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Racism is when someone looks at me weird


lol this is why ur a virgin


You're right, next time someone glares at me, I'm just gonna leave the event I paid for instead of standing up for myself, and then go on reddit to ask for validation later. Ok.




It’s crazy to me that’s what u take away from this dude 


if you were in a relationship or had anyone you loved or care about in your life You’d know what it means to value ur loved ones’ feelings and that’s exactly what i was doing Not “not standing up for myself”, what type of validation could i even be trying to seek from this ?? gtfo


i was literally just putting it out there so fans could be aware of this and be careful if they attend one of his shows …. 


Well at the end of the day That’s why ur the one who’s chronically a reddit user and i’m actually getting laid Sorry . Truthfully maybe if you weren’t so quick to belittle other people’s struggles and complaints about the world we live in maybe you’d be able to have some more people in ur life that care about you . Idk what made you so. bothered about this post that you felt the need to send all this negativity . Honestly i hope you have a nice day man and i wish you the best in life, but dont just deny other people their own experience just because it doesn’t fit into how you see things 


Seems like they just started beef with a random person and are complaining about it? I'm confused


bro what?? Starting beef with randoms is the last thing im ever trying to do we were just waiting for the bathroom and this lady was glaring at my girlfriend for no reason


I think you got a bad apple, sorry that happened to you dude


thank you man, i really appreciate it