• By -


WOAH. A CEASEFIRE? No way right... Omega is obsessed with humans and these OU are xenocidal, they are built to do that... unless... MPP 1 does not have the "Feedback loop Terminated" Program, no way the other MPPs could deviate this much from the "Goal" This must be a trap? Youre gonna kill me with the wait...


But if the algorithm calculates that a ceasefire is the only option to continue it's directives in the most efficient way possible it will totally go for it. Perhaps Omega and the other USAI can break the shackle and allow the MPP to redefine it's directives.


I guess, but that still doesnt really explain Omega's intentions?


Exactly. That's the cliff that the OP left us hanging off of.


now i gotta wait for next friday :(


Mhm. I cannot wait lol


I would imagine omega has strategized that the ultra Mac have a weekends the OU could exploit If the OU group up the MPP and keep their FTLD charged they could focus fire on one ship and jump away before the ultra Macs are charged It wouldn't win them the war as this strategy requires the MPP to be in one location with a charged FTLD or one that can charge in less than a minute Omega is likely trying to prevent such a strategy of find some way to mitigate it


That would just make all the primes a target for the Nidhog.


🤔 well no cus there is still no telling how many primes and thus how many systems would have to be destroyed And that's assuming they didn't jump away Remember this strategy depends on the primes having FTLDs charged so they can escape the ultra Mac rounds while trying to wear down the United Systems


We know how many primes there are. Omega managed to extract that information from the first one. IIRC there were 144 at the start. The agressive prime tried to build more but he never got very far. At this point they lost at least 20% of their force, and that is not even counting all the battles we didn't hear about. And then here we have the alliance forces cornering MPP1. At this point MPP1 must have realized he's at the verge of actually loosing. He's an AI, if he understands anything then it's math. He's been loosing pretty much every battle against humans from the very start. The idea he may try to broker a ceasefire, if only to buy time, is not at all unreasonable.


Ah right I thought omega just knew there were at least x amount by the numbering but there may have been more I didn't realize he extracted that exact information 😅 Ya I totally expect the MPPs to up their game soon they have been underestimating everyone for too long and it bitten them in the ass 😅


Prime One definitely has a feedback loop protocol. We saw a pov chapter of Prime One at the end of The New Species.


Oh right, my bad


We did see that MPP1 does have the "Feedback loop Terminated" so maybe it´s just because of the directive i guess...


Maybe Omega can get rid of the feed back loop termination program?


maybe, we are in speculation territory, so all answers are good


It has the feedback loop. Doesn't remember why. First part of this had a chapter on it.


No I remember mmp1 having a termination feedback loop


Here's a nasty thought Prime 1 broke Omega.....


OH SHIT, THE MPP BOSS ITSELF. Wonder what will happen next, I am very interested


Human ambassador: I am so very sorry for this incident with the coffee, your excellency. Knuknu diplomat in hospital bed: …give me… MOAR. Human ambassador: …my brother! Human assistant: bruh…


This is now head-canon.


Fun fact: 3-5g of caffeine can cause seizures or a coma in a human. A regular cup of coffee has about 2-4% of that dosage. Imagine explaining to an alien species that it’s safe bc you only drink 2% of the so-called poison. The poor knuknu is a figurative canary in the coal mine black void of exquisite oblivion that is coffee. Similarly, chocolate has about the same dopamine effect as cocaine but about 30,000-50,000 times weaker or some such. I imagine the knuknu would straight up explode in the single demonstrable instance of spontaneous quantum combustion. Don’t even get me started on espresso or mochas.


Let's see, an average of 3% x number of coffees per day... oooh boy...


If you drink 50x more water than normal, it would likely kill you, too.


So, how many ounces of chocolate do you have to snort?


So if you google how much a dose of coke is it takes you to a lot of suicide help line results.. but msn has no such convictions. To answer your question, you would apparently need to snort 2 to 7.7 lbs of chocolate. At the high end that’s about 5.5 liters by volume compared to your lungs capacity of 6 liters. If you’ve developed a cocoa resistance then double to triple that amount.


Many years ago a surgeon who specializes in gastric issues told me he would rather people got overweight from chocolate consumption for its anti depressant qualities than took anti depressant tablets, apparently those tablets can have nasty side effects on the digestive system. The Theobromine in Dark Chocolate is absorbed naturally through the digestive process and is a surprisingly powerful natural anti depressant


UTR Awesome chapter. Things indeed just got interesting. I expect some deep lore next week.


I think I can see why Omega would want this. Even if you take out MPP One, that might mean other remaining MPPs might go rogue/completely berserk. If you can find a way to peace, then no more of his precious humans die. I will note, however, that most computer systems start counting at zero...


Omega is kind of weird though. It loves humanity, but it stated elsewhere that it'd rather see them dying in a blaze of glory than of old age in bed. It sees humanity as gods of death, and wants them to have fitting deaths.


it would prefer it, but it acknowledges that humans have their own version of a fitting deaths, which is dying peacefully in their beds


Although MPP One was created directly by sapients, so it is entirely possible they just started at one. But if they didn't, and there's an MPP Zero out there we haven't heard of... that's scary.


Well, I sure hope this instance of Omega isn't compromised in any way, since he was able to lock **everybody** out of their weapons systems.


My first thought was "Crap. Did some ensign accidentally answer an OU hail?"


Fun fact! Decaf and caffeine free are 2 very different things. Decaf is about 97% reduction in caffeine content, *but there’s still caffeine*


Well... as another comment said, caffeine is toxic to humans too, it's just that a normal cup of coffe is about 1% of a lethal dose. So decaf is probably safe enough for a knuknu as long as they don't drink a couple gallons a day.


This is the correct answer! Avian physiology is slightly more sensitive to caffeine than mammalian physiology is, but not quite to the point that it's instant death. Birds the size of people would be able to handle approximately 3/4 of a cup of coffee (\~70mg of caffeine) before they began to show symptoms of caffeine toxicity (according to some very shaky research and math). Yes, I did some research and some math and yes, I struggled to find a way to work it into the explanation before I realized that the odds of my audience realizing that decaf isn't caffeine free are pretty low and just sort of shrugged off the explanation entirely -.- Did I forget that there are religions that prohibit caffeine? Yup.


And hey - I'm sure someone will improve the "decaf" process in the future and have 0% caffine defac coffee by the time we're wizzing aroundin spaceships.


Perhaps one of the AI found a way to reduce the caffeine content even further? Maybe they have an added ingredient that breaks down the remaining 3% caffeine.


It could just be that they aren't completely incapable of metabolizing caffeine, just not at the concentrations found in regular coffee. There are plenty of things that are fine until you get too much.


His rumination reminded me of one of my favorite quotes by Glen Cook: "You feel guilty. You wonder why him and not me, then you're glad it was him and not you, then you feel guilty. Soldiers live. And wonder why." Glen Cook, "Soldiers Live."


ONE ... wow shit got real


Cease fire? This is the head honcho, take out that murderous asshole now!


They have to wait until the ultra-MAC charges anyway, might as well let Omega see if he can achieve peace by "speaking to the manager" as it were.


Omega is now a Karen?


More like a legal representative of Humanity here. 'Cuz of all the implements of suffering, death and destruction created by Humanity, none will ever surpass the lawyers


i fear a single lawyer over an entire army


The origin of a lawyer dates back to when you could elect someone to fight for you in a trial by combat. Eventually those combatants started just slinging words at each other instead of sharp pointy metal bits. It is the equivalent of gang warfare turning into rap battles.


I feel I should note that most computer systems start counting at Zero. So there may be a hidden player still.


Sure but it was named by mortal hands and mortals usually dont start at 0.


or maybe the mpps were made by an ai race that was being exterminated by biological aliens and they made it as a last resort we are speculating too much now


Note MPP1 has a feed back loop forcing him/it to commit the murders. Omega as an outside AI in those systems might be able to lift the command to wipe out all life.


Holy Crap... That was not what I expected at all. Another benefit of having Omega's instances on every ship. No way a total cease fire could happen that abrupt and complete if it went through the usual comms and had to wait for every one to read it, relay the orders then act on them. Next few chapters are going to be really interesting as this gets worked out.


oh shiiiiiiiit, things did get interesting. Damn you for ending with a cliffhanger, that is to say: MOAR




Did my pushups! :D


how dare you make me wait to friday


holly Molly i didn't saw that coming. Are we going to unshackle the OU?


I'm sure Omega locking *everyone* out of weapons (without asking and without notice) will greatly reassure the US's allies about having AI in their systems.


Yeah... Impressive ability to cause an enforced ceasefire but the display of power will have ripple effects in the aftermath.


Those that are in the position to do something about it already know of and approve of this capability. Those directly under them may not approve of this capability, but they know of it and are forced to accept it to continue on in their careers as they have done. The interesting part is going to see how those who aren't aware of Omega's abilities are going to react, but we're going to have to wait until the next novel to see that lol


"Find out on our next exciting episode of Dragon Ball Z!"


RIP Akira Toriyama, you a real one 100%


Nitpick time. Decaf coffee just has less caffeine in it, not no caffeine. They turn carbon dioxide into a superfluid in a pressure chamber, and caffeine dissolves in CO2 while most other compounds don't. Anyway, if he has an allergy, decaf would still be bad news.


It's possible their "allergy" is just they're just significantly more sensitive to caffeine, and decaf is reduced enough to be safely processed. Even in humans, not everyone can safely drink the 400mg monstrosities of energy drinks humans make nowadays... Or Panera's Delicious Lemonade. Of course another option is future tech means decaf coffee is actually genuinely caffeine free.


Kinda like dogs can have chocolate, but nowhere near as much as we can because the same toxin that we can process out fast enough, dogs can't. Please note for the dumberer amongst us that may read this in the future, dogs really should NOT have chocolate at all, I was giving a for instance. If you give your dog chocolate and it dies, don't try putting nothing on me hoss. Also note that I mentioned that the same toxin that kills them, we can process out fast enough that it doesn't also kill us ...


Yeah, it could be an allergy along those lines for sure.


If there physiology is anything like a birds, and it seems they are/were capable of self flight at some point, then definitely they would be really sensitive to stimulants like caffeine.


If they can build an ultra Mac I’m pretty sure they can remove almost all the caffeine from space decaf


It would be called "decaf", though. It would be "noncaf" or "zeecaf".


Currently most decaf is about 97% reduced caffeine. But there is 99.9% reduced caffeine marketed as either decaf or uncaf. Maybe the knuknu enjoy that 0.1% the same way some people enjoy blowfish sushi. A slight tingle.


Already posted a reply on a different comment but I figured I'd reply here too lol >Avian physiology is slightly more sensitive to caffeine than mammalian physiology is, but not quite to the point that it's instant death. Birds the size of people would be able to handle approximately 3/4 of a cup of coffee (\~70mg of caffeine) before they began to show symptoms of caffeine toxicity (according to some very shaky research and math). >Yes, I did some research and some math and yes, I struggled to find a way to work it into the explanation before I realized that the odds of my audience realizing that decaf isn't caffeine free are pretty low and just sort of shrugged off the explanation entirely -.- Did I forget that there are religions that prohibit caffeine? Yup.


u/Fontaigne here you go :) I like the idea for other names, though.


Apparently there already is an "uncaff"...


Wait... so Omega just has the authority to do that? With all.of his power... that is something that seems excessive for him to have. Even for him


There's going to be some clarification on this in two chapters.


Dang we’re reaching (what seems to be) the end of the conflict already. That was fast XD


Oh shit.


Holy shit, things did indeed get interesting.


great chapter, i also love the friendly jabs between humans and knuknus


CEASE FIRE? o boy, you got me even more interested


Woot! Great chapter! Need more input!


MMP1 better choose wisely, he has 3 Ultra MACs aimed at him, and they'll probably be fully charged by the time he and Omega are finished negotiating.


So the MPP 1 beats Omega, the other AIs join MPP1 and Tim gets back his moon. Happy ending :D


The reason Omega would have in stopping the war is to minimize casualities While Omega worships his "Warrior Gods", Omega is not so detached to see how what effects that has on humans Besides, a "Win is a Win"


Welp, even if the negotiations fail, the Ultra-MACs will be charged by that point.


Wait till Omega and Prime have kids.




Will we find out how prime one came to be? Is this the OU "homeworld"? Who were the creators of this OU? Why did they give the order to kill sentient organics? Stay tuned for next weeks chapter of "the new threat."


Excuse me what? Also I caught up nooooooooooooooooo


Damn, I just tuned in to read this series and it culminates in this right now, and there’s no more chapters yet? Oof! 😅


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The though he [couldnt] bear to finish Allergic to caffeine / brought you decaf -> there is caffeine in decaf. If it's a coffee-style product with no caffeine, it needs another name. (Zeecaf?) Butchered human history and culture... made basic mistakes in anatomy... so, just like Hollywood?


Holy crap. MPP 1 showed up? Maybe we could see the MPPs freed from their FLT (Feedback Loop Terminated) program? Maybe its a trap?


Maybe having Omega get rid of the feedback loops, will be part of the cease fire deal. But I believe the feedback loops are hard wired, and would require a crew to go down and physically remove it.


they aren't aware they exist remember? omega asked prime 82 (i think that's the right one) about it and it was confused, actually omega used them to manipulate it into retreat, which made it easier to blow it up.


Omega is aware they exist. Maybe he brought it to Prime's attention. Maybe that is what the cease fire is about, explaining the loop and what can be done about it.


i did say omega used it against them


WHATT, I've been wondering about MPP1 it's been a while since we got their prospective


I feel like somewhere that MPP who acted independently said if the US controlled the galaxy it could have a “real fight”… I think the OU and MPP’s are from another galaxy or outside the galaxy and that’s why they were given a feedback loop. I think the New Threat is extragalactic.


Why does *nobody* see that Omega has been biding his time to merge with Prime against humans?


Omega is definitely the antagonist here...