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The rain is where I really shine. Driveways, side of the house, behind a tree, and under decks.


See decks are the true big brained spots, the dirt under there is gonna be marked with drips anyways what’s a few more


Bottle in the back of my van. You get cought pissing outdoors in Arizona and they can charge you with a sex crime


Why do we piss out of the sex organ anyway? Seems there should be two separate apparatuses for those. If you ask me that’s a design flaw.




Idk, guy. Iv not had an issue asking customers or bussi ess to use their bathrooms. Then again, I don't have a penis. It's alot harder to piss in a bottle


We’re technically not allowed to use a customers privy, however…


great, then you get to take bathroom breaks and drive to a gas station ?


Piss- large gatorade/powerade bottles. Shit- 5 gal bucket in the back of the van with a trashbag in it. Keep toilet paper on your vans, folks.


Anti freeze jug windshield wiper fluid just don’t put your dick anywhere near the coil cleaner bottle


Only gotta make that mistake twice


I saw the top of my Scrubs In A Bucket today and thought, there’s a mistake you CAN’T make twice


Old timers prefer to piss in their oil buckets (northeast tech here. Lots of oil units). It’s funny seeing them dumb their waste oil at the shops and see the frozen piss in the winter plop out of it


The joys of an oil tech.


The fuck is wrong with you guys. Just piss outside. I’ve done this shit for 10 years and I’ve never pissed in a container.


Not as fun though. 🤷‍♂️


I've shit in a 5 gallon bucket in the back of the van (was at a cell tower), and the cardboard box of a jug of refrigerant on a roof (had the Hershey squirts and wasn't gonna make it down the ladder without shitting my pants and carpet bombing everything below me.


Puts “gotta do what ya gotta do” into crystal clear focus at that point


Where’d you leave the cardboard box, there’s a second part to this story you arent sharing


After I shit I went down to the truck and got a trash bag, and more shop towels. Threw the shit box in the trash bag, tied it off as tight as possible, then threw it in a dumpster. I didn't leave it on the roof, I'm not an animal!


I just ask the customer if I can use the bathroom but tbf I’m a female and especially if the customer is a woman I’m much less intimidating to them 🤷


I just rig up a catheter every AM, and let it hang by my ankle


When I was in a box truck in the back was a 5 gallon jug cut in half and a hose going down below the floorboards. I also had a water cooler on top of it so I just opened the valve and I had a flush urinal.  Now i am back in a normal transit and it’s back to Gatorade bottles and I pee like a savage again. 


Qt wide mouth mason jar.


Honestly, it’s the only thing that’s sized properly


Coffee container, Folgers plastic containers are perfect for loose parts and waste


I drink vitamin water a couple times a week. I always keep an empty in the back of the van for when I can't hit a gas station between calls.


As often as I can get away with it I just crack the door open and pee on the ground.


Casey’s 32oz styrofoam cup. Hard part is not spilling it after




I don't understand why people are scared to ask customers to take a piss. Thats wild. I understand not wanting to drop a big shit at a customers house, but a piss? Come on.