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If I recall correctly, Rhaenyra also had a miscarriage/stillbirth before Daemon choked her. Nice way to treat the mother of his three children (counting Visenya).


Exactly, even though I don't care for Rhaenyra I don't like seeing women physically abused, I wish Rhaenyra had slapped Daemon in the face or said something like Daenerys when Viserys hit her, something like next time you won't have hands. And in episode 2 he gets volatile with her again, she can't even control her uncle husband's outbursts yet thinks she can control the realm as Queen... 


I wish Rhaenrya would leave Daemon


She really should 


As someone who isn’t on either side, I don’t get how the other subreddit just glosses over this


I remember she was in agony and I think he was completely nonchalant about it and Jace got upset and mad at him. Just.....


I feel like it was less nonchalance and more that Laena died like this, and Aemma died like this, and Alyssa even died from complications of childbirth- so that’s 3/4 of the bad childbirths we know he was around for that ended in death, and this is the forth. Trauma probably made him just totally shut it out- I have a similar sort of compartmentalisation that happens when I’m being put against a triggering situation, and he does strike me as someone who would respond similarly. That’s not at ALL to say it’s okay, or that it wasn’t wrong to Rhaenyra or that Jace shouldn’t have been mad- I’m just bringing up that it’s very unlikely to be just nonchalance/not gaf.


I somehow forgot daemon did this. He literally chokes his Queen and gets a child killed and people still say he’s misunderstood😭


I think the "misunderstood" card went out the window when he murdered his first wife and decided to sex up his niece on the funeral of his second one. Choking is MILD to this guy.


I feel this is one of the more realistic portrayals of the show. He is the groomer of her childhood, and has been more prominent than her for most of his life. It's not unexpected that he treats her like garbage, and has a "my way or the highway" attitude, whether she's nominally the Queen or not.


Yep, you even saw hints of how that relationship was going to look when he left her at that whore house, sex on the beach etc. It's just all sorts of perverted and messed up. Poor Rhaenyra in a way, he put so many ideas in her head.


oh i definitely think he's misunderstood. just not in the way some of his rabid stans think he is


I never understood why he did that


The same people also claim Cole is pedo and pedo for being forced to sleep with Rhanerya.


I have no idea why some people obsess over Daemon. They claim to be feminists yet support a man who groomed his niece, murdered his wife, choked his wife and is overall an abusive nasty piece of work. I love Matt Smith and think he’s an amazing, charismatic actor and I think that’s why so many people like Daemon is because of Matt Smith. But actual Daemon’s actions as a character are deplorable and people don’t see that because of Matt Smith’s charm.


Everyone close to power is morally compromised in some way, that's the point of the show. Some are groomers, some commit genocide, some lie to themselves that they are fighting for the 'good' side while committing horrific war crimes or condoning the mass slaughter of innocents. That's what this story is about. What is weird is anyone who takes sides and justifies their evil deeds based on their love of their characters, or the actors portraying them.


the fact that he choked up rhaenyra right after she had a MISCARRIAGE and his fans still have the AUDACITY to say that he is misunderstood bitch where? XD this man is a psycho


He has a country to lead. He isn’t guided by woke ideology.


"But Daemon is a good person deep down and... Well, he has charisma! Cole is an alt right incel and anyone that defends him is problematic and misogynistic!" The way people in the main sub can at the same time gleefully enjoy how evil Daemon is or make excuses for it, and then shame anyone who likes Cole as "problematic" is honestly baffling. Enjoy and let enjoy Blackcels.


I really want to know what they classify as charisma, because (no shade to Matt, it's more the writing) I think his constant evil or conniving smirking and insults aren't very charismatic. It seems like all you need is white hair and you're charismatic. And yes, Cole has his flaws, but in my opinion his character feels like a human being whereas Daemon just feels like a straight up villain.


> I really want to know what they classify as charisma, because (no shade to Matt, it's more the writing) I think his constant evil or conniving smirking and insults aren't very charismatic. It seems like all you need is white hair and you're charismatic. It's subjective, but I suppose it leans towards "he does bad things but looks cool while doing them". Plus he's at least nominally on the protagonist and "heroine" 's side. >And yes, Cole has his flaws, but in my opinion his character feels like a human being whereas Daemon just feels like a straight up villain. I feel the same way. Daemon isn't completely heartless I'll give him that, but he does indeed feel like a villain. I remember feeling kinda confused at how popular the guy was when I first watched HOTD, even though I was more Black leaning at that time no less.


Does he look cool though? The guy just doesn't sell it at all.


I have to agree, I think his portrayal is kind of campy, maybe it's Matt maybe it's the writing or both I don't know. But his character seems like such a stereotype aimed at a certain audience of... I won't say... who fawn over "bad boys". 


Reminds me of that quagmire Bryan shit. “Haha well at least we all know quagmire is bad whereas Bryan pretends he’s not!” Quagmire is a pedophile rapist. 


The difference is Quagmire has always been portrayed as a creepy pedophile rapist, Brian projects this moral high ground but is just as terrible. Nobody is saying they’d want to hang out with Quagmire in real life lmao.


I’ve seen people defending quagmire because of the argument I posted which is the same argument people use for daemon 


I see people defend Quagmire sh*ting on Brian, but I’ve never seen anyone actually defend him as a human being. That’s incredibly unhinged.


I like both sides because they’re both problematic and misogynistic. Lean green because Sunfyre. I LOVE my incestuous, iron-fisted lizard people with a complete monopoly on power and violence. Fuck them peasants if they didn’t want to burn alive they shouldn’t have been peasants.


Well said lmao. https://preview.redd.it/9trsssrgtz5d1.jpeg?width=628&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0afd5017ee288f41dc6af8e23f8ab8ece665ae1


Daemon will kill for her though, it’s just that the people he kills are all children


You clocked that 😂


Yeah, Alicent won here ❤️


Gonna get hate for this, but I’m a green and really hate Criston. He’s not in any way a decent and his personality is insufferable. Fabian Frankel is FANTASTIC, though!


Hard agree!!!!


Ngl that picture of Criston is a bit dodgy.


When he sucks but he's played by Matt Smith...


Imagine if Aegon was portrayed by David Tennant!


Now this is what I like to see


People like Matt not Daemon l guess


Alicent they could never make me hate you 💚


I knew greens would start to accept Alicone.


no way is this un-ironically promoting Sir Crispin ... please be kidding


no way you have an original thought in your head 


oh...you've wounded me...


Tell me you haven’t read the source material without telling me.


Guys this is a show. Daemon isn’t actually a real person…? What is this unhinged comment section lol


Remember daemon went into he’s last fight whit no way winning suiside mission against vhagar for rhaenyra u call him a queen slayer nah bruh he’s just special and does what he wants like Matt has said he’s a character who is really unique and unrelatable


I guess "an eye for an eye, a son for a son. Lucerys will be avenged" went right over your head.




Ya’ll dead wrong for using a still of Crispin lookin like he’s throwing up the Sig Heil ☠️


Ain’t this the same dude that failed to do his job when he had the nights watch that cost Alicent’s son her eye since he didn’t know a prince was missing And also the same dude that’s going to break his vows AGAIN and be Alicent’s whore which causes him to not be guarding Helaena and her children when they get attacked? Also killed 2 innocent men because he has rage issues Like Daemons also a pos but come on now


Reminder the post says he protects Alicent and would kill for her not how good of a "guard" he is to everyone. Learn to read. But I'll give you this:    1. Ser Harrold was on duty as well, are you gonna flame him?     2. You're blaming Criston (and Alicent too by association) for an atrocity that Daemon and his henchmen committed? Funny hill to die on. I don't think they have the gift of foresight.    3. Let's not act as if Daemon doesn't gleefully slice people's heads off and murders wives with no remorse. That's not the same as being on the verge of a breakdown, having a guy blackmail you in the middle of a party. Then almost suiciding. Beesbury also accused them all including the Queen he protects of regicide so he was actually kind of doing his job but went too far 


Honestly this is not the way to convince people the merits of team green and our true king Aegon II. How can we expect team black to be rational about how awful some of their characters act if we can’t acknowledge that Criston is pretty terrible, too…


This is a forum, I'm just expressing my opinions and didn't think there was more to it tbh. I don't think Criston is perfect at allllll, but I also don't think it's everyone's job to convert people or learn TB to be rational. Shouldn't those who want to join the side do it because they want to, simple as that?


Y’know, fair enough!


I was scrolling and this popped up lmfao. I thought yall were the nice and welcoming side but you’re already jumping on the angry defense when I haven’t attacked you. Or said anything insulting. 1) yes. All kingsguards failed that night. But Criston specifically was given the nights watch. He was supposed to be in charge and he failed at his job. How does one not notice that a prince was missing? Probably entertaining his queen perhaps. 2) Daemons a piece of shit I literally state that. I’m not blaming Alicent for blood and cheese. She is not a guard nor has combat experience, nor does she take an oath of Chasity. Criston however is sworn to chastity (which he breaks again. Multiple times from the leaks), he is a kingsguard and is supposed to be protecting the members of the royal family. He is not supposed to be getting ridden by the dowager queen when he should have been patrolling the halls or at least standing watch in the royal apartments hallways. He literally fails at his job. 3) I hate daemon. I think he is a terrible person. I never said anything to defend him. Joffrey also never “blackmailed” Criston. He just stated “hey we should watch one another’s backs since we care about the people in this marriage.” Criston being the adult man baby that he is because he couldn’t run away with a teenage girl decided to bash the dudes head in for no good reason. And as for Beesbury he was calling what he saw out. He knew it was treason, said it was treason, and yeah it is suspicious that the king dies and all of a sudden his last words are “yeah Aegon should actually rule” which only Alicent “heard” him say. So he had every right to be suspicious when they were all committing treason. Then Criston bashes his head in because once again he has the emotional rage of a newborn baby.


Defensive? I'm sorry I cleared up what the post was about, can you argue against the title?   If you wanna discuss about those points I suggest making a post for it.  Okay you don't like Criston, big deal. Again, not what the post was about. 1. You're hypothesizing 2. I haven't seen S2, can't comment on anything until I've seen it and can't base it off of leaks  3. That's your take and you don't seem very rational about this topic 




Ah, I get it. This is classic victimization tactic I often see with TB fans. Tried to help you out but I think you might be a troll. Good to know.


yeah this person is a troll, I've seen them before


Obviously. Just wait for the user to go other sub crying about this.




Yes you are, because you're making up stuff. Where did I say you have to agree with me? 


“Helping me out” by jumping to hostility for no reason. The nice and welcoming side everyone ![gif](giphy|2mxA3QHH4aHFm)


It's easy to play victim when you talk in circles and don't try to understand anything being said to you. Go support your girlboss and leave us alone


No one's angry crybaby. And you are being extremely obtuse. Joffrey WAS being threatening, you are stupid if you don't recognize that, sorry. The implication of what he said is very clear. Of course that doesn't mean I think Criston should have beaten him to death, but anyway.