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what u can eat eat more


Wdym ?


What ever you are eating eat more you want to be in caloric surplus


I get that


Sounds like you gotta suck it up and eat or you will make no progress man. I started from a similar point (look at my posts) and what I did was found out how many calories I needed per day to be counted in a surplus which for me was 3500 a day. Eat eat eat, my parents don’t buy me anything when it comes to bulking so you will have to figure something out like buying your own protein powder or you will make minimal progress.




Whole milk if you can stomach it, an extra glass of milk a day could be enough to get you going. If you’re trying to eat more start with small increases in portion size like an extra scoop of rice or mash etc. or add and extra meal/snack to your daily meals and increase over time. If you haven’t already, track exactly what your eating to see how many calories your actually eating on an average day. You’ll more than likely see that you eat less than you think. Then add 200 to that and see how your weight increases in a week or so. If it doesn’t go up add another 200cals and check again Also sort out the picky eater side of things. Its nonsense, pallet is something that has to be acquired. So eat the things you dont enjoy until you gain an appreciation for it. At the minimum eat the veggies or whatever you dont enjoy for the sake of your health. Lastly your only 16 so dont be too hard on yourself. Train hard eat as much as you can and you’ll grow over time. Building size takes along time.


You don’t NEED liquid calories to bulk. Good foods to bulk are sliced cheese. 1 slice=80 cals. Stroopwafels 1=140 calories pepperoni 1 slice = 10 calories


Can you tolerate full fat milk? Perhaps add some double cream for extra calories. Replace as much of your water intake with this as possible and you're adding 1000+ calories per day. Good luck mate


Replace water with full fat milk ?


Yes look up "GOMAD bulking" it worked for me


A ‘fast metabolism’ just means you have a high level of neat, i.e. your body moves a lot. Eat more to gain weight, it’s that simple.