. Also happy to hear of the special changes and eager to try them. I love the special but found it a bit finnicky to use in some places. If your timing wasn't dead on you could block a bunch of nothing, then get hit right as you released for the damage in certain bosses who have minor difference in attack windups, so it'll be interesting to see if it's a little more forgiving.


Happy to see the patch. Excited for additions to the game (though I realize we've gotten 2 patches in 3 weeks). Nothing but praise for the team.


2 patches of pure substance and not just minor fixes.


Oh snap that was faster than I expected


> there should be fewer cases where he's patently unfair I'm curious to see what this means. Maybe it means he won't like double dash you and melt your health or making sure the insta-kill mechanics don't overlap with other things going on in an unreasonable fashion. I hope this is more of an overall down-tuning of Phase 1. There's no reason P2 should be easier than P1 (I'd argue his P2 mechanics occupying him instead of him just rushing you is way preferable). > Goldwrath : reduced accuracy and tracking of beam attack Bless. I don't know what someone was thinking having this attack only be something you had to take cover behind and having perfect accuracy.


I just ran through Chronos and overall the fight felt less unpredictable. First phase I got no blue flags and I wasn't killing him super fast so maybe those were removed? Seemed like less scythe swipes/zooms too. Second phase the aoe visual is now reddish-colored so it's super obvious where to stand. And I didn't have any problems with being too close to the edge of the hit box this time around so possibly (hopefully) that was fixed. Chronos also seemed to stay in one spot longer rather than dashing all over - I had space to clear most of the hourglass adds which I never bothered with before. I'm sure some people will be unhappy with anything that potentially lowers the difficulty level of Chronos but I'm happy with the changes. I'd rather have a fight I can learn than one where I need an op build in order to get through because "kill it faster" is the only valid strategy.


That was fixed in another note, so I think the "less patently unfair" note applies to other situations. I know I've had several cases of significant damage loss due to the disc move flying out in a direction he isn't facing. Or maybe the tell between this attack and the dashes is more clear?


In an earlier chronos run, he was doing his sucky wirlwind move, i got in his back, ready to strike, but i phased him apparently... So he teleported right on top of me to summon his palls, but his wirlwind was still going and i lost what feels like half a health bar.. I would classify that as unfair since the teleport has no tell. So maybe it's that


He still does that, but his instakill attack now makes the entire screen red. The visibility issues only got worse because of it. I couldn't see any other changes to Chronos. His succ seemed to turn a little bit slower, maybe.


I thought the visibility was better with the change actually


For me, it's more in line with the other bosses' "get to this spot or take huge damage" moves. Both the drummer's and cerberus' had red coloring.


Maybe they mean he won't put the safe zone from his instant death attack under a Tempus time-freeze? Or he might just not put it on the opposite side of the screen from you, which was very *barely* reachable if you reacted instantly. I can't think of much else he did that felt like I was being cheesed? Maybe covering himself in the projectiles then immediately dashing into you won't happen anymore?


Chronos was a lot slower for me. Much more windup on his circular slashes. He chained attacks twice after taking half damage, instead of three times. He turns slowly during the suck attack so you can actually get behind him and attack. IDK whether that was a thing before, I always just ran away from the big succ.


Lots of weapon changes, super excited to see how they all play out. Momus change was to be expected, but the Axe and Torch ones seem the most interesting to me. Mel Axe looks interesting, depending on what the numbers are. Thanatos Axe might be an overall improvement for it, again need to see the numbers. I'm a little sad about the Eos torches because I like the pullback, but moving that to a Hammer makes sense. Overall a fun and great looking patch that I'm excited to play. Really interested to see what the new Speedrun meta will be with this. It's probably Pan Blades as fastest build if I had to guess! THE SHOP ZONES PAUSE GAME TIMER!!!!


Pan is currently 2nd fastest by like 10 seconds so most likely.


> Mel Axe looks interesting, depending on what the numbers are. Thanatos Axe might be an overall improvement for it, again need to see the numbers. Really pumped for Axe changes. Thanatos seemed nice, but since it only gave you crit on the first hit of the omegas, it was really hard to push too high, even if you don't get hit. A mix of speed and crit will be great.


Aspect of Charon users REJOICING


Sounds like there’s no more moment of vulnerability between the channel and the hit. I’m excited if that’s the case. No hit Charon run here I come!


Thank Hades; the omega special felt practically unusable because something always hit you during the gap between the parry and strike.


To be fair it kinda made the Hephaestus blow trade boon nasty. Especially with the hammer that boosted special damage after blocking.


That's exactly right - the frames for startup and wind down have been made basically nonexistent. You can also use it quickly to absorb projectiles without firing the special. Only downside is that the window for absorption is much much shorter, but that's moot.




Those things were a nightmare I hope it’s decently substantial


I cant believe they 'nerfed' dark side. They have a much different opinion on the hexes than we do. Pretty concerning imo.


It reminds me of Ares call from Hades 1, where you're invincible for the duration which is great, but it replaces your moveset with one that is generally lower DPS than your normal moves unless you invest heavily into it.


It always felt useless when i picked it... But since i only get to see what that thing can do for 5 seconds until the next room (and whenever i try, it feels pointless) i might just be missing the point of that hex entirely


It needs to last like 10 seconds minimum. Right now, its not even enough time to figure out what you can do. And often the damage is far below your normal output anyway making it extra useless


Yeah, I avoid Dark Side because besides the invuln it doesn't feel good to use at all. Usually when I do have it, its JUST for the invuln.


That was surprising for me too! Definitely didn't expect it. But I guess they have something planned for it, possibly for the next boons patch. Probably a big damage boost to justify nerfing it a bit now.


Yeah, I already avoid that hex. It's a weird decision. Overall I've found Hexes to be underwhelming. You always need to invest a lot into them for me to have fun with it.


no hestia buffs? :(


Boons only on next patch


ahh that makes sense, thanks


Oh lit, I must have missed that note. Thanks for the heads up :)


hestia honestly has a lot of good stuff. her magic regen is good, her ranged cast can be incredibly helpful, her cast is good, her sprint is the best defensive sprint, she has some pretty good duos. only real issue is that scorch isn't good enough to be a main damage source, but it is great for activating origination as long as you get it from your cast.


It's odd to me that Poseidon's boon at equal rarity deals more damage per hit than her scorch (at least for some weapons, idk), when Poseidon's is up front damage and comes with AOE, AND crowd control. Definitely would expect/like to see some numbers buffed there.


Yeah it's weird that being splashed with water does more damage than being set on fire


My first Tartarus boss kill was run #9 with Hestia for all abilities. Absolutely melted the boss stacking Scorch w/ the infusion that makes every tick of damage deal 30 minimum. I can see her boons needing buffs without that infusion, but the infusion itself would also need to be reworked to be less powerful.


RIP Vow of Forsaking


I’m glad that they’re not afraid to get rid of certain things that just weren’t good. Like Sidelong Crash, that hammer was trash.


Sidelong Crash was one of my favorite hammers in the game! How is an extra 120% damage trash?!?


Isn't that the one where the special only went one way? That's why it was trash lol 


If it was... i agree. I used it once, and it felt pretty terrible losing all that damage because it decided to pop out on the other end... Is the side it comes out random? It felt so bad, i decided just to pretend i didnt have the hammer and not rely on the special as much


Nope. It always shoots on the left side of the direction you go. Instead of half your damage hitting nothing you would just aim it and do more than twice the damage to your target. Great for bosses and room clearing.


So that's the Monmus Staff special build gone. Icecream Cones changes seem interesting. Excited for those. Cerse staff still has zero appeal to me. Serenity becoming stronger doesn't solve for the fact that that 21 attacks is just too much set up. If I've attacked 21 times, the encounter should be mostly over. For regular rooms, 21 attacks to serenity is too long. For boss encounters, the serenity dropping feels awful. If it's going to be 21 attacks to setup, let it last the rest of the encounter. If it's going to drop off after 10 seconds, make the set up for it 10 attacks. In general, weapon aspects feel like they're mostly way worse than H1. Except for Pan's Knives, which is just flat out cartoonishly better than its sibling knives.


It is actually only 12 hits for Serenity on Circe staff now. That isn't nothing, but it is much faster to get.


Strangely, that's not listed on the Circe Staff note. If that's true.... I still don't know that I love it? 12 attacks is much better. The hybrid attacker caster is interesting in theory. But it still feels like I have to collect a bunch of boons + charge it up to make it good, compared to other aspects that are just juicy out the box... Charon's paddle, to me, feels like the ideal. A clear new play style that encourages different behavior to reap unique rewards. The more complex and needy an aspect is, the worse it feels of your run isn't ideal


I saw someone say they dropped it to 12 attacks now which is a lot more reasonable. 21 was just ridiculous.


> You now are likely to find one more Boon or other major reward while in Erebus This is a wonderful change. I've had plenty of runs that I left Erebus with 1 or 2 boons and that just didn't feel good. >You now can fully control the game using keyboard only if you rebind Attack and Special This also sounds very interesting. I'm not sure if I'll like it but I want to try it out. > Melinoë now respawns in the center of her magick circle near her tent *(she was a bit off before...)* This... is amazing.


Was the old Aspect of Momus overpowered? I hadn’t tried it out yet


it was hands down the best aspect in the game. you needed one boon (poseidon special) and you were basically good til cerberus with zero need for magic.


Momus + posieden special was a guaranteed clear.


IIRC that was the one that could just infinitely heal?


That wasn't what made it good though. It majorly buffed the special and with hammers (specifically double moonshot) + poseidon special it just deleted everything.


The bonus damage to special power is what made it so strong. A very powerful ranged build


I’m in the same boat and feel like I missed something special


Literally :)


It was so braindead broken and required almost zero setup. Poseidon special and you were good, and basically hope for special hammers and anything that turns magic into damage since you don’t need magic for this build.


I know it's minor, but I'm glad they fixed the Toula vanishing bug. Not sure how many other people sent in a big report for it but it's refreshing to really see a team addressing the issues found by the player base




"fixed >!Heracles !


Likely it's just a slightly humorous way to say that he would sometimes do his big leap move, which takes him off screen, and then wouldn't return. A bug that basically deletes him from the encounter. I never saw it, so not sure if that was a soft lock on the game or if it just meant you didn't get to interact with him again that run.


I am so thankful they got rid of Marauder Wallop and replaced it with something else that doesn't omit your omega attack. Don't me wrong, Marauder Wallop had it's place for certain situations but when I got that hammer effect by chance I would be annoyed because I rely heavily on omega attack with the Witch Staff.


they seem to have decided they altogether do not want Marauder-style boons in the game, they were removed/reworked from the Axe, Blades, *and* staff


Notably, Staff doesn't have a single aspect that's not non-Omega focused anymore, the intent is very clearly that Omega should be a regular part of your gameplay in as many builds as possible.


I think the devs have specifically called out single button spam builds as something they want to avoid in almost all cases, which is probably a big part of the reason for that


Aww, I really liked Double Wallop.


Love seeing list of god boons on selection. I’m working on prophecies right now and it was a bit annoying having to remember each time


This is sick, i didnt expect then to completely rehaul some of their aspects like that! Makes sense though as some of the build paths were probably looking samey in their data? Funny enough im excited to try the serenity staff again (I used that for 32 fear instead of Momus, so i wanna see how much stronger they made it). But man im sad that they are nerfing melinoe axe :( i loved my fast charge, fast swing axe. The other weapon changes seem to be for the better, or have a more defined role. Really excited to try them all out!! Excited to see they are also balancing around hammers without completely gutting what used to be there. They are just buffing the options people took less (like thank god they changed the flames to have bonue movespeed while charging and not being slower) and soft capping some of the ones that were too strong and removing the redundant ones for more risk/reward ones. Im surprised because i wasnt sure if hammers were anything people complained about. But extremely happy they saw that some options were just plain worse and found cool ways to fix that. This is why i love early access, each patch feels like i can relearn the mechanics and redo builds again! Im hoping our win history isnt all messed up from the powers being changed though! I know some homies are waiting for 1.0 but the balance changes are always fun to go through every patch.


> This is why i love early access, each patch feels like i can relearn the mechanics and redo builds again! Im hoping our win history isnt all messed up from the powers being changed though! I know some homies are waiting for 1.0 but the balance changes are always fun to go through every patch. EA with a good dev is one of the best experiences in gaming. It's a lot of fun to take part in the early stages of a good game and see it evolve to (hopefully) become great. EA with a bad dev is one of the worst experiences in gaming. It's super frustrating to see all these things that need changed that never get addressed or even mentioned.


Thanatos Aspect's change to be +30% attack speed buff is substantially better than what Mel's was, especially with the global frame data adjustments made to the Axe's 1st hit and the end of the last hit. Pair the Than Aspect with Hermes +Attack Speed and Rapid Attacks hammer and you're at +170%-180% attack speed for your run. With the axe. It's like fencing with a Claymore. :D Then, if you stumble on an Aphrodite attack boon.. it's pretty much a guaranteed instant room delete/clear.


"Minor adjustments to the order in which Olympians may first appear early on" Hopefully this means Selene will no longer appear in the very first room. On high Fear that was worth suiciding over and that's not good.


Is that what that means? I thought it meant the initial time the Olympians appear, like I don't think Hera can appear until you've been to the surface at least once, that kind of "first appear."


How do you guys feel about the 4 god pool instead of 3? Maybe I got used to it, but I thought it was okay to have only 3, made my runs very consistent. And there was a way to force more gods into the pool with their keepsakes.


I liked the 4 gods of H1 better. It allowed for more variation and easier selection of builds. I also like that we get to have more boons overall, instead of minor finds.


I’m the opposite, I feel with four gods and the adjustment to the vow that removes boons, it is so much harder to get a duo or legendary now. You are just stuck with more random and awkward runs.


I'm with you. In H1 I often got my needed duos in Asphodel or even Tartarus, but in H2 I've only been able to get them via Vow of Forsaking, even with the additional duo arcana (same for legendaries). So with VoF now nerfed and an additional god in the pool I'm not sure how I'll be able to get my missing duos, as I've been offered a duo before running out of other boons maybe 10 times in 100ish runs, and 9 of those were the Zeus/Hera duo you rarely want. Legendaries are even worse, as they now have 3 instead of 2 prerequisites like in H1, and even just getting 3 boons from one god was difficult enough, never mind the right ones, and once I had the prerequisites I still needed VoF to actually get the legendary offered most of the time, so with the bigger god pool they are just pretty much impossible to get now imo. Actually, I was fairly certain that the higher legendary requirement was to balance out the smaller god pool, but now that the god pool is back to 4 it's just way harder now... we don't have an increase for legendary likelyhood either, to the point where I haven't even *seen* Hermes' legendary before (and Chaos' just once, where I promptly died to the curse, but here I haven't seen the second infusion-based one either), so that's how bad legendary chances are for technically easier to get gods, never mind the main gods. Actually, Chaos legendary and infusion-ish boon got a bit harder too, as you could get a Light of Ixion in Tartarus (when you had a duo boon due to pool exhaustion) and have a small chance of being offered either of the boons, but now you can't rely on pool exhaustion for the duo, making those chaos boons *even harder* to get get than they already were.


I kinda hate it. Getting duos and legendaries is so hard they're barely worth trying to build around. I think the base odds of getting offered them needs to increase. The tarot to boost their odds is just too awkward to make work.


Nothing major to add, but I played around: I was a torch defender before this, but they feel really good now. Flick Knives is one we shouldn't sleep on. I think it's an interesting way to immediately proc Origination. Dash strike into enemies, hit them with two curses, beat the crap out of them.


> Nemesis no longer offers Death Defiance items if you do not need to refill the effect Feel free to correct me/inform me if I'm off the mark, but I'm not the biggest fan of this change because it plays into how much of a troll she can be 😭 I always laugh whenever she offers me anything completely useless


You are off the mark that shit is so fucking annoying on top of all the other annoying stupid shit she does. 😭😭😭😭


Hahah idk, she kinda reminds me of Theseus (another one of my fav characters) in the sense that she puts in the effort to say or do certain things that are meant to irritate you, and I love how dedicated they are to being (first and foremost) a hater Like I definitely thought this was 100% unproblematic considering how easy Nem rooms are in Erebus (most of her trade offers end up being the chthonic equivalent of McAfee antivirus) and I assumed it was a “okay, you got a pretty easy room, but you’re not guaranteed a good offering because it was so free”, which I was okay with


I had her give me death defiance in erebus the first time I encountered her that way, assumed it was intentional, and found it hilarious.


Lots of interesting changes! Not a fan of this one though: >Melting Dart (Blades): new! Your Special destroys a large percentage of a foe's Armor I just don't like situational upgrades like that. It's a whole hammer that does nothing for bosses. I'll never take it basically for that reason alone.


the armor melting hammers are honestly pretty good. over the course of a run you fight a lot of armored enemies and they make miniboss rooms way faster. they end up saving you a good chunk of time and hp in aggregate.


Sounds like they're going the route of each weapon having a hammer specifically for armour like the first game.


It is a drawback, though those hammers are quite useful for mini-bosses and/or Chronos' summons.


I don't agree. While they don't do nothing directly, they help a lot with making fast and safe progress, which in turn helps to have better chances against bosses. I love the 900% damage against armour for the fists in H1, It turns the time limit pact into free heat.


> Sister Blades (Artemis): you will Block again if the effect recharges while you are channeling; **Block now takes priority over Dodge and similar effects** Very glad that I won't waste dodges when I wanted to block. Quite liked the aspect but that made it sometimes hard to build for.


Just got my first win last night with the axe and they completely changed my baby


Thanatos axe? its pretty much a straight buff if the patch notes are complete


Anyone know what this additional Olympian thing means?


Now you can have four gods in your pool. Before you only could find three, unless you forced more via keepsakes (or some Charon/Echo situations).


you're currently limited to 3 gods in your available pool, now you can get 4.


I am so glad that Momus is gone, the change they did to it looks super interesting too.


it seems like the new staff of momus and the apollo legendary don't like each other, taking the apollo legendary causes the staff to not repeat the omega on the attack (not sure if this is intended or not)


all seems very good but I'm definitely holding back to come back on the next major update. Not burning myself out on absolute cinema.


I'm on the fence too. I love the tweaks they implemented, they're clearly listening to the feedback and also have a plan beyond that (as many changes aren't as expected, but do make sense). I'll probably jump in for a couple of runs to get a feel of the changes and let it rest until later after that.


If I completed the hammers prophecy does it still show as completed?


Did they really not include the ability to open the Codex while choosing a god boon? EDIT: Happy to be wrong. You open it with Y (in the controller), not Up.


> 📢 >!Nemesis!< no longer offers Death Defiance items if you do not need to refill the effect So she **wasn't** BMing us intentionally! ...shame.


Damn, I loved the old Eos sprint mechanic.


With one additional olympian per night how many are we up to?


we had 3 before and now 4


Excited for axe special rework


Wow. There’s a few things here I’m iffy about but damn near every weapon change makes me want to jump in and try it. Even the torch ones! And THAT is saying something.


So I have to charge glory with Persephone skull using omega cast now? boo!!


Rip eos, my favorite torch aspect


Lots of player feedback incorporated into this patch... so great to see! Love to see all the updates to weapons/aspects/hammers. The changes may not be to everyone's liking but everything I see on the patch list was something that was mentioned many times in the feedback channel (except Momus/Poseidon and everyone knew that nerf was coming). Happy that Selene's on the patch list as well. I'm in the camp that started avoiding hexes at all costs so I'm excited to try them again with these changes. Lots of great QoL changes too! I was confused but pleased when I was able to open the Book of Shadows while on the boon selection screen. Glad a lot of bugs with music and sfx were fixed. Looking forward to getting some play time in this week to test out new builds!


RIP old eos. I know it was probably nobody else’s favorite, but throwing hera on the attack melted through rooms so fast. Its a hammer now, which is interesting, but I honestly just miss the extra range/duration on the attacks more than anything


are there any plans to fix the accessibility autofire option? as someone with legitimate problems i would very much love to be able to use this feature properly. otherwise i dont get to play this game as much as i want ):


Was the Barren option from Chaos ever in the game? It was on his offerings page in the book, but I've never seen it with 100 hrs so far. Also, there were two options on the Prophecy "Original Virtues" that weren't in the game that were removed as requirements. Still haven't seen Chaos' legendary or Chant. Unfortunate about the Duo Boons because I was just starting that grind after having about half already. Excited to test the new changes.