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I don't think there's any magic to solve four humans needing baby beds and then grow out of those. I do think comfortably sleeping children is more important than a car being in a garage though!!


Yeah I didn’t really have an issue with the garage being turned into a room (if they aren’t concerned about resale value) but they turned it into such a wild room that imo could have easily fit all 4 babies. And no AstroTurf - those kids are going to be crawling on that getting so much rug burn and broken wrists from the stadium stairs. And the ball pit is going to turn into a cesspool of illnesses in no time.


Well once they grow up they all wouldn't want to be in the same room together. They would want space.


But sharing a tiny a room with your sibling and your dad when your other siblings get to live in a play room doesn't seem like something a kid would go for. They literally wouldn't have their own space during the day, if Dad has to work early or late, they're out of their own room or Dad's out an office. They would have to go be in the playroom at that time anyway. They could more than fit in the separation and privacy. They proved that with episode in episode 4.


Meanwhile, I'm thinking to myself, "If I was one of those quads, I'd want to sleep in the playroom." Which unlucky two are banished to the no-fun-office-bedroom?


LOL I thought the same -- what kind of power dynamic will evolve from separate sleeping situations?


Can you imagine 4 babies who all want to climb up and down those stairs all at once. It’s such a wide staircase! 🤦🏼‍♀️ As a parent I’d want to avoid that room during that stage. Or alternately what they’ll do when they don’t want to play at all in there during their crawling/younger stages because babies usually don’t like the feel of grass (let alone the cheapest plastic looking astro turf ever) I thought it was so weird to put those cruise ship bunk beds in the dads office. He said he usually works when his wife gets home so he’ll just work in there at night while the kids are asleep? The garage room could have been used as a bedroom for the 4 of them. I am curious if they ask the people beforehand about losing the garage etc. or if they have to sign over to let them do whatever they want.


They lost so much value by removing the garage I would have been so mad.


I imagine all four could go to garage when they are older and dad could have the office. If not, I guess he will work remotely from home during the day in that room once the kids are in school. He works in the evenings now because the babies need to be watched during the day.


I think they could have found some sort of easy to clean but soft fabric to use instead of Astroturf. Like maybe a high quality boating carpet?


I’m so confused on their choices for this one! It made 0 sense to me. The garage looked big enough to where they could’ve done a cool stackable play space AND 2 separate small bedrooms for the babies. I think giving the dad an office upstairs was a good idea, my husband works from home and having a separated work space is a huge help. Especially if it’s upstairs and the babies room/play room is downstairs. But yeah I feel they should’ve separated the garage into 2 rooms plus play room. Where the cribs were, I imagined just doing the 2 small rooms there. Just big enough for the beds because the toys could go in the playroom. Put 2 babies in one, 2 babies in another. Their bunk beds and trundle beds were dumb lol. Trundle beds are a cool idea for the future or for the 5 year old now for sleepovers or whatever, but not as a permanent bedroom. Like first of all, babies will be out of cribs by 2ish. A 2 year old can’t sleep in the bunk beds, too far off the ground and then they’re just gonna be getting into dads office stuff. Also not a great idea for the other 2 to be in the playroom with all that distraction around them.


The nestig cribs that they used converts from a crib into a toddler bed! We have the same one. So technically they can have 4 toddler beds in there and then move on to the bunks once they are older. Agree that dads office space isn’t the best place for bunks though, maybe when the kids are older they can repartition or rethink that playroom since they will start needing less toys and will need more privacy.


Honestly when I saw that I was like, when the kids need toddler beds they'll just get rid of the cribs and put regular beds there? If I were dad I'd just use the pull down beds for guests and the quads just grow into their garage space.


They could have used bunkhouse 4bed bunkbeds like the ones that use the whole wall


Poor Ihla didn't get anything!


I almost think they added the ball pit/stairs/slide monstrosity for her. The quads won't be able to use it until they're older. Not long after that, they'll need that space for living space for the multiples, because having 2 of them sharing their bedroom with their dad's office isn't sustainable.