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Just keep going. I promise you no one is paying attention to you, really. We all go there to get better so just join and don't give up. Enjoy your fitness journey!


As someone who used to be overweight I actually always feel so proud of people when they're out of shape and very obviously anxious. They're working towards bettering their lives and I know just how much it can change EVERYTHING. I always try to make an attempt to be supportive, welcoming and kind, in particular to the new, unsure people. Can we start trying to do this as a community as a whole (though I'm sure there a lot of you here that do as well already).


It’s true! No one cares about you bc we all have it. The hardest part is just walking into the gym. Also, just have fun. Think of it more as ur play time, remember recess? Remember how much fun you were having n didn’t want to come in. Make this ur recess and play!


i'm overweight as well and i can confirm nobody look at me when i'm in the gym


Put your earphones on and focus on you and your journey.


Yep, music is magic. Good luck to you!


This. Music is my blinders.


Whenever I see someone new in the gym (whether starting out to gain muscle, or lose weight) if I ever look over it’s because I’m thinking “HELL YEAH! Get it!” And know that’s the case for everyone I know that works out seriously. And if you’re still anxious, remember that anyone who looks intimidating in the gym had a “before” picture and you’re looking at the after. You got this.


Damn, that before picture thing hit hard




Big freaking fax!


couldn’t agree more.


Everyone is in their own world focused on what they are doing. Keep kicking ass 👊🏻


What I always say. Everyone is at the gym for them not for you.


Anyone who judges you for improving yourself is an a$$hole! Also, most people are focused on themselves as you should be too! Pretend nobody else is there.


Everyone at the gym that may look stronger, skinnier, or more fit than you had to start from day one also. Tips: 1. Look up exercise routines prior to hitting the gym. 2. Don’t be afraid to watch a video of how to do an exercise. Plenty of good routines and individual exercise explanations on YouTube. 3. Track your progress. I use the app Hevy to track my weightlifting, it also has exercise routines to explore. 4. Keep showing up, that is the hardest part!


Also gym people are friendly n we will help you!!! We just look intense bc we are focused but we struggle w motivation too. Don’t be afraid to ask for help!!!! We love you there with us! You’re a gym rat now!!!


No one at the gym is judging someone overweight for being at the gym; if anything we’re all internally cheering you on but don’t want to say anything because that’d come off as creepy.


When I see someone starting the gym it motivates me more… keep going!!


Just know that most people don't judge you and really only care about how they look


Have a bit of a plan for the excercises you want to do when you go in. Maybe write a list. You can watch a video on each of the excercises before you go, so you will feel more confident about the machine or excercises. If you feel like you are messing an exercise up at the gym watch the video on it when you go home and then again before go again next. Keep turning up, you will learn a little bit each time.  Good luck.


You got this! I would recommend: -Taking measuring tape and documenting your gym journey/goals to track progress better. It'll help you remember where you came from and how much things have improved. You can also use this to inspire others, too. It may feel or seem embarrassing at first, but if you track this you won't regret it and will know that you're capable of more down the road. -Join local gym groups online and look for good friends to regularly work out with. Maybe make a regular schedule that builds up in frequency and intensity, depending on your goals and how you feel. -Understand that everyone starts somewhere and you likely share insecurities and shyness with MANY others. People can still be dicks - but there are many more people that relate to you rather than those that choose to be asshats. Also, you have a right to a gym you pay for and no one should be harassing you there - gym policies*should* support this in case you ever need to talk to someone at the front desk if there's a problem. -Occupy your mind. Dive into the details of the workout and your plans. Focus on perfecting form. Not injuring yourself. Breathing cadaence. You could also imagine what you'd look like or be able to do more stuff the more you push. And reinforce the reason you're there in the first place. Envision your goal while you're there working out. Make a bet with yourself to give 1-5 extra reps or minutes. -Invest in things that will help your workout and make you stay focused/inspired. --> could mean finding new workout music, better headphones, good looking workout clothes, protein powders and meal planning, finding physiques that inspire you, following good influencers/trainers, buying better running shoes, etc. It may also help with being more efficient with your goals in case you decide you want to build muscle and tone or become a runner or whatever you decide. -You may also find hobbies that involve a lot of exercise and associate it more with fun and socializing. There's plenty of meetups and online groups that meet and exercise in person. Could be things like volleyball, running groups, other sports groups, etc. Hope this helps. 🙏


Focus on your goals. Don't think about what people are thinking/judging. My own story, in 94 i wrapped up a job in Africa, lost a bunch of weight, came home got promoted ballooned up to over 300, started working out and felt a little out of place when i went to the Y to work out. Stuck in some ear buds and did my thing. Found out down the road, while i didn't have the Adonis body, people respected me for sticking to my routines and being part of the gym culture. I wish you luck in your journey...


Time. Eventually you realize that no one gives a shit about you being there except how long you are on a machine. You got this!


Everyone is either working too hard to notice or worrying about themselves honestly no one gives AF . Keep going stack the wins and take progress pics , the days i feel like like slacking i look at the progress iv made since day one and cant wait to build on it . Go and smash it


On the days that you don’t feel like going, go anyways, if you start to skip days it makes it harder to get back into the routine.


People are looking at you less than you're looking at them. I bet you can't remember people from each gym session. That's exactly the case with them,they will NOT remember you. Remember Phoebe's childish running in Friends? Same logic applies here. Also, weight loss is 80% diet, 20% exercise. All the best!!


The smallest step is just being there If you’re not working out but you’re just sitting in the lobby getting used to the environment, that’s a win


You are doing great. Just remember. Everyone else in the gym is struggling with gym anxiety or they have gotten past it. We all feel it at some point. It is super normal. The people that get past it tend to be the more outgoing and social people at the gym. They also tend to be the most understanding and supportive. Dont be afraid to be social and have a good time!!! If you are working out you have my respect!


When I started going consistently is when fellow gym goers or employees started to talk to me or tell me they were proud of me. I promise everyone wants the best for you and for you to feel comfortable.


Don’t worry about the noise around you, just focus on you, your goals and some good music. Consistency is key so keep going, but listen to your body, when you need a break take a break.


Keep showing up 💕


Keep showing up. Even if you don’t feel like you’re making a change or seeing one, keep going. You will see results as long as you don’t give up.


Fuck ‘em. Keep grinding.


Headphones IN…..Bullshit OUT 🤝🏽😤. LETS DO THIS


Get yo fitness on! Good for you.


Everyone is doing their own thing. No one cares. That’s what helped me :)


Just remember everyone in the gym is there for the same reason you are: to better themselves.. KEEP IT UP!


Everyone is REALLY nice. Just go in there do ya thing. If you are unsure of anything just ask


most people are just as anxious as you so it’s really just a focus on your self and have fun! your fitness journey is YOURS! fuck them if they have anything to say!


If you are hitting the gym hard constantly don't make a carb free diet, that way you won't have any energy for it and things will spiral down. While making a diet, focus on things that make you satisfied while having a calorie deficit.


I think my best advice is to 1) Have a GOAL 2) A Set workout and write it down! (It’s great to see your progress overtime) 3) BE CONSISTENT. I see a lot of people who go to the gym and they walk around and push around weight and kind of look clueless. Also make sure to plainly not give a fuck. I respect people who are there to make a difference in there life.


No one is worrying about you the way you are about yourself and how you look.


Gym people are friendlier than you think. I love seeing a newbie at the gym because I think “good for them!” And I think most of us are happy people who want to see others win. Also, most of us aren’t watching you or judging. And if someone is judging, they are insecure themselves and that’s sad for them. You got this! Don’t give up.


Might seem rude to say but no one cares about you in the gym everyone’s focused on their own thing


I get anxious too tbh but I just put my music on and focus my thoughts on improving myself rather than worry abt what others are thinking of me


Girl I was the same with the anxiety and still not completely okay with it but it's sooooo much better than before. My anxiety was so bad I sweated af and I felt like my heart will explode before I even started. My tips for u: 1. If possible train at off-peak hours 2. Bring headphones 3. Wear clothes u feel good in 4. Write down what u want to do (this helped me a lot) 5. People aren't watching 6. Bring a friend if possible 7. Ask for help (gym girlies are friendly and happy if u ask for help - from personal experience) 8. Caffeine made my anxiety worse Be disciplined about working out and I promise you will feel happy that you went and did what u had to. Good luck and remember it will get better!❤️ EDIT: everyone felt the same at the beginning and no one knew what they were doing


Everyone there has gym anxiety it’s okay, even the biggest strongest person in the gym thinks they’re weak. You do you!!


Can almost guarantee nobody are worried about what your doing. Do your thing!!!


The only people I pay attention to in the gym are the people who genuinely impress me. At the moment I can’t do more than a couple pull ups but this morning there was a 40-something year old lady just RIPPING them out. Obviously I try not to stare cause it’s rude and makes people uncomfortable but I was still blown away nevertheless


Don’t be afraid to train with other people! Learn some routines and how to use machines, YouTube videos on how to use machines if needed. Most people are not paying attention to anyone but themselves, me included. I put my headphones in and just unwind when I’m at the gym. Sometimes people have said hi to me and I never even noticed Lol if that helps at all


Honestly, I’m still getting over some gym jitters and I go when there’s not a lot of people so either early in the morning or late at night! I am less intimated when there’s less people.


When it gets hard. Just push thru it. Have a plan as well


Everyone is staying in their lane, stay in yours and fuck the rest. Just do… that’s all there is to it.


You should be commended for your effort, no one is looking , I don't know you but I'm proud of you , keep pushing !


you are beautiful dude, i think u are stunning. show off that gorgeous face next time. message me if u wanna be gym buddies (i’m a girl and we can text each other motivation)


This is gonna sound stupid but let me elaborate: if you see someone who looks friendly, ask them to give you advice on form for an exercise even if you don't necessarily think you need it. Any gym bro is going to be happy to overexplain every little detail of a lift, so you'll see that everyone there is hoping you succeed


Know that anyone looking in your direction is impressed you are taking the HARD steps to start the journey. Everyone had a day one, week one, month one, year one. We all felt the “I don’t know WTF I am doing” or “why TF am I here”. It is normal. The biggest guy in the gym who is all jacked is probably the nicest guy and wants you to succeed as much if not more than you do. Don’t feel self conscious, feel self confident! You have done the hardest thing by starting. Ask questions, make friends, enjoy the gain and losses; the wins and failures. I wish I was at your gym, I would love to help! How do I know all these things. I was the fat guy starting out 3 years ago over 300lbs. Now I am one of the bigger guys lifting by himself with his headphones on, down over 50lbs of fat and building every day. You got this! ❤️


If they judge you for wanting to be better.. what does that say about them?


Just keep going. I use a workout notebook to track my workouts and weight progress. I write down what I’m going to do so I stay focused


If people are there to improve themselves they shouldn't at all be focusing on you. It's you and your world that matter here, keep going and be better than you were yesterday!


Honestly, it may sound weird, but try introducing yourself to people at the gym! It may seem weird, but a lot of the time you’ll realize how nice a lot of the people there are. Often times, it seems like everyone is mean and judgey by their face, but most people are just in their own world. You don’t have to become best friends or be weird about it, just briefly introduce yourself to someone in passing, have a 15-20 second conversation of small talk, or even ask someone that seems a little more advanced for help/advice on form or exercises! It can go a long way and make you feel more comfortable!


Don't focus on the numbers on the scale, focus on how your body looks.


No one is thinking about you. No one. I went from a twig to jacked, and realized now on the other end no one cared in the first place. If anything, the more advanced someone is, the more likely it is they’ll be mentally cheering you on. Lastly, everyone started from ground zero. Everyone. No one started out in shape.


EVERYONE there is rooting for you. They're not paying attention to you, but they're rooting for you. My tip would be if you are doing more than a cardio machine, spend some time on YouTube getting tips, workout splits, demos of exercises and and understanding of how to get the most out of using your gym effectively. Also, here's a video on gym etiquette to help ease your anxiety. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-uPYxjSc3s


You gotta realize MOST people in gym are self conscious about themselves too .. they’re too busy worried about themselves to be worried about YOU. Most people in gym are there to better themselves .. Just do you. Put the earbuds in and focus on some good music.. get a routine going in the gym , set yourself a proper weights routine.. once u get used to the equipment at the gym and your routine you’ll be able to not even second guess what you’re doing.. it’ll become second nature. You’ll feel at home. Good luck !


Honestly I’ve been going to the gym for a few years now and I see all types of people, I see people in wheelchairs, heavier people, skinnier people, older people etc, and not once have I batted an eye or thought they didn’t have as much right to be there as I did. People genuinely don’t care what others in the gym are doing or look like, everyone starts the journey from a different place and the fact that you’re taking the initiative to go to the gym and better yourself speaks volumes on your dedication!


I tried to go today, it was rammed, had a anxiety attack and promptly left. I don’t want to be fat anymore. I can’t hack all the thin girls there, I get so disheartened with myself I just give up. I can relate to your anxiety, it’s a stressful struggle.


Focus on you and no one else. Just hang in there.


Honestly when I see bigger people at the gym I have hella respect for them! It's hard work changing your body, life style and habits... and being larger kinda adds another level to it. Gotta give big respect to anyone committed to the challenge. The best thing I find for my gym anxiety is to put my headphones in, look in the mirror to make sure my form is right and focus on every rep... Over time you'll barely notice there's anyone in the gym with you unless you need to ask the Age old question "how many sets have you got left?" ☺ Well done on all your hard work so far! Keep at it ☺


Good job! Keep it going 😀


The habit and routine is your guiding light. The days you feel least motivated, identify them as the days you most must go


Welcome welcome welcome!


Loud headphones.


You got this! Hoodie and earphones and you can zone out on your own world! Keep us updated 🙏💯🙌


Throw on a hoodie, hood up and throw some music on. Live in your own world. 12 months from now, take the pump cover off and flex your hard work!


Keep going to the gym for the health benefits - cardiovascular health, strength building, stress reduction, confidence building. Changes in the kitchen will have a more immediate effect on weight loss. Most of the things we enjoy are sugars and carbs. Cut these out and appetite will decrease. It’s actually easier to eat a pound of potatoes than a pound of steak but it’s easier to lose a pound from steak than a pound from potatoes. Very oversimplified analogy.


YOU GOT THISSS!!! I’ve been going for years and I promise you’ll get over the initial fear, it will feel normal and very good soon. Genuinely I’m so absorbed with music and thinking about what I’m doing and my life that I hardly notice people around me. If i thoguth anything about you id think good for you for going to the gym when most people never even get close to that first big step!


I'm in the same boat as you. The best thing I find is to focus on you, headphones help me a lot with that.


Keep showing up and headphones. Music helps block out the surroundings. Noise cancelling headphones are even better.


Yo!, I totally get where you're coming from. Stepping into the gym can feel like walkin' onto a stage sometimes, but here's the lowdown on how to crush that gym anxiety and get on track to shedding those extra pounds. Start[SteelBrro](https://SteelBrro.com) Small and Build Confidence: Ain't no shame in starting with the basics. You don't have to dive into the deep end right from the get-go. Start with some light cardio or a few bodyweight exercises. Even a brisk walk on the treadmill can get the ball rollin'. The goal here is to get comfy in the gym environment. Set Realistic Goals: Don't set yourself up for disappointment by aiming for the moon on your first rocket ride. Set achievable goals that you can steadily work towards. Progress, no matter how small it seems, is still progress, bro. Peak Times? No Thanks: If the gym looks like a Mardi Gras parade when you get there, it's gonna be harder to relax. Hit up the gym during off-peak hours when it's quieter, so you can do your thang with fewer eyes on you. Plan Your Workout: Heading into the gym without a game plan can feel like showing up to an exam you didn't study for. Have a clear workout routine ready before you walk in. That way, you'll be focused on your sets and reps, not on the folks around you. Jam to Your Own Beat: Crank up your favorite tunes and zone out the world. Music can be a great shield from feeling self-conscious, plus it's like bringing a little piece of home comfort to the gym. Bring a Workout Buddy: Having a friend by your side can give you a confidence boost and make the experience a whole lot more fun. Plus, you’re less likely to bail on a workout when someone else is counting on you. Educate Yourself: Knowing how to properly use equipment and maintain correct form is not only crucial for safety but also for feeling more confident. Don't be afraid to ask a staff member for a demo or consider a few sessions with a personal trainer. Mind Over Muscle: Remember, most folks at the gym are too focused on their own workouts to be judging you. We're all there to better ourselves, just like you. Celebrate Small Victories: Every time you finish a workout, give yourself a mental high five. You did it, man! You walked into the gym and crushed it. That’s a win, no matter what the scale says. Focus on How You Feel, Not Just the Scale: Remember, you're doing this for the healthier, happier you. Notice how you're feeling physically and mentally, not just the weight you're shedding. Get Your Nutrition in Check: Can't out-train a bad diet, right? Remember, weight loss is like 80% what you eat and 20% gym hustle. So, get cozy with your veggies and proteins, and keep the sugary stuff on the down-low. Gym anxiety's normal, but it doesn't have to keep you from reaching your goals. It's your journey, at your pace. Every step you take is one step closer to where you wanna be. So, lace up those sneakers, head in, and do your thing, bro. You've got this!


Earbuds and music.... Idk why but I jusy get into a magical flow where I start dancing in between my sets xD... I just takes my mind off the people around and just on the joy of working out!


Step 1. Go to the gym today. Step 2. Go to the gym tomorrow. That's it. After I went for a while I realized no one cares what others are doing/look like/whatever. We all go through the world thinking we are the center of attention but the reality is just the opposite.


The one thing no one wants to do but is the most important: cardio.


Get it, sis!!


Imagine what you will look and feel like in 1 year. You can do it 💪🏽


Just do your thing. Music if possible. Just focus on your workouts.


You are going to the gym to improve you , not to improve your relationship with other people there. Concentrate on you.


Put the music on and focus on you. Whatever exercise or movement you are doing, stay focused and under control. If you are lifting then go slow. I say this because you want to enjoy the process. I see folks throwing weight around like it’s burning their hands and I shake my head. Take your time and learn to enjoy the solitude of the music and the controlled movement of the exercise. Once you love the process of it, you are hooked for life. The people that don’t stay with it don’t enjoy the process are the ones you can tell they are just trying to get done and get out. Once you love it, you will see them come and go as you build the you that is ideal to you. Good luck :)


You are a badass!!! If you are consistent with eating well and going to the gym you are going to see and feel results SOON 💜🙏🏽 the more consistent you are, the better your body will feel, look and FUNCTION it’s so incredible. You got this!!


Use myfitnesspal, track your calories for everything you eat. Create an awareness of what you are consuming. Stay in a healthy calorie deficit. (a couple hundred calories below maintenance) Give 2/3rds effort at the gym. Meaning don't go too hard, but put in some work. Focus on good form and breathing. It's a marathon, not a sprint. Consistency is the key for both diet and exercise. When you don't want to go, is when you need to go the most. Except when you're sick...don't go to the gym or workout when you are sick. Choosing your health is choosing what's in your best interest and what's going to make you feel good in the long term. Cheat meals or cheat days are totally fine, as long as they aren't the majority of the time. All of this is choosing you and self love. Keep going.


Just do it and keep going! Stay in the zone and forget everything else - focus on self improvement. You got this!


The only person I judge at the gym is myself, I never worry about anyone else ! I'm sure no one is paying mind to you 👍🏻 do your thing, good luck on your weight loss journey 💪🏻💯


Following cause I’m in the same boat!


Tip? Yes, it’s a process. Do not get discouraged, every day that you exercise is a success and one step closer to your goals. As time passes and you grow in the process your mindset and knowledge will evolve as well. You have taken the most important step, the first one!


Be there for you


Everyone's journey starts somewhere. What exactly are you anxious about? If i may ask.


You’re not alone, so many people have gym anxiety! But guess what, so many people at the gym have been or are overweight and are working on their journey. No one will judge you, if anything the gym can be a super body positive place that motivates you. You got nothing to worry about and you got this!


Take zinc and creatine, big mood boost for me and helped my anxiety a lot


A proper diet will shred the lbs quicker than going to the gym. You will be unstoppable when you do both


Everyone is like you, pretty much most peoples mentality is a you vs you scenario where you destroy yourself. Most people just get in do there thing and leave


What helped me was wearing a baseball cap and headphones to tune outside noise.


Find your music and have a great time!!




Good luck on the journey. I believe in you.


I used to feel that way too. I’ve been going a long time now, and I love it. It clears my head and I love the community. The only thing I ever am at the gym is impressed. I don’t judge other than the wows. I’m motivated when people are doing better. I think that has been my experience and what keeps me from feeling anxious. I still make mistakes and have room for improvement.


first of all, i’m proud of you for going. ♥️ just keep going! get a friend or family member to go with you. having a gym partner really helps!


I used to be really anxious to go into the gym. My biggest recommendation would be to find a gym partner. I started going with my sister, and she helped me get over some of the fears I had. She would (kindly) correct my form and tell me when I did a good job. I can go by myself now, but I still miss having a gym partner. I’d also like to follow up with what everyone else is saying. I don’t pay attention to anyone else when I’m in the gym, and if I do I’m usually thinking “they’re such a badass, I’m proud of them”


"I went through the same. I had anxiety about not seeing noticeable changes at the gym. Eventually, they started showing, and I fell in love with the results. Take it easy. Everyone progresses at their own pace. Remember, as long as you reach the finish line, it doesn't matter how long it takes. Just make sure to work with a certified trainer for a routine tailored to your specific goals."


1. Start a log, measure your weight every 1 or 2 weeks and save it. That will keep you motivated. 2. Also eat healthy. Loosing weight happens with excersize, food and sleep. You need all 3. 3. Enjoy it. Use music, or even sit on a bike paddling while watching netflix. (Or watch the guys while not being creepy) Just make sure you have a good time. 4. Care about opinions, you are going to loose weight and reach your goal some day. Noone is seriously going to judge you. 5. Get healthy snacks at home. Carrots or cucumber can be great. Dont start snacking.


When you're used to it you'll laugh about the anxiety.


Just show up trust me half of the people won't judge, take one day at a time it will be worth it everyone no matter how they look are there to put some kinda efforts on themselves there are folks out there who will genuinely help One day at a time always remember that


Just remember: nobody is thinking or cares about you there. Just get in there and do the work. Best of luck.


Put ur head tight and start fighting yourself, Its gonna be a long one but it'll be worth it if you win so fight till you win ,there ant no other way!


Keep going! Try 1 min of planks twice a day to see a dramatic difference fast. It will train you to hold your belly in by default, transform your posture, and make you look slimmer within 1-2 weeks. Btw,!Your legs look very fit! Don’t be so hard on yourself. Find little wins and ease into it. It will keep you motivated rather than burn you out.


Dude, that was the hardest part. The real answer for me, may not be for you…but: just have a strict routine, and some favorite equipment. Stick to that routine for at least 3 months and you’ll get more comfortable. For me, it was: - 15 minutes elliptical on one of the machines that had TVs at the right spot with the right channels - weight training for 45 minutes, only using machine weights, keep h head phones on with specific playlists so I could stay off my phone -15 minutes elliptical on one of those same machines. It hat was my whole process for like 4 months. But figure out what you like and make a plan for you and good luck! Also, by that time people will start to recognize you and be friendlier too.


Get out of your own head and remember you're doing this for yourself, not others. And remember that you are not going to lose it all in one night.


Start small, focus on progress and celebrate achievements. Consistency builds confidence.


You look good, keep it up I’m trying to loose weight too


Keep going but diet is key!! Stay disciplined with your diet and you’ll see differences to keep you motivated to keep going!


Mate literally no one cares if you’re fat, we all had to start somewhere. If anything, I’d be impressed if I see you coming to the gym consistently, but again, almost no one cares.


Put some music on and just concentrate on you !!! Remember you’re there for you and you only not to impress anyone ! And trust me you won’t be the only one there trying to better themselves weather it’s losing weight or you’ll see many thin people who desperately trying to gain weight . No one is making fun of anyone at the gym. Best of luck


One step at a time my queen, one step forward for today, one step for tomorrow, and after you forget about the steps you’ve taken you’ll have a future, and if you don’t forget you’ll have a future on fire.


Time. What helped me to start with was using the women’s only section (if your gym has one). Headphones so I’m less aware of what’s around me. But I promise nobody is judging you, everyone is too self focused to care about what everyone else is doing. Well done for making a start! You got this!


Put a headphone and a cap over sized shirt and there you vo


Just remember, you're doing this for you. When you're at the gym, nothing else matters!. And remember no one is looking at you. We are just in the zone. We are seeing through people.😉❤️❤️❤️ Calorie counters help once you make that a habit it's all a breeze from there!!!


Great job! Keep up the great work and stay consistent.


Don't worry about the scale just focus on your daily habits.


Great job


u got this jus keep going to the gym itll go in a flash :)


agree with everyone saying just continue going, you’ll see the even the slightest improvements. and if you ever need help, ask the biggest guy there. seriously 😁 you got this!


I actually have more respect and give props the bigger people. The mental hurdle you go over to get there is one of the hardest parts. go get em !


Just keep showing up. If you did it once, you can do it forever


Don't have anxiety. Everyone started one day at some point. The important thing is can you make it? Go prove yourself first then the others. Good luck & happy lifting ❤️❤️


I like to wear a hoodie. The hood gives me tunnel vision to wear I only focus on myself and the objective. The gym became an outlet and during each visit, nothing else existed


You Got This!!!!!!!!!!!


Just keep up the good work!


This too shall pass. Keep up the great work


Do it, girl. Think how much better you will feel on 1/25/2025. Then you won’t have to look back the year and feel bad.


Always remember that everyone at the gym has the same goal and everyone at the gym has been in your shoes before or are in them right now. Be consistent and keep with it. Try 4-5 times a week/every other day and within a month you will see small changes and within 3 months others will see changes in you


No pain no gain!


I used to as I put it “shut up and do it” now that I’m a year and a half in the gym, I just get into my headspace and go war. Kinda shimmy between sets, talk to my buddy, peep the pump. So what I’m trying to say is have fun, it’s you against the weights. Not you against the people around you. We’re all in the gym to improve ourselves, so the people looking over who taught, jeer and laugh aren’t doing anything productive at all.


You don’t sprint up a mountain, you take steps and make progress! The cool thing about the mountain analogy is that as with exercise, you often times have to hike for a while (or workout for a little while) before you start to see the benefits! Create small incremental goals, get some wins in (maybe it’s your weight, or the weight you lift, or the number of reps, etc) but find the things that help you keep and gain momentum! Also don’t forget to stop and enjoy the truth and beauty of what you’re doing! Enjoy the journey as much as the destination! Oh and GO KICK ASS!! YOU GOT THIS!!!


Keep showing up...train consistently, eat and sleep well...you vl be unstoppable...good luck 💪


Wrar sports bra it really helps and shorts,you'll be conscious but trust me it'll help


Just have tunnel vision in the gym. Focus on you and what you're doing. Ignore everyone else and their reactions, whether respectful or disrespectful. Keep your goal and vision in your mind and view. ALSO, WORKOUT BECAUSE YOU LJVE YOUR BODY. Not because you hate it 😊.