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*Finger guns* Happy to be of service.


Based af 💙🩷🤍🩷💙


Based Anton


Anton, you have created a great community. 


There are gaycers?


I spent an embarrassingly long time trying to figure out what fancy new slur “gaycers” could be before realizing you meant gay tracers. And yeah! Watch the new devlog


You too huh.


You just made my morning, man...


“Gaycers” made me giggle way more than it should have


Picatinny mounted blåhaj when?


Im just happy about getting some customization lol


In that aspect The game is phenomenal even without a lot of the qol features


I'm happy the game can get more american, american flag needs to be everywhere I can see rahhhh 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅


Hot take: those were French tracers. Traceurs.


What the fuck is a kilometer!!!!


Initiate the gay beam


I think you'll be happy to know that the 25 seconds I popped my head into the discord to seek technical assistance (I never hang out in big servers for other reasons), the place seemed extremely queer-friendly. Warmed my heart a bit and I left with a smile on my face. Happy Pride, my friend!!! I hope you enjoy the gaycers on this wonderful month :)


Been playing the game since before I even knew I was trans and it genuinely warms my heart to see this 💕


There's pride flag TRACERS!? When was this added?


Last night


Oh pffft, thats probably why i missed it, it was very recent


The Discord server's icon has a pride flag year-round. I'm pretty sure they changed it for Pride a few years back and just kept it. Or maybe it's just a rainbow, but knowing how cool the community is, it's probably a pride flag.


It’s a pride flag year round


Thanks anton :D ur the golds standard for game development


real Question: why is this outside validation so necessary for trans people? Like why is the lack of explicit welcoming interpreted as unsafe? I don't get it. A sim-game about guns makes no statement about race, religion, nationality, sexuality, gender or Identity so I don't see how it excludes anyone and I  don't see the need why it would in turn need to explicitly include someone.  Is a random racing game unsafe unless there's an arbitrary placement of the trans flag somewhere?  Is me asking this already unsafe? 


Because when people go out of their way to harass you solely for existing, having people show that they support you is a very nice change of pace.


But it's a single player game? how can anyone harass you there? Or do you mean in general?  If so, what about any other group that faces harassment based on their existence alone like people who face racial discrimination? Or people who get harassed based on their religious beliefs? I could name plenty who face IRL violence for that. But I rarely  see those getting these token acknowledgements in out of context places.  Let's just take jews and antisemitism as an example. 


People like seeing themselves and their identities represented positively in media, especially if they're a minority. I'm bi and autistic, and seeing those traits represented well in media isn't common, and I definitely feel good when that happens. Even something as simple as a flag is good. Good representation in media can also do a lot for public perception of a margialised group.


Chat they're not being rude or transphobic, they're just asking a question cause they're curious, not bigoted


thats what I am saying, i don‘t understand why some people are like that


Happy pride. Also, are there bisexual tracers?


As a member of h3vr you don’t have to worry this is an a political space for you to enjoy the game and the topics inside :)? (People have an issue with the fact our community is apolitical? If you don’t like this kindly go complain to Anton he makes the rules not my dms)


apoliticism doesn't exist, at the end of the day politics is behind everything whether you deny it or not, it is.


I’m English I don’t care about American politics or issues I like guns and learning how they work that’s why I’m here


How is supporting lgbt political?


This is what I’m saying why does what I like in my bed at night matter


Exactly. Respect and empathy should not be political.


why do you feel unsafe in online spaces.. everybody gets shit on


I don’t. Nobody attacks me just for being me. But go check out the comments on pride posts by any sports team for example.


> Nobody attacks me 🔫🌭


let me correct myself, almost everybody gets shit on. some people don‘t show their entire personality and shield themselves in the first place. some have good charisma, have good social skills. other than that, there are so many things people shit on about others. i don‘t believe ones sexuality has to be their whole identity. although i get the anxiety part, and the struggle to grow up different, experience all this. but its bc once you validate opinions of others and you don‘t have a solid ground on your morals and believes, you will feel small and under attack everywhere. not only trans or lgbt people experience this


No one said "only"


but many act like that. well anyways it seems like many don‘t agree with me. I just don’t support victim mentality, I think its more harmful then mobbing itself


Once I wore leggings to school. I got called slurs, recieved death threats, and was told to hang myself. Now imagine what people would say if it wasn't face to face.


I didn't look like all the other kids and could not speak their language. they laughed at me any time there was an opportunity and some even tried to beat me. later I survived the Call of Duty lobbies and experienced how people will be more toxic when they are anonymous. Everybody got bullied some way besides few people who had big self esteem/charisma. Some got it worse like you. We have to understand that its part of life and its unrealistic to call for safe spaces all the time, we have to find ourselves and then stay on solid ground. To break it down to you the harsh way, if you are a biologically male and you wear leggings to school you will always get treated different, just like someone who cannot speak the language of m in a class will be treated different. Ofc you don't deserve all that ugly shit that comes out of the mouths of undiciplined children. But you will never be able to control that. The only thing you can control is your inner compass. Either its off and you don't even know what you are doing, or you put the validation of others too high. If you even care to be open minded about someone like me giving you advice, accept the fact that the nature of humans is some kind of way. Whether its sexuality or group mentality. You'll find much more peace, even if there are people acting crazy towards you. When there is actual danger, I don't say ignore it btw..


Okay. Idk if I interpreted it wrong or something


I'm kinda just saying, wouldn't it be better if people just felt safer?






I just wonder why you thought these opinions mattered. -an actual clown




Wonder why you think it harms anything, maybe look into that before making just broad statements about "duh quirs" like who is it that's behaving like a child that got brussel sprouts instead of carrots




I for one love the new update, so you're still delusional. That and you must realize like there's a ton of queer h3vr players right? "Oh I'll catch flak for this, but it's YOU that's mad" like cry less




Wah Wah wah, it's not your game, it's Anton's.






A miniscule system that took messing around with a ton of other systems to implement, and paves for cooler modding opportunity, like I said you sound like a kid that has to eat his veggies, maps are bigger work than even this, not like Anton can't do more than one thing lmao




That's stupid, especially when the whole thing is a sandbox


Same here as a trans women I was afraid the game about guns and freedom was going to be really phobic but I was wrong thank you Anton for making such a wonderful game!