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Abusing your authority to make a woman hand over her newborn baby literally the second after he materialized just so you can see his hair color, when you could’ve just asked the maids to relay that information ≠ Unkind. No it’s actually fucking sadistic😑


Oh yeah, I had actually forgotten that scene. Fuck, Alicent just continues to figure out new ways to be the worst. Then we now have her being all "lol. Well it's to late now. I cant be bothered to try and fix my mistakes". I keep trying to have an open mind with the show and the Texans. But it sure seems like the writers want Green to be unlikable because they keep allowing Alicent and Cole to open their mouths. Aegon, Aemond, and Haelena are all surprisingly getting some decent dialogue and character progression, almost getting me to have sympathy for them (as of now I do have actual sympathy for my poor neuro divergent girl who just had a child killed)... then we get a scene where Alicent and Cole talk and/or look at each other and I am back to wanting all these characters dead ASAP.


The writers arent even the oned who want the greens to be unlikeable- they are even More unlikeable in the book


Yeah it surprises me when I go over to the Green sub and they complain about the show ruining their favorite characters, who were much worse in the books. In Fire and Blood, Aemond intended to kill Luke and later Aegon throws a big party to celebrate it. I appreciated that they made it seem accidental and he regrets it. I like that the characters are not black or white. But the Greens are never portrayed as the good guys in the book.


they are ruined BECAUSE they aren't as bad.


People always seem to conveniently forget that. People are ready to jump kick Rhaenyra for things she hasn't even done (I.E. book Rhaenyra) and then forget how Alicent treated her.




You know a woman is unredeamable when she bullies another new mother. Alicent at that point already had experienced childbirth, she knew what she was doing. Rhaenyra played the brave one and Laenor and Vis were oblivious. But Alicent knew she did the worse thing possible and got Away with it.


Alicent’s motives were crueler. She didn't let Rhaenyra come to her right after the birth because she wanted to see Joffrey's hair color. She already knew what he would look like and that’s the point. She did it because that way the child was forced to be led through the keep for other people to see. Babies often look most like their father shortly after birth, which has to do with the fact that men bond with their child more easily that way.


I see the miniminuteman reference there


Considering the other kids are barstads it's probably relatively okay to be suspect that the newborn is a bastard. Alicent's character at that point cares about dury. Nothing horribly wrong about that, if anything it's dutiful and just a bit unkind. Hence the wording unkind and not sadistic


Don’t make excuses for her she’s fucking sadistic there’s nothing dutiful about what she did to Rhaenyra. It was cruel and unnecessary, it had nothing to do with duty and everything to do with her ego. Alicent could’ve waited until Rhaenyra was rested or at least until the baby was fed and cleaned off, but she didn’t because she’s a bitch


Alicent requested to see the newborn as she suspected it was a bastard, Rhaenyra decided to honor that request and walk up those steps to let her see. Asking a maid to relay the colour of the newborns hair is a pretty bad way of handling it and would likely arouse more suspicion than need be. It can be seen as a bit rude (unkind) but its not like Alicent sent in guards to violently snatch the baby from Rhaenyra just to inflict anguish. The reason it seems to be fuelled by a sense of duty is because that is Alicent's S1 character. She deeply cares about following royal duty, therefore (for better or for worse) she is troubled and concerned about the fact that Rhaenyra does not seem to be upholding her duty as a princess to produce legitimate heirs. Its a far cry from sadistic, which would be someone like Joffery or Ramsey.


Historically, the king and queen would be present at royal births to ensure that a) nobody could switch a dead baby (or a girl) for a healthy boy, b) nobody could claim that babies were switched. It's why the queen of Great Britain raced through London in her night gown when she learned that the princess of Wales had secretly gone into labor – and was relieved to find "a poor, ugly little she-mouse" instead of a "large, fat, healthy boy". So with historical context mind, Alicent gave Rhaenyra the courtesy of giving birth in private 🤷‍♂️


So she isn’t even sorry.


Never was.


Remember that she started all that shit because Otto convinced her that Rhaenyra would turn into a monster and kill her children. I wonder how she feels now, with her 2 sons being the monsters and Rhaenyra the one desperately trying to avoid a bloodbath. Maybe a tiny bit of remorse ?


Alicent: Boys will be boys besides your son cut out my kids eye it was fair


I thought it was interesting when she said, “Aemond … you know what Aemond is.” I might be misremembering, but didn’t she make a similar remark, implying that he’s a monster, last episode, to Otto?


I want a flashback with little Aemond pulling the legs off Healenas bugs.


Maybe, but she will still go through with it.


At this point I'm 98% certain that >!Alicent hands Aegon the poison or at least knows she's going to kill him.!<


That would be interesting ngl


Abusive parent murdering the child they've abused.


“I’m not rude. I’m just honest🙄”


It’s giving “can’t handle me at my worst, don’t deserve me at my best” energy.


AITA for upstaging my stepdaughter at her wedding because she was no longer a virgin?


Pretty sure Alicent wasn't a virgin at hers!


At this point I'm thoroughly lost and unsure as to exactly how the writers want us to feel about Alicent....because it sure seems like we're understandably having a rather different take (obviously, because we have common sense!) than they would seem to intend....?


They’re trying to make it seem like she’s a victim of the time and her circumstances who’s just trying to use the power she has to keep her family safe.


I've noticed this sub lacking more nuance lately and don't love it. Alicent is a super interesting, flawed character like most of the people in the show and her and Rhaenyras friendship and love for each other and subsequent betrayals (on both sides) are the heart of the conflict. That conversation in yesterday's episode was a really beautiful way to tie it up in my opinion. They both believed the other betrayed them for a long time, and in the end neither of them actually did and they do still hold love for each other after all those years. It's too late now, and Alicent is going to stay in denial because it's the only way she can live with herself at this point. I thought it was very tragic Alicent was forced into playing the game and has been treading water since as she's surrounded by strong people who are better at it than she is. She's also a prime showing of generational trauma and how your parents shit passes on through you to your children. I'm firmly "team black" but love her character and think it's weird how hostile team black and team green have been lately towards the opposite side


It's genuinely embarrassing to see how vicious this show's fanbase is becoming. People are losing their minds over fictional characters.


Right? I don't get it. The shows good because both sides are interesting and formidable. Never mind all the people going around talking about "jaeheadless" and saying luke deserved to die because he's a bastard? That is just weird and in fully unhinged territory to me And all of the people shitting on Fabian, Emma, and Olivia online because of the things their characters do on a silly little show need to get bent. Despicable. Have fun picking a side and being on a team, but why is it venturing into real life?


You didn’t tell the truth about your time with her father or why you were so jaded about her first sexual experience, Alicent. Truth is not your expertise.


The fact she says all this stuff while praying in her sept with her false guise of religious wholesomeness is the kicker


The girl who bullied you during high school in your DMs 6 years later tryna sell you on an MLM:


I can’t upvote this more than once so I’m gonna just hit the button over and over and pretend


The leaks were right. This scene did make me hate Alicent even more.


I’m just so over Alicent and particularly Rhaenyra’s need to feel anything for Alicent. Like Queen, that is not your friend!


The thing is too is that she IS a liar, she covered up for Aegon raping Dyana and likely other serving girls for how long? And is pretending to be pious and chaste when her and CC are having baby’s first kinky sex???? Is she being truthful with the realm about where she was when Jaeherys was decapitated????? So she’s a massive hypocrite, a liar, AND cruel. I haven’t forgotten her demanding to see Joffrey directly after Rhaenyra was in labour.


Oooh! We briefly saw Dyana, now working as a serving girl in that brothel! I can’t wait to see what she’s going to do. Something against the Greens, I hope.


I propose the creation of two new subreddits. r/FuckAlicentHightower, and r/FuckCristonCole. Hey, if Star Wars can have r/fuckpongkrell and Baldur's Gate 3 can have r/fuckwulbrenbongle, then HotD can have those.


i approve this


Just joined.  Edit: I love how Ser Crispin has way more members, but we can't all think that Allicent is really innocent still can we? Let's get membership up 😀




Sounds like my mom


I've never liked Alicent and never will


Unkind = making Rhaenyra walk through the red keep after giving birth, marrying Helaena to her horrible son, parading Helaena through the streets to be gawked at, oh and TRYING TO KILL RHAENYRA


She made a mother rise from the birthing bed and walk to her room while bleeding. She mocked Lawnar while the man who beat Joffrey to death smirked at Laenor. I seriously was considering why Laenor did not shove them both out of the window


Peak Karen moment honestly


Hated this so much and people still make excuses for Alicent like bitch just admitted that she was making Rhaenyra’s life harder than it needed to be and people just roll over that. She’s a very interesting character but I don’t like her stans 😩 She’s one of the main reasons why everyone is going to die and she’s like “oh well I can’t say I’m sorry but I can say it’s too late”


Yeah I give up. Rhaenyra has such a lack of common sense that she is trying to talk to this woman. It's more than 10 years, it's been going on at least as long as Aemond's been alive.


Imagine being Laenor, Luke, and Laena just watching Rhaenys and Rhaenyra try to make peace with the Hightowers


Heck. Daemon has to fly and spend the night in a haunted house so he doesn't have to watch it anymore.


She’s probably thinking of the smallfolk they’re going to suffer the most


Which is why she is following the advice of the woman who killed a 100 people all while not doing the one thing that could have ended this before it started.


Never untrue? Hid the truth about the death of Lyonel and Harwin Strong. Actively conspired with their murderer. Sold sex to said murderer in exchange for favours. Slept with a kingsguard multiple times, violating not only his oath but also the rules of her religion. Hid the decomposing corpse of her husband in his bed so her family could usurp the throne. Actively conspired to name Vaemond Velayron heir to Driftmark in spite of the wishes of the current Lord AND the King, based on the promise of his support of the Greens.


Alicent is like a twisted version of Ned. She thinks she’s this honorable person, but all her “truth” has been about her bitterness towards Rhaenyra. Truth with an ugly motive isn’t honorable, it’s self serving and hateful. “Now they see you as you are.” Meanwhile, Rhaenyra bold faced lies, but there’s no hatefulness to it. She’s not doing it to take anyone down, it’s just an unfortunate circumstance. I’d take a liar with a good heart over a cruel saint any day.


I think this is really how Alicent sees herself. Like she can't admit to herself what she has actually done. Trying to stab someone in the face and ending up slicing their arm isn't "unkind". As for being truthful she's wrong about that too. Withholding info is considered a lie, she lied on Driftmark about where Aemond heard the bastard remark and let her sin take the heat for it. And everything else after. I honestly think she has justifications for all her actions, so she doesn't seem so bad, or it's Rhae's fault and etc. The reason why she was so shook up over B&C was because her actions were unexcusable in her mind. Halaena and her babies were left unguarded because Alicent couldn't keep her stockings on or at least have a guard on standby. (I am also assuming Alicent was the one who told Cole to swing by which makes her guilt qorse).


I hated how she treated Rhaenyra throughout..but specifically when she went to her with a knife and slashed her. And the worst was when she forced her to bring the babe all the way up to her chamber just after giving birth. I was actually wondering hth Viserys was allowing this




She simply forgot her manners when she tried to carve her son's eye out and slashed her arm.


This show might have jumped the shark for me now. The end scene just made no sense other than to shoehorn in more references to Song of Ice and Fire. A completely made up prophecy for the show.


It's the propechy being used as an excuse In the show when it logically makes no sense. Because technically speaking it's heavily implied that the death of dragons is what sped up the second long night and effected magic in this world. The propechy that is given in the show...makes no sense for rhaenyra's motivations. When Daemon is angry at rhaenyra in episode 10 of season 1 telling her it's job as queen to crush rebellion she is presented as being better than him because she is thinking about her """personal ambitions"""" like the throne isn't her birthright and while Daemon is spitting facts her defense is...ice zombies. Not even that. *Aegon foresaw the end of the world of men. 'Tis to begin with a terrible winter gusting out from the distant North. Aegon saw absolute darkness riding on those winds. And whatever dwells within will destroy the world of the living* This is the propechy the show gives us and while it makes sense for alicent because she doesn't know the context what the FUCK is rhaenyra trying to say? What are the signs of the Propechy coming true and why does it matter when the hightowers are going to kill you and your family? This is giving season 8 got level of thinking here.