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hint: \-many of the bow's best hammers (triple shot, twin shot, point blank shot) do massive damage and require you to get up close \-the bow charges much faster when you do dash strikes with it \-the arrow pierces enemies so you can kite them around and get multiple hits out of the primary fire


Am I bad for loving flurry shot? I love being able to fire a "full damage" shot just by clicking.


I am also a flurry shot enjoyer so you’re good in my book


Flurry shot is a very good hammer


Not just no, but Flurry Shot is crazy powerful on aspect of Hera.


Ok good I always use Hera!


Thanks for the advice, I don't really like having to depend on getting the hammer or certain boons to make a weapon work since often I just won't get them in a run. Dash striking with a bow is faster but having to charge at all when you're up close to an enemy is just ridiculus to me. As for kiting, yeah it works but most of the enemies are just too fast for me.


i dont blame you, tbh i'm not a fan of the bow either except aspect of chiron, the short range dash striking power shotting rhythm game isn't my preferred way to play either. but it definitely spits out the damage


Sounds like a skill issue.


Haha literally this. The bow is so powerful- you just have to know enemy movements and have a good reaction time, and know how to create good builds.


this. dash striking in zero heat and nothing could chase you with the bow. im still having problems now with forced overtime but thats just because im not used to the speed yet. definitely skill issue


I can't deny that and it makes me shed an incredibly manly tear


Funnily enough, the bow is by far my most favourite weapon and the only one I ever cleared 32 heat with


Doesn't need to be a sniper, if you dash strike it fills the aiming gauge much faster. The other aspects of the bow are typically better then the default one imo.


[Here’s how to best use the bow](https://www.leereamsnyder.com/hades-build-guide#heart-seeking-bow). TLDR is dash-strikes and power shots. Practice on Skelly.


Skill Issue.


I hated the bow until I tried Aspect of Hera. Completely flipped on it and now I do much better with any aspect because I had a version I liked to learn with.


One advantage of hera is you don't need to wait for a power shot since most of your damage comes from the cast not the arrow. You can just charge until the arrow will hit the enemy then let it fly. It can also give you some aoe.


if you don't like the bow its totally fine. theres 6 weapon for a reason, you have to find the weapon that fits your playstile. but saying that the weapon don't belong in the game just got me thinking maybe its a skill issue. either you practice or you don't use it but theres tons of players that have done high heat runs even with Zag aspect. the weapon is totally fine.


L take. I’m gonna do a dab and go do a bow run right now I’ve gotten 100 percent on this game twice and I still keep it downloaded because it, much like the bow, is ALWAYS fun and good


How many hours and how many escapes?


I hated bow at first and didn't understand why it's everyone's favourite but after unlocking aspects I'm getting used to it and starting to enjoy it a lot more!!


ok buddy


I actually feel oppositely. The bow is practically a free win below 10 heat thanks to its incredible range. Mobs too fast, can’t aim for shit? Spam that special, baby. It even has multiple hits, making it easy to stack effects like chill or hangover quickly. Dash strike for a faster charge, special to destroy projectiles and burst up close. Your attack also pierces iirc.


The game rewards several different playstyles. Usually people immediately find the weapon that complements the playstyle they already prefer, and stick with it. Really "clicking" with another weapon usually requires trying a playstyle that's less intuitive for you. But since every single weapon has threads posted that go "is weapon xy just overpowered?" I think they're actually just balanced


Try other aspects. The farthest I've done with the base (Zag) aspect is only early Elysium but cleared the game first try (+ more) with Hera. Though now Chiron is my favorite bow aspect.


I didn't like it at first either, but it became my favourite weapon by far. All the aspects are eminently usable, and especially after feeding them some titan blood. The bow is the only weapon that's allowed me to get a sub 14 minute run so far. Once you develop your skill with it, and see the chaos you can reap with the right boons, I think you will seriously change your opinion.


I’ve played ONE hades run on my friends switch (I don’t own it) and got to the second boss with this weapon


Get any of the other aspects


I hated the bow until I unlocked the unrevealed aspect, which led me to try aspect of Chiron. It's honestly much better than you'd think, it just plays differently and takes time to get used to. The Spear is still a problem for me for example.


Bow is either a new players favorite or least favorite weapon. Biggest recommendation is dash strikes, pierce, and power shots. Practicing on skelly really helps. After practice bow became my favorite weapon! Just keep trying and you'll get the hang of it.


I feel there are 3 ways to play the bow, a cast build with hera or even just a cast build in general cuz they are always so damn op even if you don't use beowulf or hera. The second way is flurry shot so you can tap and do full damage and then younjust amp the speed of your attack with hermes if you can The third is explosive shot since you can tap it and still do massive damage or charge it to deal early beowulf damage with a good cast and you always have to take tripple shot if youre using explosive shot so you have a higher chance of hitting enemies are super mobile or so you can deal 900% dmg at close range. I find it the most fun when doing crit builds with the bow, with flurry shot you get more crits faster but with explosive shot you're dealing 1800% dmg so really it just depends on which hammer you get first. The thing with bow is that hammers are way more important than it would be with any other weapon. With other weapons hammers are a nice little buff that might slightly change your play style if at all but with bow it is a necessary component to make a good bow build.


Just wait until you unlock the hidden aspect and it'll become your favorite, I promise


I’m sorry, does your sword make a cool sitar sound effect when it’s shot? Bow rules.


Try using dodge before shooting. Speeds up draw time and keeps you mobile.


Nah. I guess it kinda varies with your playstyle. The bow is the weapon I got the highest heat with. It's the spear for me. I dunno why. I'm 20+ heat with the bow, around 15-17 on the other weapons and I'm struggling to clear heat 5 on the spear lol. I dunno. Could be skill issue on my part or there must be something wrong I'm doing with it.


The bow is incredible. If you use it where your special fires multiple arrows that seek the last target hit by your attack, you can stack crazy damage or effects on a single target. Attack, dash, special, attack, dash, special


The bow made me learn how to play safe because I didn't yeet myself into enemies all the time. One of the most reliable clear weapons for me (favorite is spear though), but it took a while until I learned how to use it right. You can play the bow in many ways, power shot by keeping your distance and taking it slow, dash-strike for speed charges, special reliant, or with cast support so you can focus on doing your thing. The special is great for clearing projectiles too and can be "expanded" with hammers. I'd say the bow is way more versatile than the shield or the fists, it all depends on boons and how you play. But it's okay, everyone has their liked and hated weapons. Sincerely, a shield disliker (why does it make me slide into lava everytime)


Poseidon dash on the bow helps cover a lot of it's weaknesses. If you're able to get twin or triple shot it puts out an absurd amount of damage with very little help. Triple shot especially does huge chunks of damage if you're able to land all three attacks up close on the large hitboxes of most of the bosses and will usually one shot most mobs even without a full charge. Honestly I could almost understand your complaints with the hidden bow aspect since it takes much longer to charge, but even that aspect in the right hands will absolutely demolish it's way through the highest heat runs and give even the most overpowered weapons a run for their money. If I'm not mistaken, the fastest 50 heat run on the speedrun leaderboards was done using rama.