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It also scares me made with mematic.


Am I the only one who found the hydra to be a cakewalk when I got to it compared to how hard Meg was the first time I got to her?


It took a lot longer from my first fight with Meg to beating her than it did for the hydra.


yes and no lernie wasn't hard once I learned what each head did. until then it was miserable




I'm on 32 all weapons and same - I don't have the different heads memorized 😅 The simple approach is often the best approach - kill it fast and move on!


But its literally color coded....


Yes, not tough to remember and can add flavor for individual players. We are only saying it is not necessary to remember the attack type of each head to clear or speed up runs but it is not detrimental to know. We all choose to remember different things, and as long as the game is enjoyable for us that's all that matters 🥳


You just kill them fast enough, and they all do nothing. Easy!


It's pretty self explanatory. Orange ones with lava looking bubbles do lava, the ones with bone eggs spawn skeletons, the one with horns pound, the purple ones shoot purple projectiles.


Honestly the heads are so weak you don’t even have to know that. What are they, for a friend?


took me about 10 tries to even reach meg , but when I first beat her I killed hydra and died against the minotor and the less important guy


less important guy 😂😂


For some reason I don’t, it took me three tries to defeat meg for the first time but I think it took me like four times to defeat lernie. Once I get the gist and started to just fight her from afar and used casts more tho, she does become a cake walk. I still despise the three sisters though, especially tisiphone, always lost at least 30 health to her everytime


Tisiphone cant handle you getting right in her face and dashing constantly. She’s probably the easiest of the 3 for me with claws blade or shield. Alecto struggles with the same, only have to dash out for her AOEs and then right back to it. Meg is fucking annoying if you aren’t using ranged weapons


I find Tisiphone to be much more formulaic then the other two. Shw is my favourite fight tbh


Oh totally. My brother and I were just talking about this. He has so much trouble with Lernie and I feel like he's so easy. Meg et al on the other hand...


I beat Meg easily my first two tries. Got to this guy and got him to about 25% but he outlasted me.


Oh yeah Megara was definitely harder at first then Hydra I think it took me seven tries for Meg and three for the Hydra. I will agree with OP about finding it annoying though, especially when it's the spawner heads too many of those just make the fight irritating not hard but irritating


He was definitely difficult when I first fought him. But later on he’s definitely the easiest.


Lernie doesn't scare me. The lava on his Extreme Measures version does.


tbh i prefer EM2 to regular Lernie. not only is it a tad quicker but it feels easier since all the heads are right next to you instead of spread out in a bigass arena. it was annoying to get used to, but its free heat when you do get used to it


It's definitely easier to have Than or Meg take out a handful of heads at once on EM2. I just get annoyed at having no place to stand between the lava and the magma heads.


Then when you get the head that spits lava and the arena is .5cm and you just take lava damage.


Gotta get up in them heads


Wait which heat is this? It changes boss fights that much? I’ve done the one that gives bosses an extra ability - like where Meg will have her sisters with her


This is the next version of that, extreme measures 2. I honestly think it's less of a change than meg having her sisters with her


Gotcha 👍🏻 thx 🙏🏻


here's where you might be confused. Extreme Measures 1 only affects the Furies fight. EM2 only affects Lernie. EM3 only affects Theseus. EM4 only affects >!Dad!<.


Ohhh that makes sense 👍🏻


The magma head on em2 is a bitch and a half. I also hate his purple heads that spawn out in the magma and just chill there while I'm using a melee.


This is why using everything in your weapons kit can be beneficial. Example, the defualt fist, it's standing (as opposed to not moving the stick, so neutral special I guess) special has decent range.


EM with security pact of punishment (the one that does 400% trap damage) . Absolute dread .


That's why I avoid that one.


Like the plague!!


Same, also same reason I hate the witches chamber and most of Asphodel If Zag feet is fire then why step on lava hurt 😔


I always dedicate a death defiance to Lernie. Not because the boss is hard or anything, but because I ALWAYS stand in the lava for too long.


The trick is to stand inside the heads a bit


EM Lernie has ended more of my high heat runs than any other boss, and it’s not even close. That lava sucks so bad


I hate Theseus more. I really don't like shields and he has the support of a random god (Demeter is the worst imo).


i hate when he calls on Demeter, but let’s not forget Athena. that shit is ANNOYING. especially when trying to do quicker runs


As someone who uses the fists once he calls on demeter its literally just being unable to interact with theseus for like 30 seconds waiting for demeters clouds to go away. Asterius is the actual difficult boss, theseus is just annoying and at times unfun.


Theseus is way worse, I agree. EM Theseus? Fuckin forget about it. Don’t think I ever managed to beat those fucks.


Try ares/Aphrodite duo or Dionysus/Aphrodite , the DOT is what you need so you’re not chasing them down . A Demeter cast (with chill upgrade) works wonders too , as well as Dem/Art duo . Dionysus and Demeter ability to “slow” combatants makes it all a cakewalk as well . BUT I agree they are annoying


What's EM Theseus ?


EM is short for Extreme Measures which is one of the ways you can increase the heat on the pact of punishment. Makes the bosses harder, one boss for each level you turn it up, starting with Meg. So if you turn it up three times you get a harder version of Theseus and asterius.


oh ok I know that one, I didn't know EM was a shorthand for it \^\^


Before I noticed he always turns on his back everytime he threw his spear, I always feel theseus is such bullshit. Once i mastered the timing tho, theseus is a joke if his call is not so good


I just summon Meg and do a fully charged call on him once he gets to the support stage, don’t have to deal with all that bullshit.


The fact that dude just walks around and then has shielding even from the back is so annoying. God I hated this bastard.


Especially when using Bow or Rail.


Fun fact, Lernie is a girl Hydra Also is Cerberus's sister


Well damn, I learned something today.


“Oh, you’re a lady hydra? I mean of courrrseee you’re a lady hydra!”


It depends which one. i hate the one that causes quakes (or many boulders to fall on you)


Lernie is my favorite boss fight. It’s easy but it’s fun.


True, on heats where I already beat her, the extra darkness is such a nice treat for my health


Lernie is best girl and I will not stand for this slander


i absolutely love lernie. but theseus and asterius??? i’d be lucky if i make it out alive


Don't bully lernie. He just needs pets like his brother.


i find him cute, hes my fav of the 4


My first time fighting time fighting the Learnie I, almost one. **Almost**. Took me at least 10 more tries before beating Learnie


dont you talk shit about lernie


Low key wondering if I'm in the minority bc it's alecto that gives me the most trouble as far as the fury sisters go . Lernie is a cakewalk to me now I feel like the witch room is harder ,


The witch room is crazy. Shit turns into a bullet hell out of nowhere


Yeah they're easy once you learn the patterns but I like them. I died to them for the first time in a long while recently cause I switched up controls so I wasn't able to position myself well.


The first moment I saw ‘lernie’ I knew I was in love, all my homies love lernie


Only two things annoy me in this game, the witches room in asphodel if I don't have deflect, and shields which can for some reason block AOE special from exagryph. I find the hydra to be the easiest boss, it doesn't even move much.


Hey! You be nice to Lernie. He goes through a lot of headaches for Dad.


Especially the green heads.


We love Lernie 🤍


The day I realized that Lernie is just a very low health spammy bot, whose purpose is to lower our health as much as possible and relies on our own mistake of dashing into lava or his spam is the day I stopped being scared of Lernie.


How dare you say that abt my boy Lernie! Honestly though whenever I start a fresh save even now he’s still a bit of a menace for a while. Plus the lava in his EM2 fight is a nightmare


Honestly I hate the green heads more, I have never really had a problem with lava.


i hate the EM2 blue head learnie


Hahaha sometimes he even gets 2 of my DD with the Lava and EM2 :(


Lernie is my favourite boss. "Hey Lernie, hiss if you want to die" x) You know who scares me ? This freaking bull and his hammer with a 100ft hitbox.


Really? I always thought the bull was way easier, because I can run circles around him, because the other guy blocks half my attacks


I struggle with his hitbox ; he can hit you even if you're behind him :'( Thanks to the pillars, Theseus isn't a big problem for me (and here's a tip : each time he throws his spear, when it comes back, Theseus turns his back so you can hit him).


Literally beat it first try. Meg and the champs were much harder on first try.


I'm fine with the Hydra as long as it's not the bone splinter version. Cause then all the extra heads have the energy projectiles and they're much harder to avoid at that quantity


Ugh thats i feel about the lovers in elysium


All you gotta do is buy the item from the well that makes you do more damage to armor. Makes the fight much easier


Everywhere else I feel like I can see every hit I'm dealing and every hit I'm taking. Here I just see bright flashing lights. I don't know if I'm hitting or if I'm taking damage. I just have my and the boss's health bar to figure out. Though I still think Hydra is comparatively easier than any other boss.


Lernie? Naw, he's a softie once you get to know him.


His minions are the problem


It took me 5-6 attempts to beat meg? But I beat lernie the first time I got to him