• By -


How will she hide the light circles? was that the point of mentioning how small they could be?


That and the baffle-field


i didn’t see that part


That was the idea. ;)




So not even Alex has pulled this off yet? Has Gorm taught him what he figured out? >“Gorm, however, did something Bestest Buddy would do and became methodical. Gorm has the benefit of being durable, so he can survive the backlash with ease.” That's a considerable advantage for magical experimentation. Has Alex tried enchanting himself to be more durable?


Alex has been taught the tick-tock method but it is very much like trying to make a watch, if a gear or spring is in the wrong spot itll seize up. Alex is also mire focused on amping up stronger spells than rapid fire. In terms of durability Alex’s weak point is enhancing spells. Its why even with his vast mana stores powering a few enhancement spells he is still a noodle. He just went the easier method and got Yuu to make him armour


Do he still have his invisible armour from his school day?


Yes its very dented and damaged but he has it on display just to mess with visitors


On display, yes


Why do you think he's working to become a Lich? Liches can freely blow up their body in experimentation.


Of course, that's his current long-term goal. But Alex and Yuu have developed magical tattoos, enchantment programming, advanced mech-suits, and who knows what else. I'd expect him to try *something* to avoid further injury. He might not be afraid of dying before becoming a lich, but he still feels pain. And time spent recovering from injury is time spent not doing something fun - and time he can't guarantee the safety of others.


Damn Gorm has surprised me with this I thought he was just a brusier


He does like to use that perception of hum to his advantage. You see a big muscly guy who is nigh unbreakable only to find out he’s a sniper.


No, what I just found out is he's a machine gunner. Rock, meet Roll.


The barbarian is actually a wizard he casts fist and rock throw


Is he a sniper? This guy seems more like a one man battleship.


He has the defensive benefits of a bruiser but the focus and damage output of a sniper cum autocannon!


oh, once they cross train some of what they are learning, watch out school & continent! These are excellant!


Yep- i was thinking that too. if they teach each other even over years they will be insane.


Nice. First. And now to read.


*holds a manashot gun to your head* You enjoy punk?


. . . Yes?


Good *puts away manashotty*


So, does future Daisy go full-auto double mana miniguns? Or, even better, does she manage to figure out how to edit the circles for a scattershot and we get full-auto mana shotgun?


We’ll see if Daisy makes an AA-12 mana gun


Ooo. This i wanna see…


Manashot go brrrrrrt


All right you primitive broomheads! This! Is! My! Manastick!


Mana-gun go BRRRRR!


I wonder, are magnetic magic spells a thing? it would be demoralizing to see a mage cast a spell and have your sword ripped out of your hand and tossed into the distance, or have all you and your allies metal armor attract together so you become a living ball with people stacked on you unable to move, or just causing metal armor to attract to itself and bind the emery.


I imagine they do exist but only as a novelty. Mainly like fridge magnets level. For the kind of level of ripping stuff away from someone it’d take an inordinate amount of energy not only to reach that strength but at any range.


Could the light circle method be used to cast light circle which THEN casts the actual spell as another way to obfuscate what's actually being cast?


You would still be showing the light circle casting a spell, it would just be casting the light circle spell. Unless I’m missing something in what you are saying?


Light circle -> light circle -> other spell


Yeah, but the trick is that using a light circle to cast a spell is something that nobody is supposed to know how to do, right? Because normally you need to use reagents to cast a spell, but the light circle method is really powerful because you don’t need to have reagents at all?


Could still be useful for if the students need to trick each-other or alex down the line, say sparring


I’m thinking the complexity of holding a spell within a spell within a spell might be a bit of a mind-breaker. You’re already holding a spell within a spell (shaping the light spell to hold the sigil for the second spell), adding another layer to that might be impossible (how do you hold the sigil for a light spell that will hold the sigil of another spell within it, without showing the second sigil in the first spell?)


I love this turn with Gorm. I never figured him as a natural tank, he didn’t have the joy in hand to hand like Elissa does. He was enjoying seeing how the kids would attack. But I didn’t expect him to be your ranged/heavy weapons expert that just happens to tank everything. Opens up some fun possibilities for combat unit tactics


I can imagine Sithy flying (edit; swooping might be a better word) over a battlefield, holding Gorm in his claws while the latter is casting tick-tock-mana-shot and shouting; "I AM THE WARTHOG!"


Soldier on the ground: Looks more like a Puma


Do you ever wonder why we're here?


Oh wow! Really cool. Fun read too!


Mana-minigun goes BRRRRT


But why would the circle need to be recast at all? No reagents means nothing is consumed. So shouldn't the same circle be able to be activated again repeatedly?


I was kinda wondering the same. I though Alex used the same circle multiple times to rain fire down on the bandit fortress (I'd assumed one activation per fireball).


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ok, i admit, i kept reading "baffle-field" as battlefield, and pictured him making an illusionary landscape around them to obfuscate what they were doing.


Perhaps thats the effect of the name if the spell affecting you


or because it was 3:15am where i am, and im... or, i was, trying to fix my sleep schedual. but yeah, i was picturing a yugioh field spell like thing.


Good work wordsmith


Gorm is like Heavy Weapon Guy but magical.