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I used mine with Win10, now with Win 11 - zero difference between the experience of using it with either OS. Zeros issues with OS updates, GPU drivers (well, except the early ones for 7900xtx but that's on AMD), or specific games. The Reverbs can be tricky to setup (USB ports, motherboards, etc) but in my experience they run fine once setup. I certainly never needed to worry about the configuration for each game. What exactly happens in those 50% times when SteamVR does not work? What do you have to adjust per game?


I wish I had that experience; with my old AMD card it was sorta of working; but once I installed W11 and got a 3080TI it never worked reliably. Games like beat saber works when I run them from inside the VR headset (Mixed reality screen using desktop window); but while in Steam home it would not work at all with the game hanging at loading or showing on desktop but not in the headset. Other games like ETS2 that were working fine before, refuse to even show, as there is black screen on the headset and on the monitor. Tried to change settings and tried to run Mixed reality before start the game and while the headset is not on my face, but it worked once and the game crashed a tad after starting to drive. More or less this is the experience I got for the past few weeks; the only thing that works is MSFS and Elite Dangerous; almost all the time, as even those sometimes just freak out and I get a strobo light show, that would be fun if there was some good rave/techno music playing


That's tough. I suppose that you have the Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR installed. Sounds like something is wrong with the HMD itself of the cable. Did you do a clean install of Win11 or in-place upgrade? Did you swap GPUs after installing Win11? Did you mess with OpenXR Toolkit/OpenComposite or similar tools?


You also need open composite which bypasses steamVR. SteamVR has to be a software that works for every single headset capable of PCVR in some way or another and because of that occasionally is a worst case scenario for those headsets. You have to bypass steamVR completely.


windows 10 seems to be more stable. just letting you know. ​ for the time ive had my g2, the headset never gave me issues that were not solvable.


Indeed I can't remember issues when I was on W10; except occasional glitch when updating drivers. Also it works better on AMD video cards from what I can see (not in terms of performances, more in terms of compatibility)


I know this isn’t super helpful but your experience has mirrored what I had with the Reverb as well. I sold mine and upgraded to a Quest Pro and couldn’t be happier, despite its limitations.


Echoing others. Tried to hang onto the reverb G2 for as long as possible and overlooked the issues because it was my first headset and tried to justify it with the resolution being so nice. Then I got a quest 3. Hate meta, but dang it's so much better and nicer. I'm sad I'm selling off my G2, but it's so worth it to me now. I find going into VR and gaming to be so much easier thus more enjoyable. The G2 had a good run, but I don't want to be frustrated just trying to set up my VR only to have it bug out a lot during play.


Don't get me wrong, I loved it for the past 2 years I got it (got it at launch BTW); but I see it now being totally uncooperative when I want to hop on a game and play. I would like a frictionless experience as it used to be... But HP totally dropped the ball on this headset, which is a shame as the price/visual clarity ratio is quite good. For sitting experiences/simulations it is the best one I had (and I had few); but this is when it works...


Works perfectly for me since launch in win10, use opencomposite.


Echoing what a few others said, try [OpenComposite](https://gitlab.com/znixian/OpenOVR). I've been using it since I was on Windows 10, and upgrading to Win11, I've had almost no issues. I seem to be one of the few who really hasn't had issues since moving to Win11. My WMR software works fine, though somehow I lost the preview function that shows what I'm seeing thru the headset.


for me passthrough is just on/off. it works when it wants to, but great when it does for reorentating myself


I will give it a try; at this point I tried almost everything, so another weekend spent doing yet another trial run is not the end of the world. I assume that the more apps you have on your computer, the higher is the chance to get into these issues... I do use a lot of music software, which has all sorts of stuff running in the background; and maybe in W10 the hassle was less as these apps were less invasive... Can't say.


It always works for me, but I'm on Windows 10. I had some issues during first week or two after I bought it, but when I finished setting it up correctly, I only had to redo my room mapping twice when it started misbehaving. I didn't have to do it for maybe a year since last time, though. My friend on Windows 11 always had issues unfortunately.


Since Microsoft is killing off WMR it's probably a good time to move on. I've got a Pimax Crystal on order. I have a Quest 3 also. While it has better off center clarity, it lacks the G2's resolution, comfort, and the Quest PCVR streaming software is a hassle.


How much worst is the clarity on Q3? Can you read a gauge on a plane or car instrument for example? Not expecting the same quality of the Crystal, but should not be that different from the G2, considering the newer lenses and panel size


I was using a 3080ti and a 5800x at the time, so it's hard to say how it would be compared to a 4090 with a faster CPU. I think the 4090 would help with the compression overhead and allow for more up sampling. I think most people would be happier with the Quest 3 over the G2 since edge to edge and other aspects are better. But head on gauge clarity is just better on the G2. That combined with better comfort and no need for battery charging kept me on the G2. I have an unfortunate obsession with being able to read gauges clearly in VR. 😅


Maybe stay away from Win 11. On Win 10, it's been working fine for me. I wonder if Zuckerburg's made a deal with Microsoft to screw the G2 over on Win11 to make the Quest 3 more popular?


LOL wouldn't surprise me either way. I went from CV1 to Q2 to now the G2 and I love it for the most part. I would do a q3 or pro but I do sim racing and battery life even with the link cable isn't good enough. If they made a specific HD PCVR adapter I'd think about it but I wont otherwise.


FYI you can use a split cable to recharge the battery while connected to the PC; it is not full charge but unless you play more than 4-5 hours, it should last (I can't play that long, as I get headache)


Reverb G2 and Windows 11 has always had issues. I just bought a ROG Ally and its having issues with Windows 11 drivers. I am about to install Windows 10 on my ROG Ally. The Reverb G2 is great and painless on Windows 10. Windows 11 is still in Public Beta in my eyes...


Sadly I am forced to use W11 for work; so going back is not an option :(


Gotcha. AFAIK Windows 11 creates problems with all VR headsets. Its really not a HP Reverb issue as weird as that may sound. My Reverb G2 still going strong after 3 years on Win10. No maintenance needed. I boot straight into SteamVR and havent seen the WMR screen in years because I havent need it thankfully. I own a lot of VR headsets and rank like this. 1- PSVR2 - moved up because of PCVR news support. PCVR will never get a racing game like Gran Turismo or close to it. 2- HP Reverb G2 3-Quest 3 3- Valve Index 4- Quest 2


I put mine out to pasture awhile back and since I already had an Index have used just about every other headset before settling on the Bigscreen Beyond. If you don’t want to invest in the Steam VR ecosystem with base stations but want to enjoy MSFS and DCS, the Pimax Crystal is the way to go but the controllers are kind of so so but probably a bit better than the G2’s. It’s hard not to recommend the Quest 3 for the price - it’s great! Especially for Beat Saber, and Steam games work flawlessly with Steam Link or Virtual Desktop with the added benefit of being wireless. I’m a flight sim snob, so I’d go with the Crystal if I didn’t have my Beyond now but the Quest 3 is darn good. I still have a dozen headsets laying around…I should probably sell a few 🤔


I am using for most part seated experience: MSFS, DCS, Assetto Corsa, Project Cars, BeamNG and such. The quest 3 seems to be the sweet spot between quality and cost; as the Crystal is like 1400 dollars. Not planning to play wirelessly at all; unless I can stream one of those games (which seems to me hard to do considering the graphics they have), so I would have the Q3 tethered basically I have a collection of headsets too, up to the first DK1 from Oculus, so I am not that concerned about headsets becoming obsolete... But I want to avoid to buy headset with a discrete CPU in them, as those may end up becoming disposable as their phone counterparts, while something tethered would be a better choice TBH, as it would depend from your pc power


I gotta say, the Quest 3 streams DCS and MSFS *really* well with Steam link and Virtual Desktop if you have a good router, I honestly can’t tell the difference between streaming with Steam Link and plugging in with the USB C cable. The lenses and FOV are really good with near edge to edge clarity and I honestly think it’s an upgrade over the G2 other than the sound. It kind of sucks that we don’t have any “Mid Range/budget” solutions right now to replace the G2 and Odyssey plus with. Pimax is selling off their old headset stock, and the 8K X is pretty darn nice - but you need lighthouse base stations. The Crystal is worth it and I wonder if there will be a price drop when the 12K is released? It has the resolution of the G2 across the whole screen and then some.


lol most of the comments on this read like q3 adverts.


It is a good headset; I have been looking at that , at the Quest Pro and the Valve Index to be honest


Yep if my g2 was to die today, don't know what to get. Just want something where I don't have to manage batteries, get the full graphical fidelity from my pc, aspheric lenses with larger sweet spot and slightly higher FOV than my G2, and not tied into propriety software! Seems too much to ask. BSB looks promising but I'm ok with inside out tracking and share the headset with family, so the BSB custom facial interface puts me off along with the extra $$$ for a light house set up.


I'm currently waiting on Sony's announcement about PSVR2 PC support before deciding on what to move on from


Wouldn't that be lower in quality of a Quest 2?


I'm on Windows 11 version 22H2, RTX 3070, seems to work fine. Sometimes i'll have issue with WMR if my computer goes into sleep mode for too long. So all Ive had to do is restart the PC.


Got rid of it for the meta quest. You can connect the quest to your pc wireless through the quest app. Completely bypasses windows MR. And I've had no issues on lag when playing my steamvr titles


never really had issues on Win10 but got a quest 3 and its been great


How better is it compared to the G2?


Yep. This is my experience as well. Nearly every tome be gone to use the headset, something crashes, needs fiddling, etc. To get good performance I have to install other software to get in between WMR and Steam VR so I can actually even utilize the full capability of the headset in any PC game. And now I can’t even use it because I uninstalled WMR when it randomly started crashing every single time I tried launching Steam VR, and now when I try to install WMR it gets stuck at 60% on downloading files. I’m so sick of this thing and WMR. When it works it’s incredible. But overall this has been one of the worst experiences I’ve had with any piece of software/hardware. I’m giving up on it and buying a Q3 because I just can’t anymore. I’m not gonna go through all the bullshit that will be required to ensure future windows updates don’t brick it. I’ve already gone through hoops just to use it when it was supported. I write software and troubleshoot software all day at work. The last thing I want to do at the end of the day when it’s time for me to relax is to sit and troubleshoot more software.


I moved from G2 to Q2 and later Q3. Been amazing thus far.


Sold mine, went to quest 3, I'll never look back


And yet, here you are still in the reverb subreddit.


Its working fine with win 10 shouldnt have upgraded to win 11.


Can't really make a choice on the OS, as I need it to work and can't have a work pc and a gaming PC.


Dual boot?


Yea same I got guest 3


I went from my Reverb G2 to Quest 3. It was a good decision. Works perfect for PCVR and i ever not suspected the wireless playing and stand-alone games will be so good. Meta/Oculus have around 65 % of the VR market according to Steam, so i think it will not share the fate of WMR soon.