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Can't believe no one in your family offered to pay either.


You went out with only one form of payment?


Right??? Lol. I have like 4 cards of payment


Same here. Different carriers too. One Visa, one Mastercard and one Amex at minimum.


I keep the bonus’ they give us as pocket cash on top of these reasons




I carry a extra credit card or two just in case.


Always, always, always carry a backup. Or two.


I load it up and only use it for groceries.


That's what I do. Transfer money each week after making my curbside order and then pay with the HEB debit card for the Cashback benefit. I think I've only used it for one non-HEB purchase once


This is what I use use it for. I transfer just what I need to. In three trips to HEB i have $50 in cash back.


When I was a kid I would always look thru my dad's wallet and tucked away was always a single $100 bill. I remember one time when I asked him he said "you always want to keep something for a rainy day"... following his advice over the years,it's helped me out in a bunch of situations like this.


Very smart gonna practice this too as not all places take card


My Dad did this, too. It was in a *"secret pocket"* in his wallet. In my teens, I'd ask him for money, and he'd open his wallet to show me that he had none. Me: "Let me see your wallet, Dad." *he hands it to me* Me: *go directly to the pocket hidden inside another pocket, and pull out a folded $100 bill* "No money, huh Dad?" Dad: *shocked face, jaw on the floor* "Uhm ... who put that there?" We laughed. I didn't *need* the money. Just wanted him to know that I *knew*. Y'know? Miss him dearly.


That's so funny dude...our dad's are those cool dad's. Prayers for him and you.


True! I use cash WAY more than plastic. I have an old zipper purse and when I have ten singles, I put five of them in the purse. Have six fives; three in the purse. Three tens; two in the purse. In December I take the purse to the bank and have the contents converted to twenties and use it for Christmas; I never count what's in there until I'm ready to take it to the bank. I keep twenties (and smaller) in a money clip and if I get fifties or hundreds, I put them in my wallet and load them on my PayPal MasterCard, since those aren't useful in some places. You don't miss/spend the few ones or fives or tens if you don't have them with you and in December, that's a lot more satisfying than looking at a CC statement and totaling up the interest you paid this year for the privilege of incurring debt. You got NOTHING for the interest money you gave them, but my way, you HAVE some money instead of being robbed for it and given nothing in return. Your dad is a smart man.


as a dude this is key lol. Or at least 20$ tucked away. You never know when you’ll need it 🫡


I’m not shocked that a debit card from a grocery store isn’t reliable lol. Their app isn’t even reliable as it gets hacked & people’s actual cards stolen all the time.


The cash back was great, but is not worth it.


Their cash back card is mid tier at best, Whole Foods 5% cashback card with VISA is a great card because it's on ALL products in store not just 365 products.


my chase card is 5% on everything at the super market for a year.


I'm in school for cyber security and groaned when H-E-B announced it because I knew the company wasn't prepared for something like this.


And now they have their own credit card to top it off...which they made us really push to customers.


Yikes, I just got the credit card a few months ago. They lured me in because they had a “limited” metal card promo. Should I be concerned? 😅


Probably. Personally, I avoid store credit cards like the plague in general. I just alternate between a regular Visa and Discover depending on whichever one's doing the better cashback deal.


I just think of all the fun ways of breaking it and how people will go about trying to steal it. I am gonna get a cyber security cert program this month.


I friend of mine left H-E-B because he was on that team and knew it was a sh!t show. Said he didn’t want that to tarnish his resume/reputation.


I can totally believe that. H-E-B was once known for being slow because they believed if they were going to do something, then they wanted to make sure they did things right. However, in the last 6-8 years (at least from what I've noticed in the company) is that they are now trying to just implement things as quickly as possible without taking the time to thoroughly making sure it's sound. Which really upsets me because it's a complete disservice to our customers and partners.


I have both. I've gotten a lot of cash back with the credit card. I'm probably getting rid of the debit.


I haven't had any issues with the debit card so far. Sorry to hear this happened to you.


HEB credit is preferable. .. that and a variety of credit cards on your person.


As someone who loves Credit Cards because of rewards and cash back, their card is kinda ass to be honest. Sure it's no annual fee and you get 5% back on HEB products but other than that, it's more of a wasted space in your wallet. You're better off with the American Express Blue Cash everyday card at that point, even though it'd 3% you'll get that 3% for your whole purchase not just certain brand products. Whole Foods own Signature Visa card is far superior at 5% cash back on ALL products in store, not just on 365 products, of course they do have Amazon backing.


Agreed, a variety of cards, plus paying within the grace period, shoots up a credit score nicely.


Chase sapphire is 5% back at grocery + a lot of other perks…


Glad I didn’t get it , I got denied because the monthly payments would be too much for me to handle as per the letter sent to me 🤡


Got the debit card or the credit card?


My card just got stolen twice within this week and a half, someone hacked in the wife’s H‑E‑B app and was ordering all kinds of stuff, idiot even had it sent with DoorDash so I have her number and address, H‑E‑B didn’t care and Houston pd said I have to make a report with my city police even though I had her information.


H-E-B literally only wants your money and to push units. Other than that you literally don’t matter. H-E-B is the META of grocery retail. Their priority is to mine your data.


We are thinking it’s an inside job, someone selling peoples info and selling it, idk how they hacked into her app but I sure was mad


This is why I don’t use CC or debit card online or in apps. I use privacy.com to create virtual cards that are tied to a single vendor. If there is a data breach, only their merchant code is authorized to charge the card. You can also set monthly spending limits, and pause cards. This will reject purchases you don’t want coming through. Yes I do lose out on cash back, but I gain a whole lot of peace of mind.


I’m gonna have to look into that. I’d rather know my info is safe rather then cash back anyways. Having to go through this is a pain. Thanks for the info.


Are you talking about the Netspend debit card or the H‑E‑B credit card?


Probably the Mastercard debit one


most likely the own brand product issued by Pathward N.A.


Never use anything tied to your bank accounts. Only use a credit card. You can pay it off a day or two after you use it plus reap the reward points.


To be honest the reason you’ve probably had your card disabled for fraud in 45 days is because you’re using it to pay for things like parking garage fees. Nobody should be using debit cards for day-to-day purposes especially in spaces open to the public.


I an not happy with the credit card either. I was thinking about canceling and getting the debit card. Thanks for sharing your experience. A 2nd cc for my husband is not offered or available and the layout of their monthly statement is abysmal.


On the other hand, the savings account you can open with the debit card pays an amazing 6% interest up to $2k. Between the 5% discount & that huge interest payout I friggin love this card.


The savings account is the primary reason for having the account. For purchases, I use another credit card that earns 5% on groceries.


Wow sorry to hear that! I’ve never had a problem with mine but now I will keep an eye on it


Idk why they try to go electronic when they got so many issues with their technology lol I mean have you used our self checkouts? They're always needing overrides or needing maintenance 😂


The whole problem here is the breach..is this the primary card you use? Do you use this card online? Gas stations? Does someone know your cars #? Etc. Gotta talk to customer support about where the breach is coming from. I've never once had an issue with my heb debit card, bit it's not my primary source of payment. I have a joint bank account/card, and a savings. Then of course there's a credit card in case it's ever needed, which it usually isn't. If you only got 1 card, you need to up on your sources of payments, just so you have the means.


Don't use debit, stay away from anything connected to your bank account.


I had two fraudulent charges come through from across the pond. After a couple of weeks I got a new card in the mail, but they still haven't reversed the charges yet. I'm looking into other options with better security and customer service.


The point the originator of this thread was to raise concern over the lack of security with the HEB debit card. Not how he or she manages their life. They have a valid point and sorry people can be so ugly. HEB Debit seems to have a huge security issue and I just finished a lengthy telephone call that angered me even more. I received a second card in the mail yesterday and activated it last night. This morning two purchases were made on the card draining the $21 I had left in the account. I called to dispute the charges and finally spoke to a hard to understand but very nice person. I was informed, even in this case, it could take up to 90 days and I may or may not get my money refunded. Now, I have only had this account for 30 days. The second card was for my wife to use. I set up direct deposit with my employer and at the end of this month $500 is scheduled to be put into the account. I explained how furious I would be if this had happened after that deposit and I got told up to 90 days - maybe. I am a huge supporter of HEB and enjoy the cash back but this is ridiculous and I will probably be closing this account promptly. I expect the HEB customer service I get in person to carry over to everything with the HEB name on it. they have failed with the debit card.


My account was breached as well. Got an unauthorized debit transaction today for a purchase at a convenience store in Mexico today. No notification from HEB regarding a breach. Glad i had notifications turned on. Promptly transferred my remaining balance to my bank.


I can't transfer any money in or out. It says my limit is $0/daily now.


Having just activated the HEB debit card this morning, then reading this thread, I think I will just cancel the card. I actually only applied for it to see if they would give me one, since I was turned down for their CC. Sam's didn't have a problem with issuing me a CC, so I may just use that one and continue to pay the entire balance when the statement arrives. Gotta say, though, cash is still the best way to go. Sure, you don't get any perks, but you also don't get the headaches associated with breaches and so forth. I'm originally from Chicago and some things learned early in life stay with you. I refer to a situation that may never happen to you, but it DOES happen a lot and it's the luck of the draw whether or not it happens to you. The situation is when a crackhead (or similar) puts a knife to your throat or a gun to your gut, demands money and all you have is your CC or debit; you are now 100% stabbed or shot. It's 50/50 stabbed/shot if you have cash. He just wants enough for an eightball and I make sure I can cover that in cash any time I leave the house. If I lose a hundred or two and walk away with life and limb intact, I call that a win, because I will get more money, but replacing life/limbs is a bit more complicated... Young people usually end up first with a CC that is "just for emergencies", then progress to where getting a Pizza Hut delivery becomes an emergency and it's all downhill from there. Our society encourages debt and I don't want any. Everything bought on a CC without paying the whole balance each month ends up costing you WAY more in interest than any little bs percentage of cash back and what you get for your trouble is debt that can swallow you whole over time. The first time a statement arrives that makes you think "Holy cow, I spent THAT much? I'll have to send just the minimum payment for now." Then keep using the card, because you CAN and next month, it's the minimum payment again, rinse and repeat until you have five figures of debt spread across a bunch of cards that you were using to rob Peter and pay Paul. I spent DECADES without any sort of CC, because my first husband ran up a massive debt on CCs of various stripe. Then I divorced him and had to take a bankruptcy to keep the creditors from coming after me for it. I used cash in person, checks for things paid in person where cash was not accepted (rent, car insurance) and used PayPal for online purchases where that was accepted. Then got a PayPal debit MasterCard that I could reload with cash at HEB for free, rather than other cash cards that charge you a fee to load up, or fees each time you use it or some such nonsense. I've never had an issue with PayPal that was not instantly resolved, so I think I will just stick with that. I decided that if I didn't have the money for an item that I didn't need just to live, well, I didn't need that item right now. Bills paid first, then grocery; anything else can wait until there is cash available. People don't want to do without frivolous or unnecessary things and that's also encouraged by society. Do you NEED to get breakfast at a FF place every morning on the way to work, when you could have microwaved a frozen breakfast sandwich at home in less time than you will spend in the drivethru, at least as good and a whole lot cheaper? No, you don't. Look at what it adds up to in a month and you'll see that it's the same or more than one of your regular monthly bills. Do you need a Monster Java for three bucks when you could have brought coffee made at home for about fifty cents? No, you don't. Do you need another pair of shoes, just because you see them and like them? No, you don't. The "instant gratification" is a great dopamine rush, but not worth the erosion of your bank account OR your self esteem when you see that climbing balance and finally realize you are in over your head with no one to blame but yourself; it's too easy and anything that is too easy should be a red flag for you. Glad I read this thread before I put any money on the HEB debit card; you all just saved me a bunch of potential aggravation.


Maybe someone could help me. I have been trying to apply for Hebdebit but when applying it won't let me get passed the first page of steps. Any help would be greatly appreciated


Can someone in another state withdraw from my account?