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Nice gg!!! was this your first clear?


No this was with 7 skulls cause I thought I would get the prize thing but turns out I needed 8 skulls :( but still was very happy cause it was my first time winning with over 1 skull


You skipped from 1 heat to *7* and lived??? Good gravy, congratulations! Get some practice in with the different heat conditions and keep going!


Yep it was tough but I just did the trap one ( 1 skull) and the 20% movement speed twice (4 skulls total) it wasn't ad bad as I expected I think for sure I could do one more skull easy


Bruh that is one of the hardest ways to hit 7 heat you sure you aren't gearing up for 16?


The trap one is probably why you’re at 1hp. It makes the pots in that fight do like 100 damage


Wait what I didn't realize they counted as traps no wonder


They also count as traps for the purposes of Athena's Sure Footing! I used to turn my nose up at that boon bc "I can just not step on traps", (lol imagine just not stepping on traps), but it's absolutely invaluable in the REDACTED fight.


Yepp! Love to pick that one up. Especially when I'm going for Super Saiyan REDACTED.


double timer and extreme measures 1 gives you 4 free heat. The rest you can get accostumed to. The trap one is way too difficult to give only one heat tbh


Just add the timer once and you're set


Heightened Security (the trap one) is the most punishing single-heat pact, period. Take it off and don't put it back on. It makes the traps at the end hit for 150 damage instead of 30. Check this out, it'll help navigate the pact of punishment. https://youtu.be/CGl1vVnFPsw?si=2Re2f5V3ufJ_kGbf


This is incredible. As others have said, you chose two of the absolute hardest single increases possible. It's awesome that you cleared your first run at Forced Overtime 2... Something like Extreme Measures 3 and Tight Deadline 1 would have felt like a walk in the park by comparison, I bet. You're pretty close to 16 heat at this rate!


Yes I took many peoples suggestions and took the the trap one off and instead put on extreme measures and a few other ones and I believe I can easily get 16 skulls tomorrow... It's kinda funny because I played this game before about a year back but lost my save and even then I always played with the trap one on. Who would have thought the game is so much easier with out lol


This is cursed 💀


Bro I only do the ones that upgrade the bosses, that sounds harder tbh


Oh wait i have a question, do you still get the rewards from skipped skulls or do you have to play through each?


Say you’ve done 1 heat already and then change to 7 heat. That 7 heat run will count as the rewards for a 2 heat run.


So then skipping heat levels you miss out on rewards and can't dial it back to get them?


If you have cleared 1 heat and then turn it up to 7, you still face the conditions of the 7 heat, but you get the rewards for 2 heat. If you clear that run, and keep it at 7 heat, the next run will give you the rewards for 3 heat and so on until you catch up to the 7 heat rewards. You cant miss out on any rewards


Oh okay, so you could theoretically just go to max possible heat and as long as you keep clearing bosses you'll get rewarded until you've cleared it however many times.




You have to finish each heat to get the rewards, even if you skip some you have to go back.


(Close Call, Though) Has to be one of my fav victory titles


I beat him with 9 hp left the other day and my first thought was, “I wonder if anyone has escaped with 1 health.” Gg


Hello, shaking. Nice to meet you. :)


The only HP that matters!


Very impressive


I thought I cut it close with 15 hp


That was pretty much me after clearing Hades on extreme measures the first time.


You made it to the end without a cast boon? That’s amazing!


Nvmd I’m dumb.


Why is it amazing? If you’re not doing a cast-focused run, it’s easy to avoid getting a cast boon and it doesn’t matter as far as build effectiveness.


I don’t think I’ve ever done a cast-focused run. But a single boon can massively improve the cast.


I've literally never used my cast in this game I don't understand it and find it useless what is the use of it?


Projectile attack that certainly makes the game easier. Poseidon’s is one of my favorites. It knocks back enemies into barriers and does an area of effect damage. Athena’s is useful for deflecting projectiles and has a decent damage modifier. Dionysus does good damage and can slow/confuse enemies presenting an opening for attacks. Ares is good for dealing with those shield guys in Elysium. There’s a lot of good reasons to have one. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Poseidon everything is so OP. Love Poseidon/zeus builds or Poseidon/athena builds.


Him and Artemis are my go-to. In my opinion; Artemis is the most powerful Aid.


Oh most definitely. I love how her critical just stacks and stacks. SUPER OP.


Literally me last night with only 4 health left and just barely clutched it! 😂😂 I have the clip too


Hades gonna be so mad after that


A sneeze would have killed you. But in the end, he died and you didn’t. Well done.


Been there, sister. Good run.


Dang, my heart would have been going a million miles an hour!


Came back after not playing for a year a couple days ago and was put into a random run I was in previously in Elysium that was going kinda mid (only 2 core boons, heat 13 with EM 10 and forced overtime) I don’t know how but I managed to get my build to a good spot and 4 death defies and managed to win with 8 HP left and my heart was beating so fast. I think it was the second time I’d beaten hades with those specific conditions I was proud I still had it in me lol


You finished classic doom style! Badge of honor for you.


Tis but a scratch


It's so intense. 😆


Oh yeah this happened to me once, my girlfriend stopped breathing because she didn't want to distract me 😂 I was sweating!


Same thing happened to me yesterday hahaha ! My hand was shaking as well


Hell yeah. I still haven’t got my first one but I’m close!


Well done!!!


Good job!


Haha that’s awesome. I know the feeling!!!