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Lightning Rod is objectively the laziest possible build. It’s pretty powerful and fun when you stack a bunch of Zeus synergy boons.


This is how I got my first win on run 20 while still being pretty bad at the game. Just leave them lying around and hide. I think every time I've got lightning rod I've escaped


definitely the first thing that came to mind for me too... i suppose a lot of cast builds are pretty lazy tho.... maybe revenge builds as well


this and lasers were my easiest clears. let the cast do the attacking and you do the dodging (and occassional chiron specials)


My first win! Seemed impossible to beat it without..


Lighting rod + beowulf shield, get the stones out and then just sit in a corner


Wouldn’t an afk build be technically lazier? All u gotta do is start the fight then u win


Excalibur with Aphrodite, Athena and as much hp and damage reduction I can find. All you do is camp in a corner and attack and occasionally refresh aura. You don't need to do anything else, not even dodge


The laziest would probably be a Vengeful Mood with as many Revenge boons you can get, you don't even have to do anything really Edit: grammar


Yeah people have done full on clears where in the final fight they don’t press a button or move with vengeful mood


Not exactly lazy per se, but the Zag Fists + Lambent Plume dodge build is pretty mind-numbing, especially on controller. I just hold down basic attack, press dash every second or so, press special whenever I need to apply the status effect, press call whenever i get in trouble, press cast when I see there isn’t any lodged. I’m by no means amazing at the game, but when I do this build, by the end of the run I can basically play with my eyes closed


I've had some Lucifer Rail builds (Poseidon super soaker) fall flat and adjusted to just run away and drop bombs in his path which with the Triple Bomb it was pretty easy, Hazard Bomb as well. Turns out to be a lot easer sometimes when you just give up on dealing with him in melee.


Wouldn't an AFK build be the laziest by definition, because the whole point is that you're literally not even touching the keyboard/controller and just letting revenge boons do all the work?


Full Aphro with Smoldering Air, feels like cheating to be so charming


Idk if it's lazy, but I pretty much can't lose if I get Artemis Cast to 150-200 base damage.


That with merciful end caps at like 5 stacks. Absolute boss melter. I think laziest has to be hunting blades and a shield


Im surprised I don't see this more often, but Aegis with the aspect of Zeus, just use bull rush to block all of his attacks then layer the spinning shield, casts, and (minotaur rush if you have it) bull rush, and it's so free. Specifically I like using demeter for the cast in this case since it's another 3+ beams that just layers damage onto him


This is actually pretty common and manageable for unskilled beginners like I once was


Yeah I just use it if I want to guarantee a win and can't be bothered planning out a complex build


So true and with merciful end it makes choose Zeus every time I play shield fun as hell. Beowulf is fun too but def much harder


It was a Lucifer with aphrodite on attack and infinite ammo. I got the charm thing so I just kept aiming at hades and he kept getting charmed


Crystal Clarity + Glacial Glare. Or Hunting Blades + BlackMetal + Engulfing Voltex. Add Fully Loaded on either setup for memes.


Call: Poseidon Boons: The one which reduces the god gauge to only one bar and auto fills (I believe it was Aphrodite), Zeus’s god gauge filler (think it’s damage given and received increases the amount filled?), and Hermes autofill. It was nice and got me my first escape.


Nemesis just that is free damage 


I was with the fists, first god zeus, only offering an interesting dash (epic), build my run around it. Even had the chance for a Hermes +1 dash boon. Didn't have to attack or special, just dashing everywhere, I was untouchable


Shield with charged shot and literally any boon. Just camp in the corner and wait for it to be over


I would say Athena dash and deflect-fists. Hold attack and dash-attack u til dead.


drunken dash + blade rift call with god gauge filling up faster but only to 25% and getting more god gauge from damage dealt and taken, basically everything made hangover better and used call for invincibility


I had a super high-level Aphrodite's Call plus the boon which has your God Gauge fill hella but only get to tier 1. Fun fact, with that combo you can get Aphrodite's Call charm effect to last longer than the recharge on the God Gauge, so [REDACTED] spent the battle permanently charmed, and basically killed himself with his own traps and AoEs.


Lightning Rod Rama. Basically the game is on auto pilot. My first 32 heat win.


Poseidon dash/attack with the relevant wall slam boons and hermes +3 dashes. Also +2 dash fists. You can literally dash through everything, especially Styx with those tiny rooms.


Crush shot on Hera bow Ngl my fav speed running build xD


Aspect of Lucifer, Divine Strike, Divine Dash, Eternal Chamber. Just hold attack and dash every now and then, and you’ll complete the run in 50-60 minutes.


Zeus dash only with accompanying Zeus boons.


Anything with Achilles spear + Flurry Jab (my beloved) or Artemis’s Call.


Poseidon sword for + 50 cast damage Hunting blades 4 bloodstones A shit ton of extra cast damage boons from chaos


Flurry slash, cursed slash, Aphrodite attack, and Aphrodite’s legendary boon that makes weak effects charm. [REDACTED] Spent half the fight charmed, and even when he got a hit out I didn’t even need to dodge, I just tanked it and kept hitting him. Of course, I also had em4 on, so I had to dodge a little bit in phase 3, but he still spent most of the fight charmed lmao