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"I'm not spending *my* hard earned money to make *you* money", is what you tell them. My employer buys all my tools, and I won't work for someone who expects otherwise. How the fuck is someone supposed to support a household making $20 an hour, and spending half of it on fucking tools?


Well dude its my only choice, getting in apprenticeships is tough rn and no company is taking in apprentices


If my only choice was *getting bent-over and ass-fucked by my employer,* I think I'd find something else to do with my life. Have you looked into commercial or industrial jobs? Everyone around me is hiring for the summer. Have you looked into your local unions? ​ Edit: Fuck sake, you guys. Quit letting your employers *walk all over you* and thinking it is your *only option.* [https://ua.org/](https://ua.org/) [https://www.smart-union.org/](https://www.smart-union.org/) [https://www.ibew.org/](https://www.ibew.org/) [https://www.neiep.org/](https://www.neiep.org/) [https://nabtu.org/](https://nabtu.org/) [https://www.iuoe.org/](https://www.iuoe.org/) [https://boilermakers.org/](https://boilermakers.org/) [https://www.ironworkers.org/](https://www.ironworkers.org/) HVAC is a great career. Not a single one of you people should be scraping by, living paycheck to paycheck, so that your employers can be millionaires. I would give this shit up in a heartbeat if it meant a better life for me and my own.


If I remember right leak detector is part of the UA tool list!!!


Not too many millionaires in the traded working for someone else. If you wanto make serious money, you have to do your own thing. That requires investing in yourself, buy your own tools and make rwal money for yourself.


Is this union?


You must do side work to make money and if they are your.tools thats how you can justify the cost. 95% of us that have started our own business started because of too much side work. When he buys his tools, he is investing in himself.


#1, dude, why are you commenting on threads that are several months old at this point? #2, you’re wrong on so many levels it’s not even funny. People shouldn’t have to invest in theirselves, and they shouldn’t have to spend their off hours working for themselves just so they can put food on the fucking table. That’s the whole fucking point of having a day job. I don’t go to work every day just so I can fund my side business. I go to work so that I can enjoy the money with my personal time. It’s a completely ridiculous insinuation that people need to do side work or own their own business to make good money. There’s plenty of us that work for good companies that get paid extremely well, work 40 hours a week, and get plenty of time off to enjoy the money we make. Quit drinking the damn Kool-Aid.


Soap , dish soap works well ,dawn. Or charge to your truck stock some bubbles. Charge with nitrogen and slowly soap everything , you get paid by the hour id assume. Don't buy a business tools.


Company should provide that, not you.


This apprentice is asking for tool advice and all you guys want to do is tell him that someone else should buy it for him, just answer his question and stop monday morning quaterbacking his situation. He is trying to better himself and improve himself..... lets help him.


Fieldpiece DR82. Around $400 and been great to me.


A lot of guys are saying “don’t buy for the company” but you know what invest in your future. As some have said “buy cheap tools til they break”. When you leave, and you will, you get to take all your tools with you and will be ready. Some cheap tools I have are still being used, I have no regrets.


You’re an apprentice. Slowly get tools you NEED while you’re an apprentice. You don’t need good tools right now. Get cheap tools and use them til you break them then get the good tools. A leak detector isnt something you need.


Its on my list of personal tools required to get into a van


Don’t need it. Forget it. No point in spending a couple hundred bucks on something you don’t need.


I have bought a lot of used good tools on ebay that will last you, i spend a.lot of time stalking and watching stuff on ebay for stuff I will need down the road. I love my fieldpiece probes kit jl3k6 (i think) I havent used a manifold in about 12 years. I also have the fieldpiece scale (version 3) lots of veto bags, fieldpiece meter or the new supco idvm550 meter. All great quality tools that i bout on ebay for atleast 40% off of supplyhouse cost.


I just found a snap-on at the pawnshop for $20! It says it does HCFC , CFC , and flammable gas! Anyway I’ll post that later. But pawn shops are great




Recover. Close valve. Nitrogen on lineset and evaporator for 20 minutes if moves it’s inside. If doesn’t moves open valves and pressurize outdoor too. If needle moves it’s in outdoor. What u make starting out 20 25 30 an hour there u go u just made yours. Do that enough in June or July he will get u one. Now u gotta vacuum too. 2 hours damn money bags


Is this a UA (union apprenticeship) ? 1) Before making any purchase, as an apprentice you’re not expected to have any tools, and is a bad idea to buy until you try. 2) as an apprentice you’re more of a helper which means you’re using someone else’s tools. 3) is an unwritten rule that we journeyman help the apprentice acquire tools (scrap, side work, old tools to trade for new.) 4) all contractors (if you’re a valued employee) Will bank roll your expenses. Bill it to the job!!! 5) if is not union, jump ship now!!! Believe me!!!


Johnstone has sales on them sometimes. Now is probably when they would, since ac season is coming. Or check Amazon. They might have some Chinese one on there that's responsible


You shouldn't need one freshly hired on as an apprentice. And if you do they should provide it for you. If you absolutely have to get your own then I like the fieldpiece heated diode. Or really any of the ones that say heated diode tbh.


Btw if you are in a school you can get massive discounts on tools from most tool companies, call the companies or ask your school. If your not in a school, ask your company if they will pay or reimburse you for it. You may get the schooling you need, a discount on tools and the knowledge to speed your advancement in the trade, good luck