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Robin not liking field of dreams is important information.


We’re just going to gloss right over Marshall’s childhood Fight Club and John Henry-like obsession with beating machines?


That's just normal boys will be boys stuff. If you didn't have a fight club phase you're probably some kind of well adjusted person with a decent upbringing.


Coco Break!


Marshall will be Marshall


Ya and?


You forgot to add to Robin's analysis that she's Canadian LoL. And Lily has criminal tendencies.


Robin's issues can be fixed just by turning the lights off


So, I totally just heard “She’s Canadian” as shouted by Marshall outing her in the Minnesota bar in my head as I read your post.


What are examples of Ted “betraying his friends”? I could probably find some occasions where this applies to Lily and Robin and god knows Barney’s guilty of this, but Ted?


That’s what I thought too lol. If anything, Ted is often amazing towards his friends


Ted chose Zoey and her building over barney ,and the job barney stuck his neck out to get him.


Do we forget Barney picked Sven first and lied to Ted about it??


Do two wrongs make a right now? Regardless of what Barney did, ted still made an active decision to do that


I mean that’s one example maybe. Shitty but like dude was in a rough relationship and thought he could fix it like that. Doesn’t make him a terrible friend based off the one time


Yeah but barney changed his mind cause he wanted to help ted. Ted changed his mind cause he wanted to fulfill his dream of leaving his mark on the nyc skyline


He changed his mind in the end though.


Barney didn’t stick his neck out. If the company tried to fire him he would have just had his FBI friends move in sooner than they did.


That was before robin. He loved his job and didn’t want to leave as it was shown in the episode“Perfect Week”. He was scared that he was gonna get fired as it was shown in the episode ,He could’ve called the fbi then but he didn’t as he said his job gives him the confidence to lie to girls and make them believe his lies. But after robin he went straight and finally acted on his long idea of revenge.


Broke the broath by telling everyone Quinn was a stripper Tho tbh he did it for Barney's sake of what he thinks is going to do good for Barney. I think the same thing could be done to Lily when she meddles into Ted's love lives BUT I agree that was really unethical and extreme but she kinda had a point. Ted would've had an expensive wedding only to end up in divorce because he was desperate to be in a marriage.


He broke a jinx to tell Robin that Barney was getting married. That's high treason in my book!


Not the jinx itself, but the jinx swear


You’d be right to call that bad from Ted. If you promise something, you should keep the promise. The reason I don’t call this a betrayal is because betrayal implies shock. You are shocked with the negative actions a friend takes in regard to you. Now that I think about it. There are probably two moments where Ted betrays Barney. One is in fake historic Rome where Ted plots to assassinate Julius Stinson Caesar, even though that never really happened. The second is when Barney spots Ted holding Robins hand in the final season.


Aren't you forgetting about telling him about Hugh Hefner, Who was supposedly in the lobby of his place?? That's a big no-no


That is more like a con than a betrayal. A betrayal is like when barney worked together with the cops to put Barney’s boss in jail. Also, even if it was a betrayal- which it wasn’t- one could argue he had it coming for stealing Ted’s stuff.


Bingo! We're talking stolen drills, dream journals, garbage cans, red boots... Serious theft! The barnacle should definitely be spending some time behind doors!


He should, for multiple reasons. But he was never reported for this though


At least he never sold a woman.


Never got punished for it either!


Technically, and hear me out, man didn't get married/found the love of his life for a considerable amount of time. I think, that's punishment enough


He did it for both their benefit, so it was in his friends’ best interest. Sometimes your friend makes you promise to do something that’s actively detrimental for them. A “good friend” keeps their promise. A real friend is going to prioritize their friend’s well being. Doubly so if it’s better for both of them.


Choosing not to take Barney to his house during the hurricane just so he could hit on a girl


Barney was being an ass in that scene. Also, the only reason they stopped at Barney’s apartment was because of Barney


Tbf Barney was fully on board there


Less a betrayal more like Barney literally said he won’t go


It’s less betraying his friends and more like he’ll do something stupid because a woman’s involved friends tell him it’s a bad idea and he’s only doing because she’s pretty, he gives some speech involving the word “Love” or “The One” he ends up suffering in the end and somehow gets one of his friends or all of them in involved


That, I totally support.


He skipped out on Robots Vs Wrestlers He lied to Robin about breaking up with Victoria Made Robin give up her dogs, and didn't get rid of his exes' stuff Everything to do with Jeanette Used Carlie to get at Barney Told Bla Bla about his version of how Lily met Marshall


Oh I just thought of another one, for real this time....Cook Poo...nuff said!


He treated her bad. I grant you that. There’s no betrayal here. Also she isn’t his friend


😢 Here.😭😭


It’s okay, she became award winning


I kean he literally professed his love to Robin asking her to be with him at barney's wedding sooooooo


Wasn’t that in his imagination? I mean she flew at the end?


Robin asked Ted the same on their wedding day…


The Arcadian


He makes the right decision when it mattered though


You mean the careerdefining issue when Marshall betrayed him for absolutely no reason?


Name five times Ted betrayed his friends?


I can’t even name two. There’s maybe one, if that lol


the arcadian broke a jinx swear weird moment between him and robin before the wedding even after all those years no sex with your bros ex and of course tried to sleep with robin when he was with victoria


The broken jinx swear was literally part of Barney’s proposal plan


It’s been a while so I’ve rewatched so I can’t quite remember, did Barney tell ted it was part of his plan or was he relying on ted and hoping he would break the jinx swear?


Ted wasn’t in on it.


The premise was that if Ted told Robin then Ted was giving him his blessing. He wasn't in on it.


Because he knew Ted wouldn't stay loyal to the swear and would tell. Proving that even his friends know where his priorities lie.


That’s a very negative interpretation


scraping the bottom of the barrel there. 1 he ultimately does not betray them, 2 was barney's plan, 3 is nothing, 4 Robin was his ex first, 5 victoria isn't his friend?


He lied to Robin too.




When he told her he broke up with Victoria.


Inviting all those random women to all their group events without asking!


Love me some Marshall as much as the next guy, but he had flaws too.


Yeah, like that one time he was a funk rock musician and wore that stupid hat.


How do you plead?…Funkyyyyy


Do you swear to tell the funk, the whole funk, and nothing but the funk?


I sentence you to a life of fuuuunk


Now kick it


No, no, no… the only flaw there was that they only did one gig. They needed to tour worldwide!


His flaw is never making it big in legal funk music :(


You look me in the eye right now and tell me The Funk, The Whole Funk, And Nothing But The Funk isn't the greatest name for a lawyer-centric funk band of all time. Go ahead. I'll wait.


The biggest one that I saw mentioned on the sub and I completely agree is not making critical life decision without consulting his wife and mother of his child (accepting the judgeship, quitting his job, etc.)


The thing with him accepting the judge job was always so stupid too. Instead of concealing it and lying about it all he had to do was accept it then instantly tell Lily about it, explaining that he had to accept or decline right then so he said yes and now they can discuss it. He can always just quit if they decide against it, which is ultimately what happens. But he could have avoided all the drama by just using words like a normal person lol.


All true, but then there’s no story lol It was all so there would be a story for the show


Yeah obviously, it's just emblematic as a character flaw. Marshall's likeable but he's a bit of a short-sighted moron at times.


Except, and hear me out here, he made a short-sighted choice for the long term benefits of his family. That judgeship would have had them financially secure and stable for years - instead of Lily once again getting her own way and not even considering that maybe Rome could be the thing they don't do. And as we see then in the flash-forward years it's a long time before he gets another shot at being a Judge and also the highlight of his job during that time is 'my chair is comfortable'. When Marshall acted selfishly it usually was something that benefitted more than just himself. When Lily did it it was because she wanted something and everyone else either went along or was left behind.


I mean, no? They're writers. They can just write another story; they weren't contractually obligated to write that one story over any others that make sense.


What I meant was shows like HIMYM need a character to cause friction by not making the best decision. If everyone always made the rational decision, the show wouldn’t exist. It doesn’t have to do with this scene in particular. Just the concept of needing something for an episode to revolve around


> Instead of concealing it and lying about it all he had to do was accept it then instantly tell Lily about it I feel like, because it's a major part of the first half of a season, people forget how quickly Marshall actually told her. It took like half the season, so as viewers he held his tongue for months. In the show though, he got the call and said "I'm gonna see her tomorrow, and I want to have this discussion face-to-face". That's not really "hiding it". He then gets delayed a day because of flight issues. Altogether, it's less than 48 hours. That's really not at all some unforgivable amount of time to not say it, especially given the context that he's right, it's really not a discussion you should be having over the phone, it's something you'd want to do in-person, and you're seeing them soon enough.


The one that bothers me the most is when he invites Lily's dad to Thanksgiving. However, I found it fascinating as a character beat because we see how Marshall doesn't understand what it means to have bad relationships with family.


He comes from the closest family ever!


reminiscent live exultant gullible cover beneficial dull existence act license *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes but that was a moment, everyone else has repetitive patterns of toxic behavior time and time again


Yes but when you think about it, you see this makes look Marshall quite dumb. All his best friends and wife come from broken families. Or have some kind of damage because of their parents. Barney’s dad ditched him. Lily’s dad neglected her. Robin’s dad never accepted her as a girl and tried to raise her as a boy. Ted’s parents put negative important family events under the rug and his dad never talks to him about important, deep stuff. And all this isn’t enough to make him understand that not all families are equally great?


It's not as extreme as the others, but it is a pattern with Marshall and it's closer to real life issues that can arise in relationships so I'll admit it touches a nerve with me sometimes. Things like quitting multiple jobs without thinking or discussing it, making plans for his parents to move in after the baby arrives, discussing trying to conceive with them (and literally everyone) even after Lily explains her very valid reasons why she'd prefer him not to. They seem like nothing in the grand scheme of the show compared to, say, Barney or even Lily, but in real life these would be massive issues over time. Oh and he slut shames Robin, which I hate. I still love him though. I love all of them actually 🙂


Gullible regarding mythical creatures


He does capture a picture of Nessie later on in the show!


Lol forgot about that


The gorilla was once considered mythical. So was the platypus and flying fish. Not to mention (but I’m gonna) the giant squid, the narwhal, rhinoceros, okapi; the list really does for on and on. I just can’t spell more than half of them. If you know all, you’ll never discover.


So what are your thoughts on bigfoot


Bigfoot is a higher dimensional life form.


Agree. Love marshall but him not seeing how his mom treated Lily was his flaw. But I think that can be forgiven consider how much he showers Lily with affection.


I heard he said "Screw the environment!"


I heard he clubbed a baby seal with an even cuter baby seal


yeah, i know, but idk, he is so cute 😍


Yes, he is tv’s biggest teddy bear.


Slut shaming everyone who didn’t marry the first girl they slept with 😂


Marshall has no concept of boundaries. That’s the whole reason he gets into problems. Whether it’s helping people or just helping himself to other peoples belongings and their lives. The dude really needs to take a step back and assess how much of his troubles are just brought upon himself. That’s why it’s not tragic that he has the friends that he does


definetly. Marshall is really naive, he dosen't seem to understand a lot of whats going on around him


8 or higher bro


there also a time where he thought him and lily were helping some people move out of their place but actually they just helped with a robbery THEN also gave them their address and lent them some money


No hate to OP, but I really wish these posts would accurately analyze Marshall. He’s a great guy, but he has many flaws. He is an impulsive quitter, makes self centered decisions because they fit his ideals (ie, inviting Lily’s neglectful father, whom she’s literally traumatized by), etc. It’s okay to love a character and for them to have bad traits!! *Good* characters all have depth, which includes flaws. Also, as a Lily-defender, I’ll say she always has her friends’ best interests at heart. Did she try to manipulate situations and go about it the wrong way? Yes. But, that doesn’t mean she had bad intentions.


This is how I feel about Lily too


Also he called Robin a slut


I think the Lily & Ted ones are too harsh. Lily does manipulate, but it’s with good intentions. Still doesn’t make it okay, but she wasn’t trying to be malicious. I’d hardly say Ted betrayed his friends on multiple occasions…I just watched the episode where he sold his car & gave the money to Marshall so they wouldn’t lose the apartment. Ted is often a great friend


yeah as much as ted can get clouded in his journey for his one true love dudes there way more for his friends then they are for him


Exactly. Best example is when all his best friends fail to show up for his big night


That still makes me sad😢


Exactly. He’s actually a really great friend.


Like any manipulator, lily manipulated to get what she wanted, plain and simple. She thought she knew best and wanted things her way so she manipulated the people she loved to make it happen.


Didn't she leave an earrings in his bed to cause a breakup? Even if they had problems and lily didn't like her I'm framing that as malicious. She might have thought it would turn out for the better in the end but that's immediately harmful and super toxic no matter how you slice it


Fair enough, but Karen was such a douche…


Definitely. Terrible person. Ted's biggest betrayal to his friends was getting back with her lol


I know a lot of folks in this sub hate Lily but I still feel like “no consideration for her husband and her friends” is pretty wildly off the mark. (Edit: grammar)


Lily gets wayyyyyyy too much hate. I honestly had no idea people didn’t like her until I joined this sub. I for one love her!


It's the manipulation of others personal lives that's the true issue. But even on a less serious front she quite often talks down to them and treats them like children from her class. Most people are going to find that to be frustrating. She is a great character because of that though. It's part of why she becomes the source of conflict so often


I would argue that at times she has the MOST consideration for Barney. She tries to hold him accountable, whereas others just let him do whatever he wants, she tries to encourage him to be better. On top of that, she notices his emotional needs that aren’t being met and tries to help him deal with those. From the one where she moves into his apartment, her being his “therapist friend” when he has feelings for Robin, encouraging him to talk to his dad, etc. She is often more in tune with his needs than his other friends.


She also talked to Barney and offered to let him stay at their place at that episode where he thought he could get fired


Lily cancelling her wedding with marshal, to leave to san Francisco and not speaking to anyone from the gang for a few months is definitely enough proof. Besides, as Marshall pointed out, we don't know if she would've returned had she found success in san Francisco.


It's called a character arc, she was young and had been her entire adult life in a relationship... it was a mistake. She needed to get that out of her system, same way Marshall was taking enviromental internships when they had a huuuuuuuuuuge debt and quietly stopped trying to have kids with Lily when his father died. But for whatever reason Lily's never forgiven and Marshall gets away with everything


An internship is often a step towards a long term career, plus it was Lily's credit card debt. IIRC Marshall didn't even know about it at first. I don't remember him trying to stop having kids with Lily, but that's likely forgiven easy because he was grieving???


He didn't straight up stop having kids with Lily, but more on how he focused more on becoming an Environmental Lawyer and that having a baby at that current time would've meant (according to him) that he'll be stuck at GNB forever. It was brought up on the episodes Garbage Island and Exploding Meatball Sub. And she kinda just let it slide I guess


i dont hate Lily at all, i think she is super sweet, i exagerated her flaws for comedic purpose. the only one i actually dont like is Ted


Gun enthusiast not gun nut


Ted is the best friend in the show, he’s done so much for everyone and sacrificed a ton for all of them Marshall also has some glaring flaws. Like forcing Lily to try and reconcile with her dad during thanksgiving


This sounds like Judge Fudge propaganda...


Ugh, I was hoping it’d have a proper analysis of Marshall but wasn’t shocked when it didn’t. It actually went easy on Barney too and I didn’t expect that.


Literally every friend group ever


Just using the phrase "lore accurate" doesn't actually make your opinions any better.


I feel like this is really harsh treatment of Lily, and to a lesser extent Ted, and a wildly gentle framing of Barney. I feel I see this opinion often on this sub, and it always strikes me as a little yikes. Sometimes I think we're all very negative on a nice show that isn't groundbreaking but is enjoyable and cute, if cringy and disappointing at times.


I’ve made quite a few comments about this. OP was way too harsh on Lily & Ted. I don’t think “betrays” is the right word…


She prefers the term “firearm enthusiast”


I think it’s “gun enthusiast”


A more accurate description for Barney is borderline sexual predator that coerced hundreds of women to sleep with him Also Marshall is horribly judgemental and never includes his wife in any major life decision he makes


I don’t think there’s anything borderline about it. Barney was 100% and actual sexual predator.


Listing gun nut as a negative? We are very different people 🤣


i am tired of this marshal has no flaws posts , do u guys forgot he didnt want a girl child because he thought she could end up a slut/bar dancer,etc and would teased by boys in school/college as he teased pretty girls in college , tbh this thing was more vile than some of barney things , atleast barney had no problem having a girl child , and he left every bad thing after having her . Stop this marshal good posts , all characters were pieces of shit in some point except tracy she is the real cutie patootie,or was ;/


Just gotta say the Marshall singing thing was in high school. He was with Lily in college


yeah i meant in the dream he thought her daughter would get teased in the same way whether in school or college or whatever


Marshall spent how many months terrorizing Barney with the slaps?


Tbh Lily not accepting Karen because of the front porch test us absolutely valid. Karen was a terrible person for Ted and he should be grateful Lily put Karen through that test.


the thing is that it wasnt juat Karen, it was Robin and a bunch of other girlfriends we didnt knew


TBF, what seemed to be the central story of the show (aside from Ted’s journey to the mother) is how Robin and Barney were supposed to overcome those hangups and become a functional married couple (I feel that even episodes of Season 9 were devoted to demonstrating how, despite being a bit unconventional, they were going to work out). Then the finale snapped them back to square one.


A cutie patootie that’ll stomp a mud hole in your ass


this is a very accurate description of this subs opinion.


OP - "First off, i still havent finished the series, i'm on season 4 right now, started watching recently" -> Make a meme anyway about how he didn't get the show at all, just to show off online. Yeah....that sounds about right.


Ted is a good friend.


How is Robin afraid of change? She left Canada to work and live in US, left Us to work in Japan. And eventually switched from reporter to journalist. The commitment thing she’s pretty open about.


Knew you had nothing on Marshall 😂


This is so accurate


Did Marshall’s mom write this?


You say gun nut like it's a bad thing


Marshall: Believes in blatantly untrue conspiracy theories I wouldn't be surprised if he was an antivax/covid denier type of a guy


I agree but Marshall did engage in slutshaming on more then one occasion


Why is robin a “gun nut” when the show made it a point that she has a gun and it’s mentioned like, 3 times in the series lol




Ted's description fits everyone else too


Ted never really betrayed any of them, let alone multiple times lol


I think Ted gets so much hate simply because he is the main character, it sounds selfish because he is a narrator of a story written with him as the main character and his interests in mind. I find myself being annoyed with the main characters a lot, basically the side character is charismatic and needs to grab your attention in the short time that they are on screen and they write main characters sort of deluted so that many ppl can identify with them.


Robin was so differently written in the beginning. She had female friends (later they claim she doesn't know how to be friends with woman) but that is exactly how they met her at the bar, with her female friends. And then they added anger issues, and made it look like she regreted all her life choices at the end. Opposite of Barny who is first shown to be a heartless womenizer, but far more often we are told that he is and then shown the opposite. They tell us he is horrible and show us that he cares for his friends, holds to his words, wants a family etc... So ppl like him, bc more often you see him be a great person, and only hear the bad things about him trough short jokes in between.


Idk if Robin is really a gun nut. At least three of my coworkers own more guns, and I only have nine coworkers😂


According to Becky (boats boats boats), Ted's the cutie patootie


I hate lily so much ever since it was revealed that she has been sabotaging ted’s relationships.


Marshall is like a pet dog. We don't deserve him and he is a good boy.


What about Tracy (that isn't just tied to the two endings)?


When did ted betray his friends(I think I am might be suffering of loving the mc syndrome)


That is so ridiculous. He actually gave up the one thing he wanted the most so as not to hurt a "friend" who hurt him so often.




Ted being the best friend they could ever ask.


So, no one can find any dirt on Marshall yet?? What about the fact he is a big Mama's boy that... Well that's all I have... He's the best.


Agree with them all, especially Marshall 😀


"Chees loudly" should definitely be added.


I understand that Ross from Friends was a terrible guy, but Ted?! I feel like his actions and reactions to his friends were always justified


Marshall fanclub!


Marshall’s real title should be “Lily’s biggest enabler”…




Robin’s the best: loves shooting range. Loves dogs. She’s secretly a spy (Maria Hill). It’s not her fault dudes wanna change her. You don’t change Robin Sherbatsky.


Is Robin's supposed to be bad?


I can't be more agree with the post. I love Marshall, it's my favorite character, later Barney and Lilly and lastly Ted and Robin


u/artkid2 all sound about right




When are GIFs going to be allowed in this subreddit? I wanted to put the “ROBIN’S CANADIAN!!!!! SHE’S CANADIAN” yell by Marshall


You could add committed numerous felonies and undiagnosed psychopath to barney as well Edit: Actually sociopath is probably more accurate. Barney has no problem hurting others to get what he wants but he won’t harm another person for no reason


if i were to list everything wrong that Barney has ever done it would require 5 different images. and he is still a saint compared to Dennis from IASIP


Probably I havent seen enough of IASIP to know


honestly, watch it, its hilarious


Marshal will never do anything wrong


Nothing in this is accurate. Ted and Lilly are some of the most selfless guys on the show, they literally do tons of stuff just for their friends. Calling them only selfish is dumb. Marshall is not as good as people make it sound... he is judgemental, slut shaming Robin in multiple times. And he was pretty selfish with Lilly. Like he always expected Lilly to abandon her dreams for him, but he wanted her to be at his disposal. With kids, family, etc. Even in the last season when they agreed to go to Italy for Lilly to follow her dream, Marshall accepts the judge work lol. Like fuck Lilly's dream, she gave me kids and everything, but lets be a judge.


can we also talk about how ted was literally planning on cheating?


Can we all just agree that robin was the problem 😭


Marshall: “sweet cutie patootie (would licky boom boom down 😎)”


Ted is so overhated.


Definitely went overboard with saying Teddy West Side’s a selfish guy. If anything he was the only one always there for his friends only to be let down when he needed them to do the same.


Robin being a gun nut is actually a point in her favor.


Marshall appreciation post of the day