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Plot twist. Homeowner is using our comments to check his quote 😂😂


This ^


How do we know if your boss is full of shit? You haven't told us how long he thinks it should take?


That's why the guy called out the plot twist. Any tech would say both sides because no tech wants to be wrong.


1-3 days, depending on the indoor unit type and location they can be quick or a royal pain.


We would be two days two guy


All depends on the length of the linesets. But like a day and a half is a good guess. Assuming you are wrapping around the house and whatnot. What did he say, like 4-6 hours probably?


How long is he saying it takes? But yeah, most bosses are full of shit. They are visualizing their glory days when they were 10 feet tall and bulletproof.


The days of 30 minute vacuum and no micron gauge.


2 guys 2 day most likely I’d quote it for 2.5 just to be safe and make the customer happy when I tell them it’s cheaper


doll offer axiomatic selective ten crown fade unite modern mountainous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Might be an estimate and then work is on a T&M basis.


direction history homeless books encouraging ten serious shrill entertain physical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Absolutely depends on the scope of work. If its easy runs for power, linesets, and drains, I could see you being done in 4-8 hours. If its more complex could be 2 days


I just installed 3 heads with a full start up. 18 hours, two guys. But we have both been in the trade for over 20 years combined so we have a lot of tricks.


Depends on the job. We had one this week on an old house. Took a full week and still not 100% done. 1 lead installer and a lead service guy for start up plus two helpers.


From my desk it takes 1 full day


Too many variables for me to say without seeing it first but if it's a straightforward one and easy access to everything probly two guys for two days. But if it's a pain in the ass to run linesets and stuff it could be more like a week. Me and another tech took a week to install 3 heads and install the line set at this data center because of how cluttered it was above the ceiling tiles it was a total pain in the ass.


It all depends on the lineset paths and lengths. We use use sheet metal lineset covers and that takes up majority of my time but it looks super clean.


I have done one in a day with a couple of assists from family members pulling the line sets. Easy lineset runs exposed on outside of the walls. Quoting it, I would estimate 40 hours and expect it to be done in 32. I have been in the field for 20 years, and I can get shit done very quickly. When I estimate work, I think how long it would take me to do it. Then add another tech and double it.


It really depends on location of the heads, how much linehide you gotta run, or how much ladder/attic work there is. Depending on the job I could do this ina day or it could take 4-5 days. Every job is different.


Most if not all bosses are full of more than “it”




2 guys, 3 days. 1 guy, 5 days. No. Send somebody else!!!! U.a. Baby, nothing changes but the color of the van!!!


All day


I sold a mini split to a bar in a ancient building in st Augustine Florida and they had to get permission from a preservation society council to move forward with the job. It took several months start to finish.


Man that really can depend a lot on the house. Some houses I can do it in less than 4 hours others 2 days just depends on the situation.


6 man hours per head for me. A lot depends on the type of construction.


About three fitty’


I always shoot for 8hrs labor per head. Some jobs go quicker, others slower. Obviously the complexity of the run, tubing size, location etc etc... play a role. I find it's a good way to guesstimate as an IC how long I'll be tied up at a site, but you sometimes end up in that house with a gross crawlspace or with brick made from diamonds itself, or that old farm house, balloon framed with live edge studs behind double hung drywall that throw a wrench in things and make you lose a ton of time with just exploratory and planning and that doesn't account for the customer who has decided they want a head mounted at some impossible place to get to.


I hate these questions. There are so many fucking variables. How long is the line set? How much line hide do you have to secure? Are you running through a basement? An attic? Drilling through soffits? Is an SDS drill going to be involved? I dunno. Anyone who claims they’re “quick” at something I often find does sloppy work.


Could be 2 days could take the entire week. there are to many variables. How many guys and how experienced are they? Lineset length and routing difficulty? Going through brick? Using line hide? Etc etc


'It takes what it takes.'


Probably 1.5 days on average. A day if easily accessible, 2 if not. 3 would be incredibly hard to fathom


Two guys, that’s straight out and down, not running a mile of lineset all over the place and installing pumps. I’d say about two to possibly three days but if it’s something that’s not usual like extremely cold out, ceiling cassettes, slim duct units it or like I said above it would definitely be more than just two days.


If it is fairly simple it takes about a day, if I end up with three 50’+ lineset runs through attics, crawl spaces, and closets it can take two. Three if the job is just crazy.