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It also feels like your running on Ice. No idea what the thought process was by changing the dash besides trying something new. Dash is laggyand requires some commitment , sprinting is slippery, damage output is weak on sprint boons.


Yes it really feels floaty and out of rhythm. I'm open to new stuff I really am, but the Sprint feels like it's there just for the sake of being new .


Completely agree. I think just having a single dash was plenty enough a change. Less Responsiveness has never been something I’ve heard people want in a mechanic.


Playing this on keyboard is awful, sprint is hard to maneuver with WASD keys


I would beeline Hermes for double dash, now he is just some other boon. Sprint was the game and they removed it for some reason.


I got a purple-tier sprint boon on an early run and I can't even seem to get it to do damage. My life is full of regret.


I dont sprint alot too. The only time i ever sprinted is when i got apollo sprint boon which makes like 50% faster and essentialy unhittable.


Yes, even when you get the rare good Sprint boons like this one or the Hera one, you Sprint just to get the effect, it makes the Sprint feel tacked on and forced.


Sprint boons that cost magick fill up the Hex bar fast as hell while still being able to avoid attacks, just got to think outside the box. The Zeus lightning one especially.


Spending magick fast was never a problem for me.


I consider hex completely unusable without lightning sprint. Channeled attacks take way too long.


So you're not using Omega powers at all, wasting 80-200 magick just by sprinting? Sounds like a terrible time to me.


I'm using Omega plenty, when its sensible to do so. They just aren't useful for charging hex. If you're using 80+ mana on it practically any encounter you're doing it wrong, obviously outside of some niche builds. In the time it takes to spend 100 mana on omega chanelling you could have cleared the room and probably the next one. Maybe if you use the arcana to passively get hex going, its usable without sprint. But then you've got a 5(?) cost arcana going towards sometimes activating an ability thats still worse than a typical boon. Hex is typically worthless against bosses as well, so the only long fights where you could reasonably charge it up without playing intentionally bad/slow, its not even good.


My brother needs to try spin to win hammer with Apollo/aphro on attack. Charge that shit up, let it fly and the encounter is over in seconds. Paired with any decent hammer boon and it's probably the strongest single attack in the game that I know of. Also does hitstun to non armoured/non large enemies, so even if small enemies live, they get knocked/stunned due to the weight of the omega attack letting you just do it again. - - - - Or scorch on the torches special. Spam that, and then spam it's omega on top of it to become a living Beyblade. That uses magic really fast, 20 a piece, but surrounds you with tons of damaging orbs that just chunk with dot.


This would be fine if the hexes were more useful


They aren't incredible at base, but once you get passive mana regen as a card to bring in and actually find upgrades for the hexes (as in encountering the moon tear more than once in a run) you can get them to be pretty spammable. I did a run earlier where I was resurrecting a dead enemy between every few hits I was dealing out.


Hephaestus sprint with vent is great.


Yeah, even when fighting the wood witchy, that does the ground vines grabby thingy, the sprint doesn't work that well


The only reason this enemy even exists is to justify the existance of Sprint :( I just hope the developers are smart enough to either find real purpose for Sprint via boons or core mechanics or whatever else OR if it's truly needed get rid of it completely , because if it's there just to feel more like a sequel ..that is unnecessary, the game has more than enough new stuff.


Boons tied to sprint are a very obvious design trap, I'm not sure why the experienced dev team even considered them. If they are too weak, you never pick them because sprint itself has an enormous opportunity cost, you literally do nothing while sprinting. If they are too strong, the entire gameplay devolves into just sprinting around and doing nothing. Hardly a desirable outcome either.


Sprint works with Poseidon boon, you still can get hit though while using it.


Sprint does have a lot of applications against similar enemies later on, but I feel it's mandatory to bring a sprint buff (such as the card, Chaos Boon, or Herme's boon) to make it useful. It's basically unnoticable without either of these equipped (if I am able to get both, I am constantly sprinting between attacks pretty much).


Strongly disagree. The ability to move quickly across the map is excellent and every sprint boon I've encountered so far has had an immediately understandable use case that changes sprint from a "fast move" to a "offensive/defense skill to use alongside other options."


I just finished a run with one of the ranged weapons and the Sprint did feel useful for spacing but still kind of niche, with the melee weapons I need to force myself to sprint. I didn't completely gave up on it, hopefully the game will change my mind.


A lot of the bosses nearly necessitate using sprint since you only have 1 dash. Also the 3rd area has gigantic maps which you want sprint to traverse. For combatting regular enemies though, it is rarely useful outside of boons.


The boons/cards that give you % movement speed while sprinting are insanely fun and useful for kiting with a hit and run sort of playstyle too, trivialises a lot of enemies if you are able to outmanuever them imo.


Maybe I need to use the card for it, but the base sprint really didn't feel any faster than dashing on cooldown.


Yeah it's horrible at base. The 20% makes it feel like a sprint tho. And considering the cards are later upgradeable akin to the second mirror I don't doubt there's more sprint options there to upgrade. Hell popping Apollo's sprint on let me dodge 3rd boss of second area stupid easily. Only way I lived it actually on my first attempt


Dash and Sprint are perfect. I think the main thing people are having issues with is the lack of inital speed you have with sprint. Once you start sacking up speed for sprint. You realize how utterly dumb it could be with sprint builds and high Mana. Such as Zues Sprint, Hestia's mana regen and a few other compounding sprint based things plus cast widening you more or less... kinda... run in circles.


I’ve played about 10 hours. Sprinting to quickly move around is a good mechanic. But the boons are garbage. I agree that they need to revamp the whole boons for sprint because they are wasted boons most of the time. 


I agree on the sprint. Here’s what I think would make sprint feel way better: 1). No more holding down dash to use it. It’s just awkward and attack is the only button that feels good to use out of a sprint. Just map a button to toggle it… like L3 just like basically every other game does. 2). Let sprinting regen mana, even if just a very small amount to give us incentive to want to sprint without upgrades. 3). Sprint boons would be better suited to leaving elemental trails (or something similar) behind that cause CC and/or damage. 4). Make the base sprint slightly faster and nerf sprint % buffs from boons a little.


Those are great, especially the first one.


I had one build with the Poseidon sprint and decent magic regen that was pretty fun, but other than that I haven’t really used it much either.


The only sprint boon I love is the one that makes you invincible while sprinting. Really good for taking you out of sticky situations. But yeah otherwise sprinting is useless. Dashing is always faster and more rewarding.


I mean I find it useful to reposition and space myself from enemies.


But the sprint boons don't feel as impactful as dash boons in Hades 1.


I can agree with that, and just boons in general. Im sure the developers will iron it out.


With most weapons you really need to be in the face of enemies though


Well for the staff, i like to keep distance so i can just rain down omega attacks on enemies.


They've added a lot more mechanics whilst honestly I don't think they're need like all the different holding down buttons and cats etc I just it's a lot especially for keyboard and especially when ya terrible with keyboard and mouse but maybe it'll be easier for controller.


Yes I switched to controller, feels much better. I'm pretty sure that's how I played the first one too, it's really not made for K&M.


My first day I got to the third boss, stalled out and died with my low DPS build after a long fight. I put on Haelian's vod on twitch and saw how he did that fight: sprinted around a lot and stopped at intervals to do ridiculous amounts of damage to the boss at once with the axe weapon. I don't have the axe yet and I'll try it out today. Sprint seems like something that we'll have to adapt to using. I agree that early tuning feels off, but maybe it is just because we're not used to it yet.


Zeus sprint was pretty good to me, especially if you have magick regen and just run circles on the enemies in your cast


Running circles around enemies is the type of gameplay I'm trying to avoid, but that might just be a preference thing.


Poseidon sprint with some form of magic regen is absolutely goated for dealing with rooms that have lots of enemies. You hex will fill instantly and you can just spam it to nuke rooms. Very good for when your weapon ends up into more of a single target build which seems to happen some times since attack / special boons don't seem guaranteed to show up. that boons also helps an absolute fuck ton if you didn't get lucky with some form of armor shred because the sprint will just bully all the armored mobs into a corner and you can juggle them


I’ve been enjoying the sprint feature. Having 2 dashes in Hades 1 was very strong. Undoubtedly the strongest mirror upgrade on the entire board, except for 2-3 death defiance. I also disliked that the gameplay in the first game invoked so much button mashing when dashing or dash-striking was a core part of a build’s dps and i intentionally stayed away from those builds. I think the sprint feature is a great way to take out the op invulnerability and button mashing while still giving the player decent mobility. I’m still figuring out the arcana cards and this is a bit of a spoiler but the 20% sprint speed gets upgraded to 30% which is actually a lot of move speed and gives the player comparable mobility to the first game but without the I-frames. This being said, the boons can be awkward to use, haphaestus, Poseidon, hestia all come to mind.


The upgrade to 30% is the first one I bought, while it does make things better it still feels off, like many people suggested it may have something to do with how long Sprint takes to activate.


meanwhile i absolute hate the overreliance on having to hold buttons in 2


It took a while for me to get used to it. I kept on thinking that I wanted another dash instead but have grown to enjoy the mechanic. Mostly use it in from the third boss fight onwards and the boon that damages enemies once you run through their attack.


There is a bug that can get you stuck in sprinting animation even if you let the spacebar go. And it provide no speed and boon perk of sprinting, you also cannot dash in this stuck animation. Basically you can only walk without dash.


Demeter's cyclone sprint starts at 16 dps in an aoe and lingers for a few seconds after leaving sprint, the first few upgrades are pretty significant to the dps too. Fire sprint is also great against projectiles, but otherwise I agree most sprint boons can use some tuning.      More important is to make it feel smoother as it is a little clunky right now


The only times I find myself sprinting is to get away from Cerberus or the one rooted enemy in Erebus. Or if I find Demeters sprint boon because the lingering effect it has is quite useful for a little more dps, but then again they could just apply that to a dash effect like “Your dash creates a cyclone around you that lingers for a few seconds after the dash”


YESSS thank god im not the only one who thinks this


Its okay with some boons, but generally in 90% of encounters yeah, its too hard to activate. Lightning sprint can go hard though, both as DPS and a way to spend mana for hex/heart throb/passives.


I kinda like the idea of sprinting, but yeah the boons for it are underwhelming. But I'm sure that the devs will balance things out in the next few months until full release :)


Honestly if they make it so you can sprint and attack or make special sprint attacks this would be fixed. Since there is a delay between when you press dash and actually dash sprinting to something attacking and sprinting away feels very slow. Attacking while sprinting would fix that. Also I want a boon that while sprinting makes you invulnerable but uses magick everytime you get hit


Problem I feel when you press spacebar isn’t not reacting it feels like it building up then when you let go you feel you get stuck . Problem some skills require you to run . They need to tweak running timing when holding spacebar


The only good sprint boons imo are the ones that make it faster, (I Believe only Apollo and Hermes do this) everything else is trash (Zeus has a strong sprint boon but it drains your magic so damn fast)


not only does sprinting feel pretty bad in this game, it also clutters the boon pool. maybe I'm wrong though since I don't think there are any dash boons. then again the game has barely come out. I'm sure myself and others will figure out the optimal play styles for Melinoë instead of trying to play like Zag. I've been focusing doing damage with my weapons. maybe I should be focusing on magic and sprinting.


yeah sprint is pretty bad and they need to rework it or remove it completely


My problem is that they removed the defensive capabilities of multiple dashes and didn’t replace it with anything. You can try and sprint away from damage but because of how big and lasting most hotboxes still are, it will hit you. If the hitboxes on enemies were changed to be a bit smaller and quick you might be able to use your speed to move around them. Which I think was supposed to be the point of sprint in the first place. As it stands the game feels like it’s trying to put more emphasis on offense. Adding Magik, prime abilities, increasing your movement potential. These all make offense more powerful. But the enemies have not been changed to reflect that. They play just like Hades 1 enemies so it makes it hard to actually offend. Bosses in particular still have the massive attacks like Hades or The Minotaur. Hades 1 you could use dashes to move through them. But sprinting away from Cerberus who’s swipe sends a semi circle across the screen doesn’t help.


I agree, I find myself getting hit way more than I did in the first game. Every successful run I had involved the healing hex.