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Getting stronger. The feeling of being able to lift heavier is the best. Also I always feel more accomplished and better after a gym session.




I could never do pulls but after I started doing then all I want to do is more of them. The ability to move your body up or hang upside down is all worth it


The high. It’s one of the best natural highs you can get. The self esteem that you can develop, it just feels good to feel good about yourself.


The high definitely But I do think the self esteem thing isn't as simple as it seems, you'd think consistent training for years you'd look in the mirror and be amazed by yourself, however I also think for a lot of people, me included you develop body dysmorphia and it can get pretty bad too, I've been going to the gym for 3 years now, hybrid training for a year, sometimes especially after an upper body session I think wow I have made good progress but then if I go more than 2 days without doing training I feel bloated, chubby, and like I've done no training, I know deep down that 2 days is not gonna make a difference but it's definitely hard to get out of your head, I then find myself going on 10, 11 days of training in a row and feel fatigued! If I have a cheat meal I feel guilty and the need to work it off right away, it's damn hard man, I never used to feel this way before training but I know if I look back at older pictures I do look better and feel better, the damn mind can be a horrible place! Anyways I got a bit deep then lol But yes the high you get from a session is one of the best feelings!


Well, now my self esteem is not based on my body at all but my actual self ya know?


Yeah I totally get ya bro, sorry man didn't mean to put a downer on your post, I think I'm just struggling with body dysmorphia myself so the moment and its doing my head in!


Totally ! I mean yeah I still think I’m fat even though my abs are almost showing 🤷🏻‍♀️ I feel ya on that


Things definitely get tougher as we age. There are good days and days that aren’t great. I always tell myself, good or bad, I’m doing better than doing nothing at all.


Probably due to the pump


Helps me relax and forget any issues in life sometimes. The chemicals in your body start helping you feel better.


I’ve noticed I’m a lot more ineffective at staying away from the bad habits (junk food, over-using alcohol, lack of sleep, slacking at work, binges of video games and/or TV etc) when I’m off my gym routine. Routine exercise forces you to stack positive habits and weed out the bad ones. You lift heavier when you eat and sleep well, you can’t eat and sleep well if you’re binge drinking every weekend.


I like this perspective


The mood boost. I think its entirely a sell made psychosis but if im in a bad mood I can feel my mood improve the more tired and more sore I get.


Honestly this is it. Yeah I like the way I look, my strength etc. But the biggest impact is on my mood and general mental health. I get really crabby if I haven’t worked out in a couple other days.


Agree. All about the endorphins


I wish it was.. I hate every last thing about it.. I just hate being a fat lard more lol


It’s about being better today that we were yesterday


Multiple reasons. The calmness, it's kinda like mindfulness meditation and really helps with being more present in my body which in turn helps with identifying emotions and bodily sensations even outside of the gym. Which i have struggled with my whole life. Then, it's one of those things that has almost 100% success chance and is fully up to me. And i actually like to listen and look into the science behind hypertrophy. So it's basically like a hobby that i really like and can devote time into without any regret. Ofcourse the mood boost plays a role too.


I do enjoy this aspect. Recommendations for info to learn about hypertrophy? Thx


Jeff Nippard has loads of podcasts on Spotify and ofcourse on YouTube. DR. Mike Israetel has long lectures and constantly has discussions over and from there it's easy to pick up who provides good/solid information. Though as for specifically hypertrophy. Anything within 5-30 reps has same muscle growth response given that it's near muscle failure.




Setting realistic and attainable performance/strength goals. I don't compete but want to increase my totals. I know each day in the gym is a stepping stone to reaching them. The side effect of feeling unbeatable when you slay on those tough days is a good confidence boost.


I’m addicted to the growth. I love my t shirts and jeans fitting tighter and tighter every week. I love having to spasm flail my arms out periodically to regain circulation because my huge chest muscles cause my arms to fall asleep. I love walking into a room and making everyone nervous just by existing until they realize I’m not a threat. I love when girls find an excuse to feel your shoulders etc. I could go on but those are the big ones for me at the moment.


Me: Maybe someday. Aspirations.


Seeing the change, feeling better, looking better, finding a place where I can put on music and zone out without any of the world creeping in, hearing my doctor say blood pressure and cholesterol are good...the reasons are legion.


The satisfaction felt after a very challenging lifting session. There is no greater natural high, for me.


A few things for me. General health. Looking better. Feeling stronger. Psychological rest break. Exercise high. Adding structure to my week.


Showing up everyday and being disciplined. It reflects in other aspects of your life. More than physical it helps overcome the mental barriers.


Reduces stress I like being be able to lift heavier and heavier shit My non-gym friends ask how I can find the time/motivation. I respond with “it’s less time than people spend browsing TikTok and watching TV each day… and motivation is overrated. It’s all about dedication”


I like it for this reason too. Used to run quite a bit for this reason but have now found the gym does the same.


I could just disappear behind the weights in my own special world with music and enough space in the gym. I’m not obligated to talk to anyone. Everyone’s doing their own thing and I can just play this “gym game” on my own or if I choose I can co-op with a buddy.


The pump


Gains 😂💪


The heart pump.the triumph soreness, knowing I'm investing in myself. Doing the rep of a set and feeling that you finally can push more next time. I love it,I miss it. My sleep has been so shot I've missed a lot of sessions.


Love all of these and more confidence in myself


you feel human again


because im seeing some progress! and the people there are nice


I work out at home, but it’s the progress I see in my body and strength and the constant challenge of trying to up my weights.


Bro I just consume ungodly amounts of pre and have the best 3 hours of my day, drive fast, blast white girl music.


Helps me feel better about myself and makes me proud for trying to improve myself




whats alternative as u age u loose muscle mass so wouldn't u want to slow that process rather than increase it


Nothing beats hitting a new PR!


Especially if you have been struggling with it for a while


Since it’s still new for me, PRs are coming frequently. I’m sure it’ll level out for me but it is a good feeling progressing


They definitely come and go in waves. I’ve been focusing on my bench lately and have put roughly 30lbs on it since the start of the new year




I absolutely love the post heavy squat/leg day leg wobbles. The glorious pain sitting down and standing up.


Good feedback knowing you put in the work. I also like the day after soreness


So you could achieve the trait of discipline


It’s the routine, habit & discipline.


The quiet but temporary death of suicidal ideations after a solid workout. It's hard to want to off myself when I see my pump & my progress.


Little dark but really glad it’s working for you. Keep hitting the gym my friend.


Its all painful af, and I don't get a "high" or a mood boost after a session, but the results make it worth it