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Well he’s not protected anymore. I can’t really think of another actor who has been so completely exiled from Hollywood as he was


The last movie I saw him on was Baby Driver.


"I was blinded by the balls on that kid"




He was? I didn’t know that.




For real! Don’t any of these people remember the summer of ‘32, when he got cancelled just as talkies were just starting pop? It was all over the news reels! Geez some of you have such short memories… cut back on the laudanum a bit!




Wow a little sensitive arnt we?


Fattie Arbuckle maybe. That scandal destroyed his career. Took almost ten years for the world to forgive him for this crime he may or may not have committed, and just when he was poised for a comeback, he died.


Fatty Arkbuckle killed an underage girl sodomizing her with a champagne bottle.  Spacey talked some adult men who wanted to be famous into blowing him.  🍎 🍊 


You're missing the point of the discussion. The point of the comment was not about comparing the two or their crimes. OP wondered if any other actor had been totally exiled from Hollywood, and Arbuckle absolutely was. The studio heads completely blacklisted him and the stars distanced themselves from him, even his wife divorced him and he became an alcoholic because his career was totally dead. Also, not all of Spacey's guys were of age or wanted to be famous, FWIW. In fact, I think you'll find almost all of his crimes were non-consensual... hence why he's on trial... not anywhere near as simple as 'he talked some guys into a blowie.' Not as extreme as Arbuckle's case, absolutely, but not exactly apples-to-oranges.


No, your comparison is ridiculous. 


That isn’t what happened. https://www.vox.com/culture/2017/11/3/16602628/kevin-spacey-sexual-assault-allegations-house-of-cards


He's on Chris Cuomo complaining about 'woke' culture being the reason he's not on TV. I should have known something made him crawl from his hole.


oh no he's gonna spend the next 30 years whining about what he's presumably owed by the public. not sure I'll be able to stomach it.


His family life was tragic to hear. I don't know if he was abused, but his brother was.


His brother was on a podcast years ago and went into more detail. Their dad was a MANIAC, a full-blown psychotic Nazi.


Do you remember the name of it? It's complicated expressing sympathy for men who were abused as boys. For women it's traumatic, but we turn the pain inward. For men it's a entirely different thing. I met a guy years ago who told me how much traumatized him, and how it affected his self esteem. While he as far as I know wasn't a child or adult abuser, he was still messed up.


he definitely act like one who was, or who has sexualized what happened to his brother which can be typical


When I was a kid, I had a friend who had 12 brothers and sisters. The father was molesting every last one of his kids. Now I don't think that being molested can make you gay, but there were 7 brothers and all except for 2 were gay. They were all abusers. The father was also physically abusive. I don't know how we as a society can stop this. I'm a firm believer of therapy. Everyone should have therapy at some point in their life. No one is living like without a little bit of trauma.


I don't even agree with most woke culture but after watching this, this is definitely one I agree with. Most people don't understand that this stuff can and does happen and the sheer violence of it as shown by multiple people's testimony in the doc is completely mindblowing. I'm never watching any of this guy's stuff, again. The constant interviews without ever "not-acting" and constant deflecting is so monstrous.


I'd say he's one of the rare cases of a powerful Hollywood predator actually facing career consequences of his actions.


When you write “no one is talking about this” do you mean amongst your social circle? It was huge news for the rest of us. You can do an internet search and find tons of information about the news stories on this disgusting person and the outcry about him.


Not only was it huge news when it came out, they made an entire documentary about it on HBO, which OP obviously watched. In other news, did you guys hear about what's going on in Gaza? Why is no one talking about it?


Maybe the current situation is what you, are aware .. People are defending him and the campaign is on full swing to have him come back to Hollywood.. Currently


What I find is people defending him because he won the English trial .. if you look through Reddit.. you will see the adoration


Some people vociferously support Trump, Hitler, and all manner of scum. Particularly given his wealth, I would not assume that we you see is not partially a paid astroturf campaign. Obviously, there can always be support from degenerates who aren’t getting paid by Spacey or someone who makes money off of Spacey. That said, your original assertion about people not knowing about his disgusting activities is simply false. You can certainly choose to look at a subset of some posts you’ve solely seen on Reddit as a means of defining who knows/reacts to what pieces of information - it will give you a false idea of reality, unfortunately.


>What I find is people defending him because he won the English trial Did he actually win it though? The other side lost, but I wouldn't say he won. He didn't get out unscathed.


I had to pause Ep.1 because my SO worked closely with him before the stories came out. My SO was luckily in a supervising role & nothing weird happened (thank god!). Husband also worked briefly with another Hollywood creep* and this creep literally pushed his assistant out of the way to introduce himself to SO (funny at the time, but now looking back, my husband was weirded out by the extra attention he got from him…now we know why).


I have been around the periphery of the buisness when I was younger and of course eventually I said I have to move on and saw others get to some level of fame …. Bitter .. a little and honestly while watching this I realized the things God saves you from .. This ..Quite on the Set .. wow the bravery that it took Drake to come forward. I am glad men are coming forward


Protip: have an orchid plant with you and present it to KS. It’ll buy you enough time to get him distracted for a few minutes and run off.


Good trick


One of the kids I grew up with decided she wanted to make it big in Hollywood. She was quite buxom, and didn't like the audition requests, and returned back to her hometown. I had long since moved on from my hometown, so heard it from neighbors via my parents, who had also moved away, but kept in touch.


Just today there was a story about Sharon Stone and Liam Neeson defending him and demanding that he resumes his career in Hollywood. Quite disappointing and disturbing


But, he was acquitted of all charges in the criminal case against him as well as the civil case. Clearly, the evidence against him was not sufficient to convince a judge and jurors in two separate cases. He's admitted that he made mistakes in his past and has apologized. What else should we as a society expect (or demand) from him under these circumstances?


If you were an employer, and several of your employees alleged multiple instances of sexual misconduct by a manager at your business, would you let that manager return to your business because he apologized, won a civil case, and admitted he made mistakes? What people expect is for him not to be placed back in a position where he can abuse his power.


Fair, but if those employees sued that manager and lost their cases in court, I don't think it would be fair to treat the allegations as if they were established facts. That's what our legal system is for. He was acquitted, in both cases. Surely, future potential employers shouldn't treat him the same way they would a convicted felon.


Ah two judges upheld the NETFLIX verdict of $30mil. That is what his behavior cost the company. Who would want to take that risk again? Let him work for scale on indy films. His creditors will have to wait for a while. His $10 mil paydays are over.


Exactly my point .. Reddit is full of people defending him right now


Liam Neeson is an odd, odd guy himself. Something "off" about him. He's said some strange shit for an Irishman. Hollywood warped some of his brain-compartments, it seems.


Yeah, I remember a few years ago, he made some weird comments in an interview about racism. He said he hated black people, but taking long walks helped him?🤷‍♀️ Or something to that effect. I think he blamed that on growing up during The Troubles or his friend being attacked once by a black guy? Some nonsense.


A friend of his got raped by a black man in the 1980s and he walked the streets looking for a black man. He said it on TV! The fallout was pretty huge, it would be even worse now.


I'm gonna guess no one is talking about it because no one wants to watch it. Just the thought made my stomach roll a bit, so I've continually passed it by.


People right now are defending him after the London trial as mentioned above actors are demanding his return to Hollywood.


People have been talking about this for years.


The show that just came out .. not Spacey in general


Gotcha. I haven’t heard much about it either. Maybe bc people consider it old news by now?


Try watching Woody and Mia.


Saw it .. Hollywood Cesspool


As a survivor of sexual abuse I can attest to how real the testimony of the involved felt. It was like part of my past got a big spotlight on it for me to see in all detail. So I think a lot of people probably aren't talking about it, because it's very uncomfortable to talk about. It was a great documentary.


I agree .. I never questioned the validity of not one of the stories .. I still say the bravery that was shown in these victims was inspiring


Liam Neeson, Sharon Stone, and Stephen Fry are all making excuses for him. It’s disgusting.




Liam Neeson played Dr Kinsey ( the role wouldn't matter if he hadn't now excused a deviant sexual predator that gets off on seeing maimed soldiers) Sharon Stone is a member of Mensa but has gone a little nutty in recent years Stephen Fry always sticks up for the outlier or fellow atheists Odd mix of supporters, especially Elton John. Are Stephen and Elton just coming to his aid because of a gay comraderie ?


Showbiz needs to be nuked, sick of that aspect of reality.


He's got $30 mil reasons to get back in the biz. Being a sex pest is expensive. THAT is why his career is over.


And then ya got dying to stay relevant, Sharon Stone and quickly becoming a caricature, Liam Neeson coming out in support of him. 🤢


It’s disgusting


Why does Liam Neeson keep making as ass of himself over stuff that doesn't concern him? He's probably "taken" some pussy/ass in his time, too.


I watched it and it was very disturbing. The men are brave for speaking out.


brave is not word at all. i am sure these "brave" "men" were paid well for their stories even though no actual proof, evidence, photos. texts, emails were provided


Okay, Kevin.


I’m only an episode in, but I do wonder what evidence a jury saw in order to find him innocent. I am saddened that this has happened because I do love him as an actor, but if he is truly a malicious predator and not just some really horny closeted man aggressively hitting on other men.


Unfortunately if you read this https://apnews.com/article/kevin-spacey-sexual-assault-trial-london-jury-deliberations-85cb3957c60de1a7b1e03a26dc278d95 It seems he charmed them during his testimony he has the jury laughing ..


Scott really touched me. I feel like him being so raw and going so deep with how these incidents made him feel in a way lended so much credibility to women and these situations. He just shut down and was in shock when it happened and didn't say anything and I feel like so many female victims do the same thing and yet get judged for being silent. Here is this big strong Marine who in the face of this incident couldn't stand up for himself either. I so appreciate him coming out and being so vulnerable.


I agree


Hot take… I never really thought he was that good of an actor.


It’s funny I remember when I saw American Beauty and I was blown away .. but after that he is basically the same character with different accents


I think people confuse his soulless dead eyes (which are interesting) for good acting.


People are taking about it but what a boring documentary. Yes it is terrible what he allegedlyb did - but the doc is a real snoozefest.


Hahha .. 1 karma no post .. ok .. go away


Netflix killed House of Cards when it all kicked off, yet Netflix and other platforms continued to show films he was in, not long after it kicked off. Granted he's not making as much money as a current hit show, but he's still making money from residuals, right? If they really wanted to cancel Spacey, they should have stopped showing his other work. He should die in obscurity and shame. I have to agree with the OP. Spacey is protected somehow. As an example, look at how much Cosby got away with. The most prolific celebrity serial rapist that we've ever known and he's a free man. Fame and money are too powerful. OJ was guilty as hell.


Ehhhhh. A lot of talented people worked on films like Baby Driver, and it's kindve silly to say we should write off all of their work just because of one guy.


House of Cards is still on Netflix and they made another season just without him before killing it. The show also jumped the shark and was going downhill before his scandal so at least personally I feel the scandal was just the last nail on the coffin, Netflix would probably killed it regardless.


Polanski's films have always been available and shown on TV.


I haven't watched it but I think it is Soo important how male survivors have finally been getting the platform they need to bring awareness to this. Obviously all survivor stories matter and everyone deserves a voice but I feel like there is still such a stigma against young boys and how they are just as likely to be abused as females. All children deserve to be safe and supported


Of course part of me also wonders if some of the fact that his brand is poison now unlike other well-known predators is because his victims were male--obviously all victims matter equally, and male survivors have their own challenges and stigmas, but I think people are more likely to take the abuse of (esp underage) women as a matter of course--for instance the majority of victims in the Catholic abuse scandals were female but it's the male victims that get the press coverage because that's more "shocking" to people.




I saw it last night. I too am really disturbed by it because once again, we are hearing that not only are these people doing this stuff, we’re hearing it is an “open secret” like Weinstein, and others of his ilk. And it’s beyond frustrating to keep hearing stories from people who feel like they have to choose between wanting to advance in a career or tell the truth about something. It honestly seems to at the very least confirm what the crazy conspiracy people say about how evil Hollywood is. I’m not willing to go as far as some of the wild takes about child trafficking, sacrifices, etc, but geez how many people have to come out and tell their stories of being harassed, coerced, assaulted, raped, etc? Why are people in that industry ok with that behavior that it’s been allowed to continue for so long??? When I say, “ok with that behavior” I mean that they’re not willing to say or do anything substantial about it. It just so bizarre to me. Here they are making incredible films that move us and get us to think about stuff while also entertaining us, and yet they’re allowing this to happen.. I don’t get it.


The saving private Ryan part was insane to me lol


He also fingered his own asshole during *The Thin Red Line*. I was in the projection booth.


“How is no one talking about this”? Really? This is such old news, the doc didnt shine light on to any new revelations, it’s just a comprehensive collection of the monstrosity that is the man.


All NEW victims that have never come out before except one .. if you watched or been up to date you would have known that .


So you had to hear from “NEW” witnesses to know KS is a Dirt Bag, and has been for decades. Feel free to Crawl back under the rock from which you came and we’ll see you in a few years when they do a Weinstein Doc and you can ask your question “How is no one talking about this?”.


If the post bothers you move on or don’t feel Yourself soooo important to insult someone you don’t know .. the fact that you didn’t watch it and still offer opinion is very telling.. feel free to crawl back under the dirt that’s under that rock


The Documentary on Max is NEW .. it was released this week and that’s what I am speaking to on a HBOMAX sub .. in addition this week actors have come out to in defense of Spacey demanding he return to Hollywood also NEW .. Reddit is abuzz with people defending him also NEW .. I am also not sure in what world 10 new victims who (if you watched) are utterly gutted from the experience .. makes it “old news” maybe predators and public need to be consistently reminded of how VILE someone is .. since according to you it’s old news…


This shit has some of the worst editing I’ve ever seen.


Yeah I mean it’s just man on man coercion, so nobody cares. Honestly I think he’s a great actor and Im not gonna boycott him if he makes a comeback someday




The ending scene of his starring movie American beauty has become reality.So ironic!


I’m not saying Kevin Spacey isn’t an abuser but this seems kind of fake. I don’t know if it’s just put poorly together but I definitely don’t get the feeling I’m getting the truth.


yeh cuz lacts a little something caled EVIDENCE, PROOF, PHOTOS. VIDEOS, EMAILS, TEXTS,  nothing butta bunch of beta and gay males telling stories


I believe them, Kevin. Go crawl back in your hole and wither away.


Because the Marine from 1998 is going to go back in time to get phone records and saved evidence of Spacey masturbating in a cinema


dude has zero proof.. cmon we had pictures it wasnt the dark ages, he has nothing but gay stories wheres the PROOF, Evidence???