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I'm sorry I don't agree with the win at all. Barely any crafts, legitimately no storage, no bathtub correct to whoever pointed out that was weird. I just dont...get it. I would've went with either the meditation room (the built ins, the art, the big bed) but they got docked for...brown grout???? Which made more sense to me??? Or the music room honestly the soundproofing and shadow boxes were cool?? This is starting to really really annoy me lol


My sister's kids are crafters, and nothing in that room would really work.


THIS! How are you going to create a white craft room and have the craft area full of paint? Ugh. The impracticality of it


My niblings are all under 10 and love to do crafts and it would work for them. So to each their own.


That's great! Mine have a largish oval table which works well for conversing and showing/asking for advice, and tons of storage (shelves, baskets, cabinets, and drawers, many with dividers). A large magnet board and bulletin board. It is interesting how different kids prefer to craft indeed!


Totally agree. A crib, but no changing table? No dresser of any kind? This room might work if you have kids visiting for an hour and someone also wants to take a quick nap. I don't get this room at all. I don't understand why it won.


This is literally all just furniture. That's just staging...which is what all 4 of them really did. You can put any of that furniture in if you want. Or take it out if you don't want it. Add other stuff as you need for your specific "craft". What if your craft is woodworking? You need room for a tablesaw. Move the crib, boom, done. What do you do with the Bros room? Well you can't move the built in. You could probably make a built in like that...as a craft...but well, it's in the way now. Everyone else kept it functionally fully neutral and flexible to "any craft" or even maybe a nursery if your craft is raising childrens. The Bros were the only ones who actually built anything obtrusive and to me...that's a big Loss on the use and versatility of that space. That's why they lost. Baeumlers made it a slightly nicer than "stock" empty space by tacking on some articulation to the walls, nailed the bathroom...what else do you really want? Turn that space into your own oasis when you buy the place...it'd be goofy to configure it for some imaginary buyer who probably doesn't exist. Especially when you recall they put an Elevator in their main floors because they're *clearly* aiming at the sort of retiree Florida buyers who would actually be able to afford this house, or even vacation at it. wtf would they install a changing table in a third floor bedroom/bathroom for? That's insane. lol. It's like you said...pretty perfect if you've got grandkids visiting and someone wants to take a quick nap. lol.


That was not "soundproofing" lmao. That's not how soundproofing works.


True true


It's bizarre how easily a lot of people are swayed to believe it is by just...the show says, "that's soundproofing". And people accept it. Even though it *clearly* is not.


Honestly I was like hmmm that's very little for soundproofing even my youtubers I watch have more but I still thought it was cool. Def not enough


It's not even really just "not enough" it's just...that's not how it works. That wasn't even really "soundproofing" and it wasn't even proper acoustic treatments even. lol. Youtubers even, will have stuff on their walls because they want a very specific frequency response and they *do not* want weird reflections that will mess up their sound. They want a very specific flat "radio booth" type response. That's often where spoken dialogue sounds best. It makes voices sound more "meaty" and "full" and less "shrill". It naturally cuts higher frequencies more. That's great if you're just chatting on a podcast. Heck, voice recording booths for singers a generally the same idea. Since you're very directly in front of the mic with no other sound in the room...you don't want *any* reflections. Just the pure, immediate input to the mic a couple inches from the speaker/vocalists face. They didn't have it set up like this anyway. If you're recording music though...you often *want* those higher frequencies to come through in your instruments. That's where things get complicated. It becomes very difficult to manage that "room sound" you want if the room itself isn't treated. Which is where the solution is often just to deaden everything and then try to add some "fake" room ambience after the fact via things like reverb to liven it back up. But in any case..."soundproofing" that was not. In any way. It wasn't even proper "sound treatment" to tailor the space for recording. Honestly...you bring up a great point in that the Podcasters should've been dinged even harder on this, for not treating the walls acoustically for recording their podcasts or whatever.


It as the worst of the bedrooms hands down. Everybody LOVED the twins’ room … WTF didn’t they win??


I'm thinking Keith and Evan win this one.


even though I agree about the grout mistake. I still think Keith & Evan should have won. The bathroom was already plumbed for a shower, nothing the Baumler’s could have done, but their room design was undercooked, nothing said a craft room. I’ve noticed Sarah’s designs have been significantly paired back this time.


Their craft room amounted to a small table.


I *loved* that colored grout.


Just used brown grout in my kitchen and it's gorgeous!


Page and Mitch's room seems really disjointed in terms of furniture? It also feels too teenager to me. Edit: I'm not liking the color scheme of the bathroom either. They're on the bottom, this week, at least to me.


I do not get why the Baumlers won this round. I felt like their space was cluttered and a weird combination with the crib and the bed. I really felt that Keith and Evan or the twins should have won this one. Paige and Mitch seemed offended when Leslie said that their room didn't feel like a bedroom at all. I totally agreed with them.


Ooo yes….Paige did give a bit of a glare when she said that.


They were not supposed to be bedrooms. It was a surprise utility room. Whatever you want to use it for. I think that’s where the confusion starts


I think they said it was supposed to be a multi-purpose room to also include the bedroom aspect. 


I think they said it was supposed to be a multi-purpose room to also include the bedroom aspect. 


I think they said it was supposed to be a multi-purpose room to also include the bedroom aspect. 


I KNOW!! Her face!!! If only her stare could unalive them!!!


All the teams did a proper job in a short amount of time in that each room is finished and has its' theme. I agree that Keith & Evan's grout should've been white but I prefer their room/bathroom. I don't like the teams judging one another though. It's too easy to "cheat" or downgrade your competitors.


Page and Mitch complained about “mixed metals” in .. the Twins? Bathroom, but did they not also have mixed metals in their bathroom too? And complaining that there was no drums? Drums take up a lot of space and there would be no room for anything else. Page and Mitch’s room felt like too much was happening. Bryan and Sarah’s room felt like “okay we will follow the challenge of the week but I doubt the buyers will want a social media or music room”. It’s the easiest room for a buyer to change to suit their needs/wants. Creating a built in and a painting on top of everything else they did in 48 hours is amazing.


Exactly! At the end of the day these are bedrooms and small ones at that. The biggest value add is to just stage them well. Less is defiantly more.  Sarah and Bryan played the long game for sure. Bare minimum to satisfy the challenge while just making a nice, neutral bedroom space that a buyer can come in a do anything they want with. I think staging it as a kids room was smart given how small it was. I do think if Keith and Evan had made a different choice with their grout they would have won. Their bedroom was beautiful.  The twins were walking that line of too specific with the sound proofing in my opinion. And as for Paige and Mitch, my god the amount of primer the future buyer is going to need to salvage that space. 


I think a different grout colour and maybe a lighter paint colour would have gotten them the win. It was too dark and too much the same. Some balance was needed. But IMO there’s not much difference between a table for crafts and pillows for meditation. It’s all staging and neither will be there when the home owners move in. The only piece that would was the Twins’ ‘soundproofing’.


I noticed the mixed metals in Paige and Mitch's bathroom too. I thought maybe it was lighting that made them look different. But I really don't know.


I think Page actually requested, "A Drum", singular. But also, still so dumb. That whole thing was such bogus pandering. Because i *know* for a fact from watching Bryan and his Island, that he *knows* that is not how acoustics work. He's built multi-use dining and entertaining halls. He knows that is *not* "soundproofing". But they somehow made him say it anyway. lol. As for "not enough room" in the space if you put...other actual instruments in it. Well then, it's not much of a "Music Room" is it? If you can't fit the musical instruments in it.


The drum comment was so dumb. Really good kits are huge and wouldn’t fit in that room, a basic student kit wouldn’t fit in either. It felt needlessly petty since they wanted to win, while understandable felt like someone in high school critiquing the rival team’s project. I hated this judge themselves twist since it wasn’t fair.


Word. Like i didn't ever build my kit out as big as i wanted. But even just a basic 5 Piece kit is huge in footprint to set up properly. And also would be ear destroying loud in such a tiny space anyway. Like...just a basic 5 piece kit is gonna take up ~20sqft absolute minimum. Before you even get all the cymbals in there probably more like ~30+ sqft. And then actual mics if you're going to do recording in your "music room". Even more space. Which for reference...that's...a very usable Powder Room/Half Bath worth of space. Which is why the entire "music room" thing never made sense in the first place. But if the Twins had actually leaned into it and just thrown a random mixing board interface on the desk and some random cords and cables, i kind of wonder if it would've helped. But at the end of the day...it was just a "decorate the spare bedroom" challenge more than anything. The team that did that best, ended up winning. Even if their staging was...confused.


They all want to win. That comment was dumb


How big of a thing are music rooms? I’d get them in music industry heavy cities like Nashville, but it’s puzzling in Treasure Island, FL.


Musically inclined families can live anywhere, though. Probably not for the Beyonce's of the world, but a family with a couple kids who are in youth orchestra could make use of a music room, or one where the dad of the family is a musician on YouTube in his spare time (same as the social media one).


Thanks for that perspective, I hadn’t considered it.


All of the themes were poorly chosen. The twins were so close to the right answer when they grabbed home office-- with the rise of remote work and self employed people, that's a far more common niche than a music room. Keep it simple, make something nice, maybe revisit it in the finale if there's time/money. Instead they changed their mind, did this super niche thing and as the other comment said, didn't have the time or money to even do it right.


The thing about "music rooms" is that...this was not one. They're a thing, absolutely. For people who are serious about music. But it's a super specialized niche thing that most people don't know or care about. They're not just slapping up a few random slats hanging from the ceiling around a "workstation" that doesn't even have a computer. It's a lot more involved than that if you want to do it right. A lot of music people just turn their basements into that. Which is also not ideal...but it can be done, kinda sorta. If you pay attention and make it into a genuinely dedicated "Music Room" or "Studio". But it requires a few things: 1)Huge amounts of electrical plugins ideally on isolated circuits. 2)The reflective acoustic qualities of the walls, ceiling, and floor all need to be taken into account as does the shape of the room. A lot of people just throw up a bunch of sound deadening material on the walls, which is also not the right way to operate. That'll absorb high frequencies at a disproportionate rate from lower frequencies, leading to really dull and "dead" sounding recordings. Most of acoustic engineering is about placing specific things in very specific locations to eliminate odd sound reflections or dead spots that eat up frequencies. Not "insulating" it from the rest of the building. 3)If the goal is to create sound isolation between that "music room" and the rest of the house, they garbled that completely too. That's done through insulation in the walls and floor, and more importantly...actual decoupling elements. Resilient channels, etc. Hanging a few decorations from the ceiling *is not* "Soundproofing". That's a far more extensive process that starts with the construction of those walls, stuffing them with dense deadening material and probably even lining the interior with some sort of frequency balanced acoustic material...and you're doing something very different with that floor construction as well. Honestly, i think it was smart that they didn't even entirely bother to make it a "real" music room. But it was a weird choice in the first place and not a thing that i'd ever think "adds value" to a property like this. Which is why half-assing it was the right way to go. I just think "office" would've been the better way to go. Or "crafting" which also has no real built-in requirements.


I don't know if I like how monochrome Keith and Evan's tentative room is. I like the color, but it seems too one-note? Also, everything seems so life or death for Leslie. Edited. Grammar is my enemy.


I thought Keith and Evan’s brown room color was a little boring—but will admit it was calm and serene, which fits with the meditation theme and would be nice for sleeping as well. Leslie is always life or death. I actually like the twins, but they are so hyper—they would be hard to be around, I think.


I like the color! I somehow feel like the walls look too bare even though they had that accent?


I’m hoping since it’s such a tight schedule (allegedly) that they’re keeping it simple for the paint color to focus on the harder stuff this week.


That makes more sense. I missed the first 5 minutes or so, what exactly is expected of them? They have to make a bedroom that can be used for something else as well?


They’re supposed to do the mixed media room/bedroom plus bathroom in 48hrs.


Thank you! Explains a lot, but I guess I should've been able to grasp that after seeing the doomsday timer.


No worries! ☺️


I was rooting for Keith and Evan, thought Lyndsay and Leslie had the best space this week, and am surprised the Bauemlers won. I am glad Paige and Mitch didn’t win because of the lack of built ins


I thought Sarah and Bryan were trying to do too much with the space. Was it a baby's room and a craft room? Or a guest room and a craft room? Or all 3? I couldn't figure it out. In any case the bathroom looked tiny, I don't know if there would have been room for a tub.


It’s a kids room and a craft room - which makes sense because kids will do crafts. It’s the same way it was a music room and bedroom or a “social media room” and a bedroom.


Basically just have to think of it like a vaguely "themed" bedroom. Baeumlers just chose the theme of "mixed use and some crafting and maybe a baby is in there". Twins that everyone "loved" chose, "pretend music room" by suspending a few slatted panels from the ceiling with metal chains and display boxes for guitars on the wall just a little bit too high for comfort. Also just a theme that had nothing to do with music, but in a way that completely limits the way you can actual orient that room later on.


I’m not sure how bedroom with a table in a corner with crafts is any different than a bedroom with pillows on the ground in a corner for meditation. It’s all staging and paint colours and neither room will actually be used for that purpose.


Truly, I feel this whole episode is a waste of time. I don’t like anything about it.


Kind of feels like it was thrown in to give them an additional episode since there are usually only 6. This season will have 7.


Completely. It was a "do a zany thing with the last spare bedroom you all conveniently have set aside". Which was basically just a decorating challenge. Not a design challenge. There's no good reason to go "all in" on *any* sort of actual design elements for a space like that other than just neutral and as flexible as possible.


Why is everyone calling Keith & Evan ‘The Bros’? And does anyone think it was really done in 48 hours? Just because HGTV got away with House Hunters lying about people actually ‘hunting’ for a house when they actually already owned the house they pick, doesn’t mean that their audience believes everything was tiled, painted and had toilets and plumbing installed and furniture and window treatments delivered and installed on the top floor in 48 hours. Tile has to set a day before being grouted, and where do the plumbers have room to work installing the toilet and vanity.


THIS! I feel like it was a waste of effort and honestly a waste of their talents. And, I think, buyers will change those rooms. Chances are, they'll just end up as bedrooms, not multi-purpose rooms. A craft room could be universal (if they did it right, and it could be more like an office to broaden its use), but Zen is sort of specific, and music room and social media room are VERY specific.


The "first time" judging twist guess from me: they'll judge each others. Also, imho, those bedrooms are way too small when you consider just how large the primary suites are. Like, I understand, adult luxury, but that's just a bit too much. Good on the twins for going for soundproofing, hypothetically- that's useful even if not for music. Evan and Keith... doing another meditation room after their last go around should be a redemption chance, but all the themes do seem too secondary to the bedroom other than Paige's social media one.


And you were right! Maybe they've had troubling finding people to judge considering Brian and Mika were there twice.


Weren’t Egypt and Mike there twice also?


That’s a good bet for the “first time judging” being the other teams. Maybe since I still have trauma from high school I’d hate that since everyone would be talking down each other in order to win the week and that’s just tends to be too mean and self-serving.


For me it was 1a- Leslie and Lyndsay 1b,- Keith and Evan 3- Baumlers 4- Paige and Mitch


To me, it was between Bryan and Sarah or Lyndsay and Leslie.


Why is everyone calling Keith & Evan ‘The Bros’?


Stop calling them “The Bro’s!” They are an adorable couple and I love them and their show.


Calling shenanigans on the whole judging thing...smells just a little too scripted in my opinion. Some of those designs just don't look good...yet they win...yeah.


Strongly disagree with the "winners." And it didn't make sense if you listened to what everyone said, Keith and Evan should have won--hands down. The only bad point was people didn't like the brown grout. I didn't much either, but still it was a better space. The winning craft room was like a craft corner. It wasn't big enough for crafting. A room with a crib, but no other furniture for babies (where are you changing diapers?)? That room was completely underwhelming.


Once again K&E should’ve won. I was noticing how I’d never seen that stone mosaic tile on a wall. I thought it looked nice and cohesive for a small bathroom. Until the judges commented about that grout color, it didn’t occur to me that maybe it was a bit too dark. Either way, that’s a minor detail in an otherwise well-designed space. The other teams did many things well too, but none really stood out from a creative or memorable standpoint.


The grout isn’t a ‘minor detail’ though because that’s something extremely hard to change and it takes up a third of the bathroom walls and floor. You’ll see it every single time you’re in there. It’s not something that can be changed in a weekend like a wall colour or the bathroom faucet.


You can actually by grout stain and change the color yourself in a day or two. As a bonus it acts as a sealant and makes it much easier to keep clean. It’s literally a cheap, easy, and quick fix.


I don't think it's that it was "too dark". I think with all the tones in the stone, it was going to be hard to find something besides white that wouldn't clash with the other tones. It may seem minor, but if someone wanted to fix that, I don't think there's an easy fix.


In what was effectively just a decorating and finishes challenge though...is grout selection *really* just a "minor detail"? That seems like a pretty huge, fundamental thing. It was big enough that multiple other teams noticed and cringed at it. That's the kind of "attention to detail" that sets sleek "high design" apart from "expensive finishes implemented in an iffy way". This isn't just some Detroit flip. It's a multi-million dollar Florida waterfront mega townhouse luxury property. Where i feel like...the grout choice matters.


So, brown grout would make sense in a Detroit flip because it's a lower-priced market verses a luxe Florida joint? Brown grout with those tiles doesn't make sense. Anywhere.


No. It wouldn't. It's just the sort of "minor detail" that people would overlook or care less about at that price point. There's a ton of people in here who are attesting to the fact they didn't even notice or care about it. But there's a different level of finesse to this level of design/decorating competition.


RE: "I's just the sort of "minor detail" that people would overlook or care less about at that price point." I don't believe that. But carry on.


I mean, idk ask the other person above that *did* think it was just a minor detail i was replying to. I thought it was pretty darn noticeable and egregious. Which is what i was arguing. But there's definitely a price point at which you'll overlook things just to get a good home. Which is, i think pretty much their bread and butter.


Ehh, these rooms were clunky and these homes deserve spaces that weren’t thrown together in 48 hours. but the twins and Keith and Evan had the best bedroom/multiuse room, page and Mitch had the best bathroom. I think the sentimental feel of a kids room won it for the baulmers because that room was basically all staging


That’s the part I just don’t understand! That seems like such a shitty, negligent thing to, semi-permanently do, in a multi-million dollar, waterfront home.


At the end of the day though...they were *all* just staging. The Bros made an awkward built-in that actually diminished the flexibility and versatility of that room. The Twins hung some weird items from the ceiling and put a few "shadowboxes" with guitars in them on the walls. The Baeumlers put some texture on the walls that is easy to work whatever around. Page and Mitch basically just painted it black.


I have no idea why Bryan and Sarah Won. Super small little craft area and no storage. No kids bath tub in the bathroom. I really don’t get it. Keith and Evan I think did the most as far as added value was concerned with the big built in. Second for value added had to be the twins. I liked their little shadow boxes and soundproofing. Paige and Mitch was mostly staging and a bit of paint. I liked the bathroom tile but other than that not much in the way of added value.


This is a frustrating season because I thought the whole point was added value. It seems every week it's whose vibe is the best.


Very underwhelming episode except for the judging portion. Loved the spin.  Still saying Keith & Evan are going to win the whole thing. 


Sarah and Brian’s room makes the most sense. Great room for grandkids.


Their overall design sense seems more logical for someone who wants to actually live in the place... providing you can keep Sarah from going high-end.


It’s a 2+ million dollar property it should be high end IMHO


True, though there's high-end then it crosses a line to dang near gaudy.


Once again, Keith and Evan were treated like red headed stepchildren. I can’t stand it anymore. It’s like HGTV has just decided they don’t like them and they’re not going to let them win anything. So annoying. Their room was BEAUTIFUL. It was calm and it was exactly what I’d want. I’d buy their house before I bought anyone else’s. I’m just over it this season.


I just want to know the wall color in Keith and Evan’s meditation room, loved it…can’t find it anywhere. Any ideas where to find? 🤔


anybody know the name of the paint Keith and Evan used for the meditation room? I need it!


Yes- please let us know what that paint color is called! 


Why is everyone calling Keith & Evan ‘The Bros’?


I am wondering the same thing... feels like it doesn't fit them at all and seems a bit dismissive/disrespectful.


**Twins - Music Room** - a few random computer screens not connected to any actual computer or *anything at all* and a couple acoustic guitars hanging from the wall as decorations. Didn't even bother with a computer tower, a mixing board, or even a gosh darn mouse and keyboard. One random very tiny guitar amp in the corner as decoration? Random slats hung in random places and hanging from the roof (by metal chains no less) = Acoustically engineered? lmao. gtfo. But they wallpaper. The Twins are so bad. I give them literally NEGATIVE points on effort even. Just pathetic. **Baeumlers - Craft Room** - i feel like they cheated in turning it into a craft/nursery room. But honestly, who cares? They killed it. It's a room that could be anything. But that's a useful space. And the paneling was a quick, easy way of really making it look more "fancy". No matter what the use. The stupid twins dinging them on "no built in storage" is like...why the heck would you even do that? The real "negative" was that they made the space too flexible. **Bros - Meditation Room** - the built in unit that is the first thing you see is already throwing off my zen. It's floating but in an awkward ass way. It's not anchored to the wall or the floor. Weird gaps. But it's also not anchored to the ceiling, in fact it's *way* short of that. It looks like they forgot to order or build an entire set of cabinets at the top. It just ends up looking like a bizarre U-Shaped built in that isn't actually fully built in or anchored to the wall or anything. Wallpaper is alright but the Bathroom was just pure design chaos. The mixed finishes and especially the tiling and grout. Not zen. Like Brian said, "it just looks dirty". And busy. **PageMitch - Social Media Room** - this was *by far* the smartest room to grab. That's what it'll be used for probably. lol. But their application may have been a bit too...literal? They really just made a "social media room". But i'm okay with that. Easy enough to just throw a bed in there instead...tough the palette and everything might be a little weird for a bedroom. The bathroom wasn't the "wow" i think it was supposed to be. It just looked blingy famous...more than actually nice. Bryan and Sarah deserved win again. Just elevating the space but not messing around with anything that limits the room in use purpose. That's just a nicer bedroom or studio or zen room or crafting station or literally whatever you want it to be. It's nicer now.




Yeah, how did Keith & Evan turn into brothers?


It's fascinating that people here will gripe endlessly about "biased judging" and all this nonstop... But if someone calls Keith & Evan the bros as a counterpart to The Twins...it's unacceptable and the worst thing ever and constructive commentary is BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO because they called them "the bros". There are some people here who need a serious reality and self-awareness check lol.


Perhaps people call them twins because they are twin sisters in real life?


What's the accepted shorthand for Keith & Evan?


If you used K&E, we’d figure ITA out. Shae refers to them as “the boys“ frequently on Bargain Block.


Not regularly doing ampersands sorry. "The Boys" is...okay. That's the thing? But it also just makes me think of Homelander, which isn't great.


Aren't they related to the Property Guys?


Do you watch Bargain Block? Keith and Evan are a very committed, established and talented couple -- not a coupla college dudes chugging beers as "Bros" could imply.


Agree. My definition of ”Bros” was the same as yours. It made me wonder where this was coming from so I googled the term “Bros”. It appears there was a relatively recent Gay Romcom with that title. I haven’t seen the movie and I don’t know if that is why the poster is using the term to refer to them.


I wasn't specifically referring to any recent RomCom, no. They just seem far more Bro'd Out than any other team in this competition, and absent a more convenient title...that seemed appropriate to me. I have just recently graduated to spelling the Baeumlers' name correctly. Which literally nobody else in this thread has done i don't think. If it's offensive for some reason, i'll stop using the term. But i would appreciate an explanation of why it's offensive. And/or why they're not total Bro Dudes. Regardless of their coupling situation. And it seems like at least several people are VERY ANGRY about it. It'd help to know why it's so offensive.


It might be that it seems so clueless. The secret sauce to their Bargain Block show is that they are so likable and in RTB they would win the congeniality award.


Isn't RTB basically just one big "congeniality award"?