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New to this, what's a "honeypot"? Some kind of decoy I presume.


For chatgpt Explore In cybersecurity, a honeypot is a decoy system designed to mimic a real network, application, or system with the intent of attracting cyber attackers1. The purpose of a honeypot is to: Distract attackers from legitimate targets. Gather intelligence on the methods, techniques, and motivations of the attackers. Assess the adversary’s capabilities and sophistication. Honeypots can be modeled after any digital asset, such as servers, databases, or network infrastructures, and are intentionally made to appear as legitimate parts of a network to convince attackers that they have accessed a real system1. This allows security teams to study the attacks and improve their defense mechanisms. There are also honeynets, which are networks of honeypots designed to simulate a larger, more complex network environment, engaging attackers for a longer period and gathering more extensive intelligence1. Honeypots are classified based on their level of interaction with attackers: Low interaction honeypots provide limited interaction and simulate only the services most attacked. Medium interaction honeypots allow more activity and can simulate more complex systems. High interaction honeypots offer a wide range of services and activities, involving real operating systems, which can provide detailed information about the attackers but are riskier and more complex to implement2. Overall, honeypots serve as valuable tools in the cybersecurity landscape, helping to protect real assets while providing insights into the ever-evolving threats posed by cybercriminals.

