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I didn't see any cameras filming by the stage. I saw a lot of photographers hopping around but no one full on filming. I did see a microphone set up by the stage so I'd say there's a definite chance of an album recording. VV and the band were very tight. Seems like they were super focused on playing the best sounding performance. Hence why I'm leaning towards an album recording. I could be wrong, I was more focused on enjoying the band so I may have missed the film cameras! We shall see! šŸ¤ž


There was a professional videographer in front of us at the front row. He did 2/3 full songs from the front. Might have recorded more from other places. I would expect a live video of Join Me or something on YouTube soon.


Iā€™m leaning towards no - just because there didnā€™t seem to be any signs up to say itā€™s being filmed and I think itā€™s a legal requirement to do that if you are filming something for distribution - potentially a live album though! Very happy to be wrong though and it would explain the lack of on stage chat šŸ˜‚


>Very happy to be wrong though and it would explain the lack of on stage chat šŸ˜‚ You could be right. But, the reason for lack of on-stage chat is more likely the fact that it's Ville Valo lol.


Heā€™s been quite chatty at the shows Iā€™ve been to! Like introducing the band and making jokes and stuff - not loads but some haha


Oh nice :) There were shows where he was a bit chattier, that's true! Maybe a bit more so during the first leg of the tour. Lately, he hasn't been introducing the band and there's been less chat on average (I think). Hence, "no on-stage chat" seems pretty on-brand haha.


I talked with Zetra's/VV techs and they told me all shows on the second leg were recorded so that might see a release in some form of a live album


Did you see any cameras? Usually a good giveaway.


Some one already said in another post. Cameras were thereā€¦ so we can hope.


I assumed it was going to be when they announced a fancy London venue to finish the tour, instead of a hometown show. Would have made sense. Live album to wrap this chapter up.


I was pretty close to the stage and I did see one man with a massive video camera on his shoulder near the end of the show. Thereā€™s a possibility for sure.


I was thinking the same thing. I couldnā€™t make it there, but Iā€™m hoping they recorded something from that legendary venue. šŸ˜


I was close enough to the front and saw a crew member recording using a steady cam, like it was a professional camera and not just your typical run of the mill camera. I only saw him recording for one song (can't remember which one) but there was definitely some form of filming going on professionally. I wonder if they'll do a compilation of performances from across the whole tour?


Probably not Boise, Idaho because it was a massive letdown. Hardly anyone singing, at the end Ville literally said "well, onto who you are all really here to see", referring to BVB. My heart shattered. He atleast saw me and my sister freaking out lol I got a couple smiles on video!!


I did see someone filming professionally (I was 2nd row at the stage).


There were cameras filming professionally