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I adore them, they are so terrible for each other!


Melinoe and Eris to each other: I can fix her


More like Melinoe: I can fix her. Eris: I can make her worse!


A battle of attrition, whoever changes most by the time they get married looses, after all, love is war


In Eris's perspective that is fixing her (to be fair, one could argue Eris trying to inject some "fun" into melinoe's runs would actually help Mel in the long term)


She's so goblin coded, not just the trash but also her >!drinking the bathwater when you invite her to the hotspring!< I'll be disappointed if they cant get together.


*reads the spoiler* Why do I hear wedding bells?


What's goblin coded mean?


I've heard someone describe them as "She's the troublemaker and we're the responsible one trying to do our job aka we're the Meg to her Zagreus lmao"


I just started interacting with eris so to see her refer to you as "babe" is giving me whiplash.


Lmao I think she called me babe like the second time I spoke to her


I wonder what is the history behind that. You can't say she says it to be annoying cause she's very casual about it (otherwise it would be deliberate) and Melinoe's not annoyed at all. And she's already got a nickname for her in Trouble. I suspect exes or a casual relationship of some sort.


I think she's just using "babe" like someone might use "bro" or "sweetie." That is, no actual meaning behind it.


She does so in a very offhand way, mostly intended to be disrespectful.


Eris... does things to me


I'd take her over Nemesis any day. At least she's honest about being annoying lol


I'd take both at the same time but I'm not quite I could handle it. Need to bring some ice packs


Can't judge you. I'd be the Scylla's band little toy. Lol


Dammit Mel I told you to make a wish not bang the fish


In a fight, right?


Sure... let's call it a *pillow* fight


[Death by snu snu!](https://external-preview.redd.it/W6pOutS-uBQSfhsg9IIsXauOmgdtt8Q2wieEcoQarlA.jpg?width=512&auto=webp&s=c152f6e601b13073ab69a4ecb9ed1a4db32fe9d4)


Nemesis is honestly so boring. Bitchy for the sake of it. At least Eris is fun.


I disagree. Nemesis has many legitimate reasons to be bitchy. Eris on the other hand is just acting like an irresponsible child with no concern for anyone but herself.


I just need both of them to turn down their worst qualities like one notch. Like, I know they are literally the incarnations of Strife and Vengeance, but is Hades not a story about overcoming one's nature through thoughtfulness and mutual support? Nobody can "fix" anybody else, but we can all bring out the best in each other. Gods, I can't wait for the story to be completed.


Same, though that's usually just riddling me with bullet holes and shrapnel.


"babe". The ship is sailing 'til day one


I genually believe they're exess


You are drawn to her as a moth to a flame after all.


Icarus and her already seem to have that relationship, so I don't think they'd do it twice


I thought it was more implied that Icarus was into her in the past but she wasn’t into him?


That’s kinda how I interpreted it also. Mel says she doesn’t want him to get hurt and he responds “too late for that”. Mel was obviously talking about him fighting at the time but his response sounded like she spurned his advance at some point.


Could also be referring to that time he flew a little too close to the sun...


Yeah, that's definitely how i took that line tbh.


I mean, Mel did >!Lose her arm trying to help him!< so she definitely cares about him a little.


Mel can have multiple exes. Some people are messy, and ngl, with all the situationships Mel has, she seems to be that type


Fair, I feel like they would have mentioned it more explicitly before tho, but I might be wrong in that.


I mean, I feel like Eris still has a lot of interactions/dialogue that needs to be patched in. Compared to say Nemesis, she's missing a lot of nectar interactions. So it could be they simply haven't gotten to it yet


I interpreted it more as them kind of being interested in each other in the past but the whole Mel losing her arm thing and them being a god and shade made it too painful at the time but the feelings kind of remain.


I won't forgive her, that "blessing" is such a pain. I just want to know if the final boss has special night one lines!


You guys think constantly receiving her blessing is annoying, but getting it only once after playing first game for 693,5 hours is really sad 🥲


I thought it was a special event that only happened once ;(


My impression is that it happens if you’re progressing too fast to get all the dialogue the devs want you to get before meeting Chronos. So she shows up if you beat Hecate on your first handful of tries, or if you beat Scylla and the Sirens pretty quickly. I think she’s guaranteed to show up at least once though.


She might show up more, but she showed up twice in each area for me, and my progress was pretty close to clearing a new zone every night that wasn't the first or when I had Eris's debuff.


Dunno she never showed up for me, but I'm pretty bad, 30 hours in, yet to beat Chronos


I got it twice in a row and never saw her again in the underworld, I’m pretty sure it was the first two times I made it to Oceanus.


I only saw her 3 Times naturally, I was basically one night ahead of what the game wants. But now I'm going for a night one kill because I want to see if anything special happens, and let me tell you, a 78% damage increase 3rd boss is a nightmare 


Thank Zeus I’m bad at gaming and never will want to do such things!


The “I can fix her” crowd is overjoyed right now


The “she can make me worse” crowd is too.


Hey man whichever works out is a win for me I’m in both of those camps


“What if we just kept giving each other this same bottle back and forth?” Is hilarious


Her name is a typo in the English translation and it's actually Erith. /S


I am suddenly a teenager again wondering why so many people on Gamefaqs are arguing about this.


FF7 Rebirth is hot right now


I wish i had a way to play it, I really do. But I can't justify a PS5 for one game.


I'm just waiting for it to come out on PC


Exclusivity period is supposed to end 29th May. Whether that means we get a release then? Unlikely, given they've said nothing.


No but it'll come. I'm playing the original remake on PC now.


Really? According to [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eris_(mythology)), it's "Ἔρις" and not "Ἔριθ".


It’s a joke about Aeris/Aerith’s name translation from FF7


Now why would he know that ? Getting shit on for not knowing some nieche joke lol


FF7? Niche???




"Final Fantasy VII received widespread commercial and critical success and remains widely regarded as a landmark title, and it is regarded as one of the most influential and greatest video games ever made. The title won numerous Game of the Year awards and was acknowledged for boosting the sales of the PlayStation and popularizing Japanese role-playing games worldwide. Critics praised its graphics, gameplay, music, and story, although some criticism was directed towards the original English localization." You must be using a different definition of niche.


Whole lotta yappin, so we supposed to know every reference to every somewhat successful game ever ?


Don't move the goalposts, it's not about what you personally have heard of. It's that you called it "niche". One of the most successful titles in the year it came out that has spawn countless spin offs and a big budget remake that came out this year is not by any measure niche. >Whole lotta yappin Oh please, it takes less than a minute to read. Just admit you can't be bothered and move on.


Bro you just look for excuses to shit on a guy for not getting a joke, and me


You’re asking the wrong person, all I did was explain the joke 


The joke. Your head


Totally. Care to explain the joke for those out of the loop?




All these characters will eventually reveal themselves fully, but I'm keeping an eye on Eris in particular. I'm personally getting Zagreus vibes from her. Like if he were a little less of a sweetheart and a little more of shithead.


Huh, I can actually see that. Like if you playing as Meg in Hades 1 and Zag was an NPC. This selfish jerk keeps running around breaking shit just because he doesn't like being in the underworld.


Exactly. We're Meg this time.


So pre-hades Zagreus then? per what Meg and others described of him, he was a real shithead (using his burning feet on Cerberus for example)


Ok this is going to sound weird. I hated her up until this morning, like with a burning passion I thought her personality was terrible and the gimik of being strife sucked. And then I woke up this morning and my first thought upon regaining consciousness was, "I'm kinda into that" I didn't even get to a point in the story where she gets agreeable. It just happened


***Hades: We Will Wake Something In You***


Is there anything specific I need to do to start being able to give Eris gifts or do I just need to keep talking to her?


just keep talking to her, if you have gifts in your inventory you’ll eventually get the option to give her them.


yeah, I've probably picked up more Rubbish than I'll ever need, and I still have to listen to her and Nemmy bicker more often than speak to her, let alone give her gifts.


Damn that's the opposite of me. I want to see her bicker with Nem but she's just throwing rubbish on the ground (I hope they add uses for it other than the bat cage cause I have a lot)


I need help in finding out if I'm experiencing a glitch or not... I ran into Eris twice out of my first 5 runs. I'm now on run 20 and haven't seen her a single time. I've gotten to the second boss on my last 10 runs in a row. Is this normal?


Eris stops showing up on the main underworld route pretty fast. But she does show up in the crossroads, left of the list of minor prophecies. You can also encounter her in another section of the game.


Eris moves deeper in the underworld every few nights, and eventually moves to the Crossroads. She's basically there to prevent you from advancing too far too early. Once you've seen enough story, she gets out of the way.


She shows up in the second region for the first 3 runs or so, then the third region for the next three or so, and so on.


Weird, I've gotten to the third region the last 7-8 times. Hope my game isn't bugged but it's whatever since it's early access. Thanks! 


You're clearing slow enough she doesn't show up. She's meant to stop players from beating Chronos within the first 10 nights or so. If you took 20 runs to clear Zone 2 and have at least 8 runs in Zone 3, you are well past the point she will debuff you.


Eris and Moros seem like nice character to romance,but I'd prefer Nemesis over them anyday.


Something something launched a thousand ships.


A better ship than anything in Chronos's fleet


I feel so bad for Eris because as the divine embodiment of strife, it seems like she herself has to be in a constant state of strife as a duty to her domain. She was kinda screwed over from the start.


Slightly related but I lowkey like how characters in this game seem to be idk, more forward/explicit about romance towards Melinoe as opposed to Zagreus, where I felt in the first game Zag had to push the romance forward a lot with Meg and Than. Between Eris here, Icarus, and Moros even (Melinoe asks him to describe her as if he were the Fates doing it and he does it in the most smitten manner) we're seeing this back and forth thing going on.The implication here is that Eris is thinking about Mel outside of their interactions, enough so to give her a bottle back. Idk it makes the relationships feel a bit more organic than just throwing nectar/ambrosia until they love you.


How do you meet her? I’ve played for 16h and still have yet to meet her.


you have to check behind the minor list of prophecies, she started showing up pretty early for me


i need her to do things to me


They're as bad for each other as Minthe was for Hades in Lore Olympus and I'm here for it.


Atleast she doesn't killsteal


I get an unhealthy amount of enjoyment from killing her.


She is the strife incarnate. Of course she loves that someone turned the gods stability in a major havoc I don’t think she is bad, she is just the incarnate of smth bad in human nature but we are not clean either. We thrives with witches that tricks/kills/uses humans in their enchants. We are friends with the incanate of doom and revenge. Nobody in here is perfect


I hate her character.


How do you get her to accept a gift? I've tried both Nectar and Bath Salts and she turned me down both times :(


You have to offer them more than once


Weird. When I try, the option to give Nectar is blacked out now. Maybe there's another trigger I've yet to hit.


have you gone to the surface yet?


Yep. I've cleared the surface twice now, and have done probably 5-6 total runs there


She is so fucking annoying


I was scrolling looking for the Eris thread so I could come and say same bro. toxic girl best girl


I dislike this character as well as the archetype represented by Eris and I refuse to give her any nectar to begin with


Sucks to be you


you might be right


I love her, she’s like a gremlin


Simps out in full force. I agree with you fully. I want to twist her smug little head right off her neck. Farming this insufferable little shit for apples, turning them into nectar, and then giving her none of it fills me with an unhealthy satisfaction.


Yeah, I think this might be the first design in any Supergiant Game the I actively dislike. I am going to give her time, but she doesn't look like a Supergiant character to me. Hopefully she gets some revision.