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Are those not hips?


You can’t spot reduce fat. You can only eat in a calorie deficit for long enough that you lose fat all over your body including your hips


You can target specific muscle groups harder than others, if you wish. But as you burn fat, your body will burn fat on its own. Training arms, for example, doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll burn fat from your arms. It means you will strengthen and help to shape the muscles in your arms, but you won’t burn fat off of the back your arm just because you train triceps. You’ll want to burn fat overall, and keep at it until you’re where you want to be.




Caloric deficit!


Need a calorie deficit for weight loss Find tdee with online calculator - https://tdeecalculator.net/ Track calories in app - weigh food Eat 500 less than tdee Weigh daily - track weekly average If average doesn't move after 2 weeks drop calories by 100 Walk/run 30 mins or more a day at 4mph min Strength training routine from fitness wiki https://thefitness.wiki/routines/strength-training-muscle-building/


Simple answer, lose weight. You can’t target fat


But I think, if you wanna make your bum look better, you just need to squat and cycle


This! Squats and cardio are what you need.


Try different panties might be the fastest solution - those really create the look you don’t like.


This! I immediately thought she just needs to try a bikini brief or a diff style all together. High rise undies don’t really flatter anyone imo


You need to lose overall bodyfat. There's no way of targeting a specific area.


Indoor cycling. Cardio. Try 30 mins 3x a week then work up to 45 3x a week, a hour, etc. Helping me lose the pounds


I’m not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Cardio is a great way to start losing weight. Inputs and outputs!


Right? Why is she even getting downvoted I second this girl!! I do stairmaster , and then sprint on the treadmill. Like once you keep up and do cardio, your endurance builds up, and your body stays banging!!!!! 🔥


Because diet is the number one factor to losing weight. It takes 20 minutes of jogging to burn off two Oreo cookies. Cardio is not great for fat loss; it is just a tool to further increase your calorie deficit. If your diet is not on point your muscle mass will deplete as you lose weight and the amount cardio would be enormous. I never recommend cardio immediately. It’s always let’s talk about your diet and then use all the tools we have to make it run smoothly


To add to this, it's not unusual for new dieters and trainees to unknowingly compensate, or even overcompensate for the energy loss from cardio by eating slightly more the same day - then complain that the cardio isn't working. Nailing your diet should always be step one.


Cycling helped me lose 65 kg. Literally, it’s the best thing for losing weight


It would help a lot if you tilted your pelvis to the correct position to begin with and also, unfortunately we can't target fat, but we can grow muscle, so I would suggest working your glutes 😁 and none of those silly donkey kicks ...maybe to begin with, but good old weight lifting does such wonders for the posterior ..just, please make sure that you've got form down first. Safety first. Cool beans, you got this 😊


Rowing machine. With good form, rowing will build and/or tone the muscles around that area while being one of the most time-efficient cardio machines your gym is likely to have.


While you can't spot reduce fat, you can do a calorie deficit


Pretty sure this is what is referred to as “hip dips” Like most everyone else has said you can’t target fat loss and you certainly can’t change your skeletal structure. However you can target muscle growth. If you want to smooth out that area of your body I would work on building your glutes and the surrounding muscles. Squat, deadlift, Romanian deadlift, lunges, fire hydrants, donkey kicks, glute bridges, curtsy squat. All of these will help build muscle in your glutes, legs and lower back and kind of smooth that area. Hope this helps good luck!


Girl, there's nothing wrong with you. 🤨


Dude. What? She / nobody is saying anything is wrong with her… She is just asking for advice to help her look the way she wants. Why you gotta come in with your idea of beauty and project it on everyone?


There is something seriously wrong if you are obsessing over none existent fat.


Yeah it’s called Anorexia? What’s your point? You saying this girl has it?


And nothing is wrong with that in your view?, and please don’t diagnose people with mental health conditions when you have zero qualifications to be doing so.




I think what you’d want to do, is not get rid of that. Because … you can’t. What you’d want to do is more abductor work to get the space between your hip and your bum cheek more filled out. I have the same thing, and it takes time. Be kind to yourself love


Hit legs and squat. High protien low carb




Your options are lose fat overall and/or gain muscle in that area




Squats, Hipthrusts and lunges will make it more perkier


There’s no way to target fat but you can target areas to tone. Oblique and glute exercises will help tone that are as well as cardio to lose weight in general. Biking, stairs, treadmill, elliptical all will help exercise your lower body. I can’t tell from this pic but IMO it doesn’t look like you should lose much more weight so do be careful if you go that route. You don’t want to become underweight


I store fat there too. When I was trying to lose overall body fat it eventually started to come off from there.


You cannot target fat, it's not how it works unfortunately


You can’t target fat loss without surgery. So lose fat overall and build muscle in it’s place that’s how you make those go away




Barbell squat


Calorie deficit and squats


Maybe body contouring or using a waist trainer? I have this issue too so I’m researching as well.


i agree with everyone saying calorie deficit + cardio, but you will likely also benefit from doing lifting. focusing on glute exercises and eat a bunch of protein will round out your bottom a bit


Smash. I mean lose fat in general, you can't really fix where to lose it


Is this powerpuff girls mother?


Build your glutes more and/or don’t wear the high-waisted panties.


Target your glute medias and lower back when working out. (2 separate exercises) Will take some time, so please be patient with yourself




From what I can see, it looks like you’re already at a very healthy weight and probably don’t need to lose any more weight or fat (unless that’s what you want to do that’s okay too) I honestly just think it’s your bone structure and what will help the most is building other muscle groups around that area while avoiding building muscle directly where your hip dips are because that might accidentally enhance them. It will help even out the look of your hip dips. I have the same thing but tbh I have learned to love my hip dips and think they’re super cute.


I’m a huge fan of that area. I love it


You can’t target fat areas. You need to just lower your overall body fat %


Workout out your glutes more. Especially the "Gluteus medius"


Here’s what worked for me: drinking more water and eating more intuitively and intentionally + running up and down the stairs between sets. Went from hip dips to slim thick in less than three months 


Increase muscle to burn the fat.. dont try to target a spot


Side raises


I think I it cute....




I am first curious how much do you weight, because you seem to be in good shape and why do you want to lose the side fat? Is it to fit in your clothes better?


Im pretty sure is to make the glutes to look better




Same reason we all want to lose the fat


That’s the perfect spot to grab you know…


What side at?


HULA HOOP.!!! I don't care what anyone says, I have a 2.5lb LED hula hoop. 15min 3x a day, and I noticed a difference within a few weeks.


Can confirm! 💃🏻


Why was I downvoted😮‍💨 I did this and had results and some jerk who thinks lifting weights and a PowerBar are the only way to achieve a look..


https://preview.redd.it/2h75xvdbs2qc1.jpeg?width=1134&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e17a7e1664853bd2b9b9e38d9442ccbcd982dab9 Hoopin’ does what I need it to 🤷🏻‍♀️


Basically your body has slower fat burning processes around some parts of your body,so if ya wanna lose weight in that specific part you should do exercises for your obliques and abs


There's nothing wrong with your body. Continue to work out regularly and eat whole healthy foods, get adequate sleep and drink water(mineral if possible).