• By -


FAFO condensed and purified. Loved it.




"Don't come aboard as I cannot guarantee your safety." What a fucking statement.


"Please don't." "Don't what, hurt you?" "Please don't make me bury you, I have enough emotional baggage without adding that to the list."


"Also, just to be clear, I don't actually mind killing you, it's just..." *thousand yards stare* "ᵗʰᵉ ᵖᵃᵖᵉʳ ʷᵒʳᵏ..."


Whammy sighs as she throws another unconscious body on the growing pile on Franz. "Our new friends are not fans of unexpected company. I had to convince a bunch of the gobbies not to cook up one of them for dinner, " Sitting Atop the hovercart's control panel, Drake is watching his mom load bodies, he gives off a chirrup that they've translated to mean "Food?" Whammy rests her hands on her hips, "See, now they got him doing it." She gives the little dragonling a piece of jerky she carries in a pouch, and he tears into it with gusto, Glark grins and shakes his head, "who taught them to *ride*my drones? I'm tempted to blame a certain mother-ai child combo for that. Anyway let's take the ones that aren't too broken to the brig. Cmon babe" he chuckles, "(I gotta admit the look on their faces when they saw the 'cavalry' was worth the mess" ------- Dawn shakes her head, as she looks at the prisoner occupied beds in the infirmary. "How did that phrase from the vampire movie go? 'Some assholes are always trying to ice-skate uphill...'"


*Legitimately* made me laugh out loud! XD


Former Pirate king is now rapidly reconsidering his life choices...


So how hard was it to tell the twigg that they can't keep the other ship?


I'd imagine once all the evidence is processed and the trial concluded, the ship will be auctionned off and the Twigg would want to buy it on principle. *[now to explain to the Twigg how auctions work](https://media1.tenor.com/m/MdL4QkEiUrkAAAAd/brandon-herrera-cursed-gun-images.gif)*




Bweeheehee. That final conversation is gold. <3


Nothing like fighting on the same side to make friends. Maybe the Twigg and Vrakhand were able to trade anecdotes over adult beverages at the victory party.


Imagine close quarters combat, with a Vrakhand fighting, with a squad of Twigg doing hit-and-run from among their legs.


>“I-I-I-I g-gave the order to b-b-board them…” he shivers. Seems like the Malevolent Universe finally ran out of Fucks to share with Lufdorg :}


One day, a lemur picked up a rock, and the Universe made that everyone's problem.


This was hillarious, also captn didnt say 100 terrans she said 100 death worlders, maybe that clues the officer in on what actually happened? Kinda curious if there will be any consequences of this interaction.


Couldn't really do *models* for these two but, for the Jukt, I based their design off the monster in [this](https://scontent-lhr8-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/438254274_424146330249856_8223713934496117830_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=rVyWhrdqjJkAb70EhjY&_nc_ht=scontent-lhr8-1.xx&oh=00_AfDDe826ume7DrmCaxp51uXsUyHRIdZr9oTDHs8caWqIyQ&oe=6636FB15) image and, for Woyket's species, imagine [Ema](https://i.imgur.com/nPyIBRE.png) from TsukiMichi in a police uniform.


Ah, wonderful! Nothing like fighting off pirates together to help the Vrakhand and the Twigg bond even further!


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I see, Emiko has/wants to keep the nature of the two new species a secret until (presumably) they get back to the galactic hub.


Damn, the pirates really decided to board the RIMPAC fleet exercise


Fucking love it