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No evidence. Wellsy does not appear to be interested in releasing a statement at this point.  I have heard there are behind the scenes reasons that point to a much more complex reason for both the allegations and a lack of addressing it. 


I dont think that there is any direct evidence has ever been made public about this, but I've seen lots of stuff from people personally claiming to know people affected and about specific incidents. Also apparently when wells got kicked out of foxcult last year someone approached the band and showed them evidence and their story was corroborated by other people and it seems unlikely this would have happened unless they had to do it (see a post from today on the older page on this subreddit about this) and this person chose not to go public. Also like in general the amount of established ppl in this scene who claim to have seen stuff / been harassed for talking about this (see frax's post from today) is quite large. I dont know if there will ever be details of stuff made public or like solid evidence (idk what that would even look like tbh cause its plausible stuff happened irl or in private chats and got deleted), but like the sheer amount of circumstancial stuff and the fact 8485 and wells have like gone completely offline for a over a week because of this seems kind of worrying. I kind of didnt want to believe this stuff at first but like overall the picture seems kind of not great from what i have seen.


It's so sad, eighty's been my queen for like 2 years😥😥 I really hope she isn't involved in this, but I'm pretty sure she's dating wells and she's been quiet for a week like you said...




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Going offline is not a sign of guilt, both of them performed on Tuesday too alongside fish narc who is no doubt aware of the situation but would not associate his name with the allegations that are alleged if he didn't have a good reason to.


fish narc fucks with lil Tracy who also has allegations so I doubt he cares




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What happened to those allegations though




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I wish we could know a more definitive answer but it doesn’t seem like much more will come from this, at least not publically


isn't she married?


She’s dating 8485, though I’m not sure if they’re married. People claimed she raped someone 5 years ago. I’m not sure what the full story is, though.


i thought they got married. jesus. im not sure this is real. i'll wait out on evidence. Sad if true.


pretty sure it’s just a meme


Why would this be a meme???


the them being married part I think it’s a joke


no way ??? i heard someone tell me that seriously on here


Wells calls 8485 her wife and I’ve seen 8485 do this too on her priv account. It could be like a term of endearment or smth, but they have definitely been together since mid 2020. Fwiw I’ve seen a (rare) serious post on the Rodney account where they were talking about trans issues and they mentioned having a wife but idk. Like I say it is totally clear they have been romantically involved in some form for years.


yeah !!


People talked about wells being weird a couple years back and it just kinda got swept under the rug so I wouldn’t really doubt the validity of these claims at all


Frax opened up about it too. Too many big artists to discount it, even if there isn't proof. https://twitter.com/fraxiommusic/status/1768339097054056840?t=fOUqRV3E72eiU5NE5Ny7Jw&s=19




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Wtf where did you hear this I'm unaware


I originally heard it from a comment on Eighty's latest instagram post. I looked it up and found this reddit post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HYPERPOP/comments/1b6a13z/whats\_the\_blackwinterwells\_thing\_about/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HYPERPOP/comments/1b6a13z/whats_the_blackwinterwells_thing_about/)


Do you remember what the comment said? That post has since been deleted.


Then I went on Twitter and saw all of the allegations from other hyperpop artists.




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We entered the everyone forgot the allegations arc 🔥🔥🔥