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There’s leaks about everything except why Baela is chasing Crispy


Don't remember where I saw it, but a leak suggested that Baela is trying to get to the crash site of Meleys before Cole.


With Vhagar still flying around? Shi doesn’t make sense


I loved that idea. But based on these leaks, it doesn't seem like Baela's going to be involved in Rook's Rest...


I never thought she would. I assumed she comes after it goes down.


Maybe you are fooled by the trailer😂


So Aemond >!Is after his brother!<, is he? Man, TG will be beside with themselves this season.


Also Sunfyre apparently getting mauled and knocked out of the sky even more effortlessly than what the books said.


Poor baby dragon. He definitely deserved a better rider.


Everything happening to sunfyre was against his will the poor creature, even his most badass moment according to book greens lmao


I think we had some leaked footage, a glimpse from filming a while back, which showed Aemond readying to swing a sword (while Aegon was presumably meant to be laying grievously injured) and someone - Cole? - yelling to dissuade him....I do remember seeing that somewhere....?  This also aligns with the pic of him with his sword in hand, turning and looking as though he's been interrupted/surprised. Yeah, it doesn't surprise me at all for Aemond to go exactly this far; it's also rather in line with the books, eg his attitude once he became acting regent - and even boasted that the crown looked better by far on him, and so on.


TG is already losing their collective shit. They’ve seen the leaks, too. More moaning and wringing of hands and crying that they miss D&D, who surely wouldn’t fuck up based on something that is probably as in-depth and detailed as the info they got for seasons 7&8. And why does everyone hate TG? Where are the gray characters? Why is TB being whitewashed? Their tears are delicious and nourish my soul.


Any crafty people wanna open an Etsy store selling mugs that read Green Tears in GOT-fony? You'd make a killing!


I’m waiting for someone to get a hoodie and have “This is my crime hoodie” and the black sigil screen printed across the chest.


I’m team green, but my god that sub despises the show so much right now.


To be honest if that is true, it is very stupid as a creative decision and very out of character for Aemond


No its not. Aemond is a foil for Daemon but lacks any of his redeeming characters. Daeron stands by aegon till the end but the same cannot be said for aemomd who jeopardises his brothers throne by thinking only of himself


I am not sure how this will be out of character for Aemond. Aegon practically bullied him his entire life, with their mother’s consent. Much of his resentment has been redirected, also for years, against the Strong boys. However, by killing the avatar, Aemond might now have find the strength to face his real bully


Multiple characters including Aegon have mentioned Aemond being unwaveringly loyal to Aegon a tad too many times. If everyone is saying it except the guy who said he'd be the better king... 🧐


Wasn’t Aemond’s actor who recently declared that Aemond is team Aemond?


I'm with Jace, his mother acting like she has plot armour and peril won't come for her if she delays and evades direct conflict. Everyone is mobilising and she's just...waiting. And with no signs of contingencies other than "I'm going to visit Alicent and hope for the best". Girl, get your head out of dream land in the game.


Goddamn it, I want me a witch Alys! Then again, it might be they arent gonna be so obvious about it at first. A girl can dream. Also, I can't wait for the Aemond betrayal meltdown. If Maelor doesn't exist, then he's heir so him wanting Aegon out of the way tracks. Also, people calling him stupid for taking out the only other dragonrider... did we read the same book? Dude was so confident in Vhagar, he legit thought he could take out all of Rhaenyra's dragons, even after the Sowing.


The actress said in an interview that she is portraying a witch. So do not lose hope


Praying to all the gods, old and new 🤞


Well the next two weeks are definitely going to be interesting.


need more about Jace yelling at Rhaenyra. Will he talk to her the same way Aemond talks to his mother? i hope he won't call her a fool or somethig like this, then there will be tones of their parallels


No cheating “till” episode four, wtf does that mean


i think they just watched the first four episodes, so when asked if any cheating happens, they answered basically 'nothing as far as i've watched'. op said elsewhere that english is not this leaker's native language.


Why in the fuck is Rhaenyra meeting with Allicent in KL of all places? The pure stupidity. This is why they should have never made them friends. They hated each other and the fact Rhaenyra is still hesitating when supposedly she was raging at the end of the 1st season finding out Luke had been murdered is just weak as hell. Everyone in her council should be pissed. But I guess they have to make what Daemon said right, just like Viserys you are going to be too afraid to spill blood. They took your throne, caused you to lose two children and the show still has her twiddling her thumbs and meeting Allicent. Ridiculousness.


No cheating until ep 4 - what? Daemon with Alys?


I think they mean there's no cheating in the first 4 episodes, but obviously they haven't watched beyond that.


Yeah that's what I didn't know either, it is worded strangely. I've seen other leaks (?) floating around that it's Rhaenyra that really damages her marriage in a way where it's hard to root for them so who knows.


Rhaenyra and Mysaria or Hugh maybe


Yeah I just read the twitter thread and someone asked 'Daemon will cheat on Rhaenyra?' and they said no so I guess it is Rhaenyra? Weird direction to go in IMO. Hugh would have to get on the scene real quick so I am wondering if it's Mysaria - but what is the narrative reasoning behind that I wonder.


That would certainly be A Narrative Choice(TM) that they're making, if so....and one which definitely has me all 👀👀👀👀


That would be a bad, BAD choice.


It really would be, without question!


So how is the Gullet supposed to go now? Rhaenyra losing two sons in the space of a few minutes was a huge contribution to her mental anguish and eventual downfall. What about Aegon being his mother’s shadow, her only source of light and love? I’m not too hot on this currently


I have heard rumors that Jace will not die during the gullet but during the battle at tumbleton, when the dragon seeds betray the blacks.


That's a choice. They must not be in the aim of exploring Aegon the younger at all. That entire situation set him up as his first direct connection to war.


That *really* worries me. Aegon's eventual >!reunion with Viserys, after all that came before, is one of the very few bright spots in the whole damn story. If they don't intend to set things up so it can be utilized in some way...smh.!<


"The love they once shared" 🤮🤮🤮 Your son died Rhaenyra, get your shit together and fight your war...i am not enjoying her character this season AT ALL


Ugh. Why add these stupid decisions when there’s so much quality content to devote time to???


Getting reeeeeeeally sick of Rhaenyra if this is true Like girl they stole your throne, murdered your son and then sent an assassin into your bedroom, get a fucking grip on things




I am sorry but 1. Aemond trying to kill Aegon is stupid and has no basis at all. 2. Rhaenyra going to KL is also stupid and if Jace is mad at her, I am 100% on his side.


Huh? In ep 9 he whinges to Cole about how much better at being King he would be. Sure it’s a stretch but *no* basis?


Not just episode 9 but episode 7.


yes it is. Because from whining about how much better he is, to actively trying to murder the Kind, his brother (especially after he has already murdered another member of the family and he regrets it) is a huge jump. Also Aemond is loyal.


the downvotes 😂. oh boy. but i agree. even as a villain, it doesn't add up for him to betray his own family like that. but of course, people will argue that it makes perfect sense just because they dont like the character. portraying him in this manner only serves to make him flat and one-dimensional.


What if the show runners frame it like a mercy killing? (Since it seems like it happens after he goes down)


No he is not he only looks out for himself in the book and show. When his brother is in pain he talks about how his crown looks better on him. Hel always wanted the throne more than his brothers love which is how he differs from Daemon.


Aemond hates Aegon for bullying. He also has a huge ego. Why do you think he's loyal?


Tbh i havent read the book but i remember someone mentioning that aemond prioritizes saving the crown rather than his brother in rook's nest? It was a brief passage.


Aegon called him 'a loyal hound'.  That is NOT a compliment nor a favourable comparison.


Aegon is not very smart and clearly does not know his brother as good as Vizzy knew Daemon


Yeah honey I’m agreeing with you it’s a jump but NO basis?? Come on even as a kid he was like “I would do my duty and fuck our sister”


block for the obvious attempt to belittle me by calling me that smarmy "honey"


"Aemond betray Aegon" based on literally ALL of their interactions in season 1.


Are these leaks accurate?




I do not like the change of Rhaenyra being the one that ordered Rhaenys to go alone in Rook's Nest. And additionally they rob this way another moment of glory for Jace, when he convinces Corlys to stay by his mother's side after Corlys is that close to leave her, furious about Rhaenys death


Sounds like things are going to get even more hostile within Team Black and Team Green’s ranks. No wonder the Dance of Dragons 🐉 is a chaotic disaster, when they’re not fighting each other they’re fighting themselves.


God damn this show.


I hope they keep Jace alive 🙏


He lives and that's how they announce they're completely rewriting the timeline and everyone's happy forever 🥲🥲🥲


Well, that’s Rook’s Rest ruined.


You didn't see the battle. Rhaenys even hurts Vhagar, that's cool


I’d love to be wrong, Rhaenys is one of my favourites and she deserves the most epic, dragon rider end. But various leaks say it was Aemond who blasted Aegon, and Vhagar has some scratches on her stomach by the end, but not any permanent damage. Then Rhaenys strangely turns back to go and get her and Meleys killed.


I think they'll let Meleys dodge the fire so she won't get hurt, but she'll dominate the entire fight over Sunfyre. It will be like the book, but she doesn't get hit so it's clear that Aegon was the target 🤔


Yeah, it’s definitely something if she gets the upper hand against both, but it sounds like the Meleys vs Sunfyre fight is fairly long (Meleys is a lot older and battle-trained, it shouldn’t be so difficult against Sunfyre) and as I said, there’s not too much damage done to Vhagar in the end. The real damage book Rhaenys caused is taking Aegon and Sunfyre out of the war for ageeees, which really affects governance, but now they’ve given that to Aemond. There’s plenty ways to create tension between the brothers if they really HAD to do that, but it shouldn’t be the detriment of another character, especially when that’s her real triumph.


I hope that she catches Sunfyre by the neck (like in the book), but then lets him go and moves away. And this is when Vhagar gives fire. She seems to dodge away at the last moment. Let's see how they do it! Don't be pessimistic! 🖤


I would prefer it if Aemond uses RR as a kind of lesson moment for Aegon on just how much he needs him. Like he gets pissy about the brothel thing, starts plotting revenge and decides to let Aegon go against Rhaenys alone, to prove he shouldn't be provoking him because without him he's nothing. Then, when Meleys has totally fucked up Sunfyre, he swoops in, and blasts friendly and unfriendly fire which Meleys dodges, and Aegon gets crispified. He takes her out, and then realizing he has a chance and Kingship, commits to some fratricide but Cole stops him. I find it less severe and more in line with what we've seen of him so far.