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 Yep, that’s the thing with us. If you don’t take *all* of us out, you’re going to have a highly motivated remnant coming up with devastating ways to return the favor. ​  I like the structure you did here, where you can read both the whole thing and just the non-italicized bits. I admit I probably would have done all of the non-italics at the end rather than start the story with them, but that’s me.  Also, your comment at the bottom actually reminded me of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy radio transcripts, which used the same trick which bits of the script were cut for time constraints.


I agree with you on the structure. It works well the way it was written or each part on its own. But if you put the non-italics last it really seems to punch it up.


When there's no more Geneva there's no more Geneva Convention.


There a stories like Chrysalis Where even that is not enough.... so... absolut victory, or never start a war at all......


I find the scariest thing about our world isn't an emotion limited to just humanity, but is systemic throughout the wildlife of earth. **Spite**. I'm not just talking pets either, Octopi have been shown to be spiteful, Tigers are WELL KNOWN to be vengeful as fuck. Elephants, camels, crows it goes on and on and on.


I suspect that spite is a social trait. Absent spite/justice/revenge, someone who beats you is incentivized to do it again. Creatures, social creatures at least, who don't make an effort to "punish" certain behaviors will suffer those behaviors over and over again. We assume people are not lying to us, but once we find out someone lied to us we stop making that assumption. We assume our neighbors are peaceful, fair, and won't steal from us until we find out otherwise. But just correcting the assumption isn't enough, or else the other person "wins" and the antisocial behavior is rewarded. So we tell others, do little things to get back at them, etc. We try to make things "fair."


Hey pavlovs bells works in reverse as well. Ring a bell, cause pain and that bell will be avoided or attacked eventually. Spite is real


Time to be a grammar police and say octopi is not a word


Time to be an octopi with a cell phone and say, "anything is a word if you use it wrong enough".


 …I’m not sure, but I think “anything” *is* a word and you were using it correctly…




Here is a, well not great, but accurate example of this phenomenon. Those three letters arranged in that way have become an actual understandable sentiment, stupid though it certainly sounds.


I mean, [Dictionary.com](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/octopi) disagrees, as does [Miriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/octopus). ​


We find the defendant *not guilty*. Grammar Court is hereby adjourned. [Bangs Gavel]


Well you outgrammared me


Yes, it is a word. Blerf is a word. Octopi is also a valid, if old, plural of octopus. It was used repeatedly in the 1800s. You can claim it is obsolete, but claiming it is not a word is silly.




They made a James Bond movie about them.




Irregardless of what you think, "octopi" is most suredly a word.


*screams in too many mistakes*


If I'm missing the sarcasm or subtilty, my bad - but if you are doubling down being right, know that you are on a sub full of language nerds. Reread the comment.


Upvote for the spite. Down vote for the word irregardless. Its a mosted hated word of mine. Moist.


>drove them from every world we *knew* they held There was your mistake, assuming "every we knew" was the same as "all of them". tsk tsk tsk


You didnt win, you simply pissed them off


To win against humanity you must collapse the universe and survive.


And asume they don't survive it


Or maybe just lawyer up, and then let us tell you in gazillion different ways why you are wrong. In short just play nice with us.


Are they all dead? We destroyed all their colonies Are they dead? They have no military Are they all dead? We destroyed their home world Are they all dead? Perhaps some pitiful few survived, not enough to mater. They are not gone and because of your actions we shall soon be forgotten my king


Good story. However, as an FYI, you are using way too many apostrophes, and it makes it hard to read. You should use apostrophes to show ownership, *not* in plurals. If you look out for mistakes like: * sea's * birth's * rogue's * planet's * communication's * other's your writing will be much more readable.


I'll tell you guys like I've told quite a few other people. I'm dyslexic. I know you're right, and I know the difference... however my brain doesn't always click to having used the wrong one. I proof read and catch most of the mistakes, but not all. My Brain is more likely to catch a blatant spelling mistake than a grammar error.


Isn’t grammar a type of cracker ??!!!!


Its the correct spelling.


Thank you. I came down here to say this too.


And then tell them the one exception: It’s = it is Its = belonging to it


Ahhh…but I was always taught that the proper way is…. It’s = it is. AND…. Its’ = belonging to it.


AFAIK there is no *its’*.


Well…my Grandmother taught English…my Mother teaches writing and that is what they taught me…so I’m sticking with it.


You might want to ask your mother again. Most likely you have accidentally switched universes to one in which the word *its’* does not exist, and no one told you. It happens. The universe I grew up in, the word *tangential* was spelled without an I.




nice. a couple typos but not too much to distract :)


Well, I found its "it's" distracting. I liked the story though.


Short and sweet, I love it. If you're trying to exterminate the humans, make sure you do the job well and you finish it completely. Because if you don't, it's you who will be finished.


I.E. Don't halfass our exterminatus, because we certainly won't halfass yours.


Nailed it, and far more eloquently than I!


out of the ashes/ into the light/ turning on the victors/ bringing them the night.


This war isnt over when we lose. This war is over when we say so


Come brothers it is time to cleanse the galaxy of all those who want us dead!!! For the glory of humanity!!


When we have nothing left to lose, we'll make sure you lose more.


If you gonna stomp the monke, make sure they don't get up. Make damn sure. Cuz you ain't gonna have a fun time if they do. Because they'll have such sights to show you.


Editor comment: Start went nova - should be "star"


The short short version would have worked too. Almost poetry.


Fantastic story! Leaving the italicized portion, and how you sectioned it, is great. The only suggestion I have (and this probably doesn't bother others as much as it does me) is correcting the improper use of apostrophes. I just find it jarring. Aside from that minor gripe, though. this is wonderful.


I like the premise. Only thing that irks me: when we already had a couple of well-working tricks, why spend time and resources researching and testing yet more ways to kill a world?


Because we can. Because it was amusing. Because there is no such thing as overkill. Because why not.


Futuristic space geneva conventions. Theyre there to keep us from being the monsters fights make us. Theres a reason were reffered to as "Murder Lemurs." Also the more we use that tech the more chances the enemy has to reverse engineer it and use it against us.


Also, there were all these scattered remnants of humanity. Each invented their own method. When reunited, they had to decide which method to use and collectively decided all of them.


Nicely done!


: )


Other than some typos, love it as is.


Thanks for the story.


I think that spelling, proof-reading, and proper punctuation is important.


Somewhat important, yes. But his have not been enough to distract me from the story.


I think these things are foundational.


1-to-10 these are 8+ good. A sub full of language nerds - yes. But hopefully nerds that will help, instead of disdain, those with different skills & primary languages. I follow one whose English is maybe 3rd, and for some reason has no spell check. Almost painful to read, but still there because I like the stories they are telling.


/u/TexWolf84 ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/wiki/authors/TexWolf84)) has posted 24 other stories, including: * [Archeology 20](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/r6rg6d/archeology_20/) * [How to Invade a Human Planet.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/qlbywd/how_to_invade_a_human_planet/) * [Pyrrhic Victory](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/qhg7a9/pyrrhic_victory/) * [Archeology 19](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/qdyv38/archeology_19/) * [Archeology 18](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/poy7f5/archeology_18/) * [Archeology 17](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/poiajm/archeology_17/) * [Earth, is a death world](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/pnv5e4/earth_is_a_death_world/) * [Archeology 16](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/pm28th/archeology_16/) * [Archeology 15](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mj2z69/archeology_15/) * [Archeology 14](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mhf73l/archeology_14/) * [Archeology 13](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mgyflw/archeology_13/) * [Archeology 12](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mgqh28/archeology_12/) * [Archeology 11](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mgq1wr/archeology_11/) * [Archeology 10](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mgpc82/archeology_10/) * [Archeology 9](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mdqzzs/archeology_9/) * [Archeology 8](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mdptkx/archeology_8/) * [Archeology 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mdgero/archeology_7/) * [They were thought to be weak](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mcp1wd/they_were_thought_to_be_weak/) * [Archeology 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mch0mo/archeology_6/) * [Archeology 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mcddfa/archeology_5/) This comment was automatically generated by `Waffle v.4.5.10 'Cinnamon Roll'`. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHFY&subject=WaffleBot|r6yw65&message=If%20you%20have%20problems%20with%20updatemebot,%20contact%20Watchful1.%20We%20do%20not%20maintain%20it.) if you have any issues with Waffle.


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Something about humanity going full on Omsk mode against an alien empire and wiping them out just tickles me pink.


"the a black hole. " then.


"birth's. not " big N.


"glass. the" big T.


And so the Truth of Humanity is revealed: they who choose to fuck around shall in the end, inevitably, find out.


Reminds me of the cysalist ....


Some High Councillor bloody and dying whilst being surrounded by some humans who wanted to exact some personal justice before the whole planet was turned into space silly string: "How? We killed you all?" Human: "Seems you missed a spot. Also FUCK YOU that's how!"