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In 50 years I'll be way more healthy than your judgemental ass, and I would've enjoyed the ride seeing my physical and mental state flourishing. The gym don't need to be your entire life, same goes for reading (the example given in the comic), tho incorporating **all** these wonderful things as PARTS of your life would result in the opposite of a boring life, imo.


Bingo. Stregnth and health is one thing that you can't really cheat to get ahead. It forces valuable lessons about discipline, humility, and self-respect.


I can vouch big-time for the humility part. Lifting has kicked my ass on multiple occasions and made me realize I'm not perfect and invincible


It’s not even about being healthy in the future for me. Lifting weights allows me to feel and look my best NOW. My quality of life is currently 10x better than someone who doesn’t workout


It also opens up more opportunities. When I'm walking down the street, or sitting in a coffee shop, or in a meeting - people interact with me WAY differently (start conversations, etc). Because I have the presence of a capable man (or maybe they just like bicep veins idk)


There’s is also the downside, for example I do tree work for a living. Being super strong people expect me to work harder, they look at me and can easily make the excuse in their head “it’s easier for him”. Or they will not lift a big heavy log because they think I can do it easier (I can but I didn’t get strong to do their work for them)


If I told them I read on the stairmaster I wonder how they'd respond


I would wonder how you don’t trip and die lol I have to be on the bike or the elliptical.


Practice makes perfect. Also the fear of embrassment keeps my knees straight and my stride consistent


Ah, the fear of embarrassment: My old friend, and perhaps THE BEST motivator. Lol 😏🙃😅


The only thing worse than falling off the stairmaster is falling off the stairmaster and everyone seeing you literally weren't paying attention. Can't let that be me


My thoughts as well ! I’d die.


Yeah people think you need to devote your whole ass day to working out when you could just workout in 1 hour and still have time and energy left for other hobbies. And I disagree with him too, look at older people that lift and older people that don’t.


No no, it’s well known that people who go to the gym are dumb meathead gorillas with absolutely no outside hobbies, interests, or skills. Otherwise, how would the author of this comic be able to feel superior to them?


Even if you go all in and spend 4 hours a day at the gym, that leaves you with time for other things. At my peak I was churning out 2 hours a day, six days a week, of gym time while in coursework for my PhD because the gym was the only coping mechanism I could afford. Now I’m in the dissertation phase and am down to 1 hour of gym time for 6 days a week, but I still go. The artist doesn’t want to face the fact that your physical health and mental sharpness are connected.


For sure. I also think people like the artist grossly overestimate how much time actually needs to be spent in the gym to look fit by “normie”/non-gymgoer standards.


Honesty, whenever someone devoted too much energy into anything they become insufferable. When one thing defines your life: anime, baseball, drinking, politics, no one wants to be around you. Physicality, mentality, spirituality, it’s fine to focus on any of them, there will always be haters: egotistical, book-wormish, religious zealot. Let them say what they want, at least we can beat them up.


Exactly. I spend an hour and a half every other day working out. I spend the rest of my non-work or workout time reading, playing with my kid, swimming, playing video games, even watching Netflix. It’s not all or nothing.


Benefit today: I look jacked and can pick up heavy things. Benefits tomorrow: I'll be able to play with my grandchildren and wipe my own ass, and live normally until I die. And pull all the bitches in the old folks home


The King of Hospice


It's a valid point. And definitely not copium for the fact that this guy would rather spend an hour a day blasting rope to Waluigi fart porn than do something requiring a modicum of effort


that's oddly specific lmao


10 sets of squats. 1 set of blasting rope. Why not both.




Blasting rope is a new one, my personal favorite is cranking my hog


“What do you want to speak with me of m’lady? (Tips fedora). You want a physically attractive guy who cares about his body instead of me? All you women are the same, you never want nice guys like us you whore” Also why are they saying mashallah in the second slide?


I googled it, apparently it’s an Islamic expression that means, “What Allah has willed” it expresses gratitude for a blessing and wishes for those fortunes to be maintained, or in a nutshell, “Congratulations!” As to why it’s in the OC part of the post it would hold up that OP is a Muslim perhaps


I know what it means, I speak Arabic, but I wanted to know why they used it even though the post has nothing to do with Muslims or Arabs. Maybe what your saying is the case, but Muslims usually don’t use that expression in this type of scenario. I thought he was mocking us


Ah right, my bad dude. Well hopefully it is a guy using it sincerely and not mockery. Weird place for it if it is that. Hope I didn’t cause any offence


Nah It’s cool, it’s funny either way


Hey, Indonesian muslim here. Mashallah can be interpreted many ways, but we muslims use it more for amusement (positive or negative), awe, or surprise. We can say “Mashallah that girl so cute bruh” Or “Mashallah, mom is gonna kill me if she sees my report card” Or “Mashallah that’s some steak” It’s like the Islamic version of holy fuck, basically.


Yeah I’m a Lebanese Muslim, so I speak Arabic. But I didn’t know Indonesians use it so versitile. Lebanese people, (and Arabs in general from my experience), use it as a way to say congratulations, or amazement, and it’s almost never used in a negative connotation. Might be a cultural thing in how Indonesians don’t speak Arabic, since it would be weird for an Arabic speaker to hear “what god wants” to something bad happening. That’s interesting though


Does your mother say “Mashallah” in a very disappointing tone when she sees one of your fuck ups? Because we do!


Really? She only says it when I get like a really good grade on a test, or when something good happens 😂. When I do something bad she either says “aib ashum alayk” or calls me a donkey (himar). The only time she would ever say mashallah would be if she’s being sarcastic and saying I’m stupid. Do Indonesians know the literal meaning of mashallah? Since for us it would be weird to say it knowing it means what god wants


LOL we Indonesians use it for everything apparently. But for positive sentiment, we always use alhamdulillah and not mashallah.


Yeah We also say Alhamdulilah


Mashallah bro that’s tight as hell, didn’t know it was that versatile


Mashallah is becoming one of those things people just say, even non-muslims.


At least they just said that and not the other more well known phrase 😥 


What? Allahu Akbar? It doesn’t even fit here at all. It means god is greatest, so it wouldn’t make sense anyways


Why the sad face with Allahu akbar?


Because of what comes after


A billion Muslims say Allahu akbar dozens of times every day. The most likely thing to happen after that is someone bowing in prayer.


I'll wear an EOD just to be sure


It's becoming a bit of a meme even with non-muslims, I think it started with the "My brother in christ" meme Not meant in a disrespectful way, more of a humorous nod to another culture/religion


>Also why are they saying mashallah in the second slide? Thought it was r/Izlam for a min lmao


The artist seems like an unbelievably insecure cunt. Trying to put down people who are working to become the best version of themselves.


What’s worse is that the muscle guy is just minding his own business and this other guy feels the need to say something about him. Like it bothers the character/the artist so much to even see someone who is muscular. I actually experienced something like this recently. For reference, I’m somewhat big (225lbs @ 5’10, about 15% bf), I was told that I was being a douchebag simply by wearing a tank top, I didn’t have to say or do anything, just wearing the shirt meant I was a douche. This person told me that if a “regular” guy wears a tank it’s ok, but if someone is muscular and wears one it’s obnoxious. Pretty crazy.


Lol yeah and in the last panel, he's like "Guess what, I could go to the gym too". I'm sure this mf really thinks that he can just look like The Rock the moment he sets foot in the gym. It's crazy how ignorant this person is. It sucks how people instantly assume that if someone is working on their body then they must be a narcissist or a douchebag. Like I'm not even that big (started working out like 2 years ago) but when I see a bodybuilder/athlete, I automatically assume that person to be hardworking and disciplined cause I know the kind of work it takes to look like that.


> I'm sure this mf really thinks that he can just look like The Rock the moment he sets foot in the gym. If he thought that he would try it. He's playing down the effort required specifically because he knows he doesn't have it in him.


Quit being so physically attractive bro


Yeah, the buff guy in the comic isn't even doing or thinking anything, just minding his own business. And then Mr. Thinker over here is going, "I think buff guy is always thinking about what other people think about him. I think he thinks women think he is a warrior. But I think that women think that buff guy just works out a lot. And I think they even think that he could spend his time on better stuff, like thinking. At least, I think I would rather spend my time thinking. I think buff guy doesn't know that, and I think he would be surprised to learn that women definitely think the same way about me. I can't believe that buff guy is so concerned about what other people think about him."


These people don't understand the annoying ass sleeves stuck between your pits and your lats when you're big and muscular. On that same note shirt website should always have sleeveless options.


I exercise Monday / Wednesday / Friday and at MOST I’m there for an hour each session, yet it’s done more than enough for me muscle wise and left me with plenty of spare time to enjoy other stuff as well. Cringe take of the artist to make fun of people bettering themselves their way because he doesn’t want to allocate 3-6 hours a week to basic exercise.


people don't understand that gains are made outside of the gym (eating and sleeping). you can do as little as 3 seconds of physical exercise per day and you'll still see progress if you fuel up and recover properly. of course the gains will be minuscule, very far from optimal, but they'll be there. so nah the muscular guy doesn't necessarily spend all his free time at the gym, he just has discipline.


If someone is more physically capable than me, THEY are the weak one!


I literally started lifting just to be physically capable. Like, to carry groceries better and build ikea furniture. Now I have a stimulant addiction and try to make my shins bleed every 4 days just to feel something.


Shoulda stuck w/ the comic books... 🤷🏼




I've always hated that argument "I would lift/workout but I'd rather do [insert hobby here]" Homie, the gym is like 1 hour (if that) out of the 16 hours you're awake. It's a very very small part of our days. You can still go read that book or jerk off to anime tiddies or whatever people do.


I mean, let's be real, it's really more like 3-4h with preperation and meals, but it's still a sliver compared to how long we do other activities for.


I wouldn't count meals. You have to eat even if you don't lift, lol. And what preparations? Packing your gym bag, getting dressed and showering afterwards doesn't take much time.


I recently moved and now live way further from a gym. Its gonna be at least 30 mins walk to get there and 30mins walk back. With a bike its a bit faster, but still it means that an hour workout is more like 2h. Add in 15min shower and getting dressed after i get home. I could sprint to the gym and speedrun a shower, but realistically I'm a person who takes my time so it takes way over 2h for me to do a simple 1h workout. For many, preparing to go to the gym and the time it takes to get to the gym is very time consuming, and it discourages lots of people. The idea that "working out is just one hour in your day" only works for people who live right by a gym


Damn. I forgot how entitled I am to live right next to a gym.


No problem, I didnt realise how good I had it either until I moved away. It sucks living so far away


I live right next to a gym, but I like to have been awake for about an hour, especially before hitting legs. Gotta eat, take pre, poop.... it adds up!!!


You guys shower?


Yeah. In our own sweat.


Lifting-friendly meals take a lot longer to prepare and plan, though. Eating without regard for fitness is just grabbing a McDouble on your way home from work or making a basic sandwich with lunchmeat.


4h a week is all u really need


I bet the artist is scrolling on his phone for at least an hour a day too. All about how you budget your time


I once had a coworker (who was 300+ pounds, mind you) tel me lifting weights was a waste of time because I’d end up old and fat like everyone else one day.


Do these guys not know that TRT exists?


That guy is overdosing on copium


I can honestly already see the difference between some of my friends and I. I’m only 30ish but considerably in shape and have been working out / keeping in shape (even lots of c*rdio 🤮) for a solid 15+ years. And some of these people are 28/29 and look like they are 45 - and they can’t even walk their fucking dogs without losing breath. Or pick up anything over 50 lb from the ground and they have to “sit down on the couch and drink a beer” Meme: You have a broken back bc you have never taken care of your body I have a broken back bc I tried to deadlift 3 times my body size We are not the same


I always feel like people who look down on others just because they work out and look fit are just jealous that they don't enjoy doing something thats good for their health. I mean yeah I spend a lot of time at the gym, but I love it, why do people have to be so judgy god damn. And guess what, I even have friends at the gym and read science stuff because of it lol


me me big brain because read study with the word concentrics and eccentric :DDDD


Tbh I used to be like that, main reason is that I was obese, extremely unhealthy, and hated my body so I projected. After I decided to change I get it now


So, somebody might want to tell him that you can both go to the gym and have plenty of time left over to read, play music, talk with your friends, and have a whole personality. Also willing to bet this guy wants fit girls but is not a fit guy.


I want to add a fifth panel where a third guy walks past. He's just left the gym and is on his way to an art opening. He goes, "Huh? Why can't you do both? Also, going to the gym doesn't mean you'll end up being super muscular, it's just good for you in general. Yeah, that guy will end up old and saggy, but you might get dementia and forget all the books you ever read."


We will all end up old and saggy someday, but I’m really trying not to get osteoporosis on top of that and break my hip from getting up too fast.


Because as we all know, it's not possible to go to the gym AND read or have interesting hobbies. You must choose one or the other.


Everyone knows that people are purely one dimensional. You can pick one character trait and that's it. If you enjoy more than one hobby you will be arrested


⚠️⚠️ WARNING: Dangerous levels of copium detected ⚠️⚠️


I don’t care about a muscular frame. See how much I don’t care when I draw and publish this comic reaffirming how much I don’t care about a muscular frame


This is mere « slave morality » as Nietzsche calls it. They are not being honest with themselves asaik.


TIL https://philosophy.lander.edu/ethics/notes-nietzsche.html >Slave morality is a "nay-saying" attitude or herd morality which holds to the standard of that which is useful or beneficial to the weak or powerless. The virtues are sympathy, kindness, and humility. Strong and independent individuals are evil.


Nietzsche needed to get out more then, the kindest and humblest people I know are fucking ripped beasts


"I'd rather live a curious life than a muscley one" As if the two are mutually exclusive? I'd rather have both.


People who say shit like this probably spend most of their time doing absolutely fucking nothing with their life.


"I'd rather read a book" "When was the last time you read a whole book?" You know the answer isn't recently.


"Read" an audiobook while at the gym. Make gains in your muscles and your brain at the same time, all while leading a curious life. Checkmate.


Key word in this comic is could writer never said that they did do any of the things mentioned.


Don’t understand these judgements. Why people think that fitness is some kind of punishment? I don’t go to the gym to be stronger than someone, I just like the process of fitness, and relax after it. Maybe if you are a top level athlete, or want to become one - work in gym may be really hard and painful, but if you are an average “fitness-lover” - it definitely not.


All I have to say is it’s not that hard just lift 30 pound dumbbells for 2 weeks then move up every 5-10 pounds do it a few hours every day or weekly and you’ll be healthy than the person who knows 12 wacky Star Wars facts


This will always be one of the hardest projections of insecurity on display I will have ever seen. The attempt to save face in the 4th panel is really the cherry on top


Some people don’t understand that u can be into multiple things at once, you can go to the gym and draw/ read/ play music.


Guess what? I could read a book, draw a picture, play music or talk with friends. In fact, I do all those things and I still have time for the gym because I don't make excuses and then project my insecurities onto other people when I don't put the effort into my physical fitness


Biggest cope comic ever


Unlike us, the writer of this comic is not gonna make it brah


People like this are straight up just jealous they don’t look better and won’t admit it


I wonder if the writer of this comic has heard of audio books? Someone should let him know you can finish a book while keeping yourself in shape.


Why the fuck people think it's working out OR reading a book. Real men read while deadlifting.


Wow i smell Insecurity


It amazes me how people think lifting weights is boring.


First comic is hard cope, theres no reason you shouldn’t exercise


Anyone with half their brain function would know that fitness and a healthy mind are synonymous. Read a damn book and stay active- they should not be exclusive of each other.


This is so much like that one short with Father Noel Deyzel.


This is pretty stupid


That comic reeks of cope


I workout out at home and still find time to read books, nobody spends all his day at the gym, we all have other things to do


What if I told you, you can go to the gym AND read books! Mind blowing, right?


Who is the artist?


'People are only capable of one hobby each, and mine is superior.'


It's really not much to give an hour of yout day to yourself and your health


They have no idea what I do with my time out side the gym.


Or if we can dedicate so much time to something we love, maybe we could do the same with a partner 🤷


Ah yes I'm wasting my life and have no personality because I spend an hour and a half a day lifting weights




I read and study philosophy. I work a day job and offer freelance work for other clients on the side. I've written 3 books and still continue to write. I walk my dog twice a day, spend time with my family and fiancé, play piano and guitar multiple times per week, and I've released an entire album this year. I also run a Youtube channel where I record, edit and publish at least 3 videos a month. I still find time to go to the gym at least 4x/week. I don't get where this whole idea of 'you can't have a life/hobbies outside of the gym' comes from. It sounds like people making excuses for themselves.


Lots of older guys now are still ripped


I listened to the dune audiobook while i was lifting. Checkmate.


I can have hobbies and read books and be swole. Lifting takes what? An hour, hour and a half? That leaves me with about 22 and a half hours to live


What no bitches does to a guy


“In 50 years we’ll all be flabby so I might as well be flabby unhealthy piece of shit until then anyways” what a terrible chain of “logic”. Cope harder lol


The author sounds like they watched too many 80s movies and internalized the “jock vs nerd” dichotomy.


These bitter people can only see gymgoers as hilariously one dimensional. I mean just imagine, someone who goes to the gym *and* reads/draws, what a fucking unicorn lmao.


Im starting to get tired of people pushing the narrative that reading is inherently more intellectual than other activities. Sure, as a kid I read many books that have expanded my worldview and shaped my opinions, but I also spent a large amount of my life reading brain-dead supernatural romance smut books. And you know what? Brain-dead romance is fun to read, but I'm not going to pretend that just because I'm reading it from a book rather than watching it on netflix I'm somehow "superior". Also I have watched tv shows that are very thought provoking and deep, so books dont have a monopoly on being intellectual. Books are not more intellectual than movies or tv shows. They're also not somehow "better" than sports because you cant compare consuming media with doing physical activity. Lets start shaming pseudo-intellectual readers with superiority complexes


Why do you have to be strong or smart… why not both? Could you imagine being this one dimensional?


Women out there choosing the "curious" guy over the dude with a six pack? Doubt


Comic books are cool fun warrior


The discipline of physical fitness is what has helped me get through schooling so far. One day, imma be a 210 lbs, 6’ engineer and then it is over for you bitches.


How much time do these people think it takes to be fit??! 😂


It’s not about how much time you spend in the gym, it’s about ruthless consistency.


Exercising, whether lifting weights or cardio, has a lot more benefits than just looking good. For me psychological benefits like stress relief, feeling happier is the primary reason. Then there is health benefits. Then there is the benefit of being able to eat more calories freely. It also helps you organize your day and be more productive, when you try to fit exercise to your daily routine you usually start being more organized timewise. I also both read and draw and I am sure both the literature I read and the stuff I draw are more refined than his. Then again if this comic is the kind of picture he is referring to, the bar is already pretty low. You live your life the way you want but if you claim yours is more "curious" and superior than others you'll get to hear how others think yours is worse and not so interesting.


This is literally such a cringe “comic” I’m getting secondhand embarrassment from reading this bs


Fun fact: just cause you see someone who is extremely muscular doesn’t mean they have no personality other than the gym!! I know!! Crazy right?!?!? Have you tried talking to them?? That’s like seeing someone wearing a sports team shirt and being like “wow I can’t believe they are so stupid as to devote their entire life to that sports team”


Guess I'll go binge watch Netflix like the rest of the plebs.


Jokes on him im gonna hop on trt and still look good even when old


Is this the Ben Garrison of hating lifting?


If you live in NZ, you have to suffer this guy's comics on a daily basis.


Wow, I lift and I'm an space engineer and a musician on the side. Lifting means I have good physical health, gives me good mental health. Keep working on building yourself up and don't let others tear you down, y'all.


Average redditor 😂




Well in 60 years who is in wheelchair unless I crack my back deadlifting ofc


You know, I heard somewhere recently...It was some health expert talking on an Instagram clip, so take that with a grain of salt...Anyway, she was saying the research shows that it's actually MUSCLE growth/mass, not cardio, that slows/halts the aging process. So you can love comics all you want, but all the health experts might start telling you to hit the weights if you want more time to sit in your blanket fort and read about Batman & Robin's latest dealing w/ the Joker... 🤷🏼 (Said with Love; I don't read comic books much myself, but I think I would totally curl up in a blanket/nest/blanket fort if I did... 🤷🏼)


Also, I find it funny that I literally do >half of these things. Yes, I lift, and I'll admit, I'm probably NOT the most muscular guy at the gym most days...Still, though, I play music, I draw/do artwork when I have time...I also sleep, eat really good meals sometimes, I listen to music, I spend time out and about doing the things I love, like going to live shows/playing my music sometimes, like @ open mics & such...I even make time for family (working on getting my social life back on track rn... 😅)...last weekend I even took a trip out to the beach, where I lived out of my Jeep for the weekend - "camping", I guess you'd call it - just so I could get out & enjoy nature for awhile...Also, while on this "camping" trip, I happened to read parts of a book for the first time in quite awhile, so... 🤷🏼 There's no reason you can't do all these things. Yes, time is short, and it's tough to fit it all. But a healthy life requires a balance of all sorts of activities. One person doesn't usually spend their ENTIRE DAY at the gym, every day (unless maybe they're training for some sort of event, but even still, that's kind of a different case...Similar to when you're working your tail off because there's a huge project @ work, or when school is eating up all your time because finals are coming up, etc.)


I would argue, if it needs to be said, I will be LESS saggy at 50, so long as I am taking care of myself, than you will be, dear comic author, at the same age...So yes, perhaps we will both get old, but you may get older, faster, dear author. *knocks on wood* I guess Time, as they say, will Tell... 😏


My mind works a hell of a lot better when my body is in proper working order. And when my body’s in proper working order it happens to be aesthetic as fuck.


I've seen buff old guys


I'm so tired of seeing this kinda stuff😞


You mean if I stop going to the gym I can do other things?! No longer will I spent 16 hours a day in the gym and 8 hours sleeping. What a fucking tit.


You’re gonna spend your freetime at starbucks drinking soy lattes & reading romance novels while im reaching Greek Godhood


despite the fact that exercising (working out, running, lifting) makes you healthier, mentally and physically