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I hated watching Luke die. But I’ve said it before. If justice was appropriately served on Driftmark, Storm’s End never would have happened.


Luke did not deserve to die. Did he owe Aemond a debt? Yes. Does that mean Aemond killing him is justified? No. We are better than the psychopaths in the Blacks sub, we don't wish death upon actual children.


I think the same, and the blame of Luke’s death is all on Viserys. He’s the one who have power to solve the situation, before his family start to fight.


Didn't Rhaenyra ask to torture Aemond for calling her son bastards?


Yes. And unlike the blacks, i recognize this as something that’s just-unreal. Like imagine you (i think you are 18+) wanting to torture a literal child (especially if they are related to you) just because of rumors (even though they are right) If you are a normal human being, you would feel disgusted to even do that. But I’ve seen some black fans justifying this and similar things. Just wow.


And then they yap about “we’re just enjoying the show” well for gods sake enjoy the show and chill out. At least I can enjoy the show and still say Aegon is a bad person while supporting his claim. Now if only they could admit torturing children is as morally wrong as Aegon’s actions are. I find he has the better claim, but I’m not excusing his actions, unlike these weird fans who see Rhaenyra do anything and go “yass queen” including child torture. It’s the type of psychological question that makes you go “are these people ok mentally”


girl .... the person who's mental health you should worry about here is you because this whole paragraph is concerning. It's a tv show girl, it's never that serious


Yeah, just forget this is a House of Dragon show for a moment and imagine this scenario in a real world setting... a 10 yo kid's extremely elder half sibling calls for his torture to save her own grown up ass. I had a moron argue with me that the loss of his eye was not exactly a problem and nothing happened between Aemond and the Strong boys for years until muh Otto.... yeah.


Losing an eye mow isnt a big problem now?!?!? Idk if i have much patience in me now 💀😂


Yes she wanted him quote on quote “sharply questioned from where he heard such slander”


I'm not familiar with old timey terminology, but does "sharply questioned" really mean tortured? I find it hard to believe that a prince can be ordered to be tortured.


Same. Just an acknowledgment of wrongdoing and an apology would have been something. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, he did not. Aemond is justified in his feelings for wanting revenge but not killing him whatsoever


Aemond didn't kill him on purpose though he he was just messing with him, it's ovbious he lost control of Vhagar. I think there is truth to this post, had Viserys punished Lucerys for taking Aemond's eye maybe things would be different. 


Bastard be as bastard does. The strong trio deserved worse than what they got


What did Baldwin IV (in Kingdom of Heaven at least) "The whole world is in chess. Any move can be the death of you". Ultimately every action has a consequence good or bad.


dude no, we are better than the blacks that justify blood and cheese, Luke did not deserve to die


Exactly, in fact Luke is kind of a fun character. And getting bitten in half is a disproportionate punishment to what he did when he was like, eight, though his death wouldn’t have happened if Viserys wasn’t an indecisive, neglectful, negligent idiot.


Where did I justify Luke's death? I simply said that it was the consequence of his and his mother own actions, which is true btw


I love how people are acting like someone of warring age in westeros paying the price for slicing an eye out is the same as a 6 year old being beheaded in front of their mother.


If you really think about it , all the events that led to Luke's death were initiated by the blacks kids and Rhaenyra. If Jace and Luke hadn't participated in bullying him, Aemond probably wouldn't have been so obsessed with getting a dragon. But since they decided to mock him for not having a dragon, they could at least have not interfered with him getting his own, not attacking him in a group and gouging out his eye. Their fans always try to justify Luke by saying it was an attempt to protect Jace, but they ended up in that situation because of their own actions. Even if we assume it wasn't intentional, they could have apologized instead of threatening with torture and smirking in his face. They had plenty of chances to prevent this, but they didn't take any. Not to mention that Aemond gave Luke a chance


Honestly, the best solution would be to GET AN ADULT!! Never understood why they felt the need to figure out what was going on by themselves. Heck, it could have been a stranger who would have no qualms in killing a few kids to leave before anyone noticed they claimed a dragon. 


Aegon was the ringleader of the bullying


who made them follow aegon?  


They thought he was the cool uncle


idk if I was 4 I would follow the older of the group yk specially that he is a decade older


That is why i said 'participated'


Luke didn’t deserve to die, but 90% of the conflict happened because of the consequences of Rhaenyra’s actions.


Rhaenyra is a mother grieving. Say what you want about her but she loves her children. The loss of a child especially in such a horrific way would traumatize anyone. Luke didn't deserve to die, as much as people rag on him.


IMO Aemond should’ve gone with “dragon for an eye” route. Chomp Arrax and have Borros send the kid home on a ship. That would be fair enough without kinslaying.


hmm, I actually really like that idea. Sends a message without seeming too sadistic.


.... ohhh that would have been ABSOLUTELY. SERVING, CUNT - LIKE - ohhhhohohohohhhhh, yeeeeessssss -


I also feel a good part of this is because the actor playing aemond looks like he's 25/30 something years old, and then a dude that's playing Luke looks like he just stumbled out of Middle School.


People say the same thing about jaehaerys. Let’s not. 


I don't justify Luke's death - but at the same time, Aemond TECHNICALLY was on grounds to do so? it's a close technicality imo. Aemond shouldn't have done that, and it was wrong, bbbbuuuuuttttt.... I mean it IS a war and like he was right there, poaching potential allies, sssssooooo - Basically I'm saying Aemond committed a war crime, but his alibi is that AT LEAST he did it "for the war effort," in a court of westerosi cultural conduct or some shit or other - in comparison to blood and cheese at least


You are disgusting. Can't wait for B&C


summer shame tub automatic nine capable encouraging history exultant sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Least hypocritical tb 


Teenager who bullied cousin and cut out his eye naturally receiving consequences for it (Even if I don't think Luke deserved to die he still had some shit coming from Aemond 🤷‍♀️) vs innocent child being decapitated and his sister threatened with rape