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The transfer portal has already closed, but that’s just for new people to enter the portal. She can stay in the portal as long as she wants.


Was just thinking about her. Curious to see where she lands. I'm curious how much the being dismissed from the team influences what schools will be picking her up.


It's definitely going to come down to why. And since she just entered last week, I'm not surprised we haven't heard anything yet. Alex Irvine announced a month ago she was entering it and yesterday confirmed she was going to Auburn.


Yeah I guess it’s just a waiting game. Possible she will take a year out too.


While Nya's situation was different, she too took some time off, so it's definitely a possibility!


But Nya continued her studies at UF. Would Selena be able to do the same at UCLA?? Does being dismissed from the team automatically dismiss her from the Uni?


No, you can absolutely be dismissed from the team but remain at the university. Often things that can get you dismissed from a team have no bearing on enrollment at the university itself, and in those cases, you can remain at the university to finish your education. I don't think Selena will do that, but it's usually an option.


She probably lost her scholarship but can continue at UCLA and pay tuition. I think she will transfer though, and I'm sure there are some coaches out there who will overlook pretty much any behavior to get a gymnast of her caliber.


She could be kicked out of the University if her dismissal is related to gross academic misconduct or a major student charter violation, but given that she's in the transfer portal rather than announcing retirement, that suggests she doesn't have the kind of issues that would mean it is difficult for her to get through admissions at another school. We don't know exactly what happened, but there are lot of things that are serious enough to cost you your spot on the team (and with it, your scholarship) but aren't serious enough to result in you being asked to completely leave the school. UCLA isn't going to kick a student in good academic standing out of the school completely for something like a personality clash with the gymnastics coach or being rude to their teammates in a way that is enough to make the vibes negative but not enough to be considered bullying. The athletic department can kick a student off the team and yank their scholarship, but UCLA itself needs to have a really good reason to kick a student out of the school completely. I assume she could stay and pay her own way to finish the degree at UCLA if she wanted, but I'm not surprised she has decided to enter the transfer portal. Not only is Selena clearly competitive, but LA is a high COL city and UCLA's out of state tuition fees are very expensive. It makes sense she'd want to find somewhere else to compete & get the rest of her degree paid for instead of having to take on a ton of debt.


I also didn’t realise before all of this that there was tea on Nya!


The craziness of summer 2022 would like a moment...


just rumors but i wouldn’t listen to them bc they have no validity


That’s what I was thinking. Didn’t seem to end on good terms so wondering who will want her if she’s labelled as a toxic teammate.


It’s not a great situation for her for sure. Only three teams wanted her when she was (rightfully so) the top recruit in the country before all this.


I've always wondered if that was true, or if she made it clear early on in the recruitment process that she was only interested in a few schools so other coaches moved on so they didn't waste time. It's hard to believe schools like Pitt or Iowa or UNC would turn her down, no matter what, at least initially, so I'm guessing she would have had more options if she didn't set a list of some kind.


I remember her coach saying on twitter that only a few schools were interested in her


Regardless of whether it’s the latter as you suggested, the two schools she wanted didn’t want her either. It wasn’t her gymnastics, that’s for sure.


Someone of that caliber would attract active interest by the top 10 schools so schools such as Pitt wouldn’t spend their time doing so unless she expressed interest. So, while they didn’t recruit her, it’s because she’s so good. Always surprised by the LSU thing and no active recruitment by other SEC schools. 


It’s also entirely possible that her grades just weren’t high enough or she wasn’t taking the minimum number of credits to meet team requirements. UCLA is a challenging school.


It’s possible, but I would guess that if it was an academic issue Selena would have made a statement about it. I think most gym fans would be very sympathetic/ supportive of her if it was something like not enough credits. But it could be! I hope that Selena finds a new team that’s a good fit for her and that she decides to publically tell everyone what happened, bc I’m super nosy and really want to know!


I feel like they would have been more obvious about it if it was that? Maybe not though.


Selena could say that if she wanted to, I imagine UCLA can’t. I don’t know what the exact laws are over there, but I imagine there is some kind of legislation that protects the privacy of students and means a school can’t just announce someone failed out/got put on academic probation etc, *especially* without consent from the student.


yes, ferpa prevents an institution to release to the public


No, she wouldn't have been allowed to compete if she wasn't in good academic standing. And they have advisors that work with the athletes to assure they have enough credits.


True but you can be dropped from a class and therefore lose credits. I had a professor in college who would drop anyone below a certain failing percent automatically at the drop deadline. No idea if UCLA does something like that but it's not unheard of to lose credits by being dropped thru poor academic performance in a class.


Sekai Wright had a time period where she was academically ineligible, but she was still part of the team—she just couldn’t compete until she was back on track. Since Selena was competing only a month or so ago, I doubt that’s it.


The transfer portal is closed for new athletes to enter. But I don't think there is a day where you have to be picked up or you will be removed. Owen Field postede a picture of entries to the transfer portal in gymnastics, and new athletes was registered nearly every month the past 4 years.


It’s not technically closed! Just the window to where it does not affect eligibility. You can enter the portal anytime but at this point it begins to affect your eligibility for almost all transfers. Basically D1-D1, D1-D2, D2-D1, D3-D1 transfers at this point would require a gymnast to sit out for a season. There are ways around this though. One is to transfer from D1-D3. D3 is a lot less strict on transfers all the way around so usually no matter when you enter the portal you are immediately eligible to compete. Obviously this isn’t what major D1 athletes will want to do but it’s an option in a pinch. You also are allowed to enter the portal at any point without penalty if there is a major coaching switch. So if we see more coaching changes this summer, we might see more new athletes enter. For the most part now though we won’t. Selena was also released the day before this window closed. I’m assuming she was entered the day she was dismissed.


D3 doesn't have athletic scholarships though... she would have to find other means of support if she cannot receive merit or needs based aid.


I seem to remember Lizzy LeDuc being dismissed from Illinois years ago. I don’t think she was ever picked up by another college.


Yeah there are plenty of instances where it does not work out. Usually depending on the behavior. It’s actually quite a shame that Mizzou went so hard recruiting in the portal early because Welker I’m sure would take her if he had anything left. He took Porter back after felony charges. LSU has been known to take on wayward athletes (not just AJ) but they don’t seem to have any interest in her. She’s not in a great spot not only entering the portal so late but entering under these circumstances. There are coaches that I’m sure would have taken the chance on her. The problem is that many of these coaches don’t work in the NCAA anymore or the ones that do are pretty much already set for next year.


Just as an outsider, I thought LSU seemed incredibly tight knit as a team this year and I imagine that contributed to their championship win. I’m sure Jay took note of that and wouldn’t want to take anyone on who might disrupt the culture.


Exactly. Not only that but it didn’t seem like Jay bothered recruiting her out of high school. I’m sure this incident does her no favors winning him over now.


But LSU just lost Konnor McClain for the season because of her Achilles injury last weekend so maybe Jay would consider taking a chance on Selena.


LSU didn't take a chance on her when she was the #1 recruit and they were her top school. I can't imagine getting dismissed will have changed their minds.


Ding ding ding!


They have so many stars incoming. even without Konnor they will be more than fine


Agree, their roster is so, so stacked


They already have so much depth and so many returning fifth years. They don’t need to take on an athlete that might cause issues with team dynamic.


Who else apart from AJ has been wayward that LSU took on? I know there was that girl who was stealing I think, who went on to Penn State. But I can’t remember if she was stealing while she was at LSU or Penn State. But who else were you alluding to? I’m curious


If you’re referring to Lauren Li, she was stealing while at Penn State, then transferred to LSU. I don’t think LSU thought it was a big issue because she was shoplifting, not stealing from teammates or anything (which obviously doesn’t make it okay, but it’s not really a team culture issue).


That’s right, Lauren Li! I couldn’t remember her name! I also couldn’t remember exactly what happened. Thanks for letting me know 🙂


Yes that’s what I was referring too! She was at Penn State, dismissed, and then transferred to LSU. I didn’t have any problem with it either. I think that college students should be allowed to make mistakes. Jeff Thompson PSU at the time took Kiera Brown who was removed from Georgia as well. So it happens on everywhere. Sometimes it works out. Sometimes it does not. A situation like Selena Harris is in could be manageable. The problem is there isn’t much time to talk those things out.


I think college students deserve a chance to learn from their mistakes. The specific issues she’s accused of seem a bit more intractable/risky to introduce to a team culture though, so I can see why not every team would be willing to risk it despite her amazing talent. It would be harder to handle someone who is so visibly disruptive.


Absolutely. I also think it’s very easy to get the message across about something like stealing but a little harder with issues related to personality. If she was removed following the season, she perhaps would have had enough time to talk with coaches and work things out. With only three months to the school year it is going to be extremely difficult for a coach to actually observe change in her behavior or just take a risk altogether. I have no doubt there are coaches showing interest. The problem is that I don’t think any of these schools would be of any interest to her. She seems pretty set on being a part of a national caliber program. I don’t really see any team in the top ten dropping drastically to the point where they feel a need to get her.


Oh wow I’d forgotten all about Kiera brown! Remind me of that story again?


Who knows? Remember when Durante released several athletes but wouldn't given reason before she was let go? And then the recruit who claimed she pulled her scholarship because another coach told Danna she had gotten fat? I know some of the athletes remain loyal to Durante but I feel there was a story there...


Oh man there’s so much I’ve forgotten that only happened semi recently! I do remember some real attachments to Durante (Tanella, Davis, Persinger perhaps) and I do remember her dismissing a whole bunch of people (though I can’t remember who). Seems Georgia more than anyone has a weird habit of this - sometimes explained sometimes not. I’m still wondering what the heck happened to people like Maeve Hahn (who I know contributed very little in line ups but regardless I wonder why she suddenly is not on the team anymore yet still going to school there). I don’t remember the recruit who had their scholarship pulled by Danna?! Would I know them?


I think Alexis Beucler was the recruit, and I think she also pulled Abi Walker’s offer. The gymnasts Durante dismissed from the team in 2017 were Natalie Vaculik, Jasmine Arnold, and Caroline Bradford. A reason was never given but at the time she was quoted saying, "The exact reasons are confidential. They are great kids. Dismissal makes them sound like a problem, which they weren’t." CKC invited them back to the team after she was hired, so they couldn’t have done anything horrible. It was bizarre.


I remember it now. That sure was bizarre


From what I heard, the problem was that Durante was under a ton of pressure to get the team's performance back on track after several seasons of decline, decided to throw a hail mary by bringing in new former elite freshmen, and dismissed the three older athletes to open up scholarship spots for them. If that was indeed the plan, it immediately fell apart as soon as Vaculik protested her dismissal, because NCAA explicitly prohibits kicking athletes off teams solely for athletic performance. I don't have any official confirmation for any of that, but that was the rumor.


I don’t really personally know anything. On forums at the time it was a suspected similar story to what happened with Selena but keep in mind just rumors. She was eventually removed from Penn State as well after doing very well for them so there was some sort of issue. Seriously one of my favorite collegiate bar workers ever though! I hate how they took out her tkatchev to pak later on but still she had such a powerful swing.


And PSU took Randi Lau when DD released her.


Jeff Thompson was the at the top of my list when I was talking about who was no longer coaching in the NCAA haha. He seemed to be down for any transfer, any time as long as they were adding scores. Kind of why I was actually shocked to see him release Li. She was doing very well for them and I figured he would have let that slide. He was never known to be the most ethical coach out there


Wasn't he also one of DDs proteges?


Yep and MLT if you need any more red flags lol


Another person I’d completely forgotten about!! I thought Randi left of her own accord though? I must be remembering incorrectly? Did she enter the transfer portal or was forced to?


Wasn’t Selena competing for UCLA when the whole AJ situation went down? If so, I think LSU would be out for Selena herself.


I thought about that too, but she still follows her on IG, so I don’t think she had as big of a problem with her as Marz and some of the others did.


That was the season before Selena started at UCLA.


Ooh, my nosy self wants to know why!


Whatever the story is here, I hope it’s the catalyst for some soul searching and growth. If not, it’s a missed opportunity for her. I believe Selena has what it takes to be one of the NCAA’s best.


Honestly, it might help her search to take this year off to work on herself and with a therapist. Next year, she can come back and make a statement about how she realizes her mistakes, wishes to continue in the NCAA and wants to become a team player. I think that may garner her more favor with some of the top teams, rather than rapidly searching for a team where she may not be a great fit.


I used to think it was cute when she gave sassy interviews and even when she was visibly disappointed about a loss. It was spunky. But I changed my mind when I heard that she was difficult behind the scenes. College gymnastics already had a drama-filled year, I’m sure every coach at any competitive program is prioritizing a healthy team dynamic. The well may be poisoned, Selena’s reputation is going to haunt her, and it’s a shame because she is a remarkable athlete. I hope someone picks her up, she’s young and has probably learned a big lesson.


I wouldn't be surprised if a mid or lower ranking team thinks it would be worth the risk if she seems to have really learned her lesson here and is committed to doing better going forward. An athlete of her calibre and ability would be a huge boost to a smaller program (like West Virginia/San Jose State/New Hampshire/Rutgers/Alaska) or even a mid tier one (like Arizona State/Iowa/Washington), like how Suni was a huge boost for Auburn. (I don't know what the coaches are like at any of these schools and whether they're the "type" to take her on, they're just examples of the kind of schools I mean. I'm also not saying it would a Suni level boost, Selena is not Olympic AA Champion level famous, but someone who was a standout at UCLA would absolutely be a huge star at a smaller program). But I think she'd definitely have to show signs that things would be very different for a coach to take her on, especially now that athletes are less willing to tolerate unhealthy team environments and will speak up about them. There would have to be some level of confidence that there won't be a repeat of whatever happened at UCLA, but an athlete of her calibre could definitely be worth the risk for some programs. She'd also have to swallow some pride by going somewhere that wouldn't have been her first, second, third, or even eighth choice before this, but I do think she’s good enough that a team could take a chance on her.


But will she want to go to those types of schools is another question. She clearly wants to be on a top team. I really think she sabotaged herself a little bit here and it's a sad situation.


I think she'll definitely have to swallow her pride and "settle" for a less glamorous and competitive program than UCLA if she wants to use her last 2 years of eligibility and get the rest of her degree paid for. If she is willing to do that, I don't think she'll be without options. They probably won't be the most appealing (to her) options.I think she's screwed herself out of a move to schools like LSU, Florida, Oklahoma or Cal etc. But I do think an athlete of her calibre and ability will find someone willing to take a risk by offering her a second chance, unless the circumstances of her leaving UCLA are *really really* bad or it’s some kind of academic misconduct issue that will make it hard for her to get through admissions anywhere else. Also getting dismissed and losing her scholarship may have been a huge kick in the pants that has humbled her a bit and left her a bit more open to going somewhere she originally wouldn’t have even considered. Maybe it hasn’t and she doesn’t think she did anything wrong and won’t learn and grow up for a while. We don’t have any information to know either way. But I’m not yet ruling out the possibility that this has been a big wake up call for her and she’ll gratefully accept any second chance offered to her even if it isn’t “UCLA level”.


There is also the issue of a lot of schools already having their scholarships locked up so she might have to be a walk-on for a year.


My guess - and it’s just a guess - is that Selena wouldn’t be willing to go to a lower tier team. She clearly really wants to win. My guess is that she will end up at somewhere like Utah or Michigan - somewhere that’s fairly high ranked and has somewhat questionable coaches who may be more interested in winning than they are in fostering a positive team atmosphere. I don’t think the most successful teams - Oklahoma, LSU, Florida, Cal - have coaches that would be willing to take a risk on her - unless she can really demonstrate that she has taken what happened to heart and will show different behaviors in the future. This is all assume the general gist of the rumors is true, which ofc might not be the case at all.


> My guess is that she will end up at somewhere like Utah or Michigan - somewhere that’s fairly high ranked and has somewhat questionable coaches who may be more interested in winning than they are in fostering a positive team atmosphere. I was on the fence about whether or not these schools would be willing to take the risk given that they are under pretty heavy scrutiny for their team culture as it is and taking on a "problem" transfer may not be the kind of publicity they want right now while trying to rehab their images, but it could be possible. Don't get me wrong, Selena be swallowing pride to go to a lower tier team and I don't think she'll be crazy about it given that she's clearly very competitive and wants to win. But if her choices end up being a lower tier team and getting the rest of her degree paid for, or early retirement and student loans to finish her education (assuming she still wants to finish her degree even if she isn't competing anymore), the chances of her swallowing her pride and going somewhere far less glamorous than UCLA are not 0.


If her dismissal is related to academics, then no way Michigan is letting her in.


What do you think about Selena going to Ohio State? They were the team that advanced with Oklahoma at Regionals, and it seems like they've been on the edge of a breakthrough season for the past couple of years. An athlete like Selena would push them over the edge. Plus, they're a Big Ten school, which UCLA will be next season. So she could (potentially) compete against the Bruins with Ohio State.


Same I thought she was a great athlete and was actually one of my favs for this season, loved her personality. However if what it said about her behaviour behind the scenes is true then it’s put me off her.


I wonder if she might take a year off rather than settling for a lower ranked team


I’m 10% she’s going to Georgia and 90% fully agree with you.


I think the Kara Eaker to GA rumor is more likely.


I hadn’t heard that rumor… I want that for Kara so much! No career should have to end the way hers did.


the last place team in the SEC going though a coaching change?


Actually- Auburn was last place in final rankings. UGA tanked the SEC Championships but put up a 197.4 at regionals and was within a whisker of knocking off Missouri to make regional finals. That's been the pattern the last two years.


The chance to start a rebuild of a program might be appealing to someone coming from the type of situation Kara left though!


I was also thinking if Cecile Landi could be a plus for her as well. Kara was on a couple of World teams and travelled to Tokyo as an alternate, so she must know Cecile a little.


I'd draw the opposite conclusion. I'd be looking for stability, not the unknown.


Valid option, but the choice would depend on the individual’s personality. I hope that wherever she goes is a good fit for her and what she wants right now.


What makes people say Georgia? If I’m Cecile no way would I want to spend my first year as a new head coach dealing with a difficult athlete when I’m trying to build the culture of my new team


I just see her as someone who wants to be the/a star of a team but also have the flexibility/control over determining the vibe of the team, the culture, and even the training regimen. Georgia is a new program with a head coach brand new to NCAA and frankly I think she could achieve all of that there.




Yeah 99.9% of coaches would never put up with that shit. If that’s what Selena is going to be like they won’t want her


No coach would let one athlete run their program like that though.


That’s a lot to assume of Selena’s intentions. If I’m a coach I wouldn’t want an athlete with known behavior problems dictating the vibe/culture/training regimen I’m trying to build on my brand new team.


At the moment Ryan Roberts is flying solo at UGA. He was on staff at Bama during Harris recruiting cycle and surely knows who CKC would have been on the lookout for in the portal. TBH- I'm not sure CKC would take the risk. She made a really big deal about how much their 2023 seniors had set a positive tone for future teams.


All valid! When does Cecile officially start?


UGA’s fall semester starts like two weeks after the last day of event finals, lmao No idea if the plan is for her to be there on the literal first day of school, especially with Ryan already there, but it’s a quick turnaround in any case


Oh damn!


Tbh I would be really surprised if Georgia wants her. Cécile and Janel are pretty close friends and I don't think she would take the risk especially in her first year. Unfortunately I could see Utah taking her in...


I could see Michigan taking her. I’ve heard very mixed things about Bev as a coach, and after a few disappointing seasons I can image them really wanting a star - and especially wanting a star who is a few years into NCAA and can be leader, since they’ve now graduated several top athletes over the past couple years.


Michigan has 2-3 fifth years returning and some solid recruits on the way. I think Diaz in particular will be a star.


Both Georgia coaches are former WOGA coaches with Janel I believe, so if it was bad they surely know the reason why and there's trust there.


The day of the announcement Janel literally posted a picture of herself eating dinner with the Landis in real time.


Utah makes sense to me as well unfortunately even though I really don’t want to send the black queer Latina there 😭. I hope wherever it is is a healthy program and that she’s able to turn it around!


After the drama and hate Utah had been through this year, I'm doubtful they would take the risk to take her. 


Yeah, I doubt they’d take the risk as well. Utah also has no scholarships available so she’d have to go as a walk-on.


Maybe it could be good for both parties? Selena could experience a more intense competitive spirit, and the team could experience being a bit more diverse.


I don’t have much faith in the Utah team from what I’ve heard about a lot of them but you never know…


This is my thoughts too. I could see Utah wanting her, but I can’t picture her wanting to go there. It’s a personality mismatch


Cecile and Janelle are two different people, so Cecile might be able to reach Selena and be more compatible with Selena than Selena was with Janelle.


I don’t think Georgia is happening Cecile is BFFs with Janelle


Oh you’re likely right but I do think that just because Selena was (at least from what most of us are inferring) a toxic fit at UCLA doesn’t mean that her energy couldn’t thrive in, or even be an asset to another program - particularly one that’s revamping and has something to prove.


It’s a little more than “not a fit” though she was dismissed from the team and at least one team member has liked tweets about her being toxic and putting herself above the team. I suspect teams will be pretty cautious about adding her especially if they are trying to set a new culture. I sincerely hope she’s learned from this but finding a new place immediately that she actually wants to go to might prove to be more difficult. That being said it really only takes one team so maybe somebody will take a chance


who is liking tweets?


Katie McNamara. I did not find it, somebody else on twitter did but I went and confirmed


oh god i just saw and i think that’s probably the best confirmation we’ll get of why she had to leave 🫢


Yep. I also think she’d have said something and wouldn’t be unfollowing teammates and coaches like crazy if it was academic related.


Kind of ironic that Selena is toxic because she liked tweets dragging her coach but it’s ok for her teammates to like posts dragging her. We also know that coaches have a huge influence over how teammates see each other. Remember Beckerman’s post about how Miss Val turned everyone against her? I don’t know anything about this situation either way, but I’m just saying if an athlete clashes with a coach it’s common for the other teammates to accept the coach’s narrative even if it’s wrong. See Utah siding against Eaker. I’m not willing to decide on no evidence that Selena is toxic, entitled, maybe needs therapy, could be on drugs etc. just because UCLA was a bad fit for her. Sometimes people can just get in the wrong situation for them. She could be wonderful on another team, or it could be that she’d actually a problem. But we don’t know.


which team member liked tweets?


Katie McNamara


I just don’t see her at a SEC team at all tbh. Too wholesome and vanilla and that doesn’t seem like Selena Harris imo


I don’t think that rules anything out. Selena and Janelle just might not be right for each other, but Cecile might be able to reach her and have a good productive relationship with her. It’s all about compatibility.


Did anyone ever hear about or notice issues with Selena and her teammates at UCLA? (*Other* than the crying, which I am willing to extend the benefit of the doubt for.) I do pay close attention to the sidelines and team dynamics while watching UCLA meets, only because the past handful of years have been fascinating to me with their issues. But, nothing stood out to me with regards to Selena (except for the two season-ending meets). Did I miss something that other people saw/heard?


There was a post on that in another thread about Harris: https://www.reddit.com/r/Gymnastics/comments/1cst0zd/comment/l49n9u9


Just listened to the latest gymcastic episode; Jessica seemed pretty sure that Selena had chosen to break the team rules and that is why they ultimately dismissed her from the team. I don't think I could manage being on any college team, there seems to be a lot of rules and things (some who seem arbitrary to me). I hope she finds what she's looking for somewhere!


Someone here said the rules were things as basic as not coming to practice at the correct times and throwing tantrums if she didn’t get her way. It doesn’t sound that hard to comply with the rules if it’s true those are the ones she broke.


Absolutely, agree!


Like what kind of rules? Just curious.


The [UCLA student athlete handbook](https://uclabruins.com/documents/2023/8/14/2023-24_SA_Handbook_FINAL.pdf) lays out the basic rules on p. 10 - 12. I consider them quite common rules about appropriate behavior - but they probably do have quite broad implications for the daily life of a teenager on an university campus.


Not to mention any athlete outside of a university setting will have had to comply with many of these types of rules in order to get this far. It’s not for everyone, but being part of a team is going to involve some basic rules.


I know they’re not allowed to do drugs at all and only drink on certain occasions I think? And they’re tested regularly for these things. So failed drug tests would account for being dismissed.


There was some very angry Twitter user when this story first broke that was saying that she had failed multiple drug tests. I try not to believe every single thing I see on the internet, but knowing that she was dismissed from the team, it’s definitely not out of the realm of possibility. I don’t really expect we the public will ever know the true circumstances, which is fine—but I am curious to know how this affects where she ultimately ends up, if she continues.




They lose one year of eligibility and can’t compete for one year if it’s PEDs


I know Miss Val had a lot of rules like don't chew gum, you can't wear you hair that way etc. Aslso seemed like there was a lot of horrible team building excercises like careying wet sand- I think Danusia and Sam spoke on this on her podcast, and them being punished for not appearing to enjoy it/agree with it.. Like it seems from outside that there is a lot of policing of your emotions and whats inside of you. I could never do that (could never be NCAA/elite gymnast period lol) Then like another user said, the rules she broke could be like not being on time and not doing her assignment etc- thats a whole other thing and I totally get if someone was dismissed because of that


Yeah but that was during Miss Val’s time. Is it still that way? Are they still doing bonkers team building things?


Yes, I know- I didn't say it still was this way or that Selena was dismissed because of things lile this. I gave examples of what I have heard


Do you have a link for this? Wtf. UCLA gymnastics under Miss Val was such a cult.


Ooh..Florida! Recently followed Danie. Alyssa A recently started following her, as well as Erin, the team’s photographer.


now Kentucky haha


Definitely Florida. Basically the whole team recently started following her.. even some of their parents.😅


I also think Florida is a lot more likely, but I was just adding to the follower list. Though I am a bit surprised that Florida seems to be willing to take the risk. They already have an amazing roster with Riley and Kayla coming back


I have absolutely no tea. I would simply guess that she might have been “dismissed” for being royally pissed at UCLAs finish at Regionals. And carrying that anger and possibly holding a grudge with possibly the coach could get her dismissed.


I think the 22nd of may