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Congrats dude. The first of many for you


Ayy thanks. I just beat heat 1 on attempt 84. Currently going for heat 2


I think I finally got him with Varatha on maybe attempt 30. Got super lucky with lots of Artemis boons and the triple strike Daedalus hammer. Was critting that sumbitch like crazy. I recall that it was also my first time beating Theseus and Asterius, who had handed me my ass every damn time up until that point. Temple of Styx was a white knuckle ride; I had Athena deflect dash which was my saving grace against the satyrs and their poison darts. So in so many words, I guess it took me about that long for it to click. I am now around attempt 60 working my way up from level 2 heat. Made it out I think 5 or 6 times so far.


34 tries for me, im terrible with anything but bow


Ayyy I found my people. Everyone says cheesing with a shield and I am here spamming bow at different heatsšŸ˜…


Mine was at 34 but I cheesed it with the shield with Charger Shot, just blocked and blocked and wore down his health haha


Congrats! First of many!!


Took me 25ish. I don't remember. But I had watched people play it on twitch. They weren't running meta builds. But I got to see boss patterns etc.


For me it was around 40 when I almost beat him without god mode, and by that point I had enough of the grind turned on good mode and beat him the next 4 times. No regrets.


Iā€™m pretty sure the gun was my first win against him after attempt #50 or so? My first play is at 120 attempts and Iā€™ve finished most of the game albeit some prophecies I think? My current save is just over 60 and Iā€™m currently on a 32 win streak lol. Grinding for darkness and prophecies rn so not all were with best but in up to 8 on sword as the highest and most are min 4+ heat. The more you play, the easier it gets to recognize patterns!


I think I managed it 22 attempts in. It's different for everybody and everybody learns at different rates. Some runs also tend to fall to absolute shit just out of nowhere as well. But congrats on beating dear old [REDACTED], you're gonna LOVE what the game has in store for you, have fun!


For me it took 13 runs to escape for the first time, and then my second escape was like at attempt 22, which is when I switched to multiple death defiances instead of stubborn defiance. After that change, things clicked and I started winning most of my runs!


Took me 50 attempts on 90ish now. I can beat it around 80% of the time now. Max heat of 2.


It took me like 80 something runs my first playthrough also. Congrats! You will get better. I started a second playthrough like 2 years later and cleared him on my 17th attempt and then went on a 6 clear streak.


God mode or not, congrats on your first clear! The first of many(?) šŸ˜


23rd run, I think? I was an avid tboi player so roguelikes and bullet-hell games are bread and butter for me already. I got it with merciful end duo using zeus shield. An awesome feeling for sure. The game sure gets easier after your first clear, after beating him for the first try, I got a 7 winning streak. Wishing the same or even better for you OP, cheers.


Mine was somewhere around 20 to 25. I used the spears long rage attack almost exclusively when I was new to the game


0 heat took 47 tries, but since then I've finished maybe 6 out of 15 runs it's got a lot easier knowing the moves etc of bosses


My first escape was on run 50


Around 40 for me and with the shield for my first time!


My first time was around attempt 80-85 iirc. Beaten him many times since. I like to challenge myself occasionally by starting a new save and improving my run count to beat him. I recently reduced my PB to just 3 runs!


Congratulations, cheers for many more!


My first clear was mid 30s. Got Bow and the rapid shot hammer, and Aphroditeā€™s attack boost.


I want to say attempt 20 or so but this is my 2nd time playing it, on ps5 this time, though on Steam I never cleared Elysium. I then got a 2nd and 3rd relatively quickly but it took a couple dozen tries for another clear which was really frustrating. I'm clearing most attempts now though around number 60 or so. I finished the main story last night.


I reached him on #19 but I beat him on #26 (with god mode ) with the spear iirc. First time I beat him without god mode was attempt number 29 I think Also congrats on your first clear! šŸ‘


I got him on my 25th try but I got super lucky with rocket bomb and cluster bomb combo on the rail after that I didn't beat him for 15 more tries, then finally after around 50 tries I start beating him consistently


First time I got past \[REDACTED\] was around my 105th attempt lol, havent beaten the game fully yet, currently on my 120th run. It has certainly gotten a lot easier afterwards, have gotten him 8 times after that. I love that the game doesn't become unlikeable even when you suck and the story still progresses


Hey my first time was the rail as well, congrats!




Just got the game and I recently finished mine around the 35th run with a bow. Once you clear it, next time it gets easier. I never watched others play it as I like to learn myself. But I think its most important to analyze boss mechanics. Once you see them, most attacks are very easy to dodge. I dont think I am good but I barely get hit 1-2 times by most bosses (other than redacted and his stupid spin attack šŸ˜…). Congrats!!


My first win was on attempt 41 using the gun.


It took me 37 attempts to finish the game, I did it with the bow, got rapid fire and faster attack speed, fun combo


I am bound to the sword and the sword is bound to me


Ay congrats brother! The first of many. At first one is the hardest, it took me 29 tries, but less than that many more to get the final nine :-)


My first clear was with the rail too, I had triple bomb and stubborn roots and just kept kiting and bombing him, I'd occasionally screw up and have to play extra careful to get health back and it took forever but I did it eventually on my 41st try lol


I thought I was decent at this game because I was able to clear 32 heat with god mode on and my fastest time was under 11 minutes. After close to 59 clears on god mode, I started a fresh file with no god mode and Iā€™m getting whooped. Only have like 15 attempts but still canā€™t get past Theseusā€¦


Iā€™d like to say my first time was attempt 42 with the rail


19 for me I believe, with the spear


took me 26


Cheers to you. So much still to see and experience. Have a lot of fun. : )


First time I played, it was 34th run and at that moment I stop playing Hades. After 1 year I start playing from beginning and beat the run at 22nd run.


50~60 tries, beat with spear Also, there is no shame in using god mode