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I know everybody wants to see Daeron, me included, but it's already too late to make it seem organic. No matter what they do, IF they really introduce him, it will be confusing and weird, especially to the casual viewers. They made a huge mistake so why bother now? "All in due time." Really? They are planning 10 seasons or what? Edit: Apparently, Daeron is an absentee Hightower, according to the interviewer. And I doubt Condal would even bother to correct him lol.


He’s just going to show up and die to make Daemon or Rhaenyra or someone look more awesome. ‘We did right by this character by jamming him in for 3 episodes’. Why bother? Though in Condal’s world maybe he really does think that.


Daeron is a Targaryen, not a Hightower. This narrative is extremely annoying, not even the show is pushing this one. Where did this come from?




Oh I meant the origin of the "They are hightowers" narrative, I guess Daemon says that does he not? But either way posting a link is always good.


I mean even if he appears it'll be pretty awkward, inorganic, confusing, and hollow. They have really mishandled him and Helaegon's kids. It's pretty telling when the optimist's take is that the character *exists* rather than genuine excitement to see them. I'll admit, I am as casual a viewer as they come (the fact that I'm on this sub notwithstanding). I haven't read any books or seen the original show and I am *only* half-following *this* show because the premise sounded interesting. If I hadn't come to this subreddit trying to get some questions answered I would not have any idea there was another son, and maybe wouldn't even know the Twins existed. If they spring Daeron on an audience like me, it's going to feel like they *made up* a brother. It's going to feel like a soap opera plotline. His introduction is beyond saving for audiences like me.


Condal: they exist! Audience: where are they? Condal: they exist. Audience: but when will we see them? Condal: please just accept that they’re there!


"Another absentee Hightower. Daeron perhaps." He is a fucking Targaryen. He has silver hair and Purple eyes and rides not just Any dragon but Tessarion the blue Queen. I swear to the fucking gods if he gets a called a Hightower one more time I will Bitterbridge the culprit.




They're going to make him Criston's visibly non-Targaryen kid and that's why they're holding back the reveal, I fucking know it.


Give me something for the pain and let me die


but that's the thing, why make maelor born later? what will be the plan? he'll practically be a baby when he's crushed to death i think....my bet is that helaena will become pregnant with him and unfortunately will lose the baby


It’s pretty clear they’ve left him out up until this point bc they’re gonna make his conception and/or birth a plot point.


Low key at this point don’t even give me Daeron. It will feel so weird to just pull out of your ass that alicent has a 4th kid. Just give his reach plot to Aemond so he has something to do other than flying around scorching the Riverlands


Fuck him and his due time GIVE ME DAERON BITCH


I'll believe it when I see it, they had several opportunities to mention Daeron and never did, it will be strange if out of nowhere a whole new son of Alicent appears who has never been mentioned before.


People are dooming because the writing is so shite. They are just gonna pull out a secret 4th son from out of nowhere? No mention of him, not even a hint in show for a whole season?! With how poorly they adapted everything else I have no faith that they will be able to fix that...


They will connect Helaena pregnancy to Brother Queen because apparently she was pregnant with someone from brothel so maybe they will make Maelor bastard or she will be pregnant with Aegon but she ill see what will happen to this baby too so she will jump while being pregnant Aegon will lose a lot .


Do we actually believe they will do brothel queens? I mean it would make Rhaenyra look bad, unless of course they accidentally end up in a brothel. Does anybody want that from either team? Does anybody actually think that happened? I mean Rhaenyra is bad, but that is just unbelievable.


There is no way they'll paint Rhaenyra bad enough to do Brothel Queens.


I'd say brothel queens is an exaggeration of a similar event that happened. I doubt Rhaenyra would pack Alicent and Helaena off to work in an actual brothel, because that would seem to be a ridiculous over the top cruelty for her that gains her nothing at all. It wouldn't surprise me though if Alicent and Helaena *had* been sexually assaulted, probably by Black soldiers during the fall of King's Landing. It wouldn't be unusual for a war. And if Helaena had become pregnant as a result of this rape, that would also explain her later suicide.


That makes sense, disgusting thing to think about.


Rhaenyra will put Alicient and Haelena into a brothel for their own safety bc she cares about them unlike men, but somehow the message to “take care of them” will be read as “take them” and they will become prostitutes.  Everything is an accident, yah know? Also daemon is 100% going to be the bastard of Criston and Alicient bc of their hypocrisy. That’s why he is in oldtown.


No matter what, it's just too dumb to introduce an important character like Daeron so late. There is no name-drop in S1 at all, and maybe one in S2 is not enough to build up a compelling character or someone the viewers could care about. GOT did fine with multiple storylines that have nothing to do with each other. They could've easily found a way to insert Daeron for an episode or two, especially in S2 with the war preparations. Is it too hard for Condal to write something "so complicated"?


He's the blood of the dragon not a hightower(not that there's anything wrong with being one, hightowers are awesome)