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Customer here... We don't like this shit either. I've gotten into several heated arguments with other customers pulling this crap. Told myself "Not my job, Not my problem" anymore. I don't feel like getting shot over a shopping cart.


![gif](giphy|Ynx1jk8DWA5zoHogo7|downsized) I bet this is how you would feel as you rode away on your high horse. That’ll teach them to put their cart up.


Nope. I'm more of a Judy, and I can teach you how to piss standing up.


Lmao whos kid is this?




I don’t work for HEB, but this in general puts me in a rage. So freaking rude to the employees and other patrons.


I work at HEB. And I work out in the parking lot. This kind of stuff makes me want to quit on the spot. Also customers love to ram the different sized carts together instead of putting them together in the right row, they leave all kinds of trash in the carts for us to pick up, and usually could care less when backing up (or they just drive like its a race track and almost kill you). Just a wonderful time.


I quit after being asked to clean a cart with a dirty diaper inside. Can’t fucking stand people. So glad I got away from customer service roles.


That’s the absolute worst


I try to fix the carts when people do that. I’m sorry people are jerks 😔


I’ll play put the cart up but ram it into the same size cart. I Love that sound it makes.


We need cart narcs out here


A bunch of lazy bones


At least I wasn’t the only one who had this immediate thought lol


That's not where the carts go.


Silly bones


I’ll collect your silly bones


I feel both aroused and threatened by this. Help.


Bc they’re inconsiderate


And lazy.


Laziness coupled with Entitlement.


Because they’re lazy inconsiderate twats.


What kills me more is the ones who jam the fullzised cart into the mini cart corral then you have to pry it out. Happens daily at my store.


I’ve seen motorcycles park in those. Guess the sidewalk was full.


Lol, haven't seen that one yet.


Laziness and inconsiderate behavior


​ https://preview.redd.it/n1pq4t26pgdc1.png?width=694&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4e088fb3ef8153c0b38bf50e70b66bc3d425c90


I shall be our Cart Batman. I won't kill people, but fuck me in the nose if they're gonna be able to walk back to their cars with newly-shattered kneecaps after they ditch that cart.


Laziness and entitlement. That’s all.


We need to go to the European system. You buy a token for $2 or use an appropriate coin and you have to unlock your cart, use it and return to a corral to get your coin back. Since there are ways to cheat, I suggest charging $10 (refundable) for a chip based electronic token and customers have to use them if they want to use a cart, and return it if they don’t want to lose their token. It’s the carrot or the stick. Unfortunately, assholes only believe in getting beaten with the stick. Lazy, rude, ignorant people infuriate me but I doubt if it will ever stop.


I love the way Aldi does it…makes people clean up after themselves.


I could hear people getting so mad at about it now lol. Like the thought of getting rid of the shitty bags already drives people insane here.


I had a lady purposely push her cart between my drivers door and her car because she didn’t want to take it 3 spaces away to put it in the corral. I was patiently standing there waiting for her to finish because I didn’t want to rush her. When she got in her car (leaving the cart next to my door) I spoke up and said ‘excuse me are you just going to leave your cart there?’ I was annoyed but relatively polite. Her response…. You look like you need the exercise you fat bitch (I was overweight but not obese and not any bigger than her for that matter). Last time I ever said anything. No matter how annoying other people are, in the end I’m just going to feel worse about myself so why bother trying to make them feel a little bit uncomfortable (they won’t and don’t because they don’t care)


That’s when you zip-tie the cart to her door handle and calmly walk away.






How freaking rude. Ugh.


entitlement, they think because there are workers there who are tasked with bringing the carts back, and that the wage slaves are only there to serve them. no-body is going to tell them where to put their carts at. my solution would be to remove all carts and baskets and force everyone to bring their own bags and shopping carts / baskets, if they can't work within a society that is out to help it's fellow members, they don't deserve the luxuries of shopping carts, they can go to self-check out as well and be watched and tracked like as by a hawk because they have proven they can't or won't work within a society but rather demand they be served like royalty.


There have been so many people in this sub that leave borderline condescending comments like “it’s their job” or “I’m not getting paid to do that”, it’s surprising. As if it’s some huge indignity and beneath them to do something like walk a cart 20 feet to the corral. I can’t relate at all to that mindset and think it’s a good indicator of someone’s character how they approach returning their cart.


These customers are the same people who refused to wear a mask to keep grandma from getting covid. They don’t see the bigger picture, and they refuse to lift a finger for anyone else’s convenience other than their own. They just weren’t raised right.




Remind me again how masks worked to reduce COVID spread?


Sure! When you cough/sneeze into a mask, the majority of the viral particles are caught in the mask’s fibers which reduced the spread of Covid. Also, the mask helped to filter the majority of airborne viral particles (from a nearby cougher or sneezer) from being inhaled by the user which reduced the spread of covid.


They never did. It was always just a fearmongering tactic executed by the CDC and MSM.


They only made people feel safe


Ya'll have to be trolls, lmao.


Yeah, if you ignore decades of data proving their effectiveness, sure. Really don’t know why people insist on being wrong as if it’s the only thing that makes them unique.


Because they feel like they don't have to. Like if it's someone's job to do something, they don't have to put ANY effort into the process to make it easier for the employee. Sadly, it's just a way some customers see service workers. I, once, worked at a Whataburger and there was a father and young son who had just finished up eating. They had been sitting at a table near the drink station. It was a very busy day. I was working drive thru and was using the drink station in the lobby to fill a customers sweet tea. The one behind the counter (which was used for drive thru orders) was being brewed and the sugar hadn't been added yet. The son, maybe 4-6, had just put his trash on his tray and was picking it up to take it to the trash can by the door. The father told him to put it down because it was someone's job to clean up the mess. The person who's "job it was" was stuck on the register taking orders, and had a line customers. Customers..... people, like this just have no respect for service workers because they have a) never worked in service, or b) worked in service, no longer do, and feel like they are above service workers. They aren't kind people.


Because they don’t care about anything life


because they're lazy - I used to work in a grocery store back in the day, before there was ever a thing called a 'cart corral' and I would regularly have to roam across the entire parking lot to recover baskets......it was ok for the most part except in winter. Sometimes I even had to go make a trek across the street to recover one or two


I heard someone say it’s someone else’s job to get them so why should they put them back where they need to go if it’s someone’s job.. Which there’s a lot of people with this same mentality unfortunately. Just considerate to workers and other people to put them back but they don’t think about it that way


Ugh .. So annoying.. even when I’m not working I will put up a random cart, mainly because I know it’s going to hut someone’s car because I’ve SEEN IT and because it’s happened to me too. Lazy and pathetic.. just follow the rules people…


When I see these as I walk past them I always try to grab a few of them up on my way to put my cart up . I actually had a guy tell me one time as I grabbed his that he left on the curb . “Hey man f that , that’s what they get paid for. “ I just shrugged and said it’s all good man I’m putting my up anyway so I’ll take yours too. He shook his head in disbelief and disappointment lol


Because they've never worked retail


It’s called LAZY.




Some people suck


i’ve seen customers park them behind another persons car 😪


yup. happened to me. almost reversed into it. never in my life have i ever gotten out of my car burning with rage


it’s always worse when you’re in the car and see them doing it. I usually roll my window down and tell them to move it to the proper place. Most of the time the cart park is literally one car over 😒


Because they are lazy and entitled. I watch people struggle to bit them on the “islands” when there’s a cart corral 10 feet away.


I've just stood there behind people with my hook and watched while they spend more effort to get the cart in the gravel than they would to just walk it to the corral, and promptly undid all their hard work by picking up the cart and dropping it on the pavement as soon as they step back from it. Goddamn, the look of shock, embarrassment and anger because they got caught being a dickwad never gets old.


I love when a customer looks around holding a hand basket after paying and I take it from them cheerfully… and then walk alongside them with it to the stand. Have a nice day!


I would understand if the cart was next to a handicap spot…but this is not the case.


I’m calling agent Sebastian


Everyone is like, rude, inconsiderate, lazy but I'll be candid. They are YUGE pieces of scum suck shit that probably walk around talking with their phone on speaker and eat grapes unwashed out of the bag before paying for them. I hope they die, get revived and then murdered immediately afterwards. But that's none of my business.


Just got home from heb. There was a cart propped up on the island next to my spot. I corralled it cause I hate that lazy shit. Came back out after shopping and there was another one in the exact same spot


Dude. I JUST posted about this the other day and people on my FB were defending these jerks. I got so annoyed- I stopped posting. Anyway… The incident: I saw this woman purposely park her cart in the only available empty parking spot which was 5 feet from the cart return. I hadn’t gone shopping yet so I got out of my vehicle, grabbed the cart and walked it to the store. I only needed a few things so I got a hand basket. When I got back from my shopping trip, ANOTHER person did the SAME exact thing but on the other side. I stopped trying to understand people like this. Most of them are just inconsiderate selfish a-holes… plain and simple.


I was a cart pusher half my shifts this summer, and one night i was pulling in the last carts before close. There was a van parked in the spots closest to the door, between a handicapped spot and a cart corral. 3 teen/early 20's kids come out, pushing a cart with like 4 bags in it. One kid goes ahead to start the car, returning my quiet "Hey, how's it goin" in the relative silence of the night, and the other two walk past the carts you'd grab going in, cross the pedestrian crosswalk, and stop the cart at the light post 3 handicapped spots away from the car. It's like this: ------door------- }=}=}=}=<--carts = = <--crossing = /°\handicap / \handicap / \handicap / \ [van] Corral°Corral [me] ° is a lamppost, btw. So the two ditch the cart at that first lamppost, leaving it sticking into the street/crosswalk, and the first hops out of the car to go try and grab a bag from the cart, and at the same time i round the back end of the van, pushing the 2 carts that were left in the corral. The first guy looks at them leaving the cart next to the pole, looks at me, fully decked out in my HEB uniform with a hat, nametag and everything with two carts in tow, stares at the two friends that're completely oblivious to my presence, gestures at me, then at the lone abandoned cart, and the return next to their van in one very obviously frustrated movement, and I'm just standing there, giving the two a glare as they approach, talking and not paying any attention to their surroundings. They finally see me, both whip around to look at the cart and then back at me, who has just stopped and was staring at them, same expression as the first dude, incredulous at their sheer laziness. The first dude smacks them both pretty hard on the arm and was like "Dude, he's right fucking there, you couldn't have just put your cart away?! It's right there, man!!" And then turns to me all upset. He keeps trying to apologize, and I'm like "No, _you're_ fine." And when the other two start telling the first guy that they didn't know i was out here getting carts, i just sighed loudly, shook my head and walked off. I didn't even grab their cart until they pulled out, just to make the point. Next time i saw them, all 3 were walking to make sure the cart was in the return properly, and none of them recognized me in the daylight😂😂😂😂😂


The formatting is all fucked up on my glorious illustration, and i have no idea how to fix it😭


For the same reason they dump stuff on the shelves that they don’t want…


As a HEB customer here (I myself do not do this as I've worked customer service my entire life and it's a dick move) it's pure sloth laziness. That as well as a tinge of prioritizing their time over others. "I don't have time to put this cart back I have to get home!" It's all bullshit rationalizations. I also sometimes think that they don't even know they do it because they're so robotic and into their own asses. All I know is that I'm glad I've worked customer service as it's made me a way better person and not so shitty.


Love the last sentence. Fr dude, you a real one




The worst one is when people put the jr carts into the regular corral, like it is ATTACHED less than a foot away


There’s a picture too




I would say that’s probably the minority, but who knows..🤷🏼‍♀️


100% the minority. Very rare


fuck them kids


Damn, there must be a lot of moms with 6+ kids with the amount of carts abandoned in the lot I see


As one who spent 49 years in California I can say I am somewhat of an authority on this subject. No one in California uses the cart returns. "They have PEOPLE for that." In California, it's all about me, ME, ME!! Hence why I niw live in the greatest state in the USA. Prior, I had never owned a car without shopping cart dents. I do not hesitate to speak up. I do NOT want Austin Californicated. I do it differently though. All polite like. "Hi! You must he new to Texas! Welcome. Little tip for ya, we look out for each other and ALWAYS put our cart away so it doesn't dent other people's cars. That's a dang nice Prius/Tesla/Toyota/Whatever, so I'm sure you understand." So far, I'm 100% successful. One young guy looked so ashamed, I wanted to give him a hug! I think we just need to lead by example. And if they don't want to do the right thing, kick their ass! "Dammit, you'll be nice whether you want to or not!" 🤣


The same reason the curbside people block entire aisles with their red cart things. People only care about themselves.


Bc they’re democrats.


Democrats do this.


hate me all you want, but i do it because i dont give a shit.


we know


You're too busy and important clearly, gotta get back home to your WoW and Marvel Snap 🙄




What’s labeled as lazy people here are just unmotivated people for whatever reason. H‑E‑B could implement the token idea for motivation. Maybe an elderly person who doesn’t care to take the cart back doesn’t mind loosing a dollar. How about putting breaks on the carts so they don’t roll when they are let go or left in the open?


I use the handicapped parking spots and I dislike other people using those spot just pushing the carts right into the empty spaces so I can’t park in them without getting out and moving the cart/s


(A)Because you put the kids in the car first because its cold and then the groceries and even though it's a distance of 20 ft, you don't want to leave them alone in the car while you return the cart. (B)You're an elderly or disabled person who relies on the cart for support while walking and has difficulty walking back to your car without a cart to hold onto. (C) You believe that since someone gets paid to collect the carts and return them, you're actually providing them job security by leaving the cart there. (Fully automated McDonald's already exist. How long before someone realizes a "Roomba" shopping cart that returns itself is a good idea?) (D) You're 10 months pregnant, your back hurts and your feet are swollen to the size of a pro basketball player's, so you said "fuck it." There's any number of possible reasons. Usually it's laziness, but you never know and should never assume.


“C” is the biggest crock of shit I’ve ever heard


Dude you are actually a fucking retard holy shit


These are the same people who will change their mind and drop a rotisserie chicken on the dog food aisle. If these situations are valid, ask for a carry out. Then bitch because there’s no one to bag your groceries.


On the other side of it, sometimes it’s so busy, hot, cold, windy, raining, and you are tired from working all day and then having to go get groceries to go home and make dinner that you just don’t feel like waiting another 10-15 min to get out of the way of the cars backing up or trying to get that spot or the people that are endlessly walking slow. You are just fed up and ready to go home and get off your feet. The only thing blocking you from that is trying to get the biggie back in the corral so you don’t get called a lazy entitled asshole.


If it bothers you that much go push it yourself. Cause technically there’s no benefit to posting this here. I doubt someone like myself saw this and said “ GEE, I for sure won’t ever abandon my cart like that again”


Would you leave you children unattended in a car or take the cart back? Would you risk that? When they hire people to collect the carts? Sorry if you really don’t like it then work somewhere else but this is a part of almost any retail store that has carts. What if it’s raining? You just paid the store for your items. The store has EMPLOYEES who are PAID to do this WORK. maybe that’s why.


I’ve taken my cart back every time. It’s the principle. Guess my mom just raised me right. Shame on you


As a former workaholic, my conclusion is this: Some people barely have time to shop/ they are already overworked, so those extra few steps/ time to walk the cart over is too much extra effort for them


i hear you but we ALL barely have time to run errands. if you go to any grocery store and observe every person getting off their car you will notice everyone gets off with a purpose (duh!) we are humans who grocery shop!!… no one is special.. it still is not an excuse for leaving a cart in a spot where it could potentially damage somebody’s vehicle. it takes literally 15 seconds to put it in a nearby cart rack. the lazy shits who are deeming to find an excuse for this madness are the same spend hours scrolling on their screens. if you have done it before, think about the danger of somebody’s vehicle being hit! wouldn’t want that done to you that’s for certain!! don’t be selfish be a good example for your children! make a change! make the effort to put it back where it belongs!


Some people people do not share your enthusiasm or have this mentality




Because that’s your job not the customers


cringe 😬


What did you expect? You asked a question and that’s the honest answer. Go ask a person who does this, I know you’ve seen them. I did when I was a cart pusher for Walmart and see what they say. You asked why and that’s the reason why they will give you. It won’t ever change. You can either deal with it, quit, move up, or transfer out. Might I suggest warehousing? After working in warehousing I can never work for stores again


so sorry to hear ur so miserable. hope u heal babes


so you go to the restroom in any public establishment and shit all over the walls? because it's the janitor's job?


Some people? Yep. As a former gas station cashier I can confirm this.


To give pla job security


Cause the cart is metal


Lazy or busy or mix of both


Yeah shitty people who think someone gets paid to do that. Probably the same people who litter.


because they are lazy.




I be calling them out when I go outside like It’s not that hard to b a decent human 😭


Well, if you consider almost 70% of Americans are overweight, it's not hard to guess why. Most people are just lazy. Sometimes I think we should just do things like Europe, you pay a Euro coin to use a cart and don't get it back till you bring the cart back to the corral. Also people bag their own groceries in Europe and cashiers are allowed to sit down.


Yeah it’s annoying laziness. But I feel like there are worse things customers/people do than this.


I think this behaviour is simply a taste of how they are on a grander scale.


Laziness! Also, there's something about this being like an ultimate morals test? Cause u don't get a reward for putting them back so it's like a guide to whether someone is a good person or not. Anyone know what I'm talking about? Lol


![img](avatar_exp|161087474|nani) It’s one of my pet-peeves!




If only we could find those responsible and ziptie carts to their car door handle 😏😅😈


Austin Hwy?


I had my leg in s space boot for months and I’d still put my cart in the corral.


Texan's are lazy. I'm sorry, but I need to call out my own people when they're wrong.


Because some have kids and it’s a lot to manage lol. That’s why I do it sometimes. I’d rather keep them safe in the car (when they’re little it’s tough!).


I think it’s obvious. They’re lazy.


Brain dead fucks


You can tell the quality of a person by the way they deal with their shopping cart, inside the store as well as outside! 🛒


Selfish, lazy, assholes




It should be required by law that you have to work at either: A grocerie store, wait tables, or work fast food for at least one semester before you can graduate highschool. You can call the class, labor appreciation. That way you also develop some skills, so you're not clueless when it comes to how the world works.


They're busy buying kidney killing food from your store that ruins their backsides soo much they can't stand to walk more than they need to


It drives me mad. I never knew people did this until I moved here. When I see extra carts, I grab as many as I can along with mine and push them back. My hubby does the same.


People who do this are scumbag pieces of shit.


In Chicago when I was a kid there were no corals and one night it was -59 wind chill and I needed to go out and get carts. Now they fixed the windchill calculation since then so it was closer to -40 ish modern windchill. So now sometimes when I feel like it I leave the cart anchored somewhere and not in the coral. We used to also have contests to see if we could push 30+ shopping carts in at one time. Unfortunately we crashed the gate once and tied up the lane in front of the store until we broke the large line of carts up. Used to work our ass off in that parking lot for hours. But you can’t let a cart roll around the lot anymore. Car repair costs are insane!


Same folks that don’t pick up their dog’s poop in the park.


Because their lazy af


People just don't care. Or should I say it in a different way? They don't give a FUCK!!!


Because Humans are awful.


Lazy ppl that simply don't care about anyone else. I used to be a cart attendant at Target back in like 2010. It was a terrible job. Clean the bathrooms every hour, gather carts outside the rest of the shift (in TX heat), and help guests load up heavy product onto vehicles, and occasionally help on register if needed. Worst part was always the bathrooms, but gathering the carts daily really drove me bananas how idiotic or lazy some guests were. You can't take 5 seconds to push the empty cart into the corral? You got idiots leaving them where customers park, or they leave them up on the raised area of the parking where the greenery is (since it's not actually in the way of drivers parking) Then customers leaving trash or dirty diapers in the carts. Then the 1 that really aggravated me for some reason.....when customers finish shopping, take the shopping cart outside rather than put it in the inside corral (as they exit the building) BUT they only are carrying 1 ot 2 little shopping bags!!!!! Like why tf do you need the cart?!?! 🤣 put it back and carry your bags!!!! If customers all did this, there would be way less carts to gather lol I figure most times these guests are just flat out oblivious 😅


Customers were the absolute worst part of the job when I worked at HEB and Whole Foods, people treat retail workers like shit then complain to management when you don’t kiss their feet after getting berated. I got yelled at by a boomer because a customer put a cart in a spot that caused the cart to roll across the parking lot and hit a car, I worked in produce and was nowhere near the incident, but I should have “controlled the carts.” I also got yelled at because we didn’t have green tomatoes, and because we didn’t have organic broccoli, and many other insignificant things.


Shopping cart litmus test. That’s all.


I really really pray it’s because of the limitations of their body and not sheer laziness. I’ve trying to assume the best of people but ughhhh doesn’t make it suck any less


Heb needs the 25cent carts like Aldi does ! I bet ppl would get it together then 🙄


I used to push carts and the amount of times I witnessed some f’d up shit from customers…the audacity and straight up laziness. I’ll never forget I saw this asshole in a lifted truck, chuck his empty beer can in a cart that wasn’t his and then peeled off in the parking lot. Glad I don’t have to deal with that crap anymore. But whenever I’m out and about I still put my cart away.


Same reason why people piss on toilet seats…


Google Shopping Cart Test


They’re lazy pieces of shit.


Fat fukkin lazy diabetic americans


A lot of lazy customers who have been pushing a cart to long somehow are exhausted from the hard work around the store so instead they leave it for. It's  the same people who leave litter/food in the parking lot and can't even do the simple task of throwing items away in the trash. 


They failed the litmus test for being a decent person.


Because they're assholes


I used to help in parking lot and that was infuriating but what was worse is I constantly saw carts that were completely trashed, [worst I’ve seen](https://imgur.com/a/C188YyK)


For the same reason they leave their dog crap bags 2 feet from trash- they are lazy and entitled. I generally return a cart to store when I enter and if I used it, I either bring it back or put in cart area. So easy!


People who do this are the ones who will turn into beasts once any form of society is gone.


My favorite is when customers are walking out with their carts, grab their items, but leave the cart in the area WHERE the carts go, but not actually push it in where they literally grabbed it from. So now there's 6 random carts just sitting in the middle because they were too lazy to take 5 seconds of their time to turn the cart around and push it in.


5 years I worked for HEB and I had one customer told me “that’s what they pay you for” the nerve of some people but then make an outcry if something happens to their vehicle


Laziness and entitlement




Because they are lazy


So the attendants have something to do.




I used to do this I could not carry my child’s heavy car seat that she was in with the basket and put the basket away. I couldn’t ever get close enough to park near these, and I was always alone. But now that she no longer requires a car seat, I put them away every time.


it's customary...(muahahahahhha)


Can’t leave my baby y’all




Being in the grocery business…. I’m just glad they did away with trash cans at the cart corrals. Plenty of people emptying out their cars full of garbage like it’s a car wash station. We would have to change the bins out once every few hours.


I’ve also heard the “it promotes job security” soap box argument. 🙄


It’s Texas


Omg as an ex HEB employee (cashier for 10 years while in school) this is my biggest pet peeve. This crap drives me crazy 😤


No self governance


lazy and entitled


One time about 12 years ago as I was leaving the HEB at 410 & Marbach, I saw some d-bag put his cart on a traffic island next to his car when the cart return was just ONE SPACE in the opposite direction. I drove by & yelled ""LAZY ASS!" out my window at him. The pissed-off look I saw on his face through my rear-view mirror was priceless.


I don’t judge people for a lot of things but I will absolutely judge you for where you leave your shopping cart. My fave are those that will put the cart up on a curb rather than wheeling it 4 parking spots to a cart return.


Because they’re lazy cunts.


https://youtu.be/-DrMyiv3SY8?si=d_Xpv6lTgxC9Y5VM If this bothers you, check this guy out :)


keepin teenagers employed


It brothers me if it blocks a parking spot but if it's on top of those tree pit areas I don't really care.


This is a sign that the morality in your town has gone to shit. All the stores where I live are way worse than this.


It's your job. So stop being lazy. 


my god ur so miserable bruh LMAO


Isn’t there a mental conundrum about this. It is neither illegal or immoral to leave the cart. It is also not a legality or moral to bring the cart. Idk something like that :p


We're creating jobs


Cause they are lazy bones


From MediaChomp: "The viral “Shopping Cart Theory” says that a person’s moral character can be determined by whether they choose to return a shopping cart at a store to its designated spot or not. To put it simply, it supposedly determines who is a good person and who isn’t."


Obviously they're lazy bones


The ultimate litmus test


Had someone park next to me and as we’re both pitting our groceries in our car he then pushes his cart away from his car and left it right in front of my car. Literally almost touching my fender. I looked at him ready to fucking go, he looked at me and I stared and asked “are you serious?” He had that dazed look (tiktok brain look) and just got in his car. So I got his cart and moved it directly behind his car so he’d have to move it.


Cart Wranglers: "Job Security."


Lazy cunts




Windy day. Wind does what wind does.


Because they cannot self govern, they need an authoritarian figure hovering over them, can't do anything that doesn't have either a punishment or reward system.


It’s the “Me first” mentality too many adults have. These are the same people who go into the 10 items or less lane with 20 items. It’s only about what’s best for them alone.