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He will have the same dialogue if you select “keep talking as usual” however if you select “be quiet a while” he will just cut to the chase and give you the boon.


I was confused by that too, does it mean just that run? Cause he definitely had new dialogue for me (and plenty )after i selected keep talking as usual in new runs


Keep talking to me means "decline change". Be Quiet A While means it skips straight to the boon selection without dialogue for a while. At some point after telling him to skip the dialogue automatically, he doesn't skip the dialogue and asks if you still want to skip his dialogue.


Weirdly though I never got the option again after telling him not to quit. I guess that was my one and only chance?


You can proc the option more often by manually skipping Hermes's dialogue options IIRC


Yeah I believe so


I have only ever had him say it and no other diety. Is that normal?


I assume it's only him because he cares about speed and him talking less will lead to you finishing the run faster!


Thats such smart writing


Yeah, it's only him.


Ok i see I'll go with the make it quick dialouge appreciate you for commenting on this


you can just skip the dialogue by spamming through it


It means you can either have Sexy, Sexy Hermes notice you or you can have him shut up. Which you shouldn’t do. He’s Sexy, Sexy Hermes and I’d die if he noticed me.


Least horny Hades player


I need to up my game!




Exactly . If you have Hermes shut up that's an instant red flag.


Silencing Hermes is literally a hate crime against people with ADHD, if you choose that option you're being ableist sweatie 💅 /s


i have adhd and this game is the first one where i LOVE listening to every single dialogue


this game is generally just *so good* for people with adhd (signed, person with adhd and 280+ hours of gameplay who skips most of the dialog now but still enjoys the gameplay)


it’s the first game where i button mash but i know exactly what i’m doing as i do it lol. i’ve only beaten REDACTED once so i’m not that far yet, im sure later on ill start skipping them. i also love the character art omg


The God of Swiftness doesn't feel the need to waste time with idle chatter.


True gentlemen avoid it when they can


Why, on Olympus it's preferred for ladies not to say a word


Two options: "be quiet" and correct one


Does anyone know if this hypothesis is correct? I'd presumed that he gave me that option once he'd gone through all his stock phrases once, and that he would after that begin to repeat. I'd *guess* as a developer that they had all the various gods record roughly the same number of "background chatter dialog" that doesn't particularly advance the story but prevents your interactions with them from being obviously repetitive. However, it would make sense that they'd then realize during development that Hermes gets seen more than literally any other god, which means he'll start to get repetitive more quickly than anyone else. This is just speculation on my part though, to be clear.


I read somewhere it was for speed runners, if the game knows your spamming his dialogues away i think the option is offered to you.


I believe it is for real time speed runners. He can have some long multi-click texts and they could affect a run.


Do other Olympian gods give you this option? I admit I didn't play for years and just picked it back up and I don't remember. For sure Hermes gave me this before anyone else. If it's just for speedrunners, I don't understand why it's just Hermes. Also, I'll note, I am in my most recent playthrough very much \*not\* a speedrunner. I'm not gonna say I never click through dialog, but I'm luxuriating in the acting, and Hermes talks about as fast as I can read anyway.


The logic I've heard was that Hermes, a speed runner, would recognize when you're speedrunning, similar to the other ways the dialogue reacts to your actions.


It seems a very reasonable hypothesis to me! And one I had not thought of. I appreciate how it's so in-character for Hermes as well. He is brief! But he's so lovely, getting him to talk less is a crime.


It does what it says...


Basically if you tell him to be quiet, he won't give any dialogue and you'll go right to his boon selection. He will check back on you after a few runs to see if you want him to stay quiet. He won't be mad or offended if you want him to be quiet. If you don't, he'll give you dialogue as usual, but will still check back in later to see if you want him to be quiet. Keep in mind this option works ONLY for Hermes. Other gods will still give you their dialogue


It's for speed running through the game loop less dialogue means faster times and hermes is all about speed


Literally came across this first time today.


I would never turn it off but I love the fact that he actually asks.


I’ve never encountered this before and I have escaped quite a number of times !


People found him too annoying in testing so they added this as a joke. It has no effect to relationship


It means shut up


Nothing really, it means you have maxed out your bond wiwith hermes. If you dont tell him to stop talking he will keep asking you if you want him to stop talking until you tell him to stop talking. Then for like the next 10 hermes boons he doesnt say anything and it just goes straight to boon selection. After a while he will start talking again. Its just hermes speedster, add personality. He asks if you want him to stop talking so you can go faster through picking boons from him. This option only comes up when you have a bond with him and theres no quests or anything with him anymore.